Street Harrassment.!!!

What is the main reason you thank Men behave like they did in the OP video.???

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I didn't say worse but 'more'. Could they cram all 100 comments in? Maybe. I suppose one could write them for a second video for verification.
I would be interested in the exit of silent walk alongside and mr friendly (am I too ugly guy) exit.
I agree that there is such a thing as a positive compliment - but "hey, baby" and "smile" and "hey beautiful" are a bit much, especially if the incidence being reported here is correct over miles and miles and hours. If one wants to meet a girl, buy her a drink in a pub. If one has to toss it at her as she hurries by to have any chance of getting her attention, maybe save it for another day.
And here is where we diverge. I dont think hey babe, hey beautiful are over the top. And honestly I have no idea how often these situations result in a connection being made.

And if one has to walk alongside her for five minutes at a time, pretending you're with her, one should just be, you know, shot. It's harassment. The incidence issue is avoidable but not actionable - since no casual assery can be really punishable; idiot A doesn't know, similarly, that idiot B said the same damn thing to her five minutes back - unless egregious and personal.

I am ok with everything you say above except "its harassment". She didnt tell him she was uncomfortable. And I will guarantee you that non-predators do not imagine themselves in other peoples eyes as a potential threat. Clueless, yes. Criminal? no.

And you have to ask yourself why the producers of this video instructed the actress not to say anything. Is it because if she had told him she was uncomfortable he would have said sorry and moved away deflating their goal/purpose?
Do you think women should be able to file formal charges for this kind of thing? Why or why not?

I would like to see a law that specifically addresses this problem, in a very specific way. I would also like to see that law enforced and violators prosecuted under the full extent of the law. I personally would never do those kinds of things, because that's not me.

But if it isn't against the law, they did nothing wrong. If it is against the law, then the woman should have filed charges!
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Yeah, let's all have a big LOL about harassment of women, joe.
The LOL was not about harassment of women and you know that. The LOL was about you. I never endorsed harassment of any kind of anyone. You’re using another straw man fallacy. The LOL was about your slavish devotion to your biases and the lengths and illogical arguments you go to and use to defend your biases.
You know it wasn't staged.
Do I? How do you know it wasn’t staged? As I stated in my last post, neither you nor I know if the video in question was staged. You just accept the video as gospel without question because it conforms to your biases. Anyone who has the audacity to merely ask the question is subject to your verbal assault. How dare they not blindly accept the video and this struggling young actress’s claims? She represented it to be true, therefore it must be true. I guess you haven't learned, people do lie.
Why can't you stand up for what you actually think? That this kind of harassment of women on the street is acceptable?
I WAS QUITE CLEAR ABOUT MY THOUGHTS. Yes, if the behavior in the video was harassment and it was crude and it was unacceptable. But were the folks who put the video together honest? I suspect it might not be for all the reasons previously stated. But in the end, also as previously stated, neither you nor I know the truth of this affair. You accept what is being represented without question. I have my questions.
And if, not, tell me where you draw the line (see link in my previous post). Or are you going to avoid answering that, too - just like the others who have been excusing harassment?
And yet another straw man fallacy. You know when you have to rely so heavily on fallacy, there just might be a problem with your position.
It's right there in the video. Did you watch it? It's not her telling stories. You can see and hear the guys making the comments. You know they aren't actors.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe those guys were paid? Did it ever occur to you that the struggling actress who starred in the video might be doing it to advance her career – a publicity stunt as I said previously? People earn money for content on YouTube. She and the producers certainly have motives.
It's Look: why would anybody bother faking a video like this? I previously advised you to briefly search the internet for what women have to say about street harassment. Clearly you didn't do it.
Did you not read my previous posts? What don’t you understand about publicity stunts? This video and this struggling actress have never before received so much attention. And attention is everything in the arts.
And as I previously wrote, just because other women have been harassed in the past, it doesn’t mean that this woman was harassed and it doesn’t mean this video is truthful. You are using yet another fallacy.
Are you really going to argue that a video like must be faked in order to get this kind of footage? Do you really think that street harassment of this type doesn't occur? You're not that naive, are you Joe?
You are using another straw man. I never said this video “must be” faked. Nor did I deny harassment occurs on streets. As I have said repeatedly, I questioned the veracity of this video and this struggling actress. And if we are going to be honest, neither you nor I know the answer to that question. But I have my doubts as to the honesty of this actress and those who produced the video.
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that you're right and this video turns out to be 100% faked. All those guys were actors, etc. etc. Would that then prove to you that street harassment of women doesn't occur, Joe?
Except, I didn’t say it was “100% faked” – damn minor detail again! I have said harassment occurs. It occurs on the streets, it occurs everywhere. And it isn’t something that should be condoned. But that doesn’t mean this video and this struggling actress are truthful in their representations with respect to this instance.
Nice "liberals" jibe, Joe. Always good to try to put a political spin on sexism. Well done. Very clever of you.
Except, it isn’t about sexism, it is about people like you who resort to bullying people who are different from yourself, people who have the audacity to not blindly buy into your party line. It happens on both ends of the political spectrum. So don’t feel alone. Our so called conservative brethren are equally guilty.
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Did you not see my response to you on this before?

