
What are you people talking about! I am a telepath myself. Sense I was young I have been able to get bursts of images and thoughts from people near me. I have even been able to project my thoughts into others heads. (The latter being the one I can control). I have seen things that make me feel like a peeping tom and sometimes like the witness to a murder. It's not the words that bother me it is the images. I have contemplated suicide before and was only stopped because I accidentaly sent the thought to him. I have learned to block out others minds but that hurts too. I hate this ability. I would do anything to get rid of it. and you people are talking about how cool it is. I fear myself the most. Sometimes I can become eratically violent. :mad:
Just let ur High hopes in... obviusly u need to learn the basics of human behavior! But how come u are a telepath and u cant even control urself, lets say give some other people that talent and they will use it the most they can without any regret! Thats a high hope...
What are you people talking about! I am a telepath myself. Sense I was young I have been able to get bursts of images and thoughts from people near me. I have even been able to project my thoughts into others heads. (The latter being the one I can control). I have seen things that make me feel like a peeping tom and sometimes like the witness to a murder. It's not the words that bother me it is the images. I have contemplated suicide before and was only stopped because I accidentaly sent the thought to him. I have learned to block out others minds but that hurts too. I hate this ability. I would do anything to get rid of it. and you people are talking about how cool it is. I fear myself the most. Sometimes I can become eratically violent. :mad:

Well that sounds scary but at the same time its cool but i guess as hehe mentioned u gotta learn how to control it so it won't control u.

I'm a telepath myself but it depends on how focused iam on the person i wana contact at that moment and what state is that person in

coz the most important rule in being able to contact through telepathy is that the sender must be emotionly stressed out or lets say nervous/edgy in order to send the telepathic message on the other hand the reciever must be calm and focused in order to recieve the message and the best time for that is when he's asleep or so

i hope i gave in some info about telepathy but i guess the how part and the training remains missing so i hope someone could fill us in with that

My experience with telepathy:

ive been experiencing lately alot with it, and i never thought it was true till this started happening to me on daily bases.

There's this guy i know we've been talking for a while (5 yrs), as we're chatting on msn i noticed that when we comment on something we actually say the same phrases at the same time, we even make the same spelling mistakes at the same time in the same words (very weird)

But when i thought about it from the telepathy side
i thought we r telepathically strong and not just that the thing's evolving day after day like for example sometimes i get a bad feeling about something in some part of the day and i just start crying for no reason but what i do is i make a record of the time i cried in to check l8r on if someone i know got hurt or so.

The next day i speak to him and ask him about the situation he replies "i was having asthma attack and i was about to fade out" it didnt happen once or twice it happened many times.
Another case also which happens with us is sometimes i can hear a song playing in mind or in other words i can hear it loudly in my ears although i might be listening at that time to something totally different.
I put that in my record to ask him and then he replies that yes at that time i was singing that song or listening to it.

All of the cases i mentioned happen in visa versa and back to both of us.

I also excperience it at school, once we were looking for the princple and everyone assumed that he's not at school although i was deeply sure that he is in the administration room so me and the girls were waiting outside and they were like why are we waiting here i replied we want the principle correct they were like he's not here am like 2 minutes and he'll be coming out this door, and two minutes passed by and then TADA they guy went straight out of the administration door, between myself i was shockef how the hell did i know that and how was i saying that.

Another situation happened a friend of mine was dating a guy so she was like whatcha think of us together and so and so she actually didnt fill me in with so many details about him but i just told her not to go out with him on the day they agreed on she was like why im like i dont know just dont, the next day she comes with tears on my door step saying you were right i wasnt supposed to go i was like what happened she was like the guy rapper me!

so do you guys think its coincidence or im getting to somthing i mean i hope its like that my telepathy skills are developing coz i really wanna be a pro telepath.

Sometimes i try my best to send telepathic messages to my friends or loved ones but it seems like at that time as i mentioned above they might be not focused and calm so that might be a reason or even that am not quiet strong at telepathy yet

I wish i could take some training on sending such messages but it seems like that there arent much resources on the net for the following subject and i tried looking for books too but im not lucky with that too.

I hope that I got lucky when i found this forum so i hope i can find what i need ! sorry for the looooooong story but i had to explain cya l8r waiting for your replies !​
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Have to comment.

There is a great book entitled E.S.P. by harold shurman. I read it as a teen and tried replicating his experiments.

Here is a great method for sending a telepathic message.

a) wait until subject/reciever is asleep.

b) use a photo or visualization of the subject, and repeat a short message/instruction to the subject.

c) repeat it for 1 full hour.

This works. Without a plausible theory on why it works, or an idea on how to measure it it will always remain here in pseudoscience, but it does work.

On my first try I had a friend who vanished months previously. I said, "Debby ____s, kwhilborn misses you very much, get in touch!". I did this for a full hour and felt the message went through after about 40 minutes.

5 days later I recieved a letter in the mail from Rochester NY, USA. She was from Canada. The first page was cryptic as to who it was, but at the bottom of the page she wrote, "last night I had a dream about you that prompted me to write".

Myself and others have had similiar results since doing this.

I do not think I'd have such luck if the reciever was a stranger. I doubt I could get Paris Hilton to drop by, so it seems to have some sort of filtering when it enters a persons mind.

I have seen enough to believe in Telepathy entirely, and do not doubt its existence. I also believe that someday we will recognize the forces behind this, and it will be an accepted science.

There is no way of measuring this, beyond what a scientist would call a large amount of coincidences. Well I will argue how many coincidences equals proof. I have other theories about this that seem to fit, but those are for other threads.

The best way to prove this is to take one hour of your time and TRY the darn experiment. If it works repeatedly then we will have one more person looking for the answers of why.

For those of you just making fun, go ahead. I'd rather know what I know than doubt it again. It is so easy.
Here is a great method for sending a telepathic message.

a) wait until subject/reciever is asleep.

b) use a photo or visualization of the subject, and repeat a short message/instruction to the subject.

c) repeat it for 1 full hour.

Well i'll be trying that for sure thnx a million for the method hun

I do not think I'd have such luck if the reciever was a stranger. I doubt I could get Paris Hilton to drop by, so it seems to have some sort of filtering when it enters a persons mind.

Ya i guess its hard when sending a telepathic message to a stranger
because of what i've read in so many sites and so
that there should be a strong bond between the sender and reciever

I have seen enough to believe in Telepathy entirely, and do not doubt its existence. I also believe that someday we will recognize the forces behind this, and it will be an accepted science.

ya there is no doubt about it i guess you cant just keep on saying its just a coincidence, coincidences happen like once or twice not 10 times a day !

For those of you just making fun, go ahead. I'd rather know what I know than doubt it again. It is so easy.

That's true try first before misjudgging i guess thanx again kwhilborn for filling us in with the info bbye !​
To Cute Rania:

The book is worth a gander as well. It was without a doubt the best telepathy book I have ever read, and he has many such experiments in it. He used telepathy on an ongoing basis.

It is often hard to stay focussed on the message, so it is beneficial if you are sincere, and focussed. I feel an almost nervous tension when I start, similiar to feeling like I'm doing something bad, this gives way to a more relaxed feeling when the message has gone through.

when you have tried this successfully, search through some of my older posts, and I have talked more about it in the past.
K then i guess ill have to check where i can get the book from
coz the english books specially the ones talking about such matters
arent commonly found around here in Jeddah so i hope i can get it some how
thanx alot for the info ill be looking at you're old posts too
cya around
hey um kwhilborn could u send me ur email through a private message so we could dicuss more about this topic if u dont mind plz thanx a million