Teen Suspended For Wearing Rosary Beads To School

I would surmise that the accusation against Pelosi and others, which Sandy was happy enough to assert but entirely unwilling to support, constituted the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. Or, at least, agitated a nerve or pulled a muscle.

In her time at Sciforums, Sandy has been nothing other than a willfully inflammatory ignoramus willing to spit all manner of venom, but who complains at the slightest impingement against her ego. While indeed there are hairs to split about this particular action, I am unsympathetic, as I believe she should have been permanently banned as a worthless troll ages ago. In recent times I have expressed particularly vociferous outrage against some of my fellows for actions they have undertaken, and much of that frustration stems from the notion that we are worrying about whether the fire squad will track mud on the carpet while overlooking the fact that the house is aflame.
The term "protected species" applies here! :p

Sorry, I couldn't resist the particular dig in light of post #4.

I'm just surprised it has taken this long for her to get that ban, to be honest.. She said and did much worse in the last few weeks that went without censure.:shrug:

jayleew: Exactly what am I telling anyone to believe, John? You are not coming out and saying it, so I'm left to assume.

John: Of course you do, otherwise we would not be having this conversation.

What? John, there is some kind of language barrier it seems, your answer are too vague and brief. I'm sorry I can't connect the dots. I ask, "Exactly what am I telling anyone to believe, John?" And you say, "Of course you do."

We're definitely not on the same page here, please clarify to continue.

jayleew: I never said that you shouldn't believe in God, if that is what you are trying to insinuate. Are you that unsure of your faith that you see my words and think, "This guy says I shouldn't believe in God." If you are that sure of your faith, then it shouldn't matter what I say you should believe. ”

John: What a contradiction, and right in the same paragraph...

Again, what are you talking about? How is what I said a contradiction?

Either you are deflecting, or we don't speak the same language.

John said:
Who tells you that?
Many Christians. Sandy just did it several posts back on this topic, that's why I brought it up.
The rosary is a Catholic thing that I don't observe but suspending the kid is beyond ludicrous.

This, pretty much. Personally, I think schools having any kind of school uniforms and restrictions like this is a slippery slope towards fascism. I experienced school dress codes; I didn't much care for it.
The problem is that what you said has nothing to do with revelations. Revelations only deals with that particular time, obviously you were wrong and i merely wanted to point that out to you.

Oh FFS, Revelations, if taken literally, is a PREDICTION John.

Get a grip, and don't speak to me until you have.
It is my understanding that Revelations, in terms of what we (you) were discussing is really relevant to the actual time in Revelation. I never read the whole thing and only parts of it. Just seemed like that was common knowledge.
I'm no expert either John, but I largely agree with you.
I am happy to be educated on the subject.

My understanding is that it was a prediction, but short term.
The World was predicted to end within the lifetimes of the people hearing it.
Thus, many of the symbols were to do with current people and events.
eg The Romans were portrayed as a harlot.

Trouble is.
They are symbols, and they can be twisted to mean almost anything.
eg, someone, somewhere, will now believe that the harlot represents Vice President Biden.
I won't bother googling it, but is anyone willing to give me 10-1 that I couldn't find some fucknut who does?
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It is my understanding that Revelations, in terms of what we (you) were discussing is really relevant to the actual time in Revelation. I never read the whole thing .

Then SHUT THE FUCK UP until you have.

Mod comment - inappropriate use of profanity. The strong point would have been more effective in a polite tone. Cris.
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My understanding is that it was a prediction, but short term.

Ah, and herein lies the biblical problem. Is it literal, or euphemistic?

If the former, it's madder than a deep sea fish. if the latter, well, buddhist Koans have as much value.

'Sandy' seems to think it's literal, John has no clue, as he's never read the whole thing.

Let's be honest, the whole thing is anachronistic.
Let's be honest, the whole thing is anachronistic.

From one point of view, I suppose.
From another, it is bang up to date.

The themes are eternal.

End of the World.
Punishment for wrongdoing.

If you reframe it as environmental damage, nuclear war, genocide etc, it's not out of date at all.
Captain Kremmen;2551939 If you reframe it as environmental damage said:
If you do that, it ceases to be what it is, and thus it is meaningless.

It's either meant to be literal, or apologetic. Same goes for the rest of the bible. Get why I mentioned koans now?
From one point of view, I suppose.
From another, it is bang up to date.

The themes are eternal.

End of the World.
Punishment for wrongdoing.

If you reframe it as environmental damage, nuclear war, genocide etc, it's not out of date at all.

What do you think of Wormwood?
Originally Posted by Captain Kremmen
End of the World.
Punishment for wrongdoing.

wouldn't that be..

End of World
access to heaven
Sandy was suspended for wearing rosary beads to sciforums.
The term "protected species" applies here! :p
Sorry, I couldn't resist the particular dig in light of...
I'm just surprised it has taken this long for her to get that ban, to be honest.. She said and did much worse in the last few weeks that went without censure.

Proved you wrong again. Protected species don't get banned.:D I thought liberals were all for free speech. Or is it only okay when it agrees with their views? I didn't say or do anything "worse". This place is full of liberal atheists. I am a Conservative Christian. Who starts the personal attacks? Not me. Who mocks other members? Not me. Who harasses other members? Not me. Who wishes/calls for other member's banning? Not me....
Since someone here (Phlogistition) told me to read Revelation i have finished reading it.

Revelation 8:11 mentions Wormwood. I want to know what that means.

Edit: i know what wormwood is. i want to know what that section means.

Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort or common wormwood)

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Since someone here (Phlogistition) told me to read Revelatiion i have finished reading it.

Revelation 8:11 mentions Wormwood. I want to know what that means.

Edit: i know what wormwood is. i want to know what that section means.

Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort or common wormwood)


As a Christian, I was taught that it was meteorite material.



The chapter pretty much describes a wet meteor strike.
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welcome back sandy..


I LOVE that you guys are reading Revelations. You will be amazed how prophetic it is. When written, the Bible was 25% prophetic. Many prophesies have come true/to pass. One of the most obvious is the communication explosion. Then the rebirth of Israel. Nuke war is in the Bible, too. (Zech14:12) Yeah, the Muslim terrorists need to keep fcking with Israel. BIG mistake.:eek: