So they are burning and looting in Baltimore tonight

No. you cited one guy's opinion as fact. Go to your own link* and first thing you read there is:

""More whites than blacks are victims of deadly police shootings." — Michael Medved on Tuesday, August 19th, 2014 in a Web post from the "Michael Medved Show" next to which the "truth meter" gives it a "half true."

* your link was:
A little disingenuous, don't you think? Actually, I cited a Politifact article which analyzed Medved's claim and it found it to be factually correct. Police kill more whites than blacks, almost twice as many.
No. you cited one guy's opinion as fact. Go to your own link* and first thing you read there is:

""More whites than blacks are victims of deadly police shootings." — Michael Medved on Tuesday, August 19th, 2014 in a Web post from the "Michael Medved Show" next to which the "truth meter" gives it a "half true."

* your link was:
LOL, you really have your blinders today or are on drugs or something BillyT. So Politifact is Medved? If you believe that, there is something wrong between your ears BillyT. And there is no Truth-o-Meter in the Poltifact article I referenced. The politifact article I referenced was written by Jon Greenberg and titled, "Talk show host: Police kill more whites than blacks".

And Greenberg provided references to support his analysis. In any case, your unnamed CNN source you heard is clearly wrong.

Another killing in Baltimore. A young black man was shot and killed when he left the steps he was sitting on and rushed the police lines. Police said he was armed , witnesses said he wasn't. Here we go again.

Found it was a false report but the media reported it as it actually happening.
cosmic said:
Found it was a false report but the media reported it as it actually happening.
No, they didn't. You did.

Police kill black men at far higher percentage rates than they kill white men - it's just that there are many fewer black men, so even killing two or three times the percentage of them doesn't bring the absolute total up to equal.

Police in America kill people - all kinds of people - way too often anyway. The numbers for black men are ridiculous.

Of course black people carry aspects of the general racial bigotry of their culture, which is American and heavily Confederate American. That culture is imbued with racial stereotypes disparaging of those with darker skin and (as black people used to call it, maybe still do) "bad hair". So?

This guy, Gray, who was killed by rough handling on the part of the police: as with so many black men his age, he had been lead poisoned as a child - a known factor in poor impulse control, low IQ and school troubles, and violence both inflicted and suffered. He was lead poisoned due to racism, essentially, and then treated badly by agents of authority throughout his brain-damaged life due to racism, essentially, including being persecuted by the police, and finally thrown into the back of a van and killed out of what was racism, essentially, and we all know that. Right?

Black cop, white cop - they don't treat harmless, addled white men like that. They don't draw and brandish their loaded gun when attempting to confront white teenagers for walking in the street. They don't put a half dozen bullets into the back of the white guy running away from a traffic stop.
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LOL, that proves nothing. Small edited video clips doesn't prove your case...oops.
your right video evidence isn't proof. but your unsubstantioned lie that gray was resitting arrest is? actually go if you tamp down your obvious contempt for poor black people you'd see that it proves everything. these are the baltimore police department treating blacks and whites differently during the same protests. your really need to learn to just shut up when it comes to defending cops killing unarmed black people. your seriously proving my point that racism nowadays is subconscience. you reflexively attack anything that proves your evil black kid stereotype wrong. just do your self a favor and shut up. your only making your self worse and worse. your complete inability to rationally and impartionally look at evidence is clear as day. thats not something you want to wave around in the light.

again so video proof of racial based differential treatment isn't proof? we both know if your could lie about the video and make it seem it was black peoples fault you'd defend the video. just because it proves your wrong doesn't mean its false. I always thought you smarter than that. now i see your no different than micheal what makes information good or bad is solely based on if you agree with the message.
your right video evidence isn't proof. but your unsubstantioned lie that gray was resitting arrest is? actually go if you tamp down your obvious contempt for poor black people you'd see that it proves everything. these are the baltimore police department treating blacks and whites differently during the same protests. your really need to learn to just shut up when it comes to defending cops killing unarmed black people. your seriously proving my point that racism nowadays is subconscience. you reflexively attack anything that proves your evil black kid stereotype wrong. just do your self a favor and shut up. your only making your self worse and worse. your complete inability to rationally and impartionally look at evidence is clear as day. thats not something you want to wave around in the light.

LOL, oh, so where did I say Mr. Gray was resisting arrest? It's probably with your claim I shit and masturbate on the bodies of dead black boys. Your assertions only exist in your mind PJ. They don't exist in the real world. You are using straw man and ad hominem arguments among a plethora of other fallacious arguments. Just because you believe your delusions, it doesn't mean they are real. In your world, just getting up in the morning proves your many delusions.

