The Anti-Christ?

Let's be clear on this one thing.....

Originally posted by Sir. Loone
Heaven and Earth completely different! Read the Bible, and ask God through His Son Jesus for a clearer understanding. Go to church of your choice, <i> where Jesus is Lord! </i>

So, er, he's not Lord anywhere else?
Originally posted by daktaklakpak
Does an object/concept described by words needs to be exists to have a meaning?
Are you proposing the existence of non-existent meanings here?
It's amazing what a dictionary in a blender will come up with.

For us, we can devise a method to prove our claims on terms and conditions agreed by the opposing party. I don't think you can do that.
So, you are proposing to be able to devise a method by which to prove God doesn't exist?
Keep in mind, other atheists are only willing to go as far as to say that God has not been proven to exist to them.
You appear to be saying that you can prove it to everyone.

We are willing to drop our old theories if a new theory can explain all of the old ones.
Well, you haven't been willing to drop atheism.
I don't think you have this option.
I've gone thru all the theories already, including the ones you hold so dear.
You'll find that they're not true, hopefully sooner, but for sure later.

Originally posted by Cris
Hi Tony1,
Sorry I have not been able to debate more with you recently, I’m still snowed under here at work, but you deserve more from me.
I appreciate your taking the time.

Most people in the world now receive significantly more education compared to 2000 years ago. This has reduced ignorance by a large degree. Superstitions are generally only believed by people who have no way to determine truth or fallacy. Ignorance is the seed of gullibility. Religions depend on people being ignorant.
You appear to be making the point that there can be no ignorant although educated people.
This point appears to be combined with the idea that superstition is based essentially upon the absence of education.
However, how many people seek an education on the basis of the superstition that a piece of paper from an educational institution will improve their life, or bring them success or some such thing?
Look at Bill Gates, the richest dropout in the world.
He must have realized a certain superstition involved in his initial foray into the world of education, only to rethink his position.
Who would argue that he made an incorrect choice?

I don’t recall making such claims.
See your post where you claim "above average intelligence."
The primary, and relative, difference between 2000 years ago and now is our standards of education and information technology. Knowledge and information are able to replace ignorance. Our intellectual abilities have not changed in any significant manner but we are now far better informed and hence are more able to make better decisions and choices.
You appear to be implying that more equals better where information is concerned.
Thus, it appears that a person who identifies the sun as the sun 2000 years ago is poorly informed, whereas his modern counterpart knowing the proportion of various elements in the sun is much better off?

I am little different to my ancestors of recent millennia or to anyone alive today. But I do have access to a vast knowledge base, and the abilities to understand it, facilities that were simply not available just a few centuries ago.
This still looks like "quantity equals quality."

Every religionist appears to have their own personal perception of a god, or a soul, or spirit, or nature of being. All these concepts can be grouped under the heading of supernatural. None are supported by unambiguous and credible proofs.
Scientific beliefs fall into this category as well, then.
Most controversy in scientific circles arises simply because there are few unambiguous and credible proofs in science, also.
It is always interesting to see how pro-scientists attempt to present "science" as a monolithic, unified and non-contradictory body of knowledge, where in reality, science consists primarily of huge quantites of data whose accuracy is contested by other scientists, and of conclusions, "based" on this data, which are also hotly contested by other scientists.
This doesn't sound very different from a non-religionist's description of religion.

I couldn’t determine what you were referencing by this.
What I was referencing was that unsupported assertions by non-religionists also do not qualify as debate.
If one non-religionist makes an assertion and another quotes it later, that is still an unsupported assertion.

I agree that some people of limited intelligence will have difficulty understanding complex issues. Can we assume then that if such people cannot understand complex religious concepts and therefore reject them then your god will not accept them? You are implying that Christianity is only for the elite. No I am sure you do not mean that.
I was actually referring to limited comprehension rather than limited intelligence.
Surely, comprehension and intelligence do not have identical meanings.
It is entirely possible to be of superior intelligence and be able to formulate plans far beyond those of an ordinary person, and at the same time be of such limited comprehension as to be unable to choose the right, or any, such plan.

The less intelligent among us do tend to realize their own limitations and are usually content to be led by others.
I've noticed that less intelligent people appear to have no clue that they are such, whereas it normally takes great intelligence to be aware of superior intelligence.

