Teen Suspended For Wearing Rosary Beads To School

Anybody who believes that anything depicted in Revelations will literally happen is a whacknut. Same goes for believing in an afterlife. Or God.
In my opinion anyone who can't see that it's happening right now is blind or ignorant.
Anyone who does not believe in the afterlife/eternity is hopeless and will be sobbing on their deathbed.
Anyone who does not believe in God is missing the greatest part of their life.

who says that he will accept born agains? and sandy NO you dont know unless your god then you dont know, maby there is an unwritten rule that says if your born again you go straight to hell, who knows i know for a fact you dont i know for a fact i dont if there is a god which i have seen more proof of aliens then he is the only one who would know

He does, in His Word, The Bible. I DO know: that's one of the joys of Christianity. I know EXACTLY where I'm going. He told me so in His Word. The rule is not unwritten. It is in Romans.

Back on topic: the ACLJ has taken on the kid's case. They wouldn't if they didn't think they would win. Seculow is brilliant.

In my opinion anyone who can't see that it's happening right now is blind or ignorant.

So, in your daily life, you see lambs breaking seals, the four horsemen, beasts with many heads, plagues, and amidst all that, you have some notion that you count among the 144,000 from the tribes of Israel that are to be saved?

Out-fucking-standing, 'Sandy'! Are you tripping or something?

Anyone who does not believe in the afterlife/eternity is hopeless and will be sobbing on their deathbed.

Nah, I'll be dead on my deathbed, same as you.

Anyone who does not believe in God is missing the greatest part of their life.

No, demetia comes to a lot of people in old age. I can wait.
What a fucking obscene debacle.

She hurt no one, violated no one, didn't intimidate anyone or take what wasn't hers.

And they suspend her for some FUCKING LITTLE ORBS OF PLASTIC??!!

Jeez...so many people have no rational perspective any more. They're just stupid fucking animals. Wait, animals isn't the right term. MY LITTLE HYPERACTIVE CAT is more reasonable than that.
Revelations, God will judge everyone after Armageddon. 'Sandy' said that when she dies she's going straight to heaven. That just isn't the way the process is described. Nobody is in heaven yet, everybody is waiting for judgement day, then their fate will be decided. If 'Sandy' professes to be a christian, and has actually read the bible, she should know this, so saying she'll go straight to heaven means she is either confused, or arrogant.

ok..i remember that..we will be 'asleep' till judgement day..

I would disagree. Look at the evil committed and encouraged by people like Pastor Jeff Owens, Pastor Fred Phelps, Pastor Ted Haggard, Reverend George Rekers, and many others. Their attention was on God. They pandered for their salvation. Read through Sandy's record, and note how much she dwells in hatred and judgment. Like so many of her fellow Christians, it is not communion with God she seeks, but a usurpation of His authority. These people demonstrate by their behavior that they are not satisfied with faith, but, rather, crave the authority of judgment and condemnation.

this just emphasizes my point about christians are not perfect..it gets my goat when ANYONE thinks they are..

I will use Revelations to support my point.
So, in your daily life, you see lambs breaking seals, the four horsemen, beasts with many heads, plagues, and amidst all that, you have some notion that you count among the 144,000 from the tribes of Israel that are to be saved?

really phlo? sounds like you did a 180...

revelations is very image driven written by a madman, to pull out specific literations from it, is just reaching at best..

No, demetia comes to a lot of people in old age. I can wait.

lol..carefull though..god does have a sense of humor..you pry will be perfectly sane with uncontrollable bowels..

In my opinion anyone who can't see that it's happening right now is blind or ignorant.
there are things i see that MAY qualify for this..but in the end it does not matter as we cannot do anything about it anyway...

Anyone who does not believe in the afterlife/eternity is hopeless and will be sobbing on their deathbed.
rhetoric..if your living like there is no god..you better be right..

Anyone who does not believe in God is missing the greatest part of their life.

although i do believe that statement sandy..it seems you are using it as a 'believe in god and your life will be perfect"..nowhere in the bible does it say that..believeing in god does not make your life any more perfect..we are all messed up..IOW we are all sinners..

I know EXACTLY where I'm going. He told me so in His Word.

i think they are picking on your 'when' sandy..is it right after you die or when everyone else dies?
So, in your daily life, you see lambs breaking seals, the four horsemen, beasts with many heads, plagues, and amidst all that, you have some notion that you count among the 144,000 from the tribes of Israel that are to be saved?
Out-fucking-standing, 'Sandy'! Are you tripping or something?
Nah, I'll be dead on my deathbed, same as you.
No, demetia comes to a lot of people in old age. I can wait.

I LOVE how people who know NOTHING about the Bible try to quote/interpret it.:D Read Revelation and then you will see how some of it is already happening.
:D Propaganda that is happening right now.

No it isn't because although their is actual prophecy in the bible relelations isn't a real prophecy though it was written as such. IT was to give early christians something to believe in that staying with the faith would reward them in the face of Roman persicutation. No prophecy has ever come true.
I LOVE how people who know NOTHING about the Bible try to quote/interpret it.:D Read Revelation and then you will see how some of it is already happening.

I asked you if you saw many headed beasts, lambs breaking seals, horsemen, and plagues in your daily life.

You evaded that point, but instead what to substitute anything that is not those, for them, to try and prove a point.


Back to the topic. It's simple. Kid broke the rules, than failed to comply after being challenged. Kid rightfully gets a suspension. There should be no quarter just because the transgression is over a religious symbol. I doubt 'Sandy' would be as forgiving as she wants others to be, if it were a Rastafarian smoking MJ on the school premises.
Raymond should be able to display his beads. But, the problem is that the school has set a strict dress code policy to cool aggression from gang activity. They are erroring on the side of safety, and who can blame them. Many times our rights as citizens are stepped on because someone abuses their rights and then society takes the right away. It happens all the time, so deal with it.

If Raymond truly felt that the beads helped him with his loss, then what was wrong with his pocket, or underneath his shirt. Why did he need to display them? We bear jewelry outside to make a statement, no matter how innocent or trivial the statement is, even it is just because you like the piece of jewelry and want to show it off. If you wear jewelry on the outside it is because you want other people to notice.
Back to the topic. It's simple. Kid broke the rules, than failed to comply after being challenged. Kid rightfully gets a suspension. There should be no quarter just because the transgression is over a religious symbol. I doubt 'Sandy' would be as forgiving as she wants others to be, if it were a Rastafarian smoking MJ on the school premises.

Agreed, you don't get a pass from the rules just because you are grieving. The question here is why did Sandy bring up this topic, or more generally, why do Christians take offense to persecution when they are told in the Bible they will be persecuted. And because they are persecuted, they are more sensitive and read themselves into being persecuted. I thought the point of religion was to become more enlightened. If they really trusted their god, there would be no need for anger or frustration.
I LOVE how people who know NOTHING about the Bible try to quote/interpret it.:D Read Revelation and then you will see how some of it is already happening.

Sandy the bible was written in a form TO BE MISUNDERSTOOD its all about interpritation how do you know yours is right? you will say that yours is i gaurentee it. but its not, its all up to the person reading its interpritation..

and back when the bible was written the word heaven meant a giant city in the sky that every good christian goes to when they die right? wrong. it literally meant sky thats it just up they sky
whats bullshit about it?

Because she was banned for calling a member of congress a traitor. I don't believe that is a violation of the membership agreement. I reviewed the last few pages of her posts and didn't find anything that violated the MA.

I may not agree with what most of what Sandy says, but she does have the right to say it if it is within the rules. Just my $.02

One reason I don't discuss politics or religion here.