THANK GOD for the earthquake

she IS un-christian.

i was just about to ask if trolling like this made some atheists feel either stupid or perhaps convicted. so many atheists use dumb fucks like her as their scapegoats.

scapegoat? stupid?

you really don't know much about christianity for a christian. correction: you don't know anything about it.

her beliefs are in alignment with the old testament as well as the new testament that 'heathen' or 'godless' nations are the one's to suffer god's wrath by disasters and what have you.

there are christians today who even say that america is having a hard time due to it's sins and god is angry etc.

didn't you allude to something like this before? she was just more direct. i respect her more because she is more honest. was she trained too well and blew the christian world's cover? lol. why hide it if you really believe that unless you know there is something wrong or unethical about it? hmm?
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Well, what can I say. We can feel 'lucky' that she's just one of those nutheads who just waste their time away by praying, and isn't running wild in some shopping mall with a bomb around her neck to kill all the sinful atheists in the name of God.

omfg i cant stop laughing at the irony here.. perfect example of why some religious are nuts.. using the bible for the scape goat but whats the funniest thing to me is?

the guy everyone praises "god/jesus" wouldnt judge people because they are murderes, rapist pedafiles, homosexual. he doesnt promote that behavior by anymeans but from what i understand a sin is a sin all on an equal scale. unless your catholic of course

just another example of the religious using god as a scapegoat to kill injure and destroy hundredes of thousands if not millions of lives the saddest part of all of this is that this nut is happy that it happned

id like to end this post with.
be encouraged my brothers and sisters, god does answer prayers look at japan.. that is a direct answer to our prayers.. im so overjoyed i cant even contain my joy.. /end sarcasm

OMG, true insanity!
Lori I have met several intelligent and thoughtful people who happen to be Christians and they would be the first to find this behavior abhorrent! As I have stated before some people mix w/ religion like bleach mixes w/ ammonia, a toxic brew!
lol. it may be a hoax but she did express the sentiments or thoughts of fundamental religion.

something along the lines of god's wrath for heathen nations. that's the idea she was expressing for her hoax.
or she could just be saying she was trolling because of too many negative reactions.

you just never really know. only she does.

now she will learn to be a sociopath instead of a psychopath. lol
Well you said "the Christian response", which has the ring of uniformity. "The Christians believe this" rather than "This Christian believes this". Etc.


And then linked his post directly and only his post.

Honestly, you're going to pick a fight with me over this now? Could you be more anal?:rolleyes:

Go away..

/Makes shooing motions..
Seems Like I have seen some other videos of this girl before? One were see talks about how God is evil ? She looks familiar. Maybe not . How do you know the first video you posted was a Hoax? Maybe she recanted due to to much ridicule? It is Obvious she is an attention seeker like a lot of us on this forum !! Not Me oh no Not me . Just kidding ! I am ! Play guitar because we like to and in front of an audience, now that is the best
or she could just be saying she was trolling because of too many negative reactions.

you just never really know. only she does.

She was tracked down and her real details posted on the net after she deliberately used the name of someone else who was then harassed because of what she posted. So they managed to track her down and posted everything about her, and within about 30 minutes or so, she suddenly posted the 'I was trolling' video. What they did find out about her indicates she may have actually been serious (she belongs to one of those evangelical churches), but we will never know for sure.

But even as a joke, it was in very poor taste and not funny.
She was tracked down and her real details posted on the net after she deliberately used the name of someone else who was then harassed because of what she posted. So they managed to track her down and posted everything about her, and within about 30 minutes or so, she suddenly posted the 'I was trolling' video. What they did find out about her indicates she may have actually been serious (she belongs to one of those evangelical churches), but we will never know for sure.

But even as a joke, it was in very poor taste and not funny.
I think most theist and all atheists would agree Bells!

Still waiting for the answer to my question!:argue:
Answered already.

The standard understanding of god is that he is the central figure for the creation, maintenance and annihilation of all things.

Its also the standard understanding that god directs the arrival of a living entity before they are born and the destination of the living entity after their body perishes.

Now why are you insisting on less than standard definitions?

A theological dispute with standard definitions of god or a limp-wristed argument in the service of vehemence?
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How far does this notion that a living entity's independence is inconsequential extend?
to the degree that one is independent of standard issues of creation, maintenance and annhilation.

IOW we are in a position of consuming resources and god is in the position of providing them

Does it extend also to the choice of religious tradition (ie. "My independence is inconsequential, therefore, I'll just go with the first theistic tradition that comes to mind, no matter what anyone says")?
we always have a choice what we will consume bu the choice not to consume is not one of them.

IOW we are never in a state of inaction (hence our values, or what drives us to act may be theist, atheist or anything in between)

Does it extend also to ignoring people who are nominally on the same path but have an adversarial attitude toward oneself?