Sin in Heaven

Do you read many romance novels ?
M*W: Romance novels are for those who aren't getting any. People who have good sexual appetites and indulge don't need to read romance novels. For example, I have never read a romance novel, and I probably never will.

M*W: Romance novels are for those who aren't getting any. People who have good sexual appetites and indulge don't need to read romance novels. For example, I have never read a romance novel, and I probably never will.'re a passionate woman, are you?

Mmm. You're getting more desirable by the second, mein liebe.
M*W: Romance novels are for those who aren't getting any. People who have good sexual appetites and indulge don't need to read romance novels. For example, I have never read a romance novel, and I probably never will.

Thanks for your interesting remarks. Do you know of Mills and Boon novels ? They are what we call bodice rippers, mildly erotic novels to be read with one hand by deprived ladies.
According to the Bible it is a sin if you aren't married or having an affair

1 Corinthians 6:9
Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites

yeah well, marriage IS for fuckin'...what else? :confused:
So Myles, this is kind of a rhetorical question as I could give a rats ass what the answer is but, would you say that your philosphies, behavior, and habits regarding sex values it, or devalues it ultimately? I've pondered this question a lot in terms of my own behavior.
So Myles, this is kind of a rhetorical question as I could give a rats ass what the answer is but, would you say that your philosphies, behavior, and habits regarding sex values it, or devalues it ultimately? I've pondered this question a lot in terms of my own behavior.

I value it and believe it is to be enjoyed as long as no one else is hurt in the process. All religions seem to have hang-ups about sex ,which are used to control the faithful. Think about it ! They would have us believe that one of our strongest drives is sinful. What a control mechanism !

This whole question of having us believe we are born in sin and so on is so utterly ridiculous that it astonishes me that anyone believes it.
All religions seem to have hang-ups about sex ,which are used to control the faithful. Think about it ! They would have us believe that one of our strongest drives is sinful. What a control mechanism !

This whole question of having us believe we are born in sin and so on is so utterly ridiculous that it astonishes me that anyone believes it.

Well said!
I value it and believe it is to be enjoyed as long as no one else is hurt in the process. All religions seem to have hang-ups about sex ,which are used to control the faithful. Think about it ! They would have us believe that one of our strongest drives is sinful. What a control mechanism !

This whole question of having us believe we are born in sin and so on is so utterly ridiculous that it astonishes me that anyone believes it.

really? i think it's blatently obvious and demonstrated by our hang ups about sex and a bazillion other things. it is so obvious to me that there's something terribly wrong with us...systemically and inherently. how can you not see it?
And only Christians could be happy in heaven while billions were being tortured in hell justifying their cruelty through God.
Paulism, the Doctrines that presuppose that Sinners are allowed wholesale into heaven, was eventually confronted by the Theologians of Catholicism who were not entirely idiotic -- Certainly it must be Impossible for Heaven to have Sin... God cannot be contaminated and still be God.

So we have Purgatory. Sinners are Saved... long enough to ship their funky asses to Purgatory, a great deal like Hell, where their suffering and atonements will eventually purify them to a state where they will not corrupt Heaven.

I have heard of Seers saying that Purgatory has the Light that burns. Those who are Pure see only Light, but those with any density or grossness in their Spirit feel the Light as HEAT. They burst into FLAME, and when the flame goes out, the grossness is gone.
Heaven always did seem sort of boring to me. From my perspective as a human who is currently alive and has never died, heaven doesn't really seem like all that exciting of a place it just seems like a better alternative to hell, but I can imagine a paradise that I would enjoy more than both heaven and hell.

Heaven is as boring a coma is to comatose person. Meaning it's not.. ;)