Teen Suspended For Wearing Rosary Beads To School

Sandy the bible was written in a form TO BE MISUNDERSTOOD its all about interpritation how do you know yours is right? you will say that yours is i gaurentee it. but its not, its all up to the person reading its interpritation..

and back when the bible was written the word heaven meant a giant city in the sky that every good christian goes to when they die right? wrong. it literally meant sky thats it just up they sky

This concept is in the Bible: 1 Cor 2:12-14

It isn't up to the person, it is up to the Holy Spirit to provide the truth. The problem most Christians have is that they rely on their own "message" and don't discuss it in depth to validate the truth of it. They do a disservice to bringing the truth to us non-believers.
This concept is in the Bible: 1 Cor 2:12-14

It isn't up to the person, it is up to the Holy Spirit to provide the truth. The problem most Christians have is that they rely on their own "message" and don't discuss it in depth to validate the truth of it. They do a disservice to bringing the truth to us non-believers.

well put
Because she was banned for calling a member of congress a traitor. I don't believe that is a violation of the membership agreement. I reviewed the last few pages of her posts and didn't find anything that violated the MA.

I may not agree with what most of what Sandy says, but she does have the right to say it if it is within the rules. Just my $.02

One reason I don't discuss politics or religion here.

if you can show me where a delibritely false inflammatory statement is ok under the rules I will personally ask for a 3 day ban.
You made a statement, i said you were wrong. Show that you are not wrong, you still havent done that even though you responded a few times with silly questions. So what is the obvious conclusion?

John, it's all in Revelations. I needn't C&P it here. GO read it, and shut up for a couple of hours.
John, it's all in Revelations. I needn't C&P it here. GO read it, and shut up for a couple of hours.

The problem is that what you said has nothing to do with revelations. Revelations only deals with that particular time, obviously you were wrong and i merely wanted to point that out to you.
if you can show me where a delibritely false inflammatory statement is ok under the rules I will personally ask for a 3 day ban.

How is it deliberately false? She said they were traitors. Traitors to who? Traitors to their country?..to their party? ..to the constituents of their district? She didn't say. All she said is they have betrayed someone. That is her belief, and she is entitled to it, whether you agree or not. I don't recall anyone being banned for calling George W. Bush a mass murderer.

If calling politicians names were wrong, then political cartoonists would be out of business.
In my opinion anyone who can't see that it's happening right now is blind or ignorant.
Some things that are going on could be construed as depicted in the Bible.

Anyone who does not believe in the afterlife/eternity is hopeless and will be sobbing on their deathbed.
This is so wrong. I had this veiwpoint before and it wasn't until I left the faith did I understand how wrong I was.
Now I see it like it is, most Christians are wallowing in dispair hoping against hope for their god to come put an end to this place that is not their home, and end suffering that they see everyday. They have their eyes focused on the afterlife.

A lot of Christians are sooooo negative, it has to be a sin. Those Christians offend me with their negative outlook of doom and gloom when their Bible says to have faith and believe that "everything works together for the good for everyone who is called according to His purpose."

Life is wonderful. It can be equally cruel. A lot of Christians feel they have a mutually exclusive pass to true hapiness in life. It's what I hear in this topic, it's what I was taught. These type of Christians have been decieved as I was by my teachers of Christianity. These Christians, like I was, suffer themselves too much pain by concerning themselves with the evil in the world.

Anyone who does not believe in God is missing the greatest part of their life.

Not true at all. I thought it was, but when I let my belief in God go, I started living the greatest part of my life. Without worrying about myself and making sure that I was serving God all the time, it freed me up to concern myself with those around me to make their lives better. THAT is the greatest part of life.
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jayleew, your personal experiences are fine but not exactly a benchmark for humanity. Same for your blanket assumptions.
jayleew, your personal experiences are fine but not exactly a benchmark for humanity. Same for your blanket assumptions.

Sorry about that, I wasn't careful enough. I have a few examples of Christians who do not do as I suggest. There's so many different doctrines, walks of life, and interpretations, I can't box them all in. I'll edit. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter how few or how many Christians are how I suggest. The fact that there is, and that they all profess to know the truth, seriously works against the whole notion of Christianity. Have you seen the latest statistic of how many Christians read their bible regularly, pray, or go to church regularly. Not that any of that is any indicator by themselves, but it is hard to have a leg to stand on for any Christian, because of the majority of Christians who do not seek God daily, for those Christians to tell us how we are missing a great part of our life and we can't possibly be enlightened and lead an ethical life is unjust.
The fact that there is, and that they all profess to know the truth, seriously works against the whole notion of Christianity. Have you seen the latest statistic of how many Christians read their bible regularly, pray, or go to church regularly. Not that any of that is any indicator by themselves, but it is hard to have a leg to stand on for any Christian, because of the majority of Christians who do not seek God daily, for those Christians to tell us how we are missing a great part of our life and we can't possibly be enlightened and lead an ethical life is unjust.