The truth isn't an attack PJ. The truth isn't racism PJ. The truth isn't irrational. I am going to challenge you yet again. Though I doubt you will be able to meet the challenge. You will likely ignore it as you have with my several previous challenges to you. Show me, my words, which explain my stated position on how this incident.

again so video proof of racial based differential treatment isn't proof? we both know if your could lie about the video and make it seem it was black peoples fault you'd defend the video. just because it proves your wrong doesn't mean its false. I always thought you smarter than that. now i see your no different than micheal what makes information good or bad is solely based on if you agree with the message.

You're not making sense.
Police are claiming Freddy's knife was a "spring assisted" knife and thus illegal, even if not a "switch blade" knife. Here is the difference including a final comment that spring assisted knifes ARE legal in ALL 50 STATES. In fact that is why the spring assisted knife was made / is sold.

Even if Freddy had had an illegal switch blade knife it was in his pocket, un-seen. So there was no legal basis for the body search of Freddy - no "probable cause"
Cops can not just search people at random or "racial profile" them as a probably cause for search.
Nor can cops make up laws that do not exist to justify their illegal actions. Freddy's arrest was ILLEGAL police action by three cops.
Cops intentional did procedures, in violation of police rules, so that innocent, falsely arrested, healthy, but black, Freddy quickly died. = 2nd degree murder, at least!

See post 129 and China Daily photo* there to understand, at least slightly, how China is using this and others like it to win friends and gain power in Africa. E. g.
"We Chinese are people of color too. We have never been your colonizing exploiters. See what US cops do to American blacks. We come to build not bomb." said:
... In the late 1950's most states passed laws outlawing the possession of switchblade knives. A Federal statute was passed to make it unlawful to ship switchblades across state lines, unless being shipped to a law enforcement or military agency. Here we will explain the difference between illegal switchblade knives, and legal spring assisted opening knives.

All switchblades have some characteristics in common. They have a spring which exerts constant pressure on the blade. The knife is held in the closed position by the mechanism of the knife. This mechanism is released by depressing the button (which all switchblades have), allowing the stored energy the spring is exerting on the blade to propel the blade from the handle and open the knife.
It is important to remember that the natural position of the switchblade knife is OPEN, it is held closed only by the locking mechanism.
On the other hand, the natural position of the spring assisted opening knife is CLOSED. There is no pressure being exerted upon the blade, and there is no button to push. Spring assisted knives employ the following opening methods:

1) A "Flipper" or lever which is located on the back spine of the knife. This flipper is actually an integral part of the blade which protrudes from the back spine of the knife when it is in the closed position. This is the most common opening mechanism of spring assisted knives.
2). A thumb stud, the same as is found on most all tactical folding knives.

In either case, either flicking the "flipper" or pushing out the thumb stud begins opening the blade, at which point the assisted opening mechanism takes over and finishes opening the blade. Performance wise, there is very little (if any) difference in the opening speed of a switchblade and a spring assisted knife. However, the differences in the way they are made make the spring assisted knives legal in all 50 U.S. states (They are not legal in the 5 boroughs of New York City, but this is because all locking blade knives have been held to be illegal in NYC, not just the spring assisted ones).
It is the police (especially the Baltimore Fraternal Order of Police quickly announcing that police did NOTHING wrong - see post 105) who are "rushing to judgment" without taking time to learn the law, not Marlin Mosby. She knows the law. Her prompt, well founded, action saved Baltimore more damages a quite possibly lives. Thank God, she does not fit indistinguishably into the solid blue line of silence and mutual protection as many prosecutors do.

