Sin in Heaven


Just to note, I was being somewhat facetious in my argument. Not wholly, but somewhat.

Ala Nietzsche, I'd argue that love is fundamentally deceitful in as much as it changes one's perception of the beloved, often in favour of a fantasy, or of an idealized view. We often love what we want to see, rather than what we see.
unless of course it is through relationships of love that we arrive at our most essential designations of existence
for instance a man may be a factory owner, an atheist and a football player ... yet first and foremost he is the father of his daughter and the husband of his wife.
Theistic issues of relationship simply take it a step further by (re)introducing one's personal connection to god

I can agree that purgation seems to hold an appropriately esteemed position amongst those practices that one must undertake to manifest holiness, but I'd argue also that even in a situation of purity, the nature of love is to distort by virtue of its value. One must value in order to love. Placing value on something divorces one from objectivity of it. Therefore, it is in some sense, deceitful. To view through the glasses of love is to look through rose tinted glasses.
In the same vein as Nietzsche


Existential despair does not always see through clean lenses
Sri Sri Kalyana Kalpana Kalpa-taru is a scriptural commentary, not a person

Get back to us when you have something purposeful to add to the discussion
thanks in advance

Herewith something purposeful as requested. Scriptures and commentators thereon are a legacy of the past, pre-Enlightenment to be precise. All this talk of spiritual realms, non-physical entities and so on is unadulterated bunkum.

That goes for your talk of a personal relationship with god ! Mankind has thousands of years in which to demonstrate the objective reality of any kind of deity and has failed to do so. Today, all we get is the same old stuff regurgitated by the deluded. There really is nothing of value to be said on the subject. When you have some hard evidence as opposed to mantras and wishful thinking, get back to us. I won't hold my breath.
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Herewith something purposeful as requested. Scriptures and commentators thereon are a legacy of the past, pre-Enlightenment to be precise. All this talk of spiritual realms, non-physical entities and so on is unadulterated bunkum.
thanks for your opinion

unless of course it is through relationships of love that we arrive at our most essential designations of existence
for instance a man may be a factory owner, an atheist and a football player ... yet first and foremost he is the father of his daughter and the husband of his wife.
Theistic issues of relationship simply take it a step further by (re)introducing one's personal connection to god

The swamp of ecstasy a mystic is emersed in seems to be not unlike a rapturous love for an individual. One gets the sense of distortion based on the power of that love, which would again seem to make love "fundamentally deceitful".
Also, that was a funny New Yorker-esque comic. I think Sartre would have been far better than Kafka, though.
Sinning is what distract you from God. When sin is no more tempting you, then, you are in heaven, no needs in heaven. Its called nirvana somewhere...
Thats my take on sin and heaven in religions.
Sinning is what distract you from God. When sin is no more tempting you, then, you are in heaven, no needs in heaven. Its called nirvana somewhere...
Thats my take on sin and heaven in religions.

What do you regard as sin and why ?
When sin is no more tempting you, then, you are in heaven, no needs in heaven. Its called nirvana somewhere...
Thats my take on sin and heaven in religions.

I don't sin, at all, ever. Hence this is heaven. Hmm...

The swamp of ecstasy a mystic is emersed in seems to be not unlike a rapturous love for an individual. One gets the sense of distortion based on the power of that love, which would again seem to make love "fundamentally deceitful".
what is it that you think is being distorted precisely?

what is it that you think is being distorted precisely?

The actual nature of the beloved.

All value makes that which is valued appear subjectively greater. Love is a powerful evaluator, as it is bundled up with feelings of ecstasy, which many become, for lack of a better term, addicted to. Indeed, pure, tremendous, substantial love, is almost indistinguishable from heroin or other opiates at its height. As such, one is met with a deceit which sober minds are not as victimized.

The actual nature of the beloved.

All value makes that which is valued appear subjectively greater. Love is a powerful evaluator, as it is bundled up with feelings of ecstasy, which many become, for lack of a better term, addicted to. Indeed, pure, tremendous, substantial love, is almost indistinguishable from heroin or other opiates at its height. As such, one is met with a deceit which sober minds are not as victimized.
supposing a person works in a factory, who do you suppose knows them better?
their co-workers or their wife?
I think the general idea of heaven is that you are provided with a thesaurus listing all alternative ways of praising god as he sits on his throne and you grovel and tell him how wonderful he is. Sound's great, I can't wait to go there.

