Teen Suspended For Wearing Rosary Beads To School

So you don't have to work or change at all to get into heaven? It's more like signing up for a subscription to a magazine or spa?

i think its more of a..

we are human..as humans we make mistakes..i call this our humanity..

God is there trying to let us know what to do..

first we have to learn how to hear him (each person learns differant)(seek and ye shall find)

then we have to sort through what god is telling us and what our own humanity is telling us..

i think if we are focused on our worth, this is from our own humanity.
us trying to make ourselves worthy..(we are already worthy in his eyes, we have to just accept it)

no pastor can tell you where you are in this..

so the work or change involves just learning how to hear him..then its just a matter of..

If god tells you to do something and man tells you to do something else,who do you listen to?
So you don't have to work or change at all to get into heaven? It's more like signing up for a subscription to a magazine or spa?
Correct. You do not work to get into Heaven. The Bible says a person is to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, repent of their sins, believe that He died/resurrected and they go to Heaven. They will want to change after this. They are not the same. They are spiritually reborn. It is the most amazing, awesome experience I ever had when I did it.

Yes but what is being used as bait? something they want? or something they don't want?christian is supposed to equal "be like christ" he taught..he did not condemn...unfortunatly. although it works, would your husband love you as much if he came to you because you make him feel guilty?True (capitol T).thats why i am uncomfortable telling someone they are wrong...my mom was catholic..i hated it...to this day i cannot sit in church listening to the message and not fall asleep....(rarely i stay awake..)
The bait is the Word. If someone is hungry/searching they will listen. If not, I leave them alone. God tells me who to deal with. Jesus most certainly did condemn. He was not some peacenik hippie. He cursed a fig tree and it withered immediately. I don't have/want a husband. Men don't come to me because I make them feel guilty. They come because I am hot. Maybe I am the bait. I hear ya about Catholic church. I get bored, too.
sandy said:
The Bible says a person is to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, repent of their sins, believe that He died/resurrected and they go to Heaven.

Fair enough. But after you do that can you still fondle altar boys on the side?
God forbid people actually do good works. Christianity, as portrayed in this thread, is the ultimate Couch Potato religion. Just say the magic words ("I accept Jesus as my personal lord and savior!") and you will go to heaven, and now you can sit there all self-satisfied and self-righteous because there is nothing else you need to do.

Some days, I respect Christianity. Whenever I talk to someone like that is not one of those days.
I'm against the rosary bead boy.
It's a health and safety issue.
Those rosary beads could come off their string, and soon everyone in the school would be rolling around on the ground with broken arms and legs.

At the school I went to, a boy wearing rosary beads would have needed to stay in a cupboard at break times.
They'd have made his life unbearable.


Being a Christian is more than just saying I believe in Jesus Christ.
You also have to vote Republican, own a gun, love hunting, hate Mexicans, and have a healthy bank balance.
Only then are you truly Saved.
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God forbid people actually do good works. Christianity, as portrayed in this thread, is the ultimate Couch Potato religion. Just say the magic words ("I accept Jesus as my personal lord and savior!") and you will go to heaven, and now you can sit there all self-satisfied and self-righteous because there is nothing else you need to do.

Some days, I respect Christianity. Whenever I talk to someone like that is not one of those days.

No one is asking you to respect Christianity. Jesus just wants you to worship Him. It really is that simple. And once you are saved you will want to do good works. They just don't get you to Heaven.
Is Sandy's position on Papists actually that bad. I seem to have forgotten my own scoring system: she's not looking to kill us; if she wants to believe we're going to hell, then...well, whatever.
Nah, there's no war against Christianity....

A NY student, age 13, was suspended for wearing rosary beads to school.

Rules are rules and they apply to everyone, 'christians' included.

You don't like it when Mexicans flout immigration laws, but you want special dispensation for religions?

Try to be fair minded, 'Sandy'.
Rules are rules and they apply to everyone, 'christians' included.

You don't like it when Mexicans flout immigration laws, but you want special dispensation for religions?

Try to be fair minded, 'Sandy'.

"Flout" immigration laws? Criminal aliens steal ID's and SS#'s, trash neighborhoods, steal education/housing/medical & dental care/welfare etc, brought back previously eradicated diseases, have trashed many parts of my country, have killed more innocent Americans DUI than the war, fill our jails, and you are comparing this to wearing rosary beads???:confused:
Nah, there's no war against Christianity....

A NY student, age 13, was suspended for wearing rosary beads to school. Raymond Hosier was sent home for two days over the religious symbol, visible outside his clothing. His school district said students are not allowed to wear beads out of concern they may be gang-related. Hosier said they're comforting since the loss of his brother and uncle.

"I was just mad that they were suspending me for rosary beads and I told them I wasn't in a gang and they must resemble my brother and uncle."


The rosary is a Catholic thing that I don't observe but suspending the kid is beyond ludicrous.
I agree.
It hardly constitutes a war on christians. It might, just might, be harrassment of Christians, if students with other religions are allowed to wear their religious symbols. But otherwise it would not even qualify for that.

But I agree. The kid should be allowed to wear it and suspension is absurd.
Imagine such bans would be introduced to hospitals!

