So they are burning and looting in Baltimore tonight

I doubt that will help him to feel save as most blacks are killed by other blacks. Currently available evidence is he kill a black man who had done nothing wrong. Some blacks in prison will regard him as an "uncle tom" who sold out the "enemy." Thus doubly deserves to be scared if not hurt.
Well if your cries of racism are to be believed BillyT, this racism you have been complaining about is black on black racism...something yet to be recognized probably because it just is not believable because it lacks evidence.

What we are seeing in Baltimore is police misconduct and not racism. The issue should be how do we fix it? We shouldn't be using this incident to flame the seeds of racism. What people too often forget racism is a two way street. We should be asking why the police force acted they way it did? We should be asking why did this devolve into riots so quickly? The community of Baltimore correctly responded with protests. But the rioting was a step too far. Those are some tough questions. And once we find those answers we need to take corrective measures.

There are some serious issues which need to be addressed. But with Republicans in control of Congress, nothing will happen. Those issues will not be addressed. Demagoguery isn't going to solve our inner city problems.
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A nine-minute and twenty videotape taken by George Holliday turned what would otherwise have been a violent, but soon forgotten, encounter between Los Angeles police and Rodney King into one of the most widely watched and discussed incidents of its kind. All of the blows struck by officers come within the first minute-and-a-half of the video. The Holliday video (from its beginning through King's handcuffing) may be watched by clicking on the rectangle boxes at:

The three officers actively beating King are: Briseno, Wind, & Powell. Koon, the officer in charge of the other three, did nothing but tase King at least once - Was charged also for failing to halt the beating.
Here is descriptive time line of first 1.8 minutes (before it begins, King was pulled from his car and on the ground):
0:00 King begins to get up from his hands and knees.
0:02 King is up and charges in the direction of Powell. (Not clear if this is also towards his car.)
0:03 Powell hits King in the shoulder area with his baton and King falls on his face.
0:04-0:14 Video out of focus. King hit by numerous blows from Powell to various parts of his body--probably including one blow to the head.
0:14-0:17 Video clears. King is on his stomach. No blows are struck.
0:17 Powell has baton raised and appears ready to strike King. Briseno puts his hand in front of Powell.
0:20 King is rising. Powell strikes King in arms and chest.
0:21 Wind strikes King near buttocks.
0:23 After Powell strikes King in upper chest, King topples over and turns.
0:25-0:26 Powell strikes King in arm and shoulder area.
0:27-0:28 Powell strikes King in back while King attempts to rise.
0:30 Powell hits King in left arm as King rises from his knees.
0:31 Wind swings at King as King begins to fall.
0:32 King falls. His face appears to hit asphalt.
0:33 Powell strikes King on knee, while Wind hits King in shoulder.
0:34-0:40 King's head is up. Powell and Wind deliver hard blows to King's back, buttocks, and thighs.
0:41 King rolls to left and cocks right leg.
0:43 After two-second break, officers resume force, striking King's legs.
0:44 King lifts his upper torso.
0:45-0:47 Powell strikes King's ankle while Wind strikes his back.
0:51 King rolls on ground while Koon puts arms in form of cross, showing the position he wants King to assume.
0:54 King, on his back, cocks his left leg.
0:56-0:58 King rolls as Powell strikes his hand.
1:02-1:04 Powell reaches for his handcuffs.
1:04-1:06 King raises his torso. Briseno stomps on Kings shoulder and King's head hits asphalt.
1:08-1:09 Briseno points to King. Powell and Wind strike King's right arm.
1:10 King is on his hands and knees.
1:12-1:13 Wind strikes King's back three times.
1:16 Powell strikes King's left arm.
1:17-1:21 Wind delivers three kicks to King's shoulder and back area.
1:21 Video back in focus. Powell swings at King.
1:25 King is sitting on his calfs. Koon is pointing at King.
1:30 King puts his hands on his head.
1:35 Briseno begins handcuffing King.
1:43 King is put in handcuffs.

Clearly King was "resisting arrest" or at least trying to get up for most of the beating period, but for what crime is not clear, except the crime of being black man, driving a car near where looting had been done. AFAIK, no white drivers were pulled from their cars, knocked to the ground, and beaten by police.


