Telepathy - read someone's mind

I think the biggest problem with human only telepathy is that you can not now who is sending to you. I can never find out who send to me . If all people start sending than you get just voice all the time and you can not stop voice you do not like. Bad problem. We need computers and any human need TP ( Telepathy Protocol address number ) like computers have IP ( Internet Protocol address number )

Don't you think we already have that to some degree? What would be the difference between computers today and telepathic-computers? Would the thought transmitted be more "secret"? I think not, if it's in the system it's in the system, and any system can be hacked.
In threads that are worthy of serious attention I offer serious contributions. (Thre are damn few of these on sciforums today.) In the rest, I heckle and hassle with gay abandon.

However, my last post was a serious contribution. Your posts are frequently casual remarks that imply (or sometimes explicitly claim) a conspiracy of big business, or big government, or big something that is out to get us. It'sl ludicrous and you really ought to have been called on it long before now.

Your contributions are especially dangerous because you don't sound like a nutter. The naive neophyte may be seduced by your reasonable sounding argument, especially - and this is my beef - when you are never challenged on it. Well, that may be about to change.

What you should be challenging is the "actual truth", I'm not going to ask you to believe my rendition of what I think is going on, that's something I'm even against to an extent. I have had similar experiences to Vinko, however I did start to reason that not knowing was causing me to conjecturize about the who, how and why's. Left completely unregulated then it would likely become a spiral of madness to those that themselves do not observe it.

The simple truths are manipulation occurs and only those that misuse via the methods used know why. It's easy to point fingers at different people, parties or governments in regards to "who" has done things along these lines in the past, however the very method employed is about deception, so any stated party could easily be a group masquerading under their moniker.

We could query the why's, like why clandestine?
Well that's dependent on a few factors like what end's they are trying to justify with their means. For instance a legal method would require higher documentation, a greater visibility in public profile, costs like insurances (in case things go awry), ethical foundations like the observation by mutual third-parties for Human Rights complacency and adherence to the "Nuremberg Code", as well as the actual subject compliance with being a volunteer. (Under the "Nuremberg Code", this gives the subject explicit rights to terminate the operation/research at any time, for any reason.)

This is technically a lot of work, which if done by various academies and institutes "would be required" as apart of any proposal to a Science Council, which would evaluate the proposal and decide on the allocation of funds. It would also generate an extremely large paper trail considering that a scientific endeavour tends to be more utilitarian in regards to allowing research results and information on operations to be made available.

This leaves only two, possibly three types of operations that do not condone to the ethical rules practice by mainstream Scientists.

Military Operations exist outside of the common standards of law, especially when trumped through the usage of fast imposed and possibly ill thought out laws to counter terrorism. What is a civilian to military other than a potential combatant or casualty, this expresses where concern over ethics can originate. (... and concerns that any such operations not following the previously set science ethics, suggests that such operators are suffering themselves from psychological impairment.)

Privately Financed Institutes/Organisations/Groups can be anything from a company trying to beat everyone to the bleeding edge technology to replace the annoying mobile phones with direct brain communication, right through to various cult groups that have specific agenda's like bringing about their messiah or absorbing Thetan's. Such independent's aren't forced to follow legislation if they aren't known about, they don't answer to laws that their either don't think apply to them or just pretend they didn't see (Criminal Negligence)

Some might be already known to operate criminal businesses, (e.g like Rustock) which is why the clandestine nature and also the capacity to openly use all networks to gain global usage. This would of course impose that various "Hack Groups" might well be working towards this outside of any Academic or Government.

(There is already a bunch of terms like Neurohack and Braingate floating around out there.)

As for the "how"?
Well the radiology used is within the same spectrum as Telecommunications (The overall band is between Infrared - Microwave - low Ultraviolet, I can't identify one particular frequency with the range because if matricing is used it will be more than just one.)

In any case the radiation is "Non-ionizing", but it does cause the heating of the blood barrier in the body, since that's how your body will attempt to regulate heat.

There are many compounded ailments that will all identify that the Immune system is under a "subliminal" attack. (The terming here is just the terming as to the opposite of blunt overt trauma) This generates Lythergy, skin conditions, swollen glands, higher than normal temperatures and even the increase in T-Cell production which can be counter-productive. (Like lessening the immune system against other threats.) That's without the psychological torment of third-party interaction.

