THANK GOD for the earthquake

Due to free will, many causes of death are individual, but causes due to natural disasters are still under God's control.

The fatal injuries sustained in an earthquake are comparable to the fatal injuries in a car crash, domestic violence, street violence, work accident, attack of wild animal, sporting accident, self-inflicted injury, ingestion of poisonous substances ...

People die of such injuries every day, in great numbers.

A thousand fatal car accidents, violent murders or work accidents spread all over the country, or a thousand dead in an earthquake in a relatively small area - what exactly is the difference?
The fatal injuries sustained in an earthquake are comparable to the fatal injuries in a car crash, domestic violence, street violence, work accident, attack of wild animal, sporting accident, self-inflicted injury, ingestion of poisonous substances ...

People die of such injuries every day, in great numbers.

A thousand fatal car accidents, violent murders or work accidents spread all over the country, or a thousand dead in an earthquake in a relatively small area - what exactly is the difference?

The difference is that some believers call this a deliberate act of punishment:

A Perspective on the Earthquake in Japan
He could have prevented the deaths of his "most favored" creations. If he is angry with us for not believing in him, then fuck him, let him prove his existence. The personification of nature in the form of a God is obviously asinine, which is my point. Abrahamic religions contain internal contradictions. This is the problem of evil.

A God that just doesn't care is still possible.
Oh Spidy , careful what you ask for
So god controls the earthquakes and stuff but he is still working on a few prototypes to control soap in bath tubs and the like?

I don't know, it's not my belief system. Maybe every untimely death is punishment for something, but then one would have to wonder why he punishes the evil and the good.
Believers and non believers feel the same emotions (which are located in the limbic region of brain):p so God only comes into play for believers who try to cope w/ losses or use God to explain natures effect on humankind.

In this thread, the topic is what "God has to do with the earthquake in Japan", so this is why we talk about God and loss here.

Only ignorant people accuse God because they failed miserably at science and/or life.

We agree on that, but for entirely different reasons ...

You keep talking about bonding, again we bond because humans have emotions. w/o emotions we do not bond. Are you really saying God is w/o emotion and totally objective and we as humans cannot understand why ?

I'm not saying that at all.
How in the hell do you know what gods pespective is? So the rest of your argument fails!

So you are convinced he doesn't know what God's perspective is?

What exactly do you see as the problem about what he was saying?
Unlike a parent who says "How many times do I have to tell you "

Unlike a parent who says "Do you think the universe revolves around you?"

Unlike a parent who says "Are you trying to wake the dead with that loud music?"

It does remain to be explained why getting to know the truth about God seems so hard.
Yes, hence why I quoted that Christian's response.


Well you said "the Christian response", which has the ring of uniformity. "The Christians believe this" rather than "This Christian believes this". Etc.

So you are convinced he doesn't know what God's perspective is?

What exactly do you see as the problem about what he was saying?

As convinced as he is, I guess hmm maybe hmm I dont know! Yes I am convinced and if LG can answer my question then we can talk about his other statements and questions!

Signal, do you purport to know Gods perspective too? What is God whispering in your ear?
So what if they do?

Then they are resigned to mass death. We should not and can not do anything about it. We should continue to build nuclear reactors, towns by the sea, inadequate sea walls. This kind of attitude will kill people.

The counter to that is that Japanese building codes saved millions of lives in Tokyo, which proves that mankind's works can defeat God's.
As convinced as he is, I guess hmm maybe hmm I dont know! Yes I am convinced and if LG can answer my question then we can talk about his other statements and questions!

But what point would that have, given that you are convinced that he doesn't actually know what God's perspective is?

Signal, do you purport to know Gods perspective too? What is God whispering in your ear?

Then I need to ask you - Why does that matter to you?
It does remain to be explained why getting to know the truth about God seems so hard.

Signal, there are those that believe as faithfully as you that there is no God, or believe in a different deity altogether. The truth about God is your truth nothing more! Not that hard, dear!
The really disturbing thing is realizing how we often take it for granted that others will be rational and compassionate.
We often even think that others owe it to us to be rational and compassionate.
We get ourselves into serious trouble by demanding such things from others and relying on them.
Irrationality and discompassion (is that actually a word?) of this magnitude is scary.