So they are burning and looting in Baltimore tonight

The thugs just keep on never stops.

"We believe that these officers will be vindicated as they have done nothing wrong," said Michael Davey, a lawyer working for the city's Fraternal Order of Police.

"I have never seen such a hurried rush to file criminal charges," he said, appearing to suggest that prosecutors had been rushed into acting by pressure from a week of street demonstrations."

God bless Michael Davey--and a pox on Baltimore government.

Meanwhile this worthless clown alludes to a second civil war:

All of these events serve to expose the scum for the despicable beings they are.
I lived in Baltimore from from early ’98 to late ’99. One afternoon, biking home from work I stopped in a CVS drugstore to pick up a cheap alarm clock (oddly, I rarely have any kind of timepiece). At some point, whilst perusing the vast array of crappy alarm clocks, I had a seizure. Some time later I came to, seated on the ground with my wrists cuffed behind my back and a fair bit of blood covering my person. Turns out, the security guard was a moonlighting cop. He’d beaten me up and ”subdued” me while I was seizing, and when I came to he was making preparations to have me carted off to Baltimore Central Booking.

Funnily enough, witnesses were all keen to the fact that I was had had a seizure—or some sort of medical event—while this fucking dumbass cop was not. Yeah.

Anyways, I arrive at Central Booking and all these cops approach me, simply aghast, wondering what the hell the likes of me was doing in a place like that. Now, I’m a scrawny white guy and while I may not look overtly like a “criminal”—whatever the hell a criminal looks like—I don’t exactly look the most respectable of sorts either: kind of a post-apocalyptic, Lawrence of Arabia cum Biggles, urban guerilla look I’ve got (had) going, I guess. So… possibly a “criminal” sort in the eyes of the mainstream. But...

...what I surmised all these cops were alarmed by was simply the fact that I was a white guy—and white guys don’t get arrested a whole lot in central Baltimore. Go figure…

Of course, there’s more to this story: I was denied medical attention for the injuries I had sustained, and I was denied my epilepsy medication—which was right inside of my freakin’ bag which they had seized, and which contained all pertinent info (my name, medication name, prescribing doctor, dosing information, etc.)—and I was detained in this hellhole for 18+ hours! So in spite of being white, I wasn’t given any special favors on that count at least.

The Baltimore P.D. is comprised of a bunch of ruthless, brutal, brain-dead thugs.
Photizo said:
Meanwhile this worthless clown alludes to a second civil war:

Which worthless clown? While your source article doesn't seem to have anything about a second Civil War, it is something we've been hearing some talk about from the right wing.

James Dobson, Ted Cruz, Joni Ernst?
I lived in Baltimore from from early ’98 to late ’99. One afternoon, biking home from work I stopped in a CVS drugstore to pick up a cheap alarm clock (oddly, I rarely have any kind of timepiece). At some point, whilst perusing the vast array of crappy alarm clocks, I had a seizure. Some time later I came to, seated on the ground with my wrists cuffed behind my back and a fair bit of blood covering my person. Turns out, the security guard was a moonlighting cop. He’d beaten me up and ”subdued” me while I was seizing, and when I came to he was making preparations to have me carted off to Baltimore Central Booking.

Funnily enough, witnesses were all keen to the fact that I was had had a seizure—or some sort of medical event—while this fucking dumbass cop was not. Yeah.

Anyways, I arrive at Central Booking and all these cops approach me, simply aghast, wondering what the hell the likes of me was doing in a place like that. Now, I’m a scrawny white guy and while I may not look overtly like a “criminal”—whatever the hell a criminal looks like—I don’t exactly look the most respectable of sorts either: kind of a post-apocalyptic, Lawrence of Arabia cum Biggles, urban guerilla look I’ve got (had) going, I guess. So… possibly a “criminal” sort in the eyes of the mainstream. But...

...what I surmised all these cops were alarmed by was simply the fact that I was a white guy—and white guys don’t get arrested a whole lot in central Baltimore. Go figure…

Of course, there’s more to this story: I was denied medical attention for the injuries I had sustained, and I was denied my epilepsy medication—which was right inside of my freakin’ bag which they had seized, and which contained all pertinent info (my name, medication name, prescribing doctor, dosing information, etc.)—and I was detained in this hellhole for 18+ hours! So in spite of being white, I wasn’t given any special favors on that count at least.

