Teen Suspended For Wearing Rosary Beads To School

Wow, what arrogance. According to your dogma, everyone is judged, but you seem to think you are on some fast track.

Seems you don't understand the intricacies of the religion you profess to follow very well, 'Sandy'.

you'll never win a fight with a protestant on christianity

Phlogistician said:

Seems you don't understand the intricacies of the religion you profess to follow very well, 'Sandy'.

Why should she? I mean, she doesn't even need to know what the Bible says. She just needs to have faith that she knows better than God.

In Seattle, once upon a time, was a band called Chemistry Set. They were pretty cool, though their drummer went on to be one of the biggest corporate-radio DJ whores in town. Life and its little mysteries, you know? Anyway, they had this one lyric that sticks with me even today: "Bearing your soul is the in thing to do; it's fun, and it's easy for the empty-headed fool." It's just as true now as it was twenty years ago.
Nah, there's no war against Christianity....

A NY student, age 13, was suspended for wearing rosary beads to school. Raymond Hosier was sent home for two days over the religious symbol, visible outside his clothing. His school district said students are not allowed to wear beads out of concern they may be gang-related. Hosier said they're comforting since the loss of his brother and uncle.

"I was just mad that they were suspending me for rosary beads and I told them I wasn't in a gang and they must resemble my brother and uncle."


The rosary is a Catholic thing that I don't observe but suspending the kid is beyond ludicrous.

sandy as the school stated.. gang related was the reason.. not religion so why post this? and teens never lie right?
No one is asking you to respect Christianity. Jesus just wants you to worship Him. It really is that simple. And once you are saved you will want to do good works. They just don't get you to Heaven.

to me jesus souts like a selfish self righouse asshole to me if you dont kiss my dirty ass feet you go to hell.. atleast thast what i geat from this post
I am saved and going straight to Heaven when I die. Word. My "theology" is just fine, thanks. Most born-again Christians do good because they want to. They have new minds/goals/dreams/purposes etc. My "form" of Christianity is opposite of couch potato. We are out in the streets, cities etc getting people saved/witnessed to. As a Christian I am EXACTLY who God created me to be. And that makes liberals furious. I don't pander to God. I absolutely adore Him and would die for Him.

sandy i really hate to pop your bubble you you will have no idea if you are going to get into heaven or not until you die.. maby when you sinned pre born again and or after he wont forgive you so you could be going straight to hell you have no way of knowing
It is not that once you are saved, you will magically want to do good works.

she didn't say magically...

That demonstration of faith is part of being "saved" in the first place.

Demonstration is for mans benefit, not gods..

Your form of Christianity very much appears to be couch potato Christianity.

I could live with that...

You're vain, hateful, self-righteous, greedy, and about as enlightened as an empty matchbook in a toilet.

how long have you known her?

As a Christian, you are exactly what inspires people to stay away from the faith.

gee i thought it was the child molester pastors....

When they see you, and how you behave, and how you regard your fellow human beings, the question that runs through their mind is,

you know what everyone thinks too?

"Why would I ever want to be like that?"

depends on what she is like..

Faith is not simple. It is not simple-minded.

You do not do good because God commands or inspires it.
You do good because it is the right thing to do.

yes it could be argued that even christians have no clue as to what god wants..they are as human as non-christian..IOW we are just as messed up as the rest of humanity..

but with attention on god it increases the chances that we will be in the right place at the right time with the right person, right when god needs us ..

unfortunatly our own humanity tends to get in the way of that alot..forgive us we are only human..no matter how hard we try we will never be like jesus..
but he is the best role model to work with..

That, my dear picture frame model,
lol..cindy crawford isn't it?

If you constantly pander to God in exchange for your ticket to Heaven

if only..

what do you really think it will get you?

the Great debate..

Do you think God does not know what is in your greedy little heart?

of course he does..he can't utilizes us if we all are clones..

Do you think God appreciates your treating Him like an idiot?

god does have a sense of humor..if its a prob for him she will see it..

• • •​

It seems that the wearing of the rosary beads themselves were not a problem. The problem was that Hosier insisted on displaying the beads.

i can believe that..teens are notorious for pushing the rules..

but there is still an issue with the assault on christianity..
Wow, what arrogance. According to your dogma, everyone is judged, but you seem to think you are on some fast track.
??? did i miss something?.. where did she say everyone is judged?
but..i would rather be judged by him than by man.

Seems you don't understand the intricacies of the religion you profess to follow very well, 'Sandy'.

duh..no-one does..our trust is supposed to be in god not man..
Correct. You do not work to get into Heaven. The Bible says a person is to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, repent of their sins, believe that He died/resurrected and they go to Heaven.

thats the clinical version..too much like a script for me to take at face value, took me along time to sort through what it means..

They will want to change after this. They are not the same. They are spiritually reborn. It is the most amazing, awesome experience I ever had when I did it.

hmm..too much here to touch..lets leave it at.. fast start..faster burnout..(she may be joining you later in life M.W.)

The bait is the Word. If someone is hungry/searching they will listen. If not, I leave them alone.
good for you..
God tells me who to deal with.
I don't have/want a husband. Men don't come to me because I make them feel guilty. They come because I am hot.
woman are like nature..the more beautiful.. the more deadly..
and if you even look close to that cindy crawford avatar you could be one of the deadliest..