Yet you do this yourself?
Actually that was more of a statement than a question.

I basically said:
1. The specific type of Christians I'm talking about that are prevalant today all claim to know THE truth, but are not striving to digest their whole truth which is found within their Bible.
2. These same type of Christians quarrel among themselves about doctrine and then they tell us non-believers that we are missing a great part of our life and can't possibly be enlightened with THE truth.

I stated that these two things they do are unjust.

So, the answer to your question is no, and your statement is false. I do not do "this".
Well if you cannot see that you do these very same things....only the details are different. After all do you see me telling anyone what to believe? Though i see you doing that.
Well if you cannot see that you do these very same things....only the details are different. After all do you see me telling anyone what to believe? Though i see you doing that.

Exactly what am I telling anyone to believe, John? You are not coming out and saying it, so I'm left to assume.

I never said that you shouldn't believe in God, if that is what you are trying to insinuate. Are you that unsure of your faith that you see my words and think, "This guy says I shouldn't believe in God." If you are that sure of your faith, then it shouldn't matter what I say you should believe.

The fact is I am not saying you shouldn't believe in God. I'm saying I don't, and I don't like it when Christians think I must in order to practice altruism, be enlightened, or ethical. That's all I'm saying.

Since you have nothing further to add, but to say that I'm saying things that I'm not, just don't hit the reply button.
Exactly what am I telling anyone to believe, John? You are not coming out and saying it, so I'm left to assume.

Of course you do, otherwise we would not be having this conversation.

I never said that you shouldn't believe in God, if that is what you are trying to insinuate. Are you that unsure of your faith that you see my words and think, "This guy says I shouldn't believe in God." If you are that sure of your faith, then it shouldn't matter what I say you should believe.

What a contradiction, and right in the same paragraph...

I'm saying I don't, and I don't like it when Christians think I must in order to practice altruism, be enlightened, or ethical. That's all I'm saying.

Who tells you that?
Sandy banned??

ah man..and we were having so much fun with her..

MODS..Bring her back!
please explain why you banned her,so we don't get banned for the same thing..

congrats..now that you have gotten away from the church and all those 'do as your told' type personalities, maybe you will find out what god really wants from you..when you do discover this don't be afraid to step back into church and set them right..

it is too easy to point your finger at someone and say 'i see how you are messed up'..tell me of ANYONE that you cannot do this to...
(maybe that guy sandy called a traitor?lol)

It isn't up to the person, it is up to the Holy Spirit to provide the truth. The problem most Christians have is that they rely on their own "message" and don't discuss it in depth to validate the truth of it. They do a disservice to bringing the truth to us non-believers.

Sandy banned??

She was banned for insulting Nancy Pelosi.
Whoever that is.

Maybe she's a Mexican
Mexicans get Sandy real mad.


Thandy Baby, why you always tho angry?
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Considering a troublingly useless issue

NMSquirrel said:

MODS..Bring her back!
please explain why you banned her,so we don't get banned for the same thing..

I would surmise that the accusation against Pelosi and others, which Sandy was happy enough to assert but entirely unwilling to support, constituted the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. Or, at least, agitated a nerve or pulled a muscle.

In her time at Sciforums, Sandy has been nothing other than a willfully inflammatory ignoramus willing to spit all manner of venom, but who complains at the slightest impingement against her ego. While indeed there are hairs to split about this particular action, I am unsympathetic, as I believe she should have been permanently banned as a worthless troll ages ago. In recent times I have expressed particularly vociferous outrage against some of my fellows for actions they have undertaken, and much of that frustration stems from the notion that we are worrying about whether the fire squad will track mud on the carpet while overlooking the fact that the house is aflame.

We entertain any number of members who agitate with no good faith about their conduct. Sandy is among these, and if I should pretend any surprise at her temporary suspension from our community, it is only that James should bother constructing a pretense, or leave her absence to be temporary.

Additionally, I would suggest that the complaints about this action raised in this thread will have no positive effect if they continue to distract the underlying topic and reasonably related considerations. I can only urge those so discomfited by this suspension to transmit their concerns, according to a calm and logical presentation, to Plazma Inferno!, who is the only among the site's regular authority capable of overriding James' decision.