* Not a white face in the large, dense, angry, back crowd, yet whites were numerous in the demonstrations - could it be that the Chinese know about Photo Shop too?
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"More whites than blacks are victims of deadly police shootings." — Michael Medved on Tuesday, August 19th, 2014 in a Web post from the "Michael Medved Show" next to which the "truth meter" gives it a "half true."
This might very well be true. There are about three times as many Americans of European ancestry than of African ancestry, so even if twice as many white people are killed as blacks, that would still mean that a black American is 50% more likely to be killed by a cop than a white American. If you add to that total all the tens of millions of Americans of other ethnic groups, such as Latinos (our third largest demographic group, who are also often bullied by police), it would increase the ratio even further.
LOL, oh, so where did I say Mr. Gray was resisting arrest?
Mr. Grey did resist. But at the time he was placed into the paddy wagon he appeared to be in good shape.
post 42 as jon stewert so often mentions this is the internet era there is a record of what you say. that you forgot you said doesn't mean you didn't.
It's probably with your claim I shit and masturbate on the bodies of dead black boys.
? it wasn't literal. its figurative.
Your assertions only exist in your mind PJ. They don't exist in the real world.
if only that was the case but its not.again just because you don't like something doesn't make it not true.
You are using straw man and ad hominem arguments among a plethora of other fallacious arguments.
strawman fallacy: when some one creates a false a position to atribute to them and argues against that not their actual point i haven't done that. argumentium ad hominum( arguement against the person): again not the case. just because of i called you out on the untruths you've repeatedly used to defend police brutality doesn't make an ad hominum. for that to be the case i'd have to dismiss your argument because it came from you. like your doing with mine. i've been focused on your premises which have tended to be wrong.
Just because you believe your delusions, it doesn't mean they are real.
i could say the same to you. only difference I've checked the facts, all of them
In your world, just getting up in the morning proves your many delusions.
if your so certain i'm wrong quit repeating your self and attacking me and prove it with facts. with out ignoring anything inconvienent for you

The truth isn't an attack PJ.
funny when you get shown truth you sure seem to act like it is an attack.
The truth isn't racism PJ. The truth isn't irrational.
actually some times it is.
I am going to challenge you yet again. Though I doubt you will be able to meet the challenge. You will likely ignore it as you have with my several previous challenges to you.
how cute you challenge me. i so very impressed you can stand by your bs cause your to afraid to ever be wrong. want to challenge me defend your statements instead of personally attacking those who disagree with you joe. you don't have the right to challenge anybody when you run away from actually defending your statements. defend yours than you can think about issuing demands to others.. you still have refused to answer even the most basic questions the last time you defended the police killing black kids why should i be under any obligation to kotow to your demands when your to afraid to stand up for your own statement. again repeating your self is not defending your statements actually addressing them is. I'm sorry but nah uh isn't a convincing argument and that's all you have.
Show me, my words, which explain my stated position on how this incident.
speaking of not making sense where the rest of this sentence? did you accidently cut it off cause as is it has no meaning.

and please quit acting as if your the final arbiter of whats the truth. so one who refuses to acknowledge facts shouldn't be in that position
Police are claiming Freddy's knife was a "spring assisted" knife and thus illegal, even if not a "switch blade" knife. Here is the difference including a final comment that spring assisted knifes ARE legal in ALL 50 STATES. In fact that is why the spring assisted knife was made / is sold.

Even if Freddy had had an illegal switch blade knife it was in his pocket, un-seen. So there was no legal basis for the body search of Freddy - no "probable cause"
Cops can not just search people at random or "racial profile" them as a probably cause for search.
Nor can cops make up laws that do not exist to justify their illegal actions. Freddy's arrest was ILLEGAL police action by three cops.
Cops intentional did procedures, in violation of police rules, so that innocent, falsely arrested, healthy, but black, Freddy quickly died. = 2nd degree murder, at least!

This is why we have a criminal justice system. The prosecutor has made these allegations, now she will need to prove them in a court of law.
PS: Spring loaded knives (i.e. switchblades) are not legal in all 50 states. And the standard for detention is "reasonable suspicion". I don't know of the cops had reasonable suspicion in Mr. Grey's case. But I am sure it will get worked out, and if it goes to trial, a jury will decide if the cops had reasonable suspicion or not.
This is why we have a criminal justice system. The prosecutor has made these allegations, now she will need to prove them in a court of law.
PS: Spring loaded knives (i.e. switchblades) are not legal in all 50 states.... ...
Yes switchblades knives are illegal in all 50 states. You link is ONLY about them - I.e. knife which has blade constantly under pressure to fly into the open position, but is restrained from doing so by a lock mechanism. I.e. its zero force or equilibrium position is fully open.

Spring assisted knife's blade is not under any pressure to open - Ergo is not a switch blade knife and is legal in all 50 states. Its zero force or equilibrium position is fully CLOSED. After the users applies some opening force then and ONLY then does the spring assist the opening.
... The standard for detention is "reasonable suspicion". I don't know of the cops had reasonable suspicion in Mr. Grey's case.
Sure they did from their point of view and prior experiences: Freddy was a black male, was he not? That is what is wrong thinking of many cops in US.
AND very damaging to the US as I discussed in post 129 - a gift to China's efforts to dominate Africa. said:
China, frequently taken to task by the United States and other Western nations for its own human rights problems, rarely misses an opportunity to hit back, and every year issues its own report about the human rights situation in the United States.

