The Bible is Bullshit

i am not religious.

Interesting answer. What are you then ”

i'm a human being like everybody else. i'm a middle class, middle aged woman.

Why are you trying decouple your belief in God from being religious? Are you in some way embarressed at the crazy antics of the outwardly religious bible belt? If this is the case I admire and salute you.

i'm not embarrassed by them, i just don't wish to associate with them on that level. i didn't get my beliefs from religious people or religion necessarily. i got them from spiritual interactions (interactions with spirits) that supported scripture.
Dying can be scary, terminal illness tends to affect your judgement as well. It takes courage to face your own death without the help of after life mythology, I'm not surprised at all if some people pussy out.
M*W: I thought Sandy meant that these people were begging for forgivene$$ and $alvation at the altar of some televangali$t.
M*W: I thought Sandy meant that these people were begging for forgivene$$ and $alvation at the altar of some televangali$t.

that is the way she put it, and i wouldn't doubt that's how she makes her money.

"give me all your money and recite this prayer and you'll go to heaven".
This is what is called, "Lying for Jesus" - No morals, none whatsoever.

i'm not lying, and it's not because i'm moral. it's because i know god is real and he doesn't like it when i lie. there is no benefit to lying.

you're paranoid (at least). :m:
M*W: I thought Sandy meant that these people were begging for forgivene$$ and $alvation at the altar of some televangali$t.

Oh, I'm sure that makes for a good show! And guess what? They can leave all their estate to the church, tax free (I assume)!
"Studies suggest that genetics, early environment, neurobiology, psychological and social processes are important contributory factors; some recreational and prescription drugs appear to cause or worsen symptoms." (

Have you ever been a drug user?

There is no known cause of schizophrenia phlog. So studies can suggest all kinds of things all day long and still not have an answer.

And yes I've done some recreational drugs. Drank some beer, smoked some pot, did coke a few times, shrooms a couple times, and tried a half hit of acid once and wasn't a big fan.
There is no known cause of schizophrenia phlog. So studies can suggest all kinds of things all day long and still not have an answer.

Well, studies clearly show a statistical trend, and point towards those factors.

And yes I've done some recreational drugs. Drank some beer, smoked some pot, did coke a few times, shrooms a couple times, and tried a half hit of acid once and wasn't a big fan.

And now you have schizophrenia. Hardly a surprise, eh?
Well, studies clearly show a statistical trend, and point towards those factors.

And now you have schizophrenia. Hardly a surprise, eh?

I've never been diagnosed with any mental illness. But what happened to me was indeed a surprise. It was a meaningful spiritual event or events.
I've never been diagnosed with any mental illness. But what happened to me was indeed a surprise. It was a meaningful spiritual event or events.

Neither have I. But then I have never sought a diagnosis either, never having had a mental episode. You on the other hand have had one, did you seek professional diagnosis at that time?
Neither have I. But then I have never sought a diagnosis either, never having had a mental episode. You on the other hand have had one, did you seek professional diagnosis at that time?

no. i did have an mri and a visit with a psychologist to appease my parents though. the stuff i was testifying to made them think i had a brain tumor or something.

i didn't seek one myself because i found so much meaning in what i experienced, it was extremely biblically oriented, and i found validation/verification of what i experienced in the real world around me. it was substantiated to me by some people who were involved in it. it was difficult to reconcile; it was a lot to take in. and it was frustrating and isolating just because it was so unusual, and i didn't understand how to react to it. but i was never afraid. i didn't feel threatened. it was challenging but, my entire life, i've never had a problem getting an education, maintaining a job, a home, successful relationships.

now i look back on what i experienced and it seems like a lifetime ago. i came out the other end of it transformed, and in a good way. hey, my atheist brother just told me that the other day. my father, who urged me to get an mri and went with me to the psychologist attests to the same thing. i'm a strong person, and i have peace of mind that i didn't have before i went through this thing. i'm really glad it happened to me. it forced me to really see what i was made of and who i am, and to be ok with that. a lot of people don't get that opportunity and some might get it some other way, but this worked for me. it accomplished something good. you think i need a pill for that?
now i look back on what i experienced and it seems like a lifetime ago. i came out the other end of it transformed, and in a good way.

All that I see from your explanation is that you supplanted a psychosis with religion. The psychosis is still there, though.
All that I see from your explanation is that you supplanted a psychosis with religion. The psychosis is still there, though.

i did not direct that, and i am not experiencing, and had never experienced what i did in 2005. that was off the charts.

otherwise, i am making the only logical conclusion there is to make. i wouldn't be doing myself any favors if i denied that. it would be futile.
Anyone with a mental illness cannot logically or consistently diagnose themselves.

when something is substantiated, it makes sense, and produces a result that is good and beneficial, i fail to see how that logically indicates a mental illness.
when something is substantiated, it makes sense, and produces a result that is good and beneficial, i fail to see how that logically indicates a mental illness.

Yes, I know you would find it illogical, that's my point.