The Anti-Christ?

Why does the perfect God has such flawed creation--human, that he is not so eagerly to correct at this moment by himself?

When he created 1st human, is he trying to test if his creation can endure the lure of devil? Or he simply created such being for fun? Obviously his creation was not perfect. Was it because he knew he will make such flawed attempt and did it anyway because he couldn't overcome a stronger power? Or it was because he was really bored and need to create some mess that will last thousands of years so he can watch and have something to do?

Maybe God is really bored, that he made a flawed creation so that he can continue to play with them and won't get too bored in the next few thousand years. Isn't that pathetic?
Loony preacher,

! Read the Bible, and ask God through His Son Jesus for a clearer understanding. Go to church of your choice, where Jesus is Lord!

Any other way you will NOT fully understand because of unbelief, and could be even more confused. Jesus is our only hope! [serious] You will be DECEIVED if you do it in your own intellect!

Why would your god create us with powerful intellects then expect us to deny and ignore these vital abilities when it comes to deciding, possibly the most important aspect of our lives (if god(s) exist), whether to believe in him or not? Surely, if he is worth believing then it should be because we can use all of our abilities to the fullest to appreciate his alleged majesty.

Your preaching is an offensive regurgitation of unsupported assertions. This is a debate where we question everything, i.e. we use our intellects to help us discover truth.

Before we could accept your suggestions we would need to be convinced of several things like –

(1). Why read the bible? Men wrote this at a time when ignorance and superstitions were overwhelming. Why would such a highly suspect text be worth reading let alone believing in this age of scientific discoveries and widespread informed education? The bible seems completely irrelevant today and it’s wording is highly ambiguous, confusing and contradictory. Further its contents appear to be entirely based on fictional mythology. What can you offer educated intellectuals that would entice them to read such an incredulous text?

(2). You need to show that a god exists and that he had a son before one could go around talking to invisible mystical ghosts. What can you offer me that might convince me to embarrass myself in such a way?

(3). Why should I follow your suggestions? What makes you a person I should believe? What are your credentials that give you the authority to give such highly suspect advice?

And why are you here? You appear to be a preacher. This is a debate that requires intellectual reasoning. Unsupported assertions do not qualify as debate.

The antichrist and second coming of christ are the same person.

The church has deviated 180 and so too must the passive alpha lamb deviate into a aggressive omega lion.

The central endtimes character described in Revelations, Daniel and the Apocrypha is is here to judge the nations but also to be judged. For in our judgement of this man we reveal our ability to discern our egos intent from that of the Godhead and its representatives.

Unlike Yeshua ben Joseph who was aware from an early age he was the destined savior of the time, who was versed in organic miracles, who had to allow himself to be crucified- his future counterpart was forced to figure it out for himself, he had to verse himself in ultra advanced disruptive technology, and he has to allow the divine wrath of his creator to flow through him uninhibited by his egos fear of appearing INSANE OR EVIL.

The scenario of our times allows him to complete 3 key functions specific to these times.

1 He must claim to be God in order to be judged, when you judge a Godhead representative you in effect judge God. When you judge God/Creation you reveal your true intent and you are subsequently "Marked" for separation.

2. He must enable credibility for this claim by fulfilling prophecy...

3. He must create heaven on earth as promised, with a little help from our friends in Hyperspace.

Thats the truth like it or not...btw, I didn't like going to church because of some cosmic aversion to God, just the self proclaimed devotees trying to glorifying God. WWXD? sing about himself or KICK ARSE!?
Originally posted by Cris
Loony preacher,

Why would your god create us with powerful intellects then expect us to deny and ignore these vital abilities when it comes to deciding, possibly the most important aspect of our lives (if god(s) exist), whether to believe in him or not? Surely, if he is worth believing then it should be because we can use all of our abilities to the fullest to appreciate his alleged majesty.

Your preaching is an offensive regurgitation of unsupported assertions. This is a debate where we question everything, i.e. we use our intellects to help us discover truth.