Last month, the ruling Communist Party's official People's Daily said the demonstrations in Baltimore over the death of a 25-year-old black man exposed the fallacy of U.S. claims to being an equal society. "We hope that the U.S. side can abandon its double standards, speak and act cautiously and stop interfering in China's judicial sovereignty and independence in any form."
In post 129 I showed China Daily's photo* below and noted you should see it to understand, at least slightly, how China is using this and others like it to win friends and gain power in Africa. E. g.
"We Chinese are people of color too. We have never been your colonizing exploiters. See what US cops do to American blacks. We come to build not bomb."
Police acting illegally against blacks, killing some, hurts the US globally.
This photo of anger in Baltimore is from today's China daily. It will be shown in Africa etc. by China - you can bet on that.

And in post 169 footnote noted:
* Not a white face in the large, dense, angry, back crowd, yet whites were numerous in the demonstrations - could it be that the Chinese know about Photo Shop too?

Bad, racially biased police, are doing more long-term damage to the US than ISS ever could do.
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Yes switchblades knives are illegal in all 50 states. You link is ONLY about them - I.e. knife which has blade constantly under pressure to fly into the open position, but is restrained from doing so by a lock mechanism. I.e. its zero force or equilibrium position is fully open.

Spring assisted knife's blade is not under any pressure to open - Ergo is not a switch blade knife and is legal in all 50 states. Its zero force or equilibrium position is fully CLOSED. After the users applies some opening force then and ONLY then does the spring assist the opening.
Sure they did from their point of view and prior experiences: Freddy was a black male, was he not? That is what is wrong thinking of many cops in US.
LOL well the Baltimore police disagree with your beliefs about the legality knives. And of course all police are racist pigs in your world. The 60's came to an end a half century ago Billy.

Unfortunately for you Billy, facts and evidence does matter in the real world.
LOL well the Baltimore police disagree with your beliefs about the legality knives. ...
Not my beliefs. Unlike you I give links to experts stating this: "SPRING ASSISTED KNIVES ARE LEGAL IN ALL 50 STATES." My link is a large distributor and seller of spring assisted knives. If he were selling switchblades to the public, he would be in big trouble as just shipping them across state lines to non authorized buyer is a federal crime.

You could prove that your OPINION is fact by citing only one state law making SPRING ASSISTED knives illegal, but until you do, we all know it just your opinion pulled from a dark and smelly place of your body, as many parts of your posts are.
Not my beliefs. Unlike you I give links to experts stating this: "SPRING ASSISTED KNIVES ARE LEGAL IN ALL 50 STATES." My link is a large distributor and seller of spring assisted knives. If he were selling switchblades to the public, he would be in big trouble as just shipping them across state lines to non authorized buyer is a federal crime.

You could prove that your OPINION is fact by citing only one state law making SPRING ASSISTED knives illegal, but until you do, we all know it just your opinion pulled from a dark and smelly place of your body, as many parts of your posts are.
BillyT you have not so charming knack for ignoring evidence in favor of your beliefs. Per my previous reference, switchblade knives are neither universally legal as you had claimed, nor are they universally illegal as you subsequently claimed ("Yes switchblades knives are illegal in all 50 states." BillyT Post 177 & "SPRING ASSISTED KNIVES ARE LEGAL IN ALL 50 STATES", BillyT post 179). Each state has its own rules regarding switchblade knives, and some cities like Baltimore have their own laws with respect to knives. So your original claim that switchblade knives were not illegal in any state was just clearly wrong, just like your claim that 21 or 26 blacks were killed by police for every white person killed by a police officer which you supported with an unnamed source you think you heard on CNN.

Also, per my previous post, the Baltimore police union doesn't share your belief with respect to the legality of the knife they found on Mr. Gray.

"Lawyers for two officers have challenged a key finding of State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby's case: that a knife found on Freddie Gray was legal in Maryland and therefore the officers didn't have a right to arrest Gray. The police investigation found that the knife is illegal under Baltimore city code." CNN

"What type of knife did Gray have?
Court documents say it was a "spring-assisted, one-hand-operated knife." Mosby has said the knife was not a switchblade.

Switchblades are illegal in Maryland, but the law is even stricter in Baltimore.
"Baltimore City has a law that says it's not only illegal to have a switchblade, but it's also illegal to have a spring-action knife," said Andrew Alperstein, a defense attorney.

Again, Mosby has said the knife was legal. So has an attorney for the Gray family, calling the allegation a "sideshow." Gray was carrying a "pocket knife of legal size," according to attorney William Murphy.

But the police investigation found that the knife was illegal under Baltimore city code.
CNN has not been able to independently examine the knife in question." - CNN

PS: Where is this link you claim you posted?
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