This should be self-evident, in that limited intelligence is, by definition, limited intelligence.

These represent the base fodder for superstitions and religions. Another view is that the support for religious claims is so incomprehensible that only the stupid would believe them.
Hence the great prevalence, and awe of, scientific superstition.

No, I think your claim of inability to understand must mean something other than lack of intelligence. But I am not sure what that could be. If the support for a claim, i.e. the evidential proof, is unambiguous, substantial, and can withstand significant and sustained examination, then that support should be acceptable to at least the moderately intelligent among us, e.g. most of us here at sciforums.
The acceptability of such proof is at such a low level that I actually expect better things from people here.
Granted, there is a great reverence for observation here, however the data collected and accepted as true is based on such a short time-span that it is questionable that it is representative of all time, let alone eternity.

Or are you claiming that your intelligence and therefore your ability to understand is superior to ours; are you one of the Christian elite?
I'm not claiming this.

It is not a matter of superiority of intellect but a fundamental question of whether one should use ones intellect or not. Loone is saying that the human intellect causes confusion when examining supernatural matters and so must be ignored. I simply find that a preposterous and ludicrous requirement.
I'm not sure it should be ignored, however there are things that are felt to be intellect, whereas they may turn out to be manifestations of high dudgeon and not much more.

My above average intelligence, my education, and the experiences of my life, have taught me to be wary of charlatans, salesmen, tricksters, politicians, and anyone who wants me to do as THEY wish. Put another way, I need to see proof of a personal benefit before I accept what anyone wants to sell me.
OTOH, car salesman rank relatively low on most people's trust scales, yet who do most car buyers go to?

The actuality of eternal life is by far the biggest item that could be sold, but the salesmen I meet (the religionists) can offer me no proof that they have this commodity for sale.
"For sale" implies that I have it and stand to benefit monetarily if I transfer it to you.
Eternal life is free for the asking.

Please, please, show me some proof because I would love to believe. But until you can show me proof then you remain classed with all the other charlatans, tricksters, and politicians who offer empty promises.
You say you would love to believe. Proof would deprive you of this, since you would know, rather than believe.
Interesting predicament you've put yourself in.

You realise that what Loone says can't be true. Adam and Eve were not able to choose between good and evil because they had no nowledge of such things before they ate from the tree that gave them knowledge of good and evil.

They couldnt have known that disobeying a god was wrong before they ate the fruit.
Good point.
Adam and Eve only had God's word to go by. They were OK until they heard the serpent's word and decided to go by that instead.

Originally posted by Ariadne2525
So, er, he's not Lord anywhere else?
He is Lord of all.
Originally posted by tony1

Are you proposing the existence of non-existent meanings here?
It's amazing what a dictionary in a blender will come up with.
Yes, I gave you an example, and you just ignored it. The Sun won't raise from the West. That's a non-existent event. Yet we do have an existing meaning for such non-existent event.

So, you are proposing to be able to devise a method by which to prove God doesn't exist?
Did I say I am proposing such method to prove God doesn't exist? All I am saying is for things that we are certain, we can prove them by methods that agreed by both parties.

Yes, wow!

Keep in mind, other atheists are only willing to go as far as to say that God has not been proven to exist to them.
That's better. You know that already.

You appear to be saying that you can prove it to everyone.
I think I should make it clear that the proves are only for things we are certain of. God is not one of them.

Well, you haven't been willing to drop atheism.
Yes, I am willing to drop atheism if you can prove God's existence in method(s) that agreed by you and me.

I've gone thru all the theories already, including the ones you hold so dear.
Who cares about theories. I want facts; facts that I can experience; facts that everyone can experience, God believers or not.

You'll find that they're not true, hopefully sooner, but for sure later.
Well, I am looking forward to visit Mars and beyond. I hope Jesus don't forget to visit other planets when the Judgement Day comes. Oops, it seems only Earth is acounted in the Judgement Day.
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Re: The Greatest Hits: Christ and Antichrist reunite for one special night!