This photo of R. King was taken some years later. At time of beating he was taxi driver. The car he was pulled from, may have been his taxi - not clear from video.

Where is your evidence that the King case was racism? Where is your evidence of massive racism? You have none.
darren wilson you know the thug you defended despite the proponderance of evidence that showed he killed in cold bold. you know the grand jury you defended even though it was conducted in a manner grossly different than 99.9% of all grand juries. you know the guy that belonged to the police department thats destroyed incriminating forensic evidence. evidence and facts matter but just like a couple of others you ignore anything that doesn't agree with all your predetermined beliefs. unlike most of the others you tend to get pissy when called on it. lets face it you have been defending the cops when they kill unarmed blacks and have blamed their victims. the only thing surprising is you haven't repeated the lie that freedie gray severed his own spine. that be in line with your beliefs in the other cases.
Again PJ, the facts clearly indicate you are wrong. The problem for you is you have no evidence to support your assertions - not one. The problem for you PJ is that facts are just not consistent with your beliefs. A grand jury reviewed all the evidence and found no cause to even accuse Officer Wilson of any crime. A federal justice investigation was conducted which exonerated Officer Wilson of any crime. So while you find it easy to slander Officer Wilson and ignore all the evidence, the evidence does matter all the time and not just when it supports your beliefs. That is a lesson I learned decades ago in high school. Unfortunately some folks never learn that lesson. You might be one of those folks PJ.
Where is your evidence that the King case was racism? Where is your evidence of massive racism? ...
I never said "massive racism" - only that no whites were pulled from cars and beaten by the police. What made Rodney King special was George Holliday's video camera. Now technology for that is more common. Serious police abuses are recorded about every month now, but only makes national news when a black dead body is produced.

BTW Rosa Parks, is relevant - Shows that racism / different rules, drinking fountains, bath rooms, etc. was the law - not some racism by the few - US legalized racism for years and it still was common in the 1960s when I was spit upon etc. for walking in pricket line outside white only restaurants. Deep seated predigests die slowly.
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I never said "massive racism" - only that no whites were pulled from cars and beaten by the police. BTW Rosa Parks, is relevant - Shows that racism / different rules, drinking fountains, bath rooms was the law - not some racism by the few - US legalized racism for years and it still was common in the 1960s when I was spit upon etc. or walking in pricket line outside white only restaurants. Deep seated predjects die slowly.
You are shifting positions BillyT. Yes Rosa Parks caused a ground breaking event. But contrary to your assertion, this incident in Baltimore is no Rosa Parks event. The racists practices which caused Rosa Parks to begin a peaceful civil protest ended with The Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended the right to discriminate against people based on race a half century ago.
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You are shifting positions BillyT. Yes Rosa Parks caused a ground breaking event. But contrary to your assertion, this incident in Baltimore is no Rosa Parks event. ....
As you often do, you are putting words in my mouth. I never asserted that this was "turning point." Here I what I said in post 100:

"This may be as historic a turning point for America as when Rosa Parks went to jail instead of the back of the bus as white authority told her too. I hope so, anyway."

