Sin in Heaven


Their wives, by virtue of spending more time with them and the nature of the relationship (one on one v. relatively uncommon).
actually in this day and age it is more arguable that he would spend more time with his work mates
its not so much a matter of time but quality time
(I guess you could further the argument that in this day and age there is not much of that between partners anyway .... but you get my drift)

However, I would argue that something like say............Two police partners, may well know eachother far more than their wives do.

War buddies tend to know eachother very well.
and that is the precise element of quality time
namely sticking through in bad times as well as the good
(and that also perhaps indicates why there is not much quality time in relationships, ie walking out the door is so damn easy)

and as a further point, the ability to stick it out through thick and thin is an essential quality of love
so basically it boils down to
love = ability to see through good/bad times = ability to know a person = most essential aspect of a person
love = deceit
really only comes into being when (for whatever reason) the relationship cannot be maintained or stabilized
God knows all. Not a little bird shits but he knows about it.

In general, people dislike know-alls so why make god an exception ? That is a question that has puzzled theelogians for centuries. Answers on the back of a postcard to Vatican City.
God knows all. Not a little bird shits but he knows about it.

In general, people dislike know-alls so why make god an exception ? That is a question that has puzzled theelogians for centuries. Answers on the back of a postcard to Vatican City.
I think the issue has only been puzzling atheists
unlike our common experience of know-it-alls in this world, god doesn't have parallel issues of arrogance
I take it you don't know it because you are not?

You are right; I am not. But I'm awaitin delivery of a copy of the sutras of Pantanjali, in the leather-bound edition, and then I shall have my feet under the celestial table.

He that speaks, knows not
He that doesn't speak would have us believe he knows when he doesn't.
He that knows is deluded
He that doesn't know is the only honest one in the bunch.

Sri Gupta Mahahead Biryaniy, no pickle please.
You are right; I am not. But I'm awaitin delivery of a copy of the sutras of Pantanjali, in the leather-bound edition, and then I shall have my feet under the celestial table.

He that speaks, knows not
He that doesn't speak would have us believe he knows when he doesn't.
He that knows is deluded
He that doesn't know is the only honest one in the bunch.

Sri Gupta Mahahead Biryaniy, no pickle please.
BG 7.1 The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Now hear, O son of Prtha, how by practicing yoga in full consciousness of Me, with mind attached to Me, you can know Me in full, free from doubt.

looks like you are reading the wrong book (but the pantanjali sutras might be a humble beginning for you)
BG 7.1 The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Now hear, O son of Prtha, how by practicing yoga in full consciousness of Me, with mind attached to Me, you can know Me in full, free from doubt.

looks like you are reading the wrong book (but the pantanjali sutras might be a humble beginning for you)

I take it he was locked up with no prospect of parole.

God is a spirit; he hasn't got a head.

actually in this day and age it is more arguable that he would spend more time with his work mates
its not so much a matter of time but quality time
(I guess you could further the argument that in this day and age there is not much of that between partners anyway .... but you get my drift)

Yes, I catch your drift fine.

and as a further point, the ability to stick it out through thick and thin is an essential quality of love
so basically it boils down to
love = ability to see through good/bad times = ability to know a person = most essential aspect of a person
love = deceit
really only comes into being when (for whatever reason) the relationship cannot be maintained or stabilized

Ah, but you are bypassing the nature of value in this situation.

Tell me, two men walk by a pile of gold, ripe for the taking. In one man's culture, gold is highly valued. In another, it is just metal. How will the two men respond? And what does it say about the essential nature of gold?

Yes, I catch your drift fine.

Ah, but you are bypassing the nature of value in this situation.

Tell me, two men walk by a pile of gold, ripe for the taking. In one man's culture, gold is highly valued. In another, it is just metal. How will the two men respond? And what does it say about the essential nature of gold?

its relative of course

my question to you is what is the relative issue of this

love = ability to see through good/bad times = ability to know a person = most essential aspect of a person

even though the applications of love might be relative, the issues of it are essential

love = ability to see through good/bad times = ability to know a person = most essential aspect of a person

I agree that strong love endures. However, I am not certain that it knows "deeply" without a certain smokey haze of valuation over it. It certainly knows deeply, but with clouded lens.
but in general, which one do you think has the most intimate or essential knowledge of him?

His Wife, hopefully.
Though there may be things that he reveals to his workmates that he hides from his wife and family. Some of these things may be intimate or essential details about his life. If so, it points to a poor marital/family relationship.
What are you getting at?
His Wife, hopefully.
Though there may be things that he reveals to his workmates that he hides from his wife and family. Some of these things may be intimate or essential details about his life. If so, it points to a poor marital/family relationship.
What are you getting at?
the issues of the essential aspect of a person have the opportunity to be displayed only through the medium of love, even if it is the camaraderie of workmates.
So to say that love =deceit doesn't seem to be quite right

what is it that specifically gets clouded?

The nature of the beloved. When we value something, we claim it is great.

To go back to the gold analogue, the man who loves gold will view the pile of gold as an amazing find. He will cherish that find and thank God for the luck of becoming a wealthy man. Meanwhile, the man from the culture which devalues gold and has no use for it would not even give it a second glance.

The nature of the beloved. When we value something, we claim it is great.
and what is the truth?
that actually we are not great?
Isn't that also a value?

To go back to the gold analogue, the man who loves gold will view the pile of gold as an amazing find. He will cherish that find and thank God for the luck of becoming a wealthy man. Meanwhile, the man from the culture which devalues gold and has no use for it would not even give it a second glance.
however both of them can indicate something as possessing value and that would be identical - for instance the man who sees gold can explain it is wonderful because now he can purchase all his necessities in life and not have to worry - perhaps the other man might think that best situation for having no worries would be living in a grass hut in the jungle - regardless of issues of application, the value of being free from worries (or whatever value you attribute to the possession of god) is readily communicated outside of relative issues of culture etc