Before we could accept your suggestions we would need to be convinced of several things like –

(1). Why read the bible? Men wrote this at a time when ignorance and superstitions were overwhelming. Why would such a highly suspect text be worth reading let alone believing in this age of scientific discoveries and widespread informed education? The bible seems completely irrelevant today and it’s wording is highly ambiguous, confusing and contradictory. Further its contents appear to be entirely based on fictional mythology. What can you offer educated intellectuals that would entice them to read such an incredulous text?

(2). You need to show that a god exists and that he had a son before one could go around talking to invisible mystical ghosts. What can you offer me that might convince me to embarrass myself in such a way?

(3). Why should I follow your suggestions? What makes you a person I should believe? What are your credentials that give you the authority to give such highly suspect advice?

And why are you here? You appear to be a preacher. This is a debate that requires intellectual reasoning. Unsupported assertions do not qualify as debate.


Cris! You glorify in your own intellect!? ..Well the word of God clearly says; "that our 'righteousness' is as of 'FILTHY RAGS' before GOD!" And that I,& God, would see anyone that boast of there knowledge, and of our technology as unto a bad baby that just needs his/her 'diapers' changed, in a bad way!! :) "The 'wisdom of men' is foolishness in the site of GOD!" You just reminded me of the ancient King "Nebuchadnezzar", he was boasting one day of how great he was, his greatness and glory and splender of his kingdom. But he soon went 'mad' (smote by God), and went running around like a wild animal, eating the grass like a cow or some grazing animal , and that lasted for years before he miraculously regained his scenes! Nebuchadnezzar was an ancient king of Babylon. "Pride goes' before a fall"!
And that 'Pride' is the original sin Satan committed in Heaven, but he and his 'angels' (now demons) where cast down to Earth, and now great is his wrath because he has a little season to do his dirty work of deceiving the nations and individuals like yourself, the host of mankind! And his ultimate deception is in the person of the 'Anti-Christ', and if your not 'saved' you and host of humanity that is not saved could think that he is the "Christ"! And will be greatly deceived and lose there precious souls forever!! God has spoken it in His Holy Word! ...It's your words against the that of the 'Supreme Being', GOD ALMIGHTY!

Proverbs 24:1-2 : And, "Do not envy wicked men, do not desire their company; for their hearts plot violence, and their lips talk about making trouble.

The Holy Bible is the "inspired word of God." It IS from GOD Himself! He is speaking to YOU indirectly through me and others! Read the book! (Holy Bible) The ever living Word of GOD!!
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You are wasting precious memory here, why don't you order the anti/christs book at - GODLIKE THE ABOMINATION although it will be wasted on you the royalties will go towards the ultimate campaign against the error activated paradigm.

I LOVE CHRIST its his followers i can't tolerate

...the same thing we do every night Pinky...
Anti-Christ ! no joke!

Originally posted by Ariadne2525
I'm doing a bit of research for my own benefit or whatnot. But I can't seem to find a place with decent information on the Anti-Christ! Could anyone possibly help me here?

(As for the reason for this question, I have a teeny lil' theory about the Anti-Christ, but I need to do a bit of researching for it.)

Try meditating in, and reading the Bible, the book of Revelation, the last book in the Bible, look in the Old Testament, the book of Daniel, and in Ezekiel. Go to Church, and go to a video store and get the movie "Left Behind". Don't try to figure on your own, you could miss the point completely! And be more 'deceived' then now if you do not go to the source 'the Bible' Jesus can help only if you let Him! Any other way you would be LOST in 'sarcastic,' 'apathetic', demonic, daze! (you would not comprehend or care) Go to the SOURCE! :)
Ouch, Loone, what a devastating blow

Don't try to figure on your own
Thank you for striking at the heart of what's wrong with Christianity in particular, and other religions as well.

That's gotta hurt like a spike in the shin.

You know, it's amazing how often evangelical Christianity gets around to that point.