And just like in the Rosa Parks case, it will be years before one can look back and see if, or if not, the Freddy Gray and Marilyn Mosby's response / independent investigation based, was a "truning point" in way justice is delivered for Blacks.
Again PJ, the facts clearly indicate you are wrong.
no they don't. you just refuse to accept anything than your own point of view has any validity.
The problem for you is you have no evidence to support your assertions - not one.
says you the guy who made the implied claim that 99.9932% of all grand juries are conducted improperly. the facts actually show that he should have been have been indicted
The problem for you PJ is that facts are just not consistent with your beliefs.
if thats so why are you attacking me and not my points? you in the darren wilson thread repeatedly ignored and lied about the evidence that proved your black killing hero was in the wrong.
A grand jury reviewed all the evidence and found no cause to even accuse Officer Wilson of any crime.
why do you keep mentioning the result of an improperly conducted grand jury as if they prove your point. the grand jury that took place only proves my point. that its sole reason for being was to whitewash what darren wilson did and had no intention of finding enough evidence. to put it simply they tried to make sure the jury wouldn't indict and they didn't. this was repeatedly pointed out to you as was the fact of the matter 99.9932% vote to indict unless its a cop who than a almost never charged.
A federal justice investigation was conducted which exonerated Officer Wilson of any crime.
false all the federal investigation did was say there wasn't the evidence to indict on civil rights violations
So while you find it easy to slander Officer Wilson and ignore all the evidence,
its not slander its what the facts say. what i'm saying is a. true and b not done with intent to defame him also it be libel
the evidence does matter all the time and not just when it supports your beliefs. That is a lesson I learned decades ago in high school.
right which is why you lied about the evidence with darren wilson and you've taken steps to white wash this. the facts matter to me joe thats all that does. maybe eventually that matter to you instead of shitting on another dead black kid.
Unfortunately some folks never learn that lesson. You might be one of those folks PJ.
your attempts to project your own failings onto me won't work. so please quit your whinying and own up to the fact you defend the killing of unarmed kids by the cops. you were wrong to defend darren wilson and you your wrong to defend these animals.
As you often do, you are putting words in my mouth. I never asserted that this was "turning point." Here I what I said in post 100:

"This may be as historic a turning point for America as when Rosa Parks went to jail instead of the back of the bus as white authority told her too. I hope so, anyway."

And just like in the Rosa Parks case, it will be years before one can look back and see if, or if not, the Freddy Gray and Marilyn Mosby's response / independent investigation based, was a "truning point" in way justice is delivered for Blacks.
Yes but I was hoping for an apology for putting words in my mouth - I.e. I never asserted what you claimed I did.

Police acting illegally* against blacks, killing some, hurts the US globally.
This photo of anger in Baltimore is from today's China daily. It will be shown in Africa etc. by China - you can bet on that.

* Freddy Gray had committed no crime. Also his search without any "probable cause" was also illegal.

BTW, for those who don't know, the lady with clinched fist, thumb folded in front, and elbow bent 90 degrees is giving the "black power" salute.
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Yes but I was hoping for an apology for putting words in my mouth - I.e. I never asserted what you claimed I did.

Police acting illegally* against blacks, killing some, hurts the US globally.
This photo of anger in Baltimore is from today's China daily. It will be shown in Africa etc. by China - you can bet on that.

* Freddy Gray had committed no crime. Also his search without any "probable cause" as illegal.

Unfortunately for you BillyT, no one has put words in your mouth. The only one who has put words in your mouth is you.
no they don't. you just refuse to accept anything than your own point of view has any validity.
Says the guy, who refuses to acknowledge the grand jury finding and the Department of Justice findings and who has absolutely NO evidence to support any of his assertions. :)

says you the guy who made the implied claim that 99.9932% of all grand juries are conducted improperly.
Except, I never said that...oops. I challenge you to back your accusation with evidence. But of course, we both know you can't. You never can.

the facts actually show that he should have been have been indicted

Oh, and where is the credible evidence to back that assertion? The grand jury and the Justice Department disagree with your assertion. This has been discussed at length. And you my friend never have any credible evidence to substantiate your claims, in no small part because it doesn't exist. We have been through all this before. I have shown you the Justice Department findings. The grand jury decision is no secret. It has been widely published. And the grand jury, as has been pointed out to you umpteen times, found there wasn't sufficient evidence to even accuse Officer Wilson of any wrong doing. That's why, and contrary to your claims, Officer Wilson wasn't tried.

The unfortunate fact for you is your beliefs are just not consistent with reality.
if thats so why are you attacking me and not my points?
No one is attacking you. Pointing your many errors of fact isn't a personal attack. It is just a fact. On the other hand, you have accused me of racism and a whole host of perversions (e.g. "your masterbating to a murder not being prosecuted only proves my point.", your post #114 You are scapegoating PJ. You are the only one making personal attacks and ignoring the evidence.

you in the darren wilson thread repeatedly ignored and lied about the evidence that proved your black killing hero was in the wrong.

