
Odin-"Because becausebecause because BECAUSE!" That's why.

Mr. G: I meant to say everyone's bickering with YOU. Arr, now I'm doing it now!
Pollux V

Odin-"Because becausebecause because BECAUSE!" That's why.

but I still like your old name best.
:D :D :D :D :D :D
Originally posted by Mr. G

New understanding frequently results from a slap to the face, seldom from a kick to the rear.

Anyone can look me in the eyes and say what they want. Slap me, too, if they must. But, if I'm only kicked in the rear then someone's trying to talk me down to their level.

Wait! I agree! What's happening to me? I have to say, Mr. G, this one is golden! I don't know if I could have put it any better myself!


Yogamojo, do you mean to say here that you have telepathic contact with Mr G.?

That must be interesting, tell me more about it please...:cool:
Ciao pronounced as "chow"...

Psy-learner is correct, Pollux V. "Ciao" is the Italian word for "bye".

Oh, & Banshee...I'm sure I have no telepathic link to Mr. G; I was just impressed by his choice of syntax in his last reply on this thread. He can be a little feisty (no offense intended, Mr. G) but he does not argue without basis, or flame for no reason. That is admirable...
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Has anybody speculated what a telepathic signal will look like? Does it have same property as EMF i.e. certain frequencies riding on a carrier wave?
Well, I gotta tell you that it's unknown to me...
But I'll place my *fast theory* here that you gave me.
I think it's whitin the frequencies that our brain uses.

That's between:
2 - 4 Hz *Deep Sleep or unconsious*
21 - 30 *High Consentration*

If you have a constant 30, I'd say that you must have a CPU
cooler build in your scull :)
30 is uncommon to even be reached.

But I don't think we can deect a telepathic signal, because of the confusion whit brain frequencies.
Or, it's just undetectable *for now* like the telekinetic experiments that gave results, but no good or explainable ones.

By the way.

I see the WEEED!!! ad a lot here lately.
Want to smoke weed legaly?
Come to the Netherlands, it's all legal to make, smoke and buy :)
I gotta agree whit a lot of foreing criminals and travelers.
The Netherlands is paradise for these sort of stuff...

Psy, we KNOW that! No need to rub it in. :D

To argue with flame...nice concept. Yes, he certainly does that. :)

To argue reason without motivated need of popular confirmation -- what a concept: sans the Albatross of insecurity.
So here again is the trace of dumb UFO approach.

to argue reason with popular confirmation,popular is the keyword. what the author of this quote means to say is that popular confirmation is very important.indeed isnt it?as is the case of UFOs,aliens,monsters,devils...

popular confirmation...


with popular confirmation you might say false obsessive delusion of security...isnt it?

"To argue reason without motivated need of popular confirmation...." there is a need for popular confirmation, but it´s not motivated. And argue reason like that?
Without the selfknowledge why the popular confirmation is needed, no reason can spring forth, because then it´s all a mess..:D

Like an angry person running amok , feeling reason in self-justified anger, but has no clue where to direct it and why. That´s downright dangerous. :D

There you go...

"Like an angry person running amok , feeling reason in self-justified anger, but has no clue where to direct it and why. That´s downright dangerous."

Imagine what such a person might do, having the ability of psychokinesis.:(

Selfknowledge is the key word here. And argue without reason has no reason.

Telepathy doesn't seem to work if a person is to closed minded, there is no way coming into his/her mind then. Perhaps it is a way of self protection also. With or without reason...:)
Or whatever its called? Genuine telepathy I have always thought as "A" passing a mental message to "B"; maybe I am mistaken. I did have an experience late last year; walking along in the dead of night (part of my job) I "knew" I was being watched. Never had it before, nor since. Without going into details - it transpired that I had been correct and was indeed being observed by a person secreted nearby. Is that telepathy or "intuition"?:rolleyes:
That is Intuition. :) It happens more often that a person can feel it, when he/she is watched by another person. Because that person is watching you so closely, his/her projection can be felt by the person who is watched.

Telepathy is when you really have contact with another human being, through words in your mind or images which show up in your mind. For one reason or another it seems to be more easier to contact someone else in images then in words. perhaps because the right hemisphere has to do with feelings, Intuition, creating Art, like pictures, images and acting from out your Deeper Self and the left hemisphere has to do with calculating, words and the more thinkable side of the human being. It is the other way round for left handed persons.:)