Evan eht nioj!

Tiassa :cool:
So everyone,

Since Loone never answers any of our questions, at least not in any rational form, and since he preaches that human intellect is a very bad thing, do you think it is safe to assume that he has no intellect of his own. And since it is the intellect that is the basis of human thought, then Loone appears to be unable to think for himself.

What is the difference between something that is incapable of independent thought and say the lower primates?
heh heh

Originally posted by Cris
So everyone,

What is the difference between something that is incapable of independent thought and say the lower primates?

You're Mean! ;) Heheh :D
Originally posted by Cris
(1). Why read the bible? Men wrote this at a time when ignorance and superstitions were overwhelming. Why would such a highly suspect text be worth reading let alone believing in this age of scientific discoveries and widespread informed education? The bible seems completely irrelevant today and it’s wording is highly ambiguous, confusing and contradictory. Further its contents appear to be entirely based on fictional mythology. What can you offer educated intellectuals that would entice them to read such an incredulous text?
A couple of questions...
<li>Ignorance and superstition are overwhelming today. So how do those days differ from these days?</li>
<li>If you claim to be an intellectual today, and claim that there wern't any in those days, then you must be a very evolved person.
Are you also far superior to all of the people of the past, as well as to most of those alive today?</li></ol>

(2). You need to show that a god exists and that he had a son before one could go around talking to invisible mystical ghosts. What can you offer me that might convince me to embarrass myself in such a way?
Since you don't believe in any of this stuff, what do you mean by "god," "mystical" and "ghost?"

This is a debate that requires intellectual reasoning. Unsupported assertions do not qualify as debate.
Vice versa, also.
Some claims may not be unsupported, they may simply be beyond the ability of some to comprehend.
You may be very willing to define your own intellect as being superior to all others, but I'm not willing to accept such an assumption.

What is the difference between something that is incapable of independent thought and say the lower primates?
Before I answer this, how are your thoughts independent from those of other atheists?
Originally posted by tony1

Since you don't believe in any of this stuff, what do you mean by "god," "mystical" and "ghost?"

Does an object/concept described by words needs to be exists to have a meaning? We don't believe Sun will raise from the west, but we are pretty sure what it means.

Vice versa, also.
Some claims may not be unsupported, they may simply be beyond the ability of some to comprehend.
You may be very willing to define your own intellect as being superior to all others, but I'm not willing to accept such an assumption.

For us, we can devise a method to prove our claims on terms and conditions agreed by the opposing party. I don't think you can do that.

Before I answer this, how are your thoughts independent from those of other atheists?

We are willing to drop our old theories if a new theory can explain all of the old ones. I don't think you have this option.
Hi Tony1,

Sorry I have not been able to debate more with you recently, I’m still snowed under here at work, but you deserve more from me.

Ignorance and superstition are overwhelming today. So how do those days differ from these days?

Most people in the world now receive significantly more education compared to 2000 years ago. This has reduced ignorance by a large degree. Superstitions are generally only believed by people who have no way to determine truth or fallacy. Ignorance is the seed of gullibility. Religions depend on people being ignorant.

If you claim to be an intellectual today, and claim that there wern't any in those days, then you must be a very evolved person.

I don’t recall making such claims. The primary, and relative, difference between 2000 years ago and now is our standards of education and information technology. Knowledge and information are able to replace ignorance. Our intellectual abilities have not changed in any significant manner but we are now far better informed and hence are more able to make better decisions and choices.

Are you also far superior to all of the people of the past, as well as to most of those alive today?

I am little different to my ancestors of recent millennia or to anyone alive today. But I do have access to a vast knowledge base, and the abilities to understand it, facilities that were simply not available just a few centuries ago.

Since you don't believe in any of this stuff, what do you mean by "god," "mystical" and "ghost?"

Every religionist appears to have their own personal perception of a god, or a soul, or spirit, or nature of being. All these concepts can be grouped under the heading of supernatural. None are supported by unambiguous and credible proofs.