The Baltimore P.D. is comprised of a bunch of ruthless, brutal, brain-dead thugs.

Yup, sounds about right for cops. Not surprised in the least. I'm sorry for your experience parmalee. Did you sue them?
Freddy's family makes it clear that they are NOT asking for any convictions - - just same justice a white person would get. Below is the ONLY "rush to judgment." said:
The Baltimore Fraternal Order of Police says all officers involved in Freddie Gray's arrest did nothing wrong and are not responsible for his death.
Old, "knee-jerk habits" die hard, especially in jerks.

In this case the police did wrong more than 8 times -starting with the illegal arrest (No crime done) and illegal search of Freddy, with no "probable cause," that turned up a perfectly legal pocket knife, not a "switch blade" knife.

Then despite his obvious inability to walk, control his legs, etc., no medical exam was requested. Freddy's hands were cuffed behind his back (and legs shackled then or later in the van) and slid, face down, into the van. On six occasions when van was at rest the police, several different ones, saw Freddy was not seat belted in against police department regulation for prisoner transport. On none of these "Freddy inspections" was medical assistance for Freddy sought - even when he was not breathing near the end of the trip.

"Did no wrong" - a blatant, counter factual, knee-jerk comment by police representatives, who should at the least be fired.
They have injured already poor police/ community relations.
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same justice a white person would get


oh, they've got all kinds of 'justice' planned for white people....
Freddy's family makes it clear that they are NOT asking for any convictions - - just same justice a white person would get.

There's a preexisting assumption that you just tossed in - that blacks and whites get a different standard of justice. It may or may not be a true assumption, but it is an assumption. Part of the problem here is that people are treating these events as if they are merely illustrations of highly politicized narratives that were already running in their own heads.

Below is the ONLY "rush to judgment." Old, "knee-jerk habits" die hard, especially in jerks.

You ought to know, Billy.

Weren't you the one gleefully chortling in an earlier post at the idea of police officers being convicted, then killed by black men in prison or at least being driven insane?

"Did no wrong" - a blatant, counter factual, knee-jerk comment by police representatives, who should at the least be fired.

I'm glad that you aren't rushing to judgement, Billy. God only knows what you would say if you did that.
Long over due, but Finally, color blind justice is starting!

Marilyn Mosby, a lawyer by education, whose both parents and several close relatives, were police officers, plus a grandfather cop who was the founder of Boston's Order of Black Police Officers, has put a real blind fold on Lady Justice. - Showing that the wheels of justice can equally turn for all, even if the policed killed dead body has dark skin. - Lady Justice no longer will look at the body to see what type of justice is required.

This may be as historic a turning point for America as when Rosa Parks went to jail instead of the back of the bus as white authority told her too. I hope so, anyway.

I hope and expect that this time, unlike Fergusson or LA where four cops were video recorded beating Rodney King senseless for several minutes, yet later acquitted of any wrong doing, Baltimore may not burn - dozens dead and millions of dollars damage done in the LA riots (of 1992, I think). If Lady Justice does keep her color blind eyes and the facts are as now reported, the van driver who killed Freddy Gray, will go to jail for at least 20 years (30 is max possible for 2nd degree homicide).

If that happens, it will be only a few years, in a jail dominated by black men, before he wishes they had executed after the trial or takes his own life.
Even if no physical harm comes to Goodson in prison, the constant intense fear it might, may drive him insane.
Except you have no evidence skin color was a factor here, none. Nor do you have evidence of racism for the Rodney King case or for the Ferguson case. Three of the six cops in the Baltimore case are black. So why would black cops be prejudiced against blacks?

Based on the information which has been released thus far, the Baltimore Police Department and its police officers have some culpability and liability here. Now the question is, will State's Attorney Mosby blow it? Thus far, I am not impressed. She may rue her political rhetoric with respect to this case when it comes back to her from defense attorneys in the courtroom. Justice shouldn't be a political football. If State's Attorney Mosby fails to prove her accusations in a courtroom, it won't be because of racism. It will be because she wasn't competent.

PS: This has nothing to do with Rosa Parks.
as we found out with darren wilson's trial indicting them is meaningless if they plan on having a show trial designed to produce an aquital.
Except Darren Wilson didn't have a trial...oops. Because an analysis of the evidence by a grand jury found the evidence didn't' warrant charging Officer Darren Wilson with any wrong doing.
Long over due, but Finally, color blind justice is starting!