Yes. You wrote:

milkweed said:
I really dont think you are interested. I do try to avoid discussing me personally in this thread and am choosing that option now.

As to point 1, I am telling you that I'm interested, so you don't have to speculate. As to point 2, the question I have asked you is about your opinion of what is and is not acceptable. If you don't want to express such an opinion, then why are you posting in this thread at all?

There you go: now you have a cop-out excuse.

This is addressed to tali89, milkweed, sculptor, joepistole, Motor Daddy and anybody else who thinks women should put up with a certain level of street harassment.

Here are some unsolicited comments directed by a hypoethical male to a woman on the street (like the one in the video). I challenge you to tell me which of these comments you think are acceptable or unacceptable in the given context?

1. "Good morning."
2. "That's a nice dress you're wearing!"
3. "Hey! Lighten up and smile! You'd look nicer if you smiled."
4. "Hey! Give me a wave, babe!"
5. "You look hot, woman!"
6. "Hey, babe. How about it?"
7. "Hey! I want to you to have my babies!"
8. "Hey honey. How's about you and me getting a room and getting it on?"
9. "Show us your tits!"
10. "Hey, bitch. Are you too stuck up to talk to me?"
11. "OOh. I'd like to take you back to my place and show you what a real man can do."
12. "I know lots of frigid c**ts just like you who won't put out. What you need is a good f**k."
13. "Hey you f**ing whore! How many guys have you had this morning?"

Note: I am not asking you about what is legal, or even may be considered acceptable by "society" in some general sense. I am asking you for your personal opinion on which of these comments is appropriate for a man who is a stranger to direct at a woman walking part in the street.

And, I want to know your reasons.

Except Joepistole hasn't been part of that conversation, nor does he endorse harassment of any kind - Damn minor details again!

You are not being honest James.
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Motor Daddy:

[If the behaviour isn't illegal ] Then the people on the street did nothing wrong.

Did it ever occur to you that morality isn't the same as legality?

I would like to see a law that specifically addresses this problem, in a very specific way. I would also like to see that law enforced and violators prosecuted under the full extent of the law. I personally would never do those kinds of things, because that's not me.

What very specific way of addressing the problem are you thinking of? Be very specific.

But if it isn't against the law, they did nothing wrong.

There you go again.
The anthropological point was "This is how some men behave in regards to women on the street."

.3% 0f the time

lets try a different perspective
if .3% vote republican and 99.7% vote democrat, who wins?

What does this really say about our society/culture/ and species?
What is the percentage of mentally ill?
What is the percentage of mentally challenged?

If you are drawing conclusions from .3% of the sampled population, and extrapolating that onto the whole of the population, you are in error!

This is addressed to tali89, milkweed, sculptor, joepistole, Motor Daddy and anybody else who thinks women should put up with a certain level of street harassment.

Here are some unsolicited comments directed by a hypoethical male to a woman on the street (like the one in the video). I challenge you to tell me which of these comments you think are acceptable or unacceptable in the given context?

1. "Good morning."
2. "That's a nice dress you're wearing!"
3. "Hey! Lighten up and smile! You'd look nicer if you smiled."
4. "Hey! Give me a wave, babe!"
5. "You look hot, woman!"
6. "Hey, babe. How about it?"
7. "Hey! I want to you to have my babies!"
8. "Hey honey. How's about you and me getting a room and getting it on?"
9. "Show us your tits!"
10. "Hey, bitch. Are you too stuck up to talk to me?"
11. "OOh. I'd like to take you back to my place and show you what a real man can do."
12. "I know lots of frigid c**ts just like you who won't put out. What you need is a good f**k."
13. "Hey you f**ing whore! How many guys have you had this morning?"