"On your deathbed? Want to chant on your beads? Even just silently? No way, that is against our policy!"
"Flout" immigration laws? Criminal aliens steal ID's and SS#'s, trash neighborhoods, steal education/housing/medical & dental care/welfare etc, brought back previously eradicated diseases, have trashed many parts of my country, have killed more innocent Americans DUI than the war, fill our jails, and you are comparing this to wearing rosary beads???:confused:

I'm saying a rule is a rule. Do you disagree?
Where does that end though? Do you allow full burkhas too? Allow pastafarians to dress like pirates? if not, why not?
generally you find that theistic traditions have a distinction between fully fledged ceremonial dress and the stuff that just gets added on (like say rosary beads)

Sandy said:

And once you are saved you will want to do good works.

And here could have sworn you claimed to be saved.

They just don't get you to Heaven.

Your theology is utterly screwed, Sandy. It is not that once you are saved, you will magically want to do good works. Doing good is part of having faith, part of believing. That demonstration of faith is part of being "saved" in the first place.

Your form of Christianity very much appears to be couch potato Christianity. You're vain, hateful, self-righteous, greedy, and about as enlightened as an empty matchbook in a toilet. As a Christian, you are exactly what inspires people to stay away from the faith. When they see you, and how you behave, and how you regard your fellow human beings, the question that runs through their mind is, "Why would I ever want to be like that?"

Faith is not simple. It is not simple-minded. You do not do good because God commands or inspires it. You do good because it is the right thing to do. That, my dear picture frame model, is the evidence of faith. If you constantly pander to God in exchange for your ticket to Heaven, what do you really think it will get you? Do you think God does not know what is in your greedy little heart? Do you think God appreciates your treating Him like an idiot?

• • •​

As to the topic itself, the problem appears to be that beads in general are used as "an identifier of gangs". Additionally, Paul Nelson reports for The Times Union:

Chantelle Hosier says her son Raymond Jr. -- or "Little Ray" as the family affectionately calls him -- is no angel but he is also no gang banger.

The married mother of six said she was flabbergasted when she received a call Monday from Oneida Middle School informing her that Ray was being sent home for wearing light-colored purple rosary beads attached to a white cross.

Hosier, 40, said the seventh-grader returned to school Tuesday with the rosary and chain around his neck without incident. But he was suspended on Wednesday for violating the district's code of conduct after refusing to keep the beads concealed.

It seems that the wearing of the rosary beads themselves were not a problem. The problem was that Hosier insisted on displaying the beads.

Click the topic link, look at the picture. The kid is wearing two shirts. He easily could have worn the rosary inside one of them.

So it doesn't make sense that this was just about honoring his uncle and brother. This was also about showing off the rosary.

... [District spokeswoman Karen] Corona said Page 13 of the district's code of conduct specifically mentions that a student's dress, grooming and appearance ... shall "not denote, represent or be deemed to be gang related, included but not limited to bandanas, colors, flags or beads." Every parent and guardian receives a copy of the code at the start of the academic year, Corona noted.


Beads are specifically accounted for in the dress code. All the kid had to do was not insist on displaying them. In the end, he was suspended for two days for insubordination.

But, hey, the little rebel got his fifteen minutes of fame, a limo ride, and an appearance on FOX. His mother insists that since rosary beads are not specifically mentioned in the dress code, those beads ought to be specifically exempted from the rules.


Nelson, Paul. "Student keeps rosary in defiance of ban". The Times Union. May 21, 2010. TimesUnion.com. May 24, 2010. http://www.timesunion.com/AspStories/story.asp?storyID=933027

WCBS. "Teen Suspended For Wearing Rosary Beads To School". May 23, 2010. WCBSTV.com. May 24, 2010. http://wcbstv.com/local/rosary.beads.suspension.2.1707928.html
And here could have sworn you claimed to be saved.
Your theology is utterly screwed, Sandy. It is not that once you are saved, you will magically want to do good works. Doing good is part of having faith, part of believing. That demonstration of faith is part of being "saved" in the first place.
Your form of Christianity very much appears to be couch potato Christianity. You're vain, hateful, self-righteous, greedy, and about as enlightened as an empty matchbook in a toilet. As a Christian, you are exactly what inspires people to stay away from the faith. When they see you, and how you behave, and how you regard your fellow human beings, the question that runs through their mind is, "Why would I ever want to be like that?"

Faith is not simple. It is not simple-minded. You do not do good because God commands or inspires it. You do good because it is the right thing to do. That, my dear picture frame model, is the evidence of faith. If you constantly pander to God in exchange for your ticket to Heaven, what do you really think it will get you? Do you think God does not know what is in your greedy little heart? Do you think God appreciates your treating Him like an idiot?

I am saved and going straight to Heaven when I die. Word. My "theology" is just fine, thanks. Most born-again Christians do good because they want to. They have new minds/goals/dreams/purposes etc. My "form" of Christianity is opposite of couch potato. We are out in the streets, cities etc getting people saved/witnessed to. As a Christian I am EXACTLY who God created me to be. And that makes liberals furious. I don't pander to God. I absolutely adore Him and would die for Him.
I am saved and going straight to Heaven when I die. Word.

Wow, what arrogance. According to your dogma, everyone is judged, but you seem to think you are on some fast track.

Seems you don't understand the intricacies of the religion you profess to follow very well, 'Sandy'.