Haha, you and me both. Imagine, an eternity of wallowing in never ending love and groveling. Singing hyms and being all perfect and angelic. AHHHH! If there is a heaven ( and we don't get to have sex) there better at least be booze or chocolate. :rolleyes:
What do you regard as sin and why ?

-Me ? I´m just a sinner...
-For me its sin to eat more than you need for example. I guess the whole
western lifestyle is sinful as long its for anti life i.e. destroying the planet.

I don't sin, at all, ever. Hence this is heaven. Hmm...

-Good for you ;)

Haha, you and me both. Imagine, an eternity of wallowing in never ending love and groveling. Singing hyms and being all perfect and angelic. AHHHH! If there is a heaven ( and we don't get to have sex) there better at least be booze or chocolate. :rolleyes:

-What is sinful in sex ? Humping just for fun without caring about the consequences could be sinful, you know, not wanted babies, diseases and so on, its all about control, does your impulses control you or do you control your impulses...
I think your perception of heaven is quite naive,
singing hymns and stuff, lol, sounds like your concept of heaven is
coming from an outside source, like from those boring automatic state-religion priests...well in otherhand it was a part of the question, the theist heaven,
as many heavens as there is theists...
-Me ? I´m just a sinner...
-For me its sin to eat more than you need for example. I guess the whole
western lifestyle is sinful as long its for anti life i.e. destroying the planet.

-Good for you ;)

-What is sinful in sex ? Humping just for fun without caring about the consequences could be sinful, you know, not wanted babies, diseases and so on, its all about control, does your impulses control you or do you control your impulses...
I think your perception of heaven is quite naive,
singing hymns and stuff, lol, sounds like your concept of heaven is
coming from an outside source, like from those boring automatic state-religion priests...well in otherhand it was a part of the question, the theist heaven,
as many heavens as there is theists...

I don't think there is anything sinful in should read all the posts before you make comments on what you assume others believe. I don't think there is a heaven such as where you sing hyms and live in everlasting love blah, blah, blah. So no, my perception of heaven is not naive. I was being sarcastic. And no, I have no affiliation with automatic state-priests either, but thanks for thinking so :rolleyes: And I don't think the consequences of sex are sinful...sin is a religious term that I don't relate myself with. If we are talking abut personal morals or ethics or even common sense...then yes, there are consequences to permiscuous, uneducated sex, but that, to me, is still not sin. It's ignorance or lack of access to education about sexual health. But thanks anyway for the input, next time I see my friends the boring, state-priests, religious fanatics I'll give them a big hello! Right. God Bless and all that. :rolleyes:
Haha, you and me both. Imagine, an eternity of wallowing in never ending love and groveling. Singing hyms and being all perfect and angelic. AHHHH! If there is a heaven ( and we don't get to have sex) there better at least be booze or chocolate. :rolleyes:

There may just be booze, if you are lucky...water into wineand all that ! The alternative is to be drunk with the love of Big Daddy.
I don't think there is anything sinful in sex...

-Sarcastic of course, I may have missed some posts, often after 1st page its off the topic anyway and getting old... :D But hey, now I know what you think about sex&sin beyond being sarcastic ;) All is good. My bad.

supposing a person works in a factory, who do you suppose knows them better?
their co-workers or their wife?

Their wives, by virtue of spending more time with them and the nature of the relationship (one on one v. relatively uncommon).

However, I would argue that something like say............Two police partners, may well know eachother far more than their wives do.

War buddies tend to know eachother very well.
There may just be booze, if you are lucky...water into wineand all that ! The alternative is to be drunk with the love of Big Daddy.

I would have to think that if there was booze in heaven then sex would end up being inevitable ;) I think that if you're already in heaven, then nothing is a sin...I mean geez you already got through the pearly gates, why not party on? Can you be evicted from heaven? :D
-Sarcastic of course, I may have missed some posts, often after 1st page its off the topic anyway and getting old... :D But hey, now I know what you think about sex&sin beyond being sarcastic ;) All is good. My bad.

No harm done :D