Hmm. Where have you been? Do you have any evidence the black cops who have been arrested in this case are prejudiced against their own race? There is an old adage that goes like this, just because you have a hammer, it doesn't mean every problem is hammer. Something similar applies here. Not every criminal case against a black person is racist.

In this case, based upon what has been released thus far, I'd say the officers responsible for the transport of Mr. Grey are criminally culpable for the injuries sustained by Mr. Grey while he was in their care. Having worked in the inner city, it is quite common for arrested individuals to claim the need for medical attention and fake illnesses for a host of reasons, including as a get out of jail free card.

Marilyn Mosby, a lawyer by education, whose both parents and several close relatives, were police officers, plus a grandfather cop who was the founder of Boston's Order of Black Police Officers, has put a real blind fold on Lady Justice. - Showing that the wheels of justice can equally turn for all, even if the policed killed dead body has dark skin. - Lady Justice no longer will look at the body to see what type of justice is required.

And do you have proof that prior to the sainted Mosby, lady justice was not blind? Of course you don't. There is a reason why lady justice is blind. Sometimes she doesn't deliver the politically correct verdict, nor should she.

This may be as historic a turning point for America as when Rosa Parks went to jail instead of the back of the bus as white authority told her too. I hope so, anyway.

I hope and expect that this time, unlike Fergusson or LA where four cops were video recorded beating Rodney King senseless for several minutes, yet later acquitted of any wrong doing, Baltimore may not burn - dozens dead and millions of dollars damage done in the LA riots (of 1992, I think). If Lady Justice does keep her color blind eyes and the facts are as now reported, the van driver who killed Freddy Gray, will go to jail for at least 20 years (30 is max possible for 2nd degree homicide).

If that happens, it will be only a few years, in a jail dominated by black men, before he wishes they had executed after the trial or takes his own life.
Even if no physical harm comes to Goodson in prison, the constant intense fear it might, may drive him insane.

Officer Goodson is a black police officer.
Except Darren Wilson didn't have a trial...oops. Because an analysis of the evidence by a grand jury found the evidence didn't' warrant charging Officer Darren Wilson with any wrong doing.
your masterbating to a murder not being prosecuted only proves my point. an indictment is irrelevant the prosecuters and blind fools in love with authority figures will defend them no matter what. wilson got away with murder because the prosecuter refused to do his damn job and we may have the same sort here. another prosecuter with deep conections to the police. you may be estatic for another dog and pony show i'd prefer jsutice to be done and not have to hear you repeat blatent lies and misrepresentation.
your masterbating to a murder not being prosecuted only proves my point. an indictment is irrelevant the prosecuters and blind fools in love with authority figures will defend them no matter what. wilson got away with murder because the prosecuter refused to do his damn job and we may have the same sort here. another prosecuter with deep conections to the police. you may be estatic for another dog and pony show i'd prefer jsutice to be done and not have to hear you repeat blatent lies and misrepresentation.
Your personal attacks doesn't change the fact that a grand jury and a federal investigation failed to find evidence of wrong doing on the part of Officer Darin Wilson - one of "dem" many unpleasant facts which keep getting in the way of your beliefs. Unfortunately for you, PJ, you have no evidence to support your beliefs. As we have discussed before, the federal investigation absolved Officer Wilson. Just because your beliefs are not consistent with fact, evidence and reason. It doesn't mean they don't exist.
are your really that out of touch with reality? yes yes you are. I'm suprised your not defending these bastards like you did with all the killer cops.
Oh, like what other "killer cops"? Unfortunately for you PJ, evidence and reason matter.
... Officer Goodson is a black police officer.
I doubt that will help him to feel save as most blacks are killed by other blacks. Currently available evidence is he kill a black man who had done nothing wrong. Some blacks in prison will regard him as an "uncle tom" who sold out the "enemy." Thus doubly deserves to be scared if not hurt.
Oh, like what other "killer cops"? Unfortunately for you PJ, evidence and reason matter.
darren wilson you know the thug you defended despite the proponderance of evidence that showed he killed in cold bold. you know the grand jury you defended even though it was conducted in a manner grossly different than 99.9% of all grand juries. you know the guy that belonged to the police department thats destroyed incriminating forensic evidence. evidence and facts matter but just like a couple of others you ignore anything that doesn't agree with all your predetermined beliefs. unlike most of the others you tend to get pissy when called on it. lets face it you have been defending the cops when they kill unarmed blacks and have blamed their victims. the only thing surprising is you haven't repeated the lie that freedie gray severed his own spine. that be in line with your beliefs in the other cases.
Except you have no evidence skin color was a factor here, none. Nor do you have evidence of racism for the Rodney King case ...
A nine-minute and twenty videotape taken by George Holliday turned what would otherwise have been a violent, but soon forgotten, encounter between Los Angeles police and Rodney King into one of the most widely watched and discussed incidents of its kind. All of the blows struck by officers come within the first minute-and-a-half of the video. The Holliday video (from its beginning through King's handcuffing) may be watched by clicking on the rectangle boxes at:

