
I'm back (again!)

Shall we continue about that bickering I exedently started whit the WEEED!! ad?

Or to the Telepathy?

Why are you all so quiet lately?
It seems like nobody is motivated.
There is a Question still unanwsered at A/P...
Although I know things about it, I don't know something to reply to that question.
Probably more up to Banshee for that...

I'm going to the main parapsycholigy page now to see if there are new things.

Banshee just had a Foresight...

That she will be back at Parapsychology from now on every day. If possible.:D Isn't that a wonderful foresight?

As far as the Telepathy concerns...Someone here with an experience in that direction lately? Come on people, action please...:cool:
Action:Redirect Banshee to "intelligence and Machines" to Brain to Brain Communication Technology".

i think telepathy wont be a myth of sort after all.


Yes, I agree, telepathy is real. Just because I have not experienced it does not make it any less real. The human brain of which we know ZILCH! is only in use over an approx 25% - the other 75% - who knows what it does? My message, telepathic or otherwise, is simple - just because you don't understand it - don't knock it!:rolleyes:
I was ever evidence and even learned

I was ever evidence and even learned some of "spiritual skills". Those are quite common in my country and other eastern countries. There are lot's of such traditional training center here, but not so many, and usually not exposed.

I was able --sometimes-- to call my frend, talk directly into his head. I was able --sometimes-- to tickle girl's leg from distance. :D
(Only sometimes, i'm not a good student in it, and it was also depend to the object)

When i was learn "inner-power", I saw my teacher able to crash iron with bare hand, or using a roll of newspaper. Another teacher able to throw away someone without touching, or make someone unconscious instantly. Another teacher able to hold someone attempt to run from distance. Another teacher can move lightweight object without touching.

Those things are not strange here, in my country.

But those things are not as fun as we expected. And very time consuming in learning and keep the skill. That's why i stopped learning, and lost my skills.

Just a little bit clue, there are 2 main method (as long as i knew) to have those skills:

1). Make deal with devil (those what you called black magic. it's very danger to yourself, and sometimes to your family. but most fast way to achieve your skill). This skill will loose when you broke the deal. You'll got very bad consequences.

2). Use your "inner-power". Most of this method done by practicing special "pressure-rhytmic-breath" to powers mind. Usually trained together with traditional martial art. This skill will loose after you stop practicing for long time. (like i did).

I'm not lying. I saw with my own eyes, many times. You can come visit to my country if you want to proove it.

I don't know how it's work --in scientific terms--. I don't see any corelation with todays physic theories. I don't even know why i post this --in science forum--, i'm not sure is this "scientific enough" :)
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I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday. We agreed that there are too much information that needs to be conveyed in a short time and verbal communication is not efficeint. So we need to develop a gadget that works as a telepathic medium between two or more humans until our grandchildren develop the organ to accomplish on a regular basis.

I do not think, we lost the ability, it is the new ability humans will develop in the next 50 to 100 years.

Comments are welcome.
Then again, maybe it is something we had, long ago. Maybe the need is there to redevelop it. So it retruns, slowly. Makes you wonder what we don't know. Is it social pressures?

It would certainly put politics on it's ear, as no politicain could speak live without you knowing the truth. Now there's a thought, and maybe not an original thought; how do you get most of your news? Indirectly at best. Second hand from the tv or radio. When you really think of it, rarely is the face to face communication made at this level. Speculations?????
It´s all circles, everything comes and goes, and then comes and goes again. We had it , we lost it, we will get it, we will lose it. Enjoy the ride. :D

Originally posted by kmguru
.... So we need to develop a gadget that works as a telepathic medium between two or more humans until our grandchildren develop the organ to accomplish on a regular basis.

I do not think, we lost the ability, it is the new ability humans will develop in the next 50 to 100 years.

According to my previous training several years ago, all of us have ability to do telepathy and other "magic" stuffs. No more gadget or organ needed (some gadget might help, but it's a longer track). Right side brain... all of us have it.
Btw, in traditional learning, teachers didn't describe and analyse this skill, or how this works. But they knew exactly what to do. Most of explations are symbolic terms. We develop stronger "feeling" here. Understanding is not neccesary. Logic doesn't work here. That's why i also can't explain very well. We can "feel" by experience and exercise.

50 to 100 years? It doesn't took that long. By good training, we can have ability in about 5 -- 10 years. And i also think that this ability has relation with gene, as people may vary. There are stupid ones, smart ones, white, brown, etc. But basically all of us have it, in different quantity and/or quality. Most of western (and also "modern" eastern) lost their ability because ignore the "feeling" too much. Cover it deeply with logic.
It's the theory guy that try's to learn it...

Btw, in traditional learning, teachers didn't describe and analyse this skill, or how this works. But they knew exactly what to do. Most of explations are symbolic terms. We develop stronger "feeling" here. Understanding is not neccesary. Logic doesn't work here.

What a beautiful Quote I must say :)
That is the attitude missing by most people today.
I AM digging the workings of psychic powers.
But I don't wanna know what it does in scientific ways about energies, molecules, frequencies and that kind'o'stuph...

I wanted just a simpel technique whit explenations about what feelings to have, what to think, what to sense, what to imagine, and beyond...

So everything is made out of molecules, atoms and energy, but apperantly the energy is the key to control and manipulate molecules and atoms.

Just say use the energy like ... and ..., wait till you feel ..., imagine ..., and then do ... in ... way.