(There is also old studies that implied a low level dose of microwave radiation to the brain would increase brain activity, which if done to a whole country would technically boost the potential speed of "advancement" which might be an avenue followed by a country or group without the consideration of consequences, but again this is obviously just speculation.)

In essence Ophiolite, these are very real factors that effect people, the only thing that is illusive is the "Who" but there are only so many rocks left unturned.
Don't you think we already have that to some degree? What would be the difference between computers today and telepathic-computers? Would the thought transmitted be more "secret"? I think not, if it's in the system it's in the system, and any system can be hacked.
This is very interesting , some very connected people(mostly family members) experience telepathy between them but many are just receiving voices but do not know from where. Bad problem because you can send to me and I do not know who you are. Maybe after some time we could learn who is who but nearly impossible. Also we need TP ( Telepathy Protocol)
This is very interesting , some very connected people(mostly family members) experience telepathy between them but many are just receiving voices but do not know from where. Bad problem because you can send to me and I do not know who you are. Maybe after some time we could learn who is who but nearly impossible. Also we need TP ( Telepathy Protocol)

Maybe it takes different expression within different people, some are more prone to just "know" what others are thinking and some hear voices and have "hallucinations". I don't think we should mix these things up. I have never experienced the voices or hallucinations, and am a little jelous of people who do, or maybe not, it would be too much of an intrusion. I think with some practice, focus and concentration you will learn to distinguish exactly with you are communicating telepathically, the thoughtpattern and association abiliy varies, such as tone and use of language, just like in regular life.
Maybe it takes different expression within different people, some are more prone to just "know" what others are thinking and some hear voices and have "hallucinations". I don't think we should mix these things up. I have never experienced the voices or hallucinations, and am a little jelous of people who do, or maybe not, it would be too much of an intrusion. I think with some practice, focus and concentration you will learn to distinguish exactly with you are communicating telepathically, the thoughtpattern and association abiliy varies, such as tone and use of language, just like in regular life.
About "focus and concentration you will learn to distinguish exactly with you are communicating telepathically", bad problem , some people can ad any color on voice, very difficult to distinguish. About "hallucinations" , I am sending out "hallucinations" all the time to people in Europe. Anti psychotics are big business and some people are financing some mad man to send all the time over me "hallucinations" to others. BAD.
No, she's a crackpot.
How one can be an "expert" on something that hasn't been shown to exist?
OK this is biggest problem for me. I exist and I think CIA has evidence on telepathy . I can not find any really document that could confirm telepathy.
About "focus and concentration you will learn to distinguish exactly with you are communicating telepathically", bad problem , some people can ad any color on voice, very difficult to distinguish. About "hallucinations" , I am sending out "hallucinations" all the time to people in Europe. Anti psychotics are big business and some people are financing some mad man to send all the time over me "hallucinations" to others. BAD.

Mhm, yes that sounds really bad, but if you rise above them, can you still not distinguish? If a person is trying to telepathically lie to you then there are always clues, because lies are never foolproof. And if you see the pattern of the lie then usually the liar is not far away. Of course, some people are trained to lie and manipulate and can get away with a lot, even trickery with feeelings, but there is always a solution and you seem to be a little too stuck with the problem, why? Are you losing money and credibility perhaps? Claiming that you have powers to manipulate that you don't really have?
I think with this terror show : , Uri Geller show going on right now in Sweden and with few films Telepathy is going to be big thing for next few Years. I hoppe soon are we going to give 100% evidence to all people that telepathy works very good.
I exist and I think CIA has evidence on telepathy

Maybe they only want you to think that "telepathy" exists when in fact it is the CIA that creates many of their own problems so that they can keep their jobs! :itold:
I haven't even bothered to take a look at the spoonbending, I mean what's point? Can it be more boring?
i can bend spoons.
i have a whole drawer full of them.
of course my ice cream comes out of the freezer like a concrete block.
Do what I do and take out the icecream from the freezer 30 minutes before you're going to eat it, which I just did too before reading your post. :)
Right. I was looking for telepathic experiments and I did not found any experiment with 100% success. I can use telepathy and I can talk on distance and transmission is 100% all the time. I send many emails , I want to make get it documented but no answer. I can not find any person that want to try it with me but they are searching for it. They are trying to give evidence that I exist but when I send email they do not want to meet me!!!
You can't blame people for not wanting to meet you, as far as they know you could be a cannibal searching for fresh meat. Why do you need to meet people in order to conduct your experiments anyway?