Originally posted by pragmathen
The Antichrist. What an honor, eh? This person is basically equal to Christ, except in a diametric manner. Where Christ stands for all that is good, the Antichrist supposedly stands for all that is <i>not</i> good. There will be a scene reminiscent of The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (last two roles to be played simultaneously by the Antichrist), with the destined High Noon staredown. Television crews the world over will record this wonderful event; the couch potato will express dismay that his program has just been interrupted to "--report that, what appears to be Jesus Christ, has squared off with none other than his fabled nemesis, the Antichrist. The legions of hell, sneering and gnashing most likely very large canines, are on the side of the Antichrist. Christ, meanwhile, has called on his numerous concourses of destroying angels, a not-so-benevolent group, to come to his side. Non-christians and atheists, prop up a chair and enjoy our commercial-free coverage. Christians ... well, regardless of the outcome, best of
luck to you in your new theocracy."

Hello! The 'Anti-Christ' is NOT an "equil" to Jesus the Christ, the Son of GOD! But is Satan's counterfit! :) And a poor 'counterfit' at that! He (the Anti-Christ) is the Devil's desparate attempt to be like GOD and to deceive the nations of the world in the END TIMES! The Devil's DOOM is sure!! He's DOOMED FOR ALL ETURNITY!! :) :)

Now, for some cryptic trivial nonsense:
Who's the forerunner, in essence John the Baptist, of these "last days"?
None other than Carl Jung! With his emphasis on archetypes and anima and animus, it's no wonder that people don't realize how close the end is.

The Antichrist?
Ironically, basically anyone that's Christian.

The Christ?
Why, Ann Lee, of course. Unfortunately, she's already six feet under. It's all right, though, she keeps getting reincarnated as various religious leaders.

Now, of course this was done in an entirely satirical fashion. It's intent is to show that (I think) most Christians realize that their respective beliefs are rather uneventful and that they cannot wait until the predicted day when their Christ (who's got some mighty big expectations to meet) and the Antichrist (another scapegoat) challenge one another.

Hope this lightened your day. If not, then please understand that even God does not take your beliefs that seriously.<IMG SRC="images/icons/icon12.gif" HEIGHT=15 WIDTH=15 ALIGN=ABSCENTER alt="Wink">
Re: Re: The Greatest Hits: Christ and Antichrist reunite for one special night!

Originally posted by Sir. Loone

The 'Anti-Christ' is Satan's desperate attempt to immitate GOD, and to deceive the nations of the world! And he, is NO 'equal' with Jesus the Son of GOD Almighty!! You that are unsaved will a that time be GREATLY DECEIVED! By your own 'fleshly minds' , in your fallen nature, may not even know what is going on! Jesus is GOD with us, and He is Earth's only hope of any hope!! Jesus saves! Don't be "Left Behind!" :)
Just like George W

Jesus saves!
Only 'cause his Daddy set him up for it. I guess the kid needed a job. It's not as if God could make a mistake, right? So he must have wanted people to defy him, to establish and re-establish covenants, and finally send his own son to be tortured and murdered in an act of redemption for a situation that God himself chose.

Kinda stupid, if you ask me.

Before you attempt to refute such an assertion, please consider a couple of questions:

1) Does God make mistakes?
2) Does God learn?

We can save a whole lot of rhetoric if we can agree on the answers before we proceed. I'm even willing to work based on your assumption, if you like.

Tiassa :cool:
Re: Re: Re: The Greatest Hits: Christ and Antichrist reunite for one special night!

Originally posted by Sir. Loone

The 'Anti-Christ' is Satan's desperate attempt to immitate GOD, and to deceive the nations of the world! And he, is NO 'equal' with Jesus the Son of GOD Almighty!! You that are unsaved will a that time be GREATLY DECEIVED! By your own 'fleshly minds' , in your fallen nature, may not even know what is going on! Jesus is GOD with us, and He is Earth's only hope of any hope!! Jesus saves! Don't be "Left Behind!" :)

I think there are more planets besides Earth in our solar system. Tell Jesus don't miss the others when he decides to come. Well, if he ever decides. By that time, I think Mars will already become over populated.

Originally posted by tiassa

Only 'cause his Daddy set him up for it. I guess the kid needed a job. It's not as if God could make a mistake, right? So he must have wanted people to defy him, to establish and re-establish covenants, and finally send his own son to be tortured and murdered in an act of redemption for a situation that God himself chose.

Kinda stupid, if you ask me.

Before you attempt to refute such an assertion, please consider a couple of questions:

1) Does God make mistakes?
2) Does God learn?