Note: I am not asking you about what is legal, or even may be considered acceptable by "society" in some general sense. I am asking you for your personal opinion on which of these comments is appropriate for a man who is a stranger to direct at a woman walking part in the street.

And, I want to know your reasons.

#1 I would certainly say Good Morning.
#2 If I was sitting at a bus stop and a girl started flirting with me a little, I might compliment her on her outfit.
#3-10 Not!

Again, that is just me, and I wasn't born and raised in New York City, I'm from Upstate NY! :)
What very specific way of addressing the problem are you thinking of? Be very specific.

I'm not a law maker. When Congress hands out pay raises they vote no for me and yes for themselves. They get paid big bucks to fix problems, and yet nothing gets fixed, except their yacht!. Go figure!

But I would make a law, no catcalling to start, just like the Army. Then I would catch one of them doing it and I would make their life hell!

You're going out of your way to avoid discussing the actual issue here, which is whether street harassment occurs and whether it is acceptable. Why can't you make a definite statement about that?

In the end, it almost doesn't matter if the video was an out-and-out fake with all participants being paid actors. What is important is the message that street harassment is unacceptable.

You seem desperate to paint this video as a fake. Why? Because then you can pretend that such harassment doesn't occur? Because then you can turn a blind eye?

You know what your attitude actually does? It dismisses the concern over street harassment as the rantings of a bunch of "politically-correct liberals", which you apparently despise. You're trying to distract from the actual issue and instead attack the messenger - like it's her fault that street harassment is exposed like this, or perhaps that it occurs at all. And she would put out this kind of video, because she's a liberal, pinko feminist, and we all know they're a bunch of liars who will say anything to advance their careers.

I never endorsed harassment of any kind of anyone.

But you don't consider what the video shows to be harassment. Is that right?

The LOL was about your slavish devotion to your biases and the lengths and illogical arguments you go to and use to defend your biases.

Please list my biases and quote my illogical arguments, carefully explaining why they are illogical.

My argument here is (1) that the video shows street harassment and (2) that street harassment should not be accepted in an inclusive society. What's illogical about that? You can disagree, of course. You can claim that the video doesn't show harassment, and/or you can claim that harassment is acceptable in society. But instead, all I've seen from you is questioning of the legitimacy of the message. Unless, of course, you're trying to argue that the video doesn't show harassment because everyone in the video is a paid actor trying to advance his career. But if that's your argument, then I want you to address point (2). That's the important part. And so's the part where you explain what you consider to be street harassment and what you don't, because it's a cop-out to say "I'm against harassment, but I think that harassment hardly ever occurs, if it occurs at all."

How do you know it wasn’t staged?

Because it would be harder and more expensive to stage it than to simply go out and do it for real. And it would defeat the purpose.

As I stated in my last post, neither you nor I know if the video in question was staged. You just accept the video as gospel without question because it conforms to your biases.

You seem very hung up on my supposed biases. What are they, exactly? And why are they bad? You, of course, have no biases.

I guess you haven't learned, people do lie.

There's no a priori reason to doubt the veracity of this video. If you have any evidence that it was faked, please post it.

Calling into question this woman's truthfulness without any evidence is, in fact, another form of harassment. And this time it's you who is doing the harassing.

Yes, if the behavior in the video was harassment and it was crude and it was unacceptable.

Did you mean to write "if" there? Or are you now confirming that you think the behaviour in the video (as depicted, real or with actors) was representative of harassment, and that such harassment, were it to occur to a real non-actor woman, would be unacceptable?

joepistole said:
James R said:
And if, not, tell me where you draw the line (see link in my previous post). Or are you going to avoid answering that, too - just like the others who have been excusing harassment?
And yet another straw man fallacy. You know when you have to rely so heavily on fallacy, there just might be a problem with your position.

It's a straw man for me to ask you to state your position on what is and isn't harassment?

Can you state your position, or will you keep avoiding?

And why are you avoiding?

And yes, I know how this game is played. In the next post, you'll claim that somewhere you've already stated your position, and that I haven't read your posts with a fine enough tooth comb to extract it, so it's my fault. The fact remains that you seem unable to classify the numbered statements I have provided for you into "acceptable" and "unacceptable". Why is that?

Did it ever occur to you that maybe those guys were paid? Did it ever occur to you that the struggling actress who starred in the video might be doing it to advance her career – a publicity stunt as I said previously? People earn money for content on YouTube. She and the producers certainly have motives.

They already published their motives - right there with the video. They were making the film on behalf of an initiative called "hollerback". You don't have to imagine what their motives might be. Just see what they said.