The three officers actively beating King are: Briseno, Wind, & Powell. Koon, the officer in charge of the other three, did nothing but tase King at least once - Was charged also for failing to halt the beating.
Here is descriptive time line of first 1.8 minutes (before it begins, King was pulled from his car and on the ground):
0:00 King begins to get up from his hands and knees.
0:02 King is up and charges in the direction of Powell. (Not clear if this is also towards his car.)
0:03 Powell hits King in the shoulder area with his baton and King falls on his face.
0:04-0:14 Video out of focus. King hit by numerous blows from Powell to various parts of his body--probably including one blow to the head.
0:14-0:17 Video clears. King is on his stomach. No blows are struck.
0:17 Powell has baton raised and appears ready to strike King. Briseno puts his hand in front of Powell.
0:20 King is rising. Powell strikes King in arms and chest.
0:21 Wind strikes King near buttocks.
0:23 After Powell strikes King in upper chest, King topples over and turns.
0:25-0:26 Powell strikes King in arm and shoulder area.
0:27-0:28 Powell strikes King in back while King attempts to rise.
0:30 Powell hits King in left arm as King rises from his knees.
0:31 Wind swings at King as King begins to fall.
0:32 King falls. His face appears to hit asphalt.
0:33 Powell strikes King on knee, while Wind hits King in shoulder.
0:34-0:40 King's head is up. Powell and Wind deliver hard blows to King's back, buttocks, and thighs.
0:41 King rolls to left and cocks right leg.
0:43 After two-second break, officers resume force, striking King's legs.
0:44 King lifts his upper torso.
0:45-0:47 Powell strikes King's ankle while Wind strikes his back.
0:51 King rolls on ground while Koon puts arms in form of cross, showing the position he wants King to assume.
0:54 King, on his back, cocks his left leg.
0:56-0:58 King rolls as Powell strikes his hand.
1:02-1:04 Powell reaches for his handcuffs.
1:04-1:06 King raises his torso. Briseno stomps on Kings shoulder and King's head hits asphalt.
1:08-1:09 Briseno points to King. Powell and Wind strike King's right arm.
1:10 King is on his hands and knees.
1:12-1:13 Wind strikes King's back three times.
1:16 Powell strikes King's left arm.
1:17-1:21 Wind delivers three kicks to King's shoulder and back area.
1:21 Video back in focus. Powell swings at King.
1:25 King is sitting on his calfs. Koon is pointing at King.
1:30 King puts his hands on his head.
1:35 Briseno begins handcuffing King.
1:43 King is put in handcuffs.

Clearly King was "resisting arrest" or at least trying to get up for most of the beating period, but for what crime is not clear, except the crime of being black man, driving a car near where looting had been done. AFAIK, no white drivers were pulled from their cars, knocked to the ground, and beaten by police. said:
Born in Sacramento, California, on April 2, 1965, Rodney King was caught by the Los Angeles police after a high-speed chase on March 3, 1991. The officers pulled him out of the car and beat him brutally, while amateur cameraman George Holliday caught it all on videotape. The four L.A.P.D. officers involved were indicted on charges of assault with a deadly weapon and excessive use of force by a police officer. However, after a three-month trial, a predominantly white jury acquitted the officers, inflaming citizens and sparking the violent 1992 Los Angeles riots. Two decades after the riots, King told CNN that he had forgiven the officers. King was found dead in his swimming pool on June 17, 2012, in Rialto, California, at the age of 47.

This photo of R. King was taken some years later. At time of beating he was taxi driver. The car he was pulled from, may have been his taxi - not clear from video.
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