Oh, just what have I ignored? It's easy to do the demagoguery thingy, it is quite another to be honest. What has the Department of Justice ignored? What has the grand jury ignored? Unfortunately for you, the answer is nothing.

why do you keep mentioning the result of an improperly conducted grand jury as if they prove your point.

And where is your evidence to show the grand jury was improperly conducted? It's probably with your other evidence. It doesn't exist. Was the Justice Department investigation improper too? No it wasn't. Just because reality isn't consistent with your beliefs, it doesn't mean reality is fiction.
the grand jury that took place only proves my point. that its sole reason for being was to whitewash what darren wilson did and had no intention of finding enough evidence.
Well that is your belief, but as with everything else with you, you have no credible evidence to support your beliefs. Unfortunately for you in the real world evidence matters.

to put it simply they tried to make sure the jury wouldn't indict and they didn't. this was repeatedly pointed out to you as was the fact of the matter 99.9932% vote to indict unless its a cop who than a almost never charged. false all the federal investigation did was say there wasn't the evidence to indict on civil rights violations its not slander its what the facts say.

Actually, the Justice Department said more than that. The Justice Department explicitly exonerated Officer Wilson. I suggest you go back and read it. In any case, this thread isn't about rehashing the Ferguson discussion. It is quite clear you are impervious to facts and reason and are incapable of rational discussion. And it is slander to knowingly lie about another. And you have lied a lot about Officer Wilson.
what i'm saying is a. true and b not done with intent to defame him also it be libel right which is why you lied about the evidence with darren wilson and you've taken steps to white wash this. the facts matter to me joe thats all that does. maybe eventually that matter to you instead of shitting on another dead black kid. your attempts to project your own failings onto me won't work. so please quit your whinying and own up to the fact you defend the killing of unarmed kids by the cops. you were wrong to defend darren wilson and you your wrong to defend these animals.

If I have lied, then prove it. If I have taken steps to whitewash something, then prove it. Where have I "shit" on a dead black kid? When have I defended the killing of black kids? Where have I done any of the things you accuse me of? You can't prove any of your allegations. Because I have not lied or done any of the things you accuse me of. I have not attempted to whitewash anything. The truth isn't a whitewash PJ, it's simply the truth. As unpleasant as that is for you, it is the truth. Your demagoguery, doesn't impress me PJ.

Fortunately for the world, and unfortunately for you, evidence and reason mean something.
"Criminal charges filed Friday against six Baltimore police officers in the death of Freddie Gray were based on "politics and crowd control," not justice, renowned civil rights lawyer Alan Dershowitz tells Newsmax TV."
neither one of those quailfy as a credible source their both right wing attack sites.
Well if your cries of racism are to be believed BillyT, this racism you have been complaining about is black on black racism...something yet to be recognized probably because it just is not believable because it lacks evidence.
Huh? Black-on-black racism is commonplace. I live in Maryland and am quite familiar with Baltimore and Washington.

Baltimore has an Afro-American ("black") majority and Washington did until a few years ago--with the recent influx of Asian and Latino immigrants it now has no majority but blacks are still the largest demographic. In both cities the municipal government is dominated by black people, as is the police department.

In both cities the white-skinned residents feel safe and protected by their dark-skinned police, while the dark-skinned residents do not.

This is called the Uncle Tom syndrome, named from the slave overseer in Harriet Beecher Stowe's 1852 novel Uncle Tom's Cabin. The point is that the people who rise to the top in a repressed society keep the repression going, in order to win favor with the masters and have more wealth and other freedom than the others of their caste. Uncle Tom whipped slaves who weren't working hard enough to satisfy the "massah," and was rewarded with favors and perquisites.

I don't mean to imply that the lives of black Americans are as bad today as they were before the Civil War. But it's a mistake to assume, since the South lost the war, the Jim Crow laws were abolished, the Dixiecrat Party imploded, Truman and Eisenhower began integrating the halls of government, one Southern President (Lyndon Johnson) launched the civil rights movement, four subsequent Southern Presidents (Carter, Clinton and two Bushes) kept it moving, and a man of hybrid-African ancestry now occupies the White House, that we are now a color-blind society. The mere fact that Obama is universally described as "black" or "African-American" when half of his DNA is in fact European, ought to be enough evidence to support my contention.