Vice versa, also.

I couldn’t determine what you were referencing by this.

Some claims may not be unsupported, they may simply be beyond the ability of some to comprehend.

I agree that some people of limited intelligence will have difficulty understanding complex issues. Can we assume then that if such people cannot understand complex religious concepts and therefore reject them then your god will not accept them? You are implying that Christianity is only for the elite. No I am sure you do not mean that.

The less intelligent among us do tend to realize their own limitations and are usually content to be led by others. These represent the base fodder for superstitions and religions. Another view is that the support for religious claims is so incomprehensible that only the stupid would believe them.

No, I think your claim of inability to understand must mean something other than lack of intelligence. But I am not sure what that could be. If the support for a claim, i.e. the evidential proof, is unambiguous, substantial, and can withstand significant and sustained examination, then that support should be acceptable to at least the moderately intelligent among us, e.g. most of us here at sciforums. Or are you claiming that your intelligence and therefore your ability to understand is superior to ours; are you one of the Christian elite?

You may be very willing to define your own intellect as being superior to all others, but I'm not willing to accept such an assumption.

No that is not what I have said or claimed. It is not a matter of superiority of intellect but a fundamental question of whether one should use ones intellect or not. Loone is saying that the human intellect causes confusion when examining supernatural matters and so must be ignored. I simply find that a preposterous and ludicrous requirement.

Before I answer this, how are your thoughts independent from those of other atheists?

I share at least one single thought with all other atheists, a disbelief in the existence of a god or gods. Like most atheists I came by my conclusion independently because there are no groups of atheists trying to convert me to their way of thinking. Atheism isn’t an organized religion. My above average intelligence, my education, and the experiences of my life, have taught me to be wary of charlatans, salesmen, tricksters, politicians, and anyone who wants me to do as THEY wish. Put another way, I need to see proof of a personal benefit before I accept what anyone wants to sell me. The actuality of eternal life is by far the biggest item that could be sold, but the salesmen I meet (the religionists) can offer me no proof that they have this commodity for sale. Please, please, show me some proof because I would love to believe. But until you can show me proof then you remain classed with all the other charlatans, tricksters, and politicians who offer empty promises.

God's creation

Originally posted by daktaklakpak
Why does the perfect God has such flawed creation--human, that he is not so eagerly to correct at this moment by himself?

When he created 1st human, is he trying to test if his creation can endure the lure of devil? Or he simply created such being for fun? Obviously his creation was not perfect. Was it because he knew he will make such flawed attempt and did it anyway because he couldn't overcome a stronger power? Or it was because he was really bored and need to create some mess that will last thousands of years so he can watch and have something to do?

Maybe God is really bored, that he made a flawed creation so that he can continue to play with them and won't get too bored in the next few thousand years. Isn't that pathetic?

Hi! "Dekapak." This is Sir. Loone, or Zangief Loone. God has created Man for His own pleaser, and that He created 'us' (Adam and Eve) perfect beings before the 'fall'. And GOD gave them free-will to choose between 'good' (obeying GOD) or 'evil' (disobeying GOD) and He know's what He is doing in doing so! Because GOD does' not want to have ROBOTS or PUPPETS or ZOMBIES to serve Him with no will of there own! :) GOD Himself really doesn't "make mistakes", but 'we' did ! And GOD wants to have a 'loving relationship with the ones that choose to serve Him and praise Him for our redemption from sin and the 'Evil-one' by His coming into the world Himself as a baby, to grow to a man, live the 'perfect life', Jesus is the only one who has lived the perfect life before GOD the Father; And actually died in OUR place and had raison from the dead unto Glory and eternal life, that [we] may be with Him in paradise! And that those who refuse will be in torment , for ever separated from the "Author of Life Himself", that is Hell. there is more to this then that, you would have to lessen to a sermon or more on the subject. ..

