Telepathy - read someone's mind

...and this coming from a Sociopath :rolleyes: (it's easy to call names and pull faces)

Seriously Ophiolite, why bother commenting if you can't output anything remotely useful. What you post to be insanity or paranoia is at least an attempt to identify the problem, something that you as a heckler has absolutely no intention of doing.

In threads that are worthy of serious attention I offer serious contributions. (Thre are damn few of these on sciforums today.) In the rest, I heckle and hassle with gay abandon.

However, my last post was a serious contribution. Your posts are frequently casual remarks that imply (or sometimes explicitly claim) a conspiracy of big business, or big government, or big something that is out to get us. It'sl ludicrous and you really ought to have been called on it long before now.

Your contributions are especially dangerous because you don't sound like a nutter. The naive neophyte may be seduced by your reasonable sounding argument, especially - and this is my beef - when you are never challenged on it. Well, that may be about to change.
Uh, sorry for language , English is my fifth language but guy stalking on me is disturbing me all the time.
don't apologise. I was suggesting that part of the peculiarity of your ideas may be because you are writing in an unfamiliar language. I honour you for that. (I still think you are talking bollocks in any language, though.)
I see dyw carefully chooses his battles :p

Stryder what your saying does make sense in a way after all what the hell do we really know what the goverment is capable of. It wouldent be the first time America was caught doing experiments on there people.
brainwaves can be picked up outside the skull, this in itself proves telepathy possible.
biofeedback proves they are controllable.
In threads that are worthy of serious attention I offer serious contributions. (Thre are damn few of these on sciforums today.) In the rest, I heckle and hassle with gay abandon.

However, my last post was a serious contribution. Your posts are frequently casual remarks that imply (or sometimes explicitly claim) a conspiracy of big business, or big government, or big something that is out to get us. It'sl ludicrous and you really ought to have been called on it long before now.

Your contributions are especially dangerous because you don't sound like a nutter. The naive neophyte may be seduced by your reasonable sounding argument, especially - and this is my beef - when you are never challenged on it. Well, that may be about to change.
You would be surprised what bankers know . The work that is done at understanding the complexities in the market and how they control the general populace by monetary controls. Now your credit score has to be high enough for you to be a target , but believe Me you are being tracked and profiled as we are a commodity to the banking community which is tied intimately to big Business. Your name is becoming target goals of predator sales technique coupled with knowing your habits of purchasing. By knowing this, direct sales programs can be implemented. It is going to get extremely sophisticated as time unravels as more businesses fight for market share . . The feel good effect of making you feel important , preying on your ego in an attempt to sell you there goods . Like the typical con man on the street does to a victims. Slid of hand we care about you with the knife in the back . But hey that is the job of big business . Capture Market share and make you feel like it was the best thing for you to do. Buy the product
I am going to be No.1 to give evidence to telepathy. I think CIA had many people that can use telepathy.
I am going to be No.1 to give evidence to telepathy.
i don't mean to squash your dreams but we simply do not have the technology for telepathy.
there are only 2 ways we can go about this:
1. human only telepathy. this can be immediately ruled out as our brains are not developed enough.
2. machine assisted telepathy. in my opinion this will be your best bet, but it requires computing power that we do not have and it requires some sort of demux which we also lack.
When is this going to be moved to the cesspool? That's where it obviously belongs.
i don't mean to squash your dreams but we simply do not have the technology for telepathy.
there are only 2 ways we can go about this:
1. human only telepathy. this can be immediately ruled out as our brains are not developed enough.
2. machine assisted telepathy. in my opinion this will be your best bet, but it requires computing power that we do not have and it requires some sort of demux which we also lack.

I think the biggest problem with human only telepathy is that you can not now who is sending to you. I can never find out who send to me . If all people start sending than you get just voice all the time and you can not stop voice you do not like. Bad problem. We need computers and any human need TP ( Telepathy Protocol address number ) like computers have IP ( Internet Protocol address number )
This gets madder all the time. Tell me, how did you come to think of this system, or is it off-hand with each post?