Why do you feel a desperate need to delegitimise the woman in the video, in particular, joe? So you can ignore her message? So other people will ignore her message? Can't you see that this is another form of harassment?

What don’t you understand about publicity stunts? This video and this struggling actress have never before received so much attention. And attention is everything in the arts.

This video was a publicity stunt. It was a stunt to promote the "hollerback" campaign. The makers of the video were up front about that. But it wasn't an "art" piece, joe. It was supposed to show what happens every day in New York to countless women. It's documentary.

And again you try to denigrate the woman while knowing nothing about her. Why is that, joe?

And as I previously wrote, just because other women have been harassed in the past, it doesn’t mean that this woman was harassed and it doesn’t mean this video is truthful.

So, is street harassment a live issue, or isn't it? Want to venture an opinion? Is it only something that happened in the past? Has it never been a big problem? Is it not a big problem now? Should we not worry about it? What?

joepistole said:
James R said:
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that you're right and this video turns out to be 100% faked. All those guys were actors, etc. etc. Would that then prove to you that street harassment of women doesn't occur, Joe?
Except, I didn’t say it was “100% faked” – damn minor detail again! I have said harassment occurs. It occurs on the streets, it occurs everywhere. And it isn’t something that should be condoned. But that doesn’t mean this video and this struggling actress are truthful in their representations with respect to this instance.

You have no reason at all to question their truthfulness. Your aspersions are based on nothing other than your desire that the video be fake.

joepistole said:
James R said:
Nice "liberals" jibe, Joe. Always good to try to put a political spin on sexism. Well done. Very clever of you.
Except, it isn’t about sexism, it is about people like you who resort to bullying people who are different from yourself, people who have the audacity to not blindly buy into your party line. It happens on both ends of the political spectrum. So don’t feel alone. Our so called conservative brethren are equally guilty.

Oh, poor Joe. Do you feel bullied? Am I harassing you, joe? Well, at least I'm just words on a screen, eh, and not physically invading your space as you walk down the street or something.

What exactly is your issue with "people like me" who speak out against street harassment of woman - or, perhaps more importantly, people like the woman in the video? Does the problem go away when you've conveniently labelled us as people not like you?

Except Joepistole hasn't been part of that conversation, nor does he endorse harassment of any kind - Damn minor details again!

Then joe should have no trouble going down the list and saying what is or isn't acceptable to him.
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Do I? How do you know it wasn’t staged?
because its new york city. the effort to stage such a thing would be a monumental underdtaking.
As I stated in my last post, neither you nor I know if the video in question was staged.
so should we assume everything is staged? sounds exhausting.
You just accept the video as gospel without question because it conforms to your biases. Anyone who has the audacity to merely ask the question is subject to your verbal assault.
um you know like a normal human being its accepted as true because he has no reason not to take them at face value
How dare they not blindly accept the video and this struggling young actress’s claims? She represented it to be true, therefore it must be true.
your really coming across as really crazy.
I guess you haven't learned, people do lie.
true but if your suggesting its fake you must have some reason for believing to be so. to be perfectly honest your really coming across as trying to play stupid and i've always found that to be a deeply flawed strategy. if you play stupid most people will assume your well stupid. also do you not talk to women very much do you? shit like video i see every fucking day it happens deal with it.

You're going out of your way to avoid discussing the actual issue here, which is whether street harassment occurs and whether it is acceptable. Why can't you make a definite statement about that?

In the end, it almost doesn't matter if the video was an out-and-out fake with all participants being paid actors. What is important is the message that street harassment is unacceptable.

You seem desperate to paint this video as a fake. Why? Because then you can pretend that such harassment doesn't occur? Because then you can turn a blind eye?

You know what your attitude actually does? It dismisses the concern over street harassment as the rantings of a bunch of "politically-correct liberals", which you apparently despise. You're trying to distract from the actual issue and instead attack the messenger - like it's her fault that street harassment is exposed like this, or perhaps that it occurs at all. And she would put out this kind of video, because she's a liberal, pinko feminist, and we all know they're a bunch of liars who will say anything to advance their careers.

But you don't consider what the video shows to be harassment. Is that right?

Please list my biases and quote my illogical arguments, carefully explaining why they are illogical.