Something like that is good for me, whit a following of good information like, relax, let it go naturally, don't force...
No scientifics for me anymore, I know that, maybe to much to ever get it right in practical...

I have a question for ismu too...
Did the teachers revered to use inner energy like Ki/Chi?
I'm not sure, but I think psychic powers and Ki energies do have a connection somewhere...

Silly to say, but a few weeks back, I connected my mind and body in some way, that I had energy for 2 or even 3 people, but only for a short time.
Maybe I should use mind and body together for these powers instead of seperate mind and body.

Well, nice to post something again (although always a long one lately)...
get real teacher

Originally posted by Psy-learner

I have a question for ismu too...
Did the teachers revered to use inner energy like Ki/Chi?
I'm not sure, but I think psychic powers and Ki energies do have a connection somewhere...

I was teached using Java language. It might be such thing like Ki/Chi. In exercise 2--3 times, 3 hours weekly, we collect such energy from surrounding by doing such "pressurized-rhytmic-breath" i was mentioned. There are 4 types of breath according to progress (grade) stages, And 10 types of body movement (looks like tai-chi). Press energies we got into about 2--3 cm below belly button. (I don't know why must put the "energy" there. According to medical science, there is no special organ in it)

If we not continue practicing, the energies we got will be "leak" out. It's seems to continously meagnetizing an iron to our body. If we stop practicing, our "magnetism" will be "neutral" as common people.

Btw, there are lot's of different methods. Any training center has it's own method. Things wich awlays used are: controlling breath and controlling mind , body movement not always used.

I've saw there are no succesfull training without teacher. It always failed to "do yourself at home", except we already "graduated". I was haven't finished my "study". I'm sure lots things i've missed. I can't be your guidance.

Just try to find real teacher in this field (mostly asian). And don't be fooled, there are many fake ones also.
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More note:
I also belive there is such energy form undetected by physical devices. This energy belongs to live form, not only human. In "my dictionary" i called it bio-energy. Other beliviers called it Orgone. I've read that Photo-Aura has invented. But i'm not sure is the photo result has any corelation with this bio-energy.

I'm sure anyone who really have psycho-skill can feel this energy, how it's changes, it's quantity and/or quality. That's the first step. Next step is to grows up and control this energy on desired purposes.
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Once I dreamt that I was talking with my grandmother at her home.
One week later (I think), I talked with her in the phone about this dream. She had the same dream at the same time!!! Is this telepathy?

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Once I dreamt that I was talking with my grandmother at her home.
One week later (I think), I talked with her in the phone about this dream. She had the same dream at the same time!!! Is this telepathy?

(correct me if i'm wrong)

Depends on what you mean on telepathy here. Is it as natural phenomena or as a skill.
As pheneomena, Yes, it was telepathy. It shows that you have close bond with your grandma. As a skill, No, you've no control on it, yet.
But it's a good start to learn telepathy skill if you want to. Closed bond object is an "easy target" to practice telepathy.

There was a research that shows changes on brain signals of mom rabbits at the time when her young kids killed on a room far away from her. She can "feel" her kids dead. It shows that there is natural telepathyc bond in the family. At the time young kid dying, there is nothing more than his mom to think. He send strong telepathyc signal to her mom during critical moments.
Humans DO have these strong telepathical bonds too. Especially if it is family and for instance a son is having an accident, the mother knows it at exactly the same moment it happens. The son is sending a telepathical signal. This can happen without the knowing of the son, the mother though, DOES get the message.

And what about telepathic messages from total strangers? Did they analyze that also with rabbits?:)

Lets go a little further from here. Ok...?
humm... stranger

Originally posted by Banshee
And what about telepathic messages from total strangers? Did they analyze that also with rabbits?:)

Sending telephatic signal to total stranger is quite hard, even for experienced telephatiest. At least must be there are some info about te subject such as name and photo. Or the telephatiest himself see directly to the subject. I've ever done this several times by tickling girl's leg who totally stranger to me. She scratch her own leg right on the point i've tickle. :eek: (It seems she feel there is some bug crawl there. Actually it's a "giant bug with hair on his head", sitting about 5 meters from her :D :D)

This thing also observed on rabbits test. It was using some mom rabit and young rabbit kids. Brain signal changes shown only on related mom-kid.

Sending telephatic signal to total stranger needs practice, exercise, and experience. Rabbit can't learn. Natural telepathy happen on family with good emotional bond.
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Do I have news for you...

It IS possible to have telepathic contact with total strangers. Total strangers can send on a message and a Psychic person can receive the message. The Psychic doesn't even know from who the message is coming sometimes. That is to be found out. Almost every time the messenger is traceble. With a little effort from the conctactee.

And that is not a rabbit.;)

Last time I checked, I was a human being.

Lets go on please...

Originally posted by Banshee
Do I have news for you...

It IS possible to have telepathic contact with total strangers. Total strangers can send on a message and a Psychic person can receive the message. The Psychic doesn't even know from who the message is coming sometimes. That is to be found out. Almost every time the messenger is traceble. With a little effort from the conctactee.
:confused: I don't get te point... Do you mean total strangers send the the signal accidently or by means?... And the point is...? Or...

Please rephrase your lines... my English sux.

Last time I checked, I was a human being.
Don't worry. The research wasn't mine. I'm not rabbit killer maniac :D