Those black-skinned cops, the black-skinned managers in our corporations, our black-skinned teachers and scientists... a great many of them take pains to suck up to their white-skinned superiors. It may help them get a promotion.

Even in Washington or Baltimore, a black cop who gives a black citizen a break on a minor infraction goes home that night wondering if it will slow down his advancement in the department.
Huh? Black-on-black racism is commonplace. I live in Maryland and am quite familiar with Baltimore and Washington.

Baltimore has an Afro-American ("black") majority and Washington did until a few years ago--with the recent influx of Asian and Latino immigrants it now has no majority but blacks are still the largest demographic. In both cities the municipal government is dominated by black people, as is the police department.

In both cities the white-skinned residents feel safe and protected by their dark-skinned police, while the dark-skinned residents do not.

This is called the Uncle Tom syndrome, named from the slave overseer in Harriet Beecher Stowe's 1852 novel Uncle Tom's Cabin. The point is that the people who rise to the top in a repressed society keep the repression going, in order to win favor with the masters and have more wealth and other freedom than the others of their caste. Uncle Tom whipped slaves who weren't working hard enough to satisfy the "massah," and was rewarded with favors and perquisites.

I don't mean to imply that the lives of black Americans are as bad today as they were before the Civil War. But it's a mistake to assume, since the South lost the war, the Jim Crow laws were abolished, the Dixiecrat Party imploded, Truman and Eisenhower began integrating the halls of government, one Southern President (Lyndon Johnson) launched the civil rights movement, four subsequent Southern Presidents (Carter, Clinton and two Bushes) kept it moving, and a man of hybrid-African ancestry now occupies the White House, that we are now a color-blind society. The mere fact that Obama is universally described as "black" or "African-American" when half of his DNA is in fact European, ought to be enough evidence to support my contention.

Those black-skinned cops, the black-skinned managers in our corporations, our black-skinned teachers and scientists... a great many of them take pains to suck up to their white-skinned superiors. It may help them get a promotion.

Even in Washington or Baltimore, a black cop who gives a black citizen a break on a minor infraction goes home that night wondering if it will slow down his advancement in the department.
And you have evidence of this back on black racism? Do you have any evidence black police officers are rewarded for discrimination against blacks?
And you have evidence of this back on black racism? Do you have any evidence black police officers are rewarded for discrimination against blacks?
Your assuming its a conscience thing, now of days racism presents mostly subconsciencely.
Says the guy, who refuses to acknowledge the grand jury finding and the Department of Justice findings and who has absolutely NO evidence to support any of his assertions. :)
more lies. I acknowledge them. for the former i recognize it for what it was which you seem to be incapable of. it did exactly what the prosecuter wanted no indictment. the difference is i see for the sham it was. you lack the ability to do so and defend it ignoring the fact that is was conducted in a manner that differed wildly from the norm. as for the second you misunderstand what it was about.

Except, I never said that...oops. I challenge you to back your accusation with evidence.
that you don't understand what the word implied means isn't my problem.
But of course, we both know you can't. You never can.
I have

Oh, and where is the credible evidence to back that assertion?
credible to whom? Me or you who has gone to the hilt to defend every shady as move done there? the evidence is out there i should it to you in the other thread
The grand jury and the Justice Department disagree with your assertion. This has been discussed at length.
yes it has and you continue to ignore the evidence that proves you wrong. No if you don't mind can you stop continuing the hissy fit you had in the fergason thread and quit derailing this thread because you didn't like my reference to the sham grand jury. I'm done arguing with some incapable of accepting anything that doesn't conform to your beliefs. so please don't reply further. you've decided your ok with making decisions based on fantasies and hate rather than cold hard facts and I'm done with it.
Unfortunately for you BillyT, no one has put words in your mouth. The only one who has put words in your mouth is you.
Now not only no apology, YOU LIE*

Part of post 125:
contrary to your assertion, this incident in Baltimore is no Rosa Parks event.
Here is the HOPE, no assertion, I expressed in post 100:
"This may be as historic a turning point for America as when Rosa Parks went to jail instead of the back of the bus as white authority told her too. I hope so, anyway."
No assertion made by me. Only a hope expressed. YOU put the assertion in my mouth.