We can save a whole lot of rhetoric if we can agree on the answers before we proceed. I'm even willing to work based on your assumption, if you like.

Tiassa :cool:

I believe in what GOD had said. And I believe in absolutes; especially of the Word of GOD! :) The Carnal minded is at a great disadvantage, as of a 'chimpanzee', compared to a group of rocket scientist! :) Seen in a that carnal view. Ye have no 'true' understanding! :) You have built your house of cards on 'sinking sand', and great will be it's fall!
Yes, Loone, but ...

1) Does God make mistakes?
2) Does God learn?

Seriously ... I'll try to work within your terminology. But have a relevant point. Otherwise, I shall assume that you have no relevant point.

--Tiassa :cool:
Pulp Fiction

Sir. Loone,

Originally posted by Sir. Loone
The 'Anti-Christ' is Satan's desperate attempt to immitate GOD, and to deceive the nations of the world!

So you're suspicious about this Jesus guy too?

And he, is NO 'equal' with Jesus the Son of GOD Almighty!!

What part of <i>deception</i> do you not understand? He's not just equal with him - they're one and the same.

You that are unsaved will a that time be GREATLY DECEIVED! By your own 'fleshly minds' , in your fallen nature, may not even know what is going on!

Apparently we'll have plenty of company.

Jesus is GOD with us, and He is Earth's only hope of any hope!! Jesus saves! Don't be "Left Behind!" :)

So, do you ever have an original thought? Care to share one with us?

Saw Left Behind

Talk about serious Christian mess ups. Saw left behind, after arguing in the middle of my campus with some Christians. Some girl walked up, told us how she is a believer because of these books. So I am like, wow...this has to be good. So I am going to give you a brief account of what I saw.

First, Buck (one of the main characters) is the teenager from family ties. I always liked him. And the anti-christ is from Romania. Speaks with a Russian accent, blonde hair, blue eyes. Boy, did Hitler ever get it wrong.

Anyway, they messed up a bit. They forgot the horseman coming down from heaven. Christ descending, and smiting. The whole rivers turning to blood. And so on and so forth. It was a huge let down. I wanted to see some serious fire and brimstone. I wanted to see the mark of the beast. I mean, comeon. It had potential.

I remember as a kid, being scared almost to the point of peeing my pants, when one of my friends read Revelations to me. It is the horror story of all times! It is why everyone is a Christian in the first place. But, so far "Left Behind", has been a let down. I am currently reading the book, and I hear there are several in the series, so give me a bit.

It was interesting though, just to see it from a skeptics point of view, to see how they would present it. To see how they would make this something people could flock to Christianity because of. Even though I believed if failed horribly, it seems some people bought it. Sort of like the bible I suppose? Scare them enough, and they will come.

Oh, one last point on The second coming of Christ. Since no one knows the date. If we all continually assume the date is tomorrow, then...will he never come? And if not, does this mess things up a bit? And, one last point, when will Christians give up, and realize he is not coming a second time? Another century? Another thousand years? How many years will it take, before we decide it is a hoax?
Originally posted by daktaklakpak
Yes, I gave you an example, and you just ignored it. The Sun won't raise from the West. That's a non-existent event. Yet we do have an existing meaning for such non-existent event.
Perhaps you could give us the meaning for the sun rising in the west?

Did I say I am proposing such method to prove God doesn't exist? All I am saying is for things that we are certain, we can prove them by methods that agreed by both parties.
You seem to be certain that God doesn't exist, so you must be able to prove it, at least to yourself.

, I am looking forward to visit Mars and beyond. I hope Jesus don't forget to visit other planets when the Judgement Day comes. Oops, it seems only Earth is acounted in the Judgement Day.

Nope, it's all accounted for on Judgment Day.

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
(2 Peter 3:10, KJV).

Notice where it says "heavens"?
That includes all the other planets, solar systems, galaxies, etc.