Maybe I am the bait.
are you a master?
Wow, what arrogance. According to your dogma, everyone is judged, but you seem to think you are on some fast track. Seems you don't understand the intricacies of the religion you profess to follow very well, 'Sandy'.
No fast track; just what His Word says. I understand perfectly well.

sandy i really hate to pop your bubble you you will have no idea if you are going to get into heaven or not until you die.. maby when you sinned pre born again and or after he wont forgive you so you could be going straight to hell you have no way of knowing

I know EXACTLY where I am going when I die. I would bet the farm on it. Jesus died on the cross for ALL my sins. Once I was born again I was a new creation. Justified. Just if I'd never sinned. Word.

and if you even look close to that cindy crawford avatar you could be one of the deadliest..are you a master?
Not Cindy Crawford but I look a lot like my avatar. No, I am not a master. I am just one of His favorite kids. I make Him laugh.
??? did i miss something?.. where did she say everyone is judged?

You did miss something, the bit where I didn't say she said that. It's in the NT, Revelations, God will judge everyone after Armageddon. 'Sandy' said that when she dies she's going straight to heaven. That just isn't the way the process is described. Nobody is in heaven yet, everybody is waiting for judgement day, then their fate will be decided. If 'Sandy' professes to be a christian, and has actually read the bible, she should know this, so saying she'll go straight to heaven means she is either confused, or arrogant.

But come on, let's be sensible for a moment. Anybody who believes that anything depicted in Revelations will literally happen is a whacknut. Same goes for believing in an afterlife. Or God.
Phlog:That just isn't the way the process is described. Nobody is in heaven yet, everybody is waiting for judgement day, then their fate will be decided.

That is wrong.
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Questions of genuine faith

NMSquirrel said:

she didn't say magically...

Nor did she list any cause and effect. Such literalism doesn't serve you well, to be honest. The underlying question is the role of a person's goodness in salvation. Sandy asserts it is a result of salvation. I disagree; I think in order to achieve salvation, one's faith must be genuine, thus—

Demonstration is for mans benefit, not gods..

—God will know when a person is trying to con him.

how long have you known her?

She's been around for three years, and has been consistent in her behavior.

gee i thought it was the child molester pastors

And for some, that might actually bring them to faith.

you know what everyone thinks too?

Obviously not everyone. But in my time, this is one of the consistent notions I've encountered. Though I suppose it's not so straightforward as that. But when I see people laughing at the spectacle, or hear them speak derisively of the rhetoric, I'm pretty sure they're not calculating how to be like the people they disdain and ridicule.

depends on what she is like..

We can only assess the character she presents us, and it's pretty low.

yes it could be argued that even christians have no clue as to what god wants..they are as human as non-christian..IOW we are just as messed up as the rest of humanity..

I wouldn't disagree. But in my lifetime of thirty-seven years, many Christians have demonstrated a propensity for trying to tell the rest of society what to do. Now, that would be fine as far as it goes, since everyone has a certain amount of political will, but this is ridiculous. I mean, if it was still just rock and roll lyrics, I would probably be able to laugh or just ignore the issue. But when it comes to encouraging murder, demanding sociopolitical supremacy, and campaigning against the civil rights of one's neighbors, these folks need to learn to examine their own human frailties. That, for instance, is why the last several years of right-wing evangelicals and politicians falling from grace in sex scandals matters. I don't care that Ted Haggard snorted meth with his male hooker. I don't care that Dr. George Rekers took a rentboy to Europe with him. I can even sympathize with their pathetic attempts to lie their way out of scandal. But they campaigned so hard against the very things they were doing. Ultimately, my sympathies are with all of the people they hurt for no good reason.

And, in the end, they were playing for God's favor.

but with attention on god it increases the chances that we will be in the right place at the right time with the right person, right when god needs us ..

I would disagree. Look at the evil committed and encouraged by people like Pastor Jeff Owens, Pastor Fred Phelps, Pastor Ted Haggard, Reverend George Rekers, and many others. Their attention was on God. They pandered for their salvation. Read through Sandy's record, and note how much she dwells in hatred and judgment. Like so many of her fellow Christians, it is not communion with God she seeks, but a usurpation of His authority. These people demonstrate by their behavior that they are not satisfied with faith, but, rather, crave the authority of judgment and condemnation.

unfortunatly our own humanity tends to get in the way of that alot..forgive us we are only human..no matter how hard we try we will never be like jesus..
but he is the best role model to work with..

To the one, humanity does tend to get in the way of our aspirations. To the other, though, Jesus as a role model is an idyll. It would behoove people to acknowledge the limits of their human condition before they embarrass themselves.

lol..cindy crawford isn't it?

Looks more like a bloated Christie Brinkley.

the Great debate

Does God not know what is in a person's heart? Ah, right. The next point:

of course he does..he can't utilizes us if we all are clones..

Suffice to say, I think salvation in such a context would be a mercy for someone of her apparent disposition, not a reward.

god does have a sense of humor..if its a prob for him she will see it..

Probably. If there is an afterlife, she might find herself rubbing elbows with some of history's worst human monsters. And that could be in Heaven, too.

but there is still an issue with the assault on christianity..

And what issue is that? Surely you're not referring to the failure of the school district to extend the privilege of exemption from the rules on the basis of religion.

And I would be remiss if I didn't—

are you a master?

—offer an appreciative chuckle.
That is wrong.

Oh please, tell me how, it is wrong.

It goes like this, tribulation, AKA Armageddon, all of that trippy shit with beasts, lambs, plagues, and the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. Then everyone gets resurrected to be judged by God, with Jesus at his right hand, and then some go to hell, and some to happy happy joy joy land.

Until then, nobody is in heaven, got it?
I know EXACTLY where I am going when I die. I would bet the farm on it. Jesus died on the cross for ALL my sins. Once I was born again I was a new creation. Justified. Just if I'd never sinned. Word.

who says that he will accept born agains? and sandy NO you dont know unless your god then you dont know, maby there is an unwritten rule that says if your born again you go straight to hell, who knows i know for a fact you dont i know for a fact i dont if there is a god which i have seen more proof of aliens then he is the only one who would know