Well He (GOD) is not trying to be cruel, but He gave us freewill to choose! :) He grows the "wheat" and the "tyres" together, and GOD will do the "Thrashing prosses" (separating) in His time! :)

"Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith" I pray that the 'Spirit' will give ye the insight to the message, and that others will help you to better understanding of GOD's will in creation.
Re: The Greatest Hits: Christ and Antichrist reunite for one special night!

Originally posted by pragmathen
The Antichrist. What an honor, eh? This person is basically equal to Christ, except in a diametric manner. Where Christ stands for all that is good, the Antichrist supposedly stands for all that is <i>not</i> good. There will be a scene reminiscent of The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (last two roles to be played simultaneously by the Antichrist), with the destined High Noon staredown. Television crews the world over will record this wonderful event; the couch potato will express dismay that his program has just been interrupted to "--report that, what appears to be Jesus Christ, has squared off with none other than his fabled nemesis, the Antichrist. The legions of hell, sneering and gnashing most likely very large canines, are on the side of the Antichrist. Christ, meanwhile, has called on his numerous concourses of destroying angels, a not-so-benevolent group, to come to his side. Non-christians and atheists, prop up a chair and enjoy our commercial-free coverage. Christians ... well, regardless of the outcome, best of luck to you in your new theocracy."

Now, for some cryptic trivial nonsense:
Who's the forerunner, in essence John the Baptist, of these "last days"?
None other than Carl Jung! With his emphasis on archetypes and anima and animus, it's no wonder that people don't realize how close the end is.

The Antichrist?
Ironically, basically anyone that's Christian.

The Christ?
Why, Ann Lee, of course. Unfortunately, she's already six feet under. It's all right, though, she keeps getting reincarnated as various religious leaders.

Now, of course this was done in an entirely satirical fashion. It's intent is to show that (I think) most Christians realize that their respective beliefs are rather uneventful and that they cannot wait until the predicted day when their Christ (who's got some mighty big expectations to meet) and the Antichrist (another scapegoat) challenge one another.

Hope this lightened your day. If not, then please understand that even God does not take your beliefs that seriously.<IMG SRC="images/icons/icon12.gif" HEIGHT=15 WIDTH=15 ALIGN=ABSCENTER alt="Wink">

Hi there! :) When Jesus comes, IT will be NO CONTEST! :) Jesus will destroy the Anti-Christ with the BRIGHTNESS of His coming!! And the Anti-Christ will be worst then 'road kill', Jesus, the word of GOD will be ABSOLUTELY VICTORIOUS!!!!!!!
Re: God's creation

Originally posted by Sir. Loone
God has created Man for His own pleaser, and that He created 'us' (Adam and Eve) perfect beings before the 'fall'. And GOD gave them free-will to choose between 'good' (obeying GOD) or 'evil' (disobeying GOD) and He know's what He is doing in doing so! Because GOD does' not want to have ROBOTS or PUPPETS or ZOMBIES to serve Him with no will of there own! :) GOD Himself really doesn't "make mistakes", but 'we' did ! ...

If he knew what Adam and Eve were going to pick, then why being a wussy and got mad on them when they didn't pick the side that he liked? If he couldn't predict, then well..., I am not going to blame him for his mistake.

BTW, God gives us the ability to make mistake, and that's his mistake. Too bad....
Re: Re: The Greatest Hits: Christ and Antichrist reunite for one special night!

Originally posted by Sir. Loone

Hi there! :) When Jesus comes, IT will be NO CONTEST! :) Jesus will destroy the Anti-Christ with the BRIGHTNESS of His coming!! And the Anti-Christ will be worst then 'road kill', Jesus, the word of GOD will be ABSOLUTELY VICTORIOUS!!!!!!!

Give me a date so I can start to worry...

You realise that what Loone says can't be true. Adam and Eve were not able to choose between good and evil because they had no nowledge of such things before they ate from the tree that gave them knowledge of good and evil.

They couldnt have known that disobeying a god was wrong before they ate the fruit.

This myth shows a god of ultimate deception.