My argument here is (1) that the video shows street harassment and (2) that street harassment should not be accepted in an inclusive society. What's illogical about that? You can disagree, of course. You can claim that the video doesn't show harassment, and/or you can claim that harassment is acceptable in society. But instead, all I've seen from you is questioning of the legitimacy of the message. Unless, of course, you're trying to argue that the video doesn't show harassment because everyone in the video is a paid actor trying to advance his career. But if that's your argument, then I want you to address point (2). That's the important part. And so's the part where you explain what you consider to be street harassment and what you don't, because it's a cop-out to say "I'm against harassment, but I think that harassment hardly ever occurs, if it occurs at all."

Because it would be harder and more expensive to stage it than to simply go out and do it for real. And it would defeat the purpose.

You seem very hung up on my supposed biases. What are they, exactly? And why are they bad? You, of course, have no biases.

There's no a priori reason to doubt the veracity of this video. If you have any evidence that it was faked, please post it.

Calling into question this woman's truthfulness without any evidence is, in fact, another form of harassment. And this time it's you who is doing the harassing.

Did you mean to write "if" there? Or are you now confirming that you think the behaviour in the video (as depicted, real or with actors) was representative of harassment, and that such harassment, were it to occur to a real non-actor woman, would be unacceptable?

It's a straw man for me to ask you to state your position on what is and isn't harassment?

Can you state your position, or will you keep avoiding?

And why are you avoiding?

And yes, I know how this game is played. In the next post, you'll claim that somewhere you've already stated your position, and that I haven't read your posts with a fine enough tooth comb to extract it, so it's my fault. The fact remains that you seem unable to classify the numbered statements I have provided for you into "acceptable" and "unacceptable". Why is that?

They already published their motives - right there with the video. They were making the film on behalf of an initiative called "hollerback". You don't have to imagine what their motives might be. Just see what they said.

Why do you feel a desperate need to delegitimise the woman in the video, in particular, joe? So you can ignore her message? So other people will ignore her message? Can't you see that this is another form of harassment?

This video was a publicity stunt. It was a stunt to promote the "hollerback" campaign. The makers of the video were up front about that. But it wasn't an "art" piece, joe. It was supposed to show what happens every day in New York to countless women. It's documentary.

And again you try to denigrate the woman while knowing nothing about her. Why is that, joe?

So, is street harassment a live issue, or isn't it? Want to venture an opinion? Is it only something that happened in the past? Has it never been a big problem? Is it not a big problem now? Should we not worry about it? What?

You have no reason at all to question their truthfulness. Your aspersions are based on nothing other than your desire that the video be fake.

Oh, poor Joe. Do you feel bullied? Am I harassing you, joe? Well, at least I'm just words on a screen, eh, and not physically invading your space as you walk down the street or something.

What exactly is your issue with "people like me" who speak out against street harassment of woman - or, perhaps more importantly, people like the woman in the video? Does the problem go away when you've conveniently labelled us as people not like you?

Then joe should have no trouble going down the list and saying what is or isn't acceptable to him.
You are not being honest James.
A Brief Note to Skeptics

It does not evade notice when discussion of an issue transforms into frustrated chatter about anything but the issue. Indeed, you dishonor yourselves, because the functional result of your dismissals of the subject is aid and comfort to the misogynists.

Is everywhere in New York like this? No.

Is every male in New York like this? No.

Now, then, your turn: What does that change about the fact that it happens at all?

Honestly, what would you think if men you didn't know tried to chat you up like that?

So here's the deal: Pick an orifice. Now I'm going to relentlessly try to chat you up, taking offense at your refusal to let me charm you into sticking my body roughly inside yours. Do you understand that even gay men don't have to put up with this shit in the gayest of places?

I mean, do you understand that women get chatted up at funerals? Even for their own late husband?

And you simply cannot reserve chatting up in a vacuum. GOSUB Pick an orifice RETURN

That is to say, we get what you're saying, but what you're saying is a delusion.
You are not being honest James.

Oh, good reply, joepistole. I ask you some probing questions and you run away. Well done again.

Just out of interest, what am I not being honest about? Because, you know, we could talk about the issue, but let's not. Let's distract and talk about my evil motives instead. Eh?
Some points to consider:

An alternative (non-american) perspective:
Note that the model in this video lived in New York for five years and has first hand experience of that harrasment for comparison.

Another alternative (role-reversal) perspective:

I find it hard to believe that we're in the 21st century and we still need to have this discussion.
Oh, good reply, joepistole. I ask you some probing questions and you run away. Well done again.

Just out of interest, what am I not being honest about? Because, you know, we could talk about the issue, but let's not. Let's distract and talk about my evil motives instead. Eh?
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