Originally posted by pragmathen
The Antichrist. What an honor, eh? This person is basically equal to Christ, except in a diametric manner. Where Christ stands for all that is good, the Antichrist supposedly stands for all that is not good. There will be a scene reminiscent of The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (last two roles to be played simultaneously by the Antichrist), with the destined High Noon staredown. Television crews the world over will record this wonderful event; the couch potato will express dismay that his program has just been interrupted to "--report that, what appears to be Jesus Christ, has squared off with none other than his fabled nemesis, the Antichrist. The legions of hell, sneering and gnashing most likely very large canines, are on the side of the Antichrist. Christ, meanwhile, has called on his numerous concourses of destroying angels, a not-so-benevolent group, to come to his side. Non-christians and atheists, prop up a chair and enjoy our commercial-free coverage. Christians ... well, regardless of the outcome, best of luck to you in your new theocracy."
Sounds dramatic.
Won't be.
It will be much like the "battle" between light and dark every time you switch on a light.

Originally posted by tiassa
1) Does God make mistakes?
2) Does God learn?
Doesn't need to; he already knows everything.

Originally posted by Emerald
So you're suspicious about this Jesus guy too?
What part of <i>deception</i> do you not understand? He's not just equal with him - they're one and the same.
Just out of curiosity, how did you come to the idea that two opposites are one and the same?
The interesting part of this is that you refer to deception as though it couldn't happen to you.

Originally posted by grimjester
Talk about serious Christian mess ups. Saw left behind, ...
Yes. Unfortunately it is.
It is based on reading margin notes in the Bible instead of the Bible text itself.
It is based on misreading the following verse...
Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
(Matthew 13:30, KJV).
The Scofield Bible margin notes place the wheat first, where the Bible places the tares first.

I am currently reading the book, and I hear there are several in the series, so give me a bit.
Don't waste your time.
If it is based on an error, it will all be error.
As a skeptic, you should be preparing to fight the real truth, not some straw imitation of it.

Sort of like the bible I suppose? Scare them enough, and they will come.
Fear isn't generally what leads people to God.
Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?
(Romans 2:4, KJV).

And, one last point, when will Christians give up, and realize he is not coming a second time? Another century? Another thousand years? How many years will it take, before we decide it is a hoax?
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
(2 Peter 3:9, KJV).

He's waiting for you.

Originally posted by tony1
Just out of curiosity, how did you come to the idea that two opposites are one and the same?

*sigh* I'm beginning to feel a bit like a broken record, but here goes:

<font color="red">Isaiah 8:13 Sanctify the LORD of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.

Isaiah 8:14 And he shall be for a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

Isaiah 8:15 And many among them shall stumble, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken.

Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

Jeremiah 4:6 Set up the standard toward Zion: retire, stay not: for I will bring evil from the north, and a great destruction.

Jeremiah 4:7 The lion is come up from his thicket, and the destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way; he is gone forth from his place to make thy land desolate; and thy cities shall be laid waste, without an inhabitant.

Jeremiah 4:8 For this gird you with sackcloth, lament and howl: for the fierce anger of the LORD is not turned back from us.

Jeremiah 4:9 And it shall come to pass at that day, saith the LORD, that the heart of the king shall perish, and the heart of the princes; and the priests shall be astonished, and the prophets shall wonder.

Jeremiah 4:10 Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace; whereas the sword reacheth unto the soul.

Ezekiel 14:9 And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel.

2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

2 Thessalonians 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.</font>

The interesting part of this is that you refer to deception as though it couldn't happen to you.

Apparently you missed the part where I quoted Sir. Loone's statement that, "You that are unsaved will a that time be GREATLY DECEIVED! By your own 'fleshly minds' , in your fallen nature, may not even know what is going on!", and I answered, "Apparently we'll have plenty of company." I was clearly not denying the possibility that I could be deceived, but was merely pointing out that non-Christians are not the only ones to whom this can happen.

Originally posted by Emerald
I'm beginning to feel a bit like a broken record, but here goes:

<font color="red">Isaiah 8:13 Sanctify the LORD of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.
14 And he shall be for a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
15 And many among them shall stumble, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken.

Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

Jeremiah 4:6 Set up the standard toward Zion: retire, stay not: for I will bring evil from the north, and a great destruction.
7 The lion is come up from his thicket, and the destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way; he is gone forth from his place to make thy land desolate; and thy cities shall be laid waste, without an inhabitant.
8 For this gird you with sackcloth, lament and howl: for the fierce anger of the LORD is not turned back from us.
9 And it shall come to pass at that day, saith the LORD, that the heart of the king shall perish, and the heart of the princes; and the priests shall be astonished, and the prophets shall wonder.
10 Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace; whereas the sword reacheth unto the soul.

Ezekiel 14:9 And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel.

