

Your sample size is far too small to be statistically meaningful. The same probably applies to the psychic daughter mentioned above. We need a lot more data to verify your psychic powers.

...PLEASE do not rip on mr. g.

I rip, so rip me in return. It's anyone's right, not just mine.

Besides, where's the challenge in having one's head gratuitously patted? What does one really learn from such a process?

New understanding frequently results from a slap to the face, seldom from a kick to the rear.

Anyone can look me in the eyes and say what they want. Slap me, too, if they must. But, if I'm only kicked in the rear then someone's trying to talk me down to their level.

***That does indeed sound impressive. 13 out of 13. Wow!

But, I'm still sceptical. The evidence is anecdotal. I'm not saying you're making up stories, but perhaps you just don't remember the times your daughter was wrong. Or maybe she hasn't really done this as many as 13 times. ***

I'm not presenting it as evidence of anything. It's just something very interesting that happens that seemed to fall within the realm of the topic so I thought I'd share it with the group. Do with it what you want. My daughter has no control over the conception messages. She gets them in her sleep. They don't seem to serve any great purpose so my daughter just accepts them for what they are - prenotices of upcoming births.

I understand your skepticism. But the beauty of it for me is that I know she has made such announcements 13 times only and that 13 children have been born (each time from the mother who was named by my daughter). I wish I could make you feel better by telling you that maybe I forgot - that maybe she announced the conception of a baby that was not born and I just forgot about it -if I told you that, I would be lying. With one exception, the women who she named announced their pregnancies within a couple of months and they all delivered a healthy child approximately nine months later.

The last baby that was born was the exception. That mother did not announce within a couple of months - she waited until her sixth month because she had an early miscarriage the year before (and that miscarriage was the one conception among these five women that my daughter did not say anything about). With this last baby, the mother had some spotting and other problems early on and wanted to be fairly sure that she would carry to full-term before telling anyone.

At around four months, I asked my daughter if she thought she might have gotten a false alarm about this one so, no, I don't forget. I think what happens here is quite unique so I do make a note when my daughter tells me - and I follow up.

<i>I wish I could make you feel better by telling you that maybe I forgot - that maybe she announced the conception of a baby that was not born and I just forgot about it -if I told you that, I would be lying.</i>

You wouldn't remember if you forgot though, would you? :)
I could tell you about way it was whit mom and dad, but it's just to sensitive for me now...

I remember good that I got an overwhelming feeling about Meller.
A Caramel candy whit a hard chocolate center.
I had it whit me, so I thought "I'll take one".
It didn't blow over, I felt it comming from some direction.
I turn my head, and it was in thee middle of my view whas the truck of meller, I figgured that I had maybe some special gift...

For some reason, I sometimes can feel things assosiated whit material things...
Hard to explain, so maybe some other time...
I played my favorite game last night, a little speedy practice...
As I tweaked it up for speed, I got my special skills back...
Although I played against the computer self, I did at least 3 times senced that there would come an opponent around the corner...
Maybe it was because of the sound, but I littlely doubt that.
Psy-learner is right.

Coincidence does not exist. Everything happens for a reason. Just like your being here on Earth. Every human is coming from the Cosmos with a reason. You really think everything what happens in your life is coincidence?

What about all the humans who can tell it perfectly right what is going to happen? Even some governments use these humans if they don't know it any more themselves.

Guess you know that James R., for you are so well educated you must have read that somewhere in your studies.

If you look at the 'things' happening in your life and you hold on for a moment to see what exactly happened, then look a little back in life and you'll see why it happened. Or it'll have to do with something coming in your life. Pay a little attention to this, you will see for yourself.

Never had an uneasy feeling about members of your family or friends? And then later on you hear something happened to them. Not specifical an accident, just something 'bad' which happened to them. (you would call it 'bad luck', I suppose)

No bad luck what so ever. You get what you give in life. Always.


Telepathy is not a rare ability. Almost every human has this and gets the message, but they just don't realize it as being Telepathy, for they think it is just coincidence. And forget about the feelings they've got in a second. Mostly they have to think of someone for a second and go on with their lives without standing still by the feeling and why this human showed up in their mind...

***You wouldn't remember if you forgot though, would you?***

Correct. That's why I make a note of it and follow up on it.
Gee, Bebelina ...

And all this time I thought the Navajo Code Talkers were successful in WWII
because of the uniqueness of their language.

Instead it turns out that they were just on a different telepathic frequency
than the Japanese!

Will wonders never cease?

Take care ;)
I don´t know much about that. My knowledge concerning WW2 is very limited. :(

So what are you saying about the Navajo Code talkers( who are they?) ? Did they try to telpathically contact the Japanese?
Bebelina ...

The kids now days.

Native Americans who fought with the US Marines in the Pacific. The Japanese
were never able to understand the Navajo language. Thus, secure
communication via radio in the theatre of operations.

<a href=><font color=red>Navajo Code Talkers in WWII</font></a>

Take care. ;)
Banshee states:

Psy-learner is right. Coincidence does not exist.

Yet telepathy, parapsychology, pyschokinetics, et alia does?

Perhaps because if coincidence were to exist there would be even less reason for the rest of us to believe all that other stuff in which you are so emotionally invested?
Well, what is coincidence? Can it be fate? Or is everything that happens just a serie of random acts in a random universe?
I think coincidence exist, but not as a meaningsless one, but as a very meaningful. Everything happens for a reason, even coincidences.

Does that take away the meaning of the word?


Take a closer look at all the 'coincidences' in your life.

Then it is not a coincidence any more.

Guess you call it bad luck and good luck. What then is the definition of luck?
telepathic transmission

What about thinking something very strongly then others around you saying exactly, word per word, what you were thinking. This happens between me and friends all the time, well atleast 30 percent of the time, and with strangers also. The odd thing is i'll have a thought, and then start a story or a line of reasoning that seems to be my own, and then a friend will not only verbalize my thought, but back it up with the SAME line of reasoning, verbatim, that i too had.

Only thing is i cant tell if i'm sending or receiving most of the time, because it seems as if both occur AT the Same Time.?!

Any thoughts??
sorry, mr. g, I just got tired of your incessant BICKERING!!

Banshee even if you got bad karma from breaking into bush's mind I think in his case you should make an exception :D

Bebelina, language does not use telepathy to help. By identifying subtle, key body movements that are universal to all beings at least on earth, as well as facial variations one can get a reasonable idea about what someone else is talking about, and learn language using CONVENTIONAL methods.

This thread was old and I completely forgot about it. Glad it's back online!

The WORST thing happened to me today. I had to go to the orthodontist 'cause I have braces etc, I had a very painful session and now all of a sudden this thing is on the roof of my mouth widening my jaw!! When I talk I sound like a retard! I can't swallow and produce exorbitant amounts of saliva!
Pollux V

Banshee said
Shrike, you are not allowed to go and break in to somebody's mind.
Banshee has told you the truth here,its against the natural law.
You get your brain fried if you try to go against the natural law.
Its only in the Hollywood films,that you can break the natural law.

By the way I liked your old name better!
Why try putting a B instead of the P

:cool: :cool: :cool: :D