* Unfortunately; Both lies and "mouth stuffing" are your standard operational procedures, which I, and others,** have complained about dozens of times.

** For example, just two posts back, post 141, pjdude 1219 begins his reply to you with: "More lies"
Fraggle begins his post 134 with:
"Huh? Black-on-black racism is commonplace. I live in Maryland and am quite familiar with Baltimore and Washington."

A flat out contradiction of you - but not calling you a liar, to be more polite.
(Fraggle lives in Baltimore, as I did for seven years. We have some foundations for our statements - you have none, but that has never detrude you from asserting what the facts in Baltimore are.)
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Now not only no apology, YOU LIE*
Unfortunately for you BillyT the truth isn’t a lie. You have a long habit of writing silly things, imagined conspiracies and then when the absurdity of your post is exposed you call people liars and claim people are stuffing words into your mouth. That is your standard fare.
Unfortunately, for your posts convict you. Here is what you actually wrote (your post #100)
Long over due, but Finally, color blind justice is starting!
Marilyn Mosby, a lawyer by education, whose both parents and several close relatives, were police officers, plus a grandfather cop who was the founder of Boston's Order of Black Police Officers, has put a real blind fold on Lady Justice. - Showing that the wheels of justice can equally turn for all, even if the policed killed dead body has dark skin. - Lady Justice no longer will look at the body to see what type of justice is required.
This may be as historic a turning point for America as when Rosa Parks went to jail instead of the back of the bus as white authority told her too. I hope so, anyway.
I hope and expect that this time, unlike Fergusson or LA where four cops were video recorded beating Rodney King senseless for several minutes, yet later acquitted of any wrong doing, Baltimore may not burn - dozens dead and millions of dollars damage done in the LA riots (of 1992, I think). If Lady Justice does keep her color blind eyes and the facts are as now reported, the van driver who killed Freddy Gray, will go to jail for at least 20 years (30 is max possible for 2nd degree homicide).
If that happens, it will be only a few years, in a jail dominated by black men, before he wishes they had executed after the trial or takes his own life.
Even if no physical harm comes to Goodson in prison, the constant intense fear it might, may drive him insane.
You quite clearly equated the event in Baltimore with Rosa Parks. Just because you are called on the line for writing silly stuff, it doesn’t mean you can legitimately excuse yourself by lying about and scapegoating others. Man up BillyT and hold yourself accountable for the things you write.
Part of post 125:
Here is the HOPE, no assertion, I expressed in post 100:
No assertion made by me. Only a hope expressed. YOU put the assertion in my mouth.
As evidenced by your above quoted post, your “I hope” statement had nothing to do with your equating the Grey tragedy in Baltimore with Rosa Parks.
* Unfortunately; Both lies and "mouth stuffing" are your standard operational procedures, which I, and others,** have complained about dozens of times.
** For example, just two posts back, post 141, pjdude 1219 begins his reply to you with: "More lies"
Fraggle begins his post 134 with:
"Huh? Black-on-black racism is commonplace. I live in Maryland and am quite familiar with Baltimore and Washington."
A flat out contradiction of you - but not calling you a liar, to be more polite.
(Fraggle lives in Baltimore, as I did for seven years. We have some foundations for our statements - you have none, but that has never detrude you from asserting what the facts in Baltimore are.)
Unfortunately for you BillyT, the truth betrays you and your many conspiracies and imaginings. Where Fraggle lives isn’t relevant to his assertion. Fraggle, like you, and like PJ has a belief. I have asked Fraggle and PJ to provide some evidence for their beliefs. There is a difference between a belief and evidence BillyT. Just because people believe something, it doesn't mean the belief is based on evidence and rational thought.

And what PJ and Fraggle believe has nothing to do with the fact, you quite clearly equated the Rosa Parks incident with the Grey incident in Baltimore. As much as you may want to now runaway from your words, that will not change what you very clearly wrote.
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That's evidence of the brutality of the beating but not of the racism. He was asking about the racism.