So they are burning and looting in Baltimore tonight

joe said:
Data which you don’t have, data which after much evasion, you have finally admitted you invented (i.e. for which you do not have a source).
I did not invent any data. I used data - some of which I ended up sourcing for you in a couple of links, not because there was any need in such an obvious matter, but just to watch you keep saying I hadn't - to make a quick calculation of my own (I think that's where you got confused, the calculation part) to support an obvious claim that no one - you or anyone else - has argued against: KKK lynchings were never more than a small percentage of the murders of black men.( I said less than 10% in any given year, which was risky - one can make an argument for as much as 15% in 1892 - but since my argument did not depend on the exact upper bound but only in the general fact, I didn't really care.)

The point was and is that the comparatively small size of the number of police killings of unarmed black men has nothing to do with their role and influence. These are not ordinary murders.
joe said:
You have claimed Mr. Gray suffered from lead poisoning and that alleged poisoning was evidence of police racism. I haven’t seen you provide any definitive evidence of Mr. Gray’s alleged lead poisoning
Your failure to see stuff has been repeated often enough that we all know about it.
And what I said was that Gray's lead poisoning - if you bother to read up on how it happened, typical of how lead poisoning has come to be so much more prevalent among black children than white children - is solid evidence of institutional racism in the City of Baltimore, remaining to this present day. This affects Baltimore law enforcement policy and police behavior now as it has for many generations.
joe said:
Look Why is it some unrelated black "leader's" job to deal with ordinary murders? Isn't that everyone's job? All leaders's job?
You have me scratching my head here. What does that mean exactly and how is that relevant to this discussion?
So you aren't seeing any racism in the poster's complaint that the disproportionate and unjustified police killings of black men is getting attention from "black leaders", while the much more numerous killings of black men by other black men is not? You see no racism in that complaint?
joe said:
“Well here is the thing Bells, how is a police officer defending himself injurious to the community?
You keep repeating this question to various posters, when it has been answered several times for you: when the police defend themselves differently and more violently against black people than they do against white people, this injures the community. When police officers commonly defend themselves violently against minor or even non-existent threats, that injures the community. When police are commonly the instigators of the violence in the altercations in which they find themselves in need of self-defense, that injures the community. When police routinely deal out violence in self defense far in excess of what was necessary to meet the threat, that injures the community.

And all of this apparently applies to the current incidents in Baltimore, Ferguson, Tulsa, New York, et al. We have police defending themselves against black people and entire black neighborhoods more violently than white , instigating more violence in encounters with black people and those in black neighborhoods, perceiving non-existent threats more often when dealing with black people, going overboard with the choke holds and gunfire when defending themselves against black people, and so forth.

That has injured and continues to injure black people and black communities. Racial disparities in law enforcement violence and abuse injure communities, these communities are aware of them, and flash point incidents of bad police behavior with dramatic consequences are to be expected.

Or to review:
joe said:
I believe what happened to Mr. Gray had more to do with class prejudice than race. Because the Baltimore Police Department, as evidenced in this thread, have abused whites as well as blacks and because the officers accused of abusing Mr. Gray were both white and black in equal measure. And the officers accused with the most egregious abuse were black.
And reading that, it's no wonder you can't see any evidence of racism in the Ferguson shooting, and so forth.

The Baltimore police rough up a white guy once in a while (especially in a black neighborhood) and that to you removes racism from the list of their enforcement infelicities? Black police officers abuse black people just like their white fellow officers and their white supervision expect them to, and that means racism is not involved?

So you have basically posted that you don't know how racism works, you don't know what it looks like, and you can't see it when it's thrown in your face. How is that an argument for anything?
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I did not invent any data. I used data - some of which I ended up sourcing for you in a couple of links, not because there was any need in such an obvious matter, but just to watch you keep saying I hadn't - to make a quick calculation of my own (I think that's where you got confused, the calculation part) to support an obvious claim that no one - you or anyone else - has argued against: KKK lynchings were never more than a small percentage of the murders of black men.( I said less than 10% in any given year, which was risky - one can make an argument for as much as 15% in 1892 - but since my argument did not depend on the exact upper bound but only in the general fact, I didn't really care.)

The point was and is that the comparatively small size of the number of police killings of unarmed black men has nothing to do with their role and influence. These are not ordinary murders.
Your failure to see stuff has been repeated often enough that we all know about it. It's a personal problem, and none of my business.
And what I said was that Gray's lead poisoning - if you bother to read up on how it happened, typical of how lead poisoning has come to be so much more prevalent among black children than white children - is solid evidence of institutional racism in the City of Baltimore, remaining to this present day. This affects Baltimore law enforcement policy and police behavior now as it has for many generations.
So you aren't seeing any racism in the poster's complaint that the disproportionate and unjustified police killings of black men is getting attention from "black leaders", while the much more numerous killings of black men by other black men is not? You see no racism in that complaint?
You keep repeating this question to various posters, when it has been answered several times for you: when the police defend themselves differently and more violently against black people than they do against white people, this injures the community. When police officers commonly defend themselves violently against minor or even non-existent threats, that injures the community. When police are commonly the instigators of the violence in the altercations in which they find themselves in need of self-defense, that injures the community. When police routinely deal out violence in self defense far in excess of what was necessary to meet the threat, that injures the community.

And all of this apparently applies to the current incidents in Baltimore, Ferguson, Tulsa, New York, et al. We have police defending themselves against black people and entire black neighborhoods more violently than white , instigating more violence in encounters with black people and those in black neighborhoods, perceiving non-existent threats more often when dealing with black people, going overboard with the choke holds and gunfire when defending themselves against black people, and so forth.

That has injured and continues to injure black people and black communities. Racial disparities in law enforcement violence and abuse injure communities, these communities are aware of them, and flash point incidents of bad police behavior with dramatic consequences are to be expected.

Or to review: And reading that, it's no wonder you can't see any evidence of racism in the Ferguson shooting, and so forth.

The Baltimore police rough up a white guy once in a while (especially in a black neighborhood) and that to you removes racism from the list of their enforcement infelicities? Black police officers abuse black people just like their white fellow officers and their white supervision expect them to, and that means racism is not involved?

So you have basically posted that you don't know how racism works, you don't know what it looks like, and you can't see it when it's thrown in your face.
LOL, thanks for proving my response to Bells. :) You are becoming a boring waste of my time. You don't appear capable of rational discourse. Going forward, if you want me to respond you, you need to step up your game. You need to be honest. You need to recognize facts and have some ability to pursue rational discourse. Things, I have yet to see you do. Otherwise there is simply no reason to waste any more time. And I suggest, though I doubt it will do any good, read what I posted today. What did I say about Ferguson PD?

If you can prove the police officers you accuse of racism, are racist as you asserted, please do. Thus far you have not.
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joe said:
If you can prove the police officers you accuse of racism, are racist as you asserted, please do.
"Prove" something to you? How would you know if I did?

What happened to Freddie Gray - the entire history of his dealings with the police - does not happen to white men like him in white neighborhoods, in Baltimore or anywhere else in the US. You know that, I know that, everyone knows that.

And it was routine - the only reason that last van ride (of how many, in Gray's life?) made any news at all was that Gray died. Like the expertly applied, well-practiced choke hold that killed in New York, or the arrangements made for Wilson among the niggerjoke emailers at Ferguson, it is its own evidence of the culture around it. All you have to do is see it.
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