Sin in Heaven


1. God is love.

2. The the source of love is the heart.

3. The heart is deceitful above all things.

4. Therefore, God is deceitful.

1. To be deceitful is not to be perfect.

2. God is perfect.

3. Therefore, God cannot be deceitful.

4. Love is deceitful.

5. Therefore, God cannot be love.
Men and women worship each other for all eternity and they never get tired of it. They never get tired of telling how much they love each other. So why should we get tired of worshipping "god", which is the same thing, because god is love.

They get very tired. That's why a change is as good as a rest !

Sin is the Greatest !
When we go to heaven we become united with God which means that the male and female in us unite and we don't need love anymore because we ARE love. But heaven doesn't last forever because nothing lasts forever... not even nothing apparently.

Don't count on seeing me there !
I can't believe it, I actually agree with you.

Great. I intend touring Kansas later in the year and proclaiming the joy of sin.
Would you like to join me and carry a banner ?

My message is simple. I remind people of the story of the Prodigal Son in the Holy Bible. He sinned and ended up making his virtuous brother envious. The moral of the story is that God loves a sinner who repents, more than someone who never sinned.

So, I want y'all to git yer sinnin done now; tomorrow may be too late. Sin now, repent later !

My book ,The Joy of Sin, is available at all fine bookstores in your neighbourhood now.
Great. I intend touring Kansas later in the year and proclaiming the joy of sin.
Would you like to join me and carry a banner ?

My message is simple. I remind people of the story of the Prodigal Son in the Holy Bible. He sinned and ended up making his virtuous brother envious. The moral of the story is that God loves a sinner who repents, more than someone who never sinned.

So, I want y'all to git yer sinnin done now; tomorrow may be too late. Sin now, repent later !

My book ,The Joy of Sin, is available at all fine bookstores in your neighbourhood now.

will there be hookers and hooch?
you know, i don't mean to be a buzz kill, and i know you're just trying to be funny myles, but the consequences of sin aren't really all that fun. sickness, suffering of all sorts and ultimately death...that's no fun. i mean, when you think about oppression, starvation of children, abuse, neglect, hatred, prejudice, war...are these things the consequence of a good time? sometimes i think people confuse man-made morality with god's defined sins.
you know, i don't mean to be a buzz kill, and i know you're just trying to be funny myles, but the consequences of sin aren't really all that fun. sickness, suffering of all sorts and ultimately death...that's no fun. i mean, when you think about oppression, starvation of children, abuse, neglect, hatred, prejudice, war...are these things the consequence of a good time? sometimes i think people confuse man-made morality with god's defined sins.

I'm not confused. I'm sex mad, can't get enough. Otherwise I am harmless, not involved in abuse, neglect and so on. I only sleep with girls who enjoy sinnin' as much as I do. Where's the harm ?
I'm not confused. I'm sex mad, can't get enough. Otherwise I am harmless, not involved in abuse, neglect and so on. I only sleep with girls who enjoy sinnin' as much as I do. Where's the harm ?

having sex isn't a sin. liking sex isn't a sin. :shrug:
having sex isn't a sin. :shrug:

According to the Bible it is a sin if you aren't married or having an affair

1 Corinthians 6:9
Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites
I don't think love is deceitful. Love is a true source of happiness. Love is a selfless mind. Attachment, desire, craving and grasping however, lie to you. It takes a sharp mind to distinguish the between them.
According to the Bible it is a sin if you aren't married or having an affair

1 Corinthians 6:9
Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites

Well, as I don't believe the Bible, that's ok.
I don't think love is deceitful. Love is a true source of happiness. Love is a selfless mind. Attachment, desire, craving and grasping however, lie to you. It takes a sharp mind to distinguish the between them.

Do you read many romance novels ?
I'm not confused. I'm sex mad, can't get enough. Otherwise I am harmless, not involved in abuse, neglect and so on. I only sleep with girls who enjoy sinnin' as much as I do. Where's the harm ?
M*W: Hey, Myles! I wanted to add my two cents to your post, well, because I have Lori on IGNORE. What she doesn't understand is that the original meaning of "sin" was "darkness or nighttime." It had absolutely nada to do with misbehaving. I know I don't have to tell you this, but the night was a scary time for ancient humans. After all, the sun grew their crops, and that was a good thing. At night, they couldn't see the world around them, and they were scared. To aleviate the scariness, they began worshipping the objects of the night sky.

Per your statement, there is no is done to do harm. Sex was one of the good things about being human, and it had no connotation with evil. Of course, those wonderful guys from the Patriarchy made it evil, and voila, they also gave us the bible where sex with a female was her fault for tempting man, and her fault for the downfall of the human race (BTW, it didn't happen).

I really feel that sex is one of the good things that humans (and every other living creature in the universe) partakes of. Let's face it, we really can't live without it. It's way up there on the hierarchy of human needs. People who deny their sexuality are liars and perverts... yes, perverts. It's perverted to deny one's sexuality, since that's where all artistry and emotion comes from. I really feel sorry for christians who believe that crap.

M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote (FAQ) of the Day:

"Sex is as important to people as is air, water and food. It's just more fun to survive with love of sex." ~ Author unknown

M*W's Anti-Bitterness Comments (ABCs) of the Day:

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." ~ Confucius 550-478 BC, Chinese Philosopher