2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.</font>
Sorry about the broken record thing.
I think I see what you've been getting at.
You appear to be concluding that because God created evil, he is therefore performing all the evil there is.

Allow me to assist you in that direction...
Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy.
(Isaiah 54:16, KJV).

However, you should consider that people still need to make a decision whether they choose good or evil.
Such a choice would be rather pointless without any evil.

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
(Deuteronomy 30:19, KJV).

Apparently you missed the part where I quoted Sir. Loone's statement that, "You that are unsaved will a that time be GREATLY DECEIVED! By your own 'fleshly minds' , in your fallen nature, may not even know what is going on!", and I answered, "Apparently we'll have plenty of company." I was clearly not denying the possibility that I could be deceived, but was merely pointing out that non-Christians are not the only ones to whom this can happen.
You're right, I missed the fine distinction there.
By "Christian," I assume you mean someone who walks into and out of a church building in order to attend meetings.
If that is so, then yes, such Christians would be deceived also.

It is rare for a non-believer to pick up on this, since most believe that there are two groups.
There are, in fact, three groups.
And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
(1 Peter 4:18, KJV).
As you can see there are 3 groups, the righteous, the sinner and the ungodly (which would be the church-attending non-believer type).

Another indication...
For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.
(Mark 13:22, KJV).

Here it is pointed out that only the very elect cannot be deceived. To me the assumption here is that there are the elect, those who think they are the elect and aren't, and those who know they are not.
My new story!

Ok, last night, I had this story running through my head, about the bible. Since it does not seem to be going away, I am going to share my pain with you.

Imagine this. In the beginning we have two children (Adam and Eve), they have the wisdom of about an infant. God (The Judge), tells them not to eat this apple. Doesn't say why that would be bad. Or explain it to them. Just says it. Along comes the serpent. He convinces them to eat this apple. So they do. The Judge gets pissed, and sentences them to a prison (earth), along with all their kin, their kins kin...and so on.

So ok, flash forward to about the time of Christ. We are all in Prison, with no way out. Granted, people are having mass exoduses (Moses and all that), from one cell block to another, but still, we are in the same stinkin prison. And The Judge sees this. And he realizes, this isn't good, we are having prison crowding. So he sends his only son, Jesus (the warden), to free the prisoners.

Ok, now the warden is walking through the prison, telling them the only way you can get out, is through him. He has the only key, and he can unlock the gates, but only if you follow these prison rules. All these rules pretty much go against what humans naturally do. So everyone in the prison is getting in more trouble. But, the warden is...well, kinda nice. And will even forgive these crimes and past crimes, if you accept The Judge, above all other Judges, and so on. Of course, if you do not do these things, you will be sent to a maximum security prison, which is even worse than the current one...for eternity.

Flash forward to present day. We are still stuck in the prison, but things are a bit different. In one cell, there are a bunch of pissed off prisoners. They are all attempting to dig a tunnel under the prison wall. You see these prisoners (atheists), think it is incredibly stupid that they are punished for crimes way back when, and those crimes some how made them commit all these other crimes without really knowing it. The think it is akin to telling someone, since your great great grandfather is guilty if robbing banks, you too are a bank robber and should go to prison.

There is another group of prisons, at the front of the cell block, that leads to Wardens office. They are worshiping, and kneeling. Asking for forgiveness, and crying out as loud as they can, hoping the Warden will give them a pardon.

Of course, there is one other entity walking around the prison, a lawyer (Satan). He tells people, he cannot really get you out of prison, but he can make your stay really nice. Get you good food, blankets and whatever. You see, he is a humanists. He realizes prison sucks. He knows you cannot get out, but he is going to make your stay as comfortable as possible, because really he likes you. Course, costs a little, but what doesn't in this world he asks?

So that is where we are now. Waiting for the second coming of the Warden, so that we might be Pardon of all these crimes that were committed by the first two ignoramus on the planet. And of course, the crime of being human (Just as the Judge wanted us to be...human).

I hope you enjoyed this story, and made you realize what Christianity more or less says. Sort of a different light. I had fun writing it, and am considering becoming the first Atheist pope. I will need your support.

Oh, one last thing, if there is a second coming in my life, I will be fully supporting the Anti-Christ, for at least he says it is ok to be me. And I hope Cris will be right beside me.