Should we take Ray Comfort Serious? If no, what not?

You accept Darwinian evolution. Right?
What was the evidence that made you accept it as a fact?

I'll take a stab at that. For me, it was first understanding the theory and working evolution through my mind, how species can change over long periods of time, then seeing the fossil record, reading up on viruses and microbiology and observing birds my whole life.
I'll take a stab at that. For me, it was first understanding the theory and working evolution through my mind, how species can change over long periods of time, then seeing the fossil record, reading up on viruses and microbiology and observing birds my whole life.
That’s why I term it a belief.
There is no evidence to account for a millions of people to accept it as fact.
Ray Comfort asks people why they believe in the theory of evolution, and they cannot answer with anything convincing. Why is that?
And the difference between Jesus spiritual beliefs and Jesus religious beliefs are what exactly? Don't you get your information about Jesus from the Bible?
Yes all my Jesus beleifs come from the Bible.!!!
But unlike religious people who have to foller certan doctrines/rituals... my Spirituality allows me to seek knowledge whare ever i might find it... which gives me the freedom to pick the beleifs that ring true to my hart an reject any beleifs that i choose.!!!
Yes all my Jesus beleifs come from the Bible.!!!
But unlike religious people who have to foller certan doctrines/rituals... my Spirituality allows me to seek knowledge whare ever i might find it... which gives me the freedom to pick the beleifs that ring true to my hart an reject any beleifs that i choose.!!!
I think that is a good point.
You told me why you accept it.
But you didn’t cite any evidence, that justifies mass acceptance.

Yes I did Jan. Fossils, microbiology and my own observations. How many times must I repeat myself?
Yes all my Jesus beleifs come from the Bible.!!!

Then, that is religion and you have religious beliefs.

But unlike religious people who have to foller certan doctrines/rituals...

Religion is not just about following doctrines and rituals.

my Spirituality allows me to seek knowledge whare ever i might find it... which gives me the freedom to pick the beleifs that ring true to my hart an reject any beleifs that i choose.!!!

So, aside from the Bible, from what other sources do you get your beliefs?
That’s why I term it a belief.
There is no evidence to account for a millions of people to accept it as fact.

Yes, there is Jan. And, the fact you keep saying there is no evidence only makes you look the complete fool.

Ray Comfort asks people why they believe in the theory of evolution, and they cannot answer with anything convincing. Why is that?

Yes, they can answer, Jan. The fact you and Ray are not convinced does not mean their answers are not convincing, it simply means both you and Ray have no concept of evolution.

Again, it's like me asking you questions about turbo-fan jet engines, you can't just fake the answers and you will probably have no clue what I'm talking about when I explain it to you.
Yes, there is Jan. And, the fact you keep saying there is no evidence only makes you look the complete fool.
I would be a fool if you could produce it, but I didn’t accept it. But you or anyone has yet to come up with the goods.
Yes, they can answer, Jan.
Ray are not convinced does not mean their answers are not convincing, it simply means both you and Ray have no concept of evolution.
If it is a fact, I shouldn’t have to know too much about it. It should be apparent.
“Evolution” is apparent.
I don’t need to know much about that.
I would be a fool if you could produce it, but I didn’t accept it. But you or anyone has yet to come up with the goods.

I never asked for anyone to produce the evidence for me, I went out and found it for myself. The goods are there, you're just too lazy to learn.

Good for you, Jan. That should give you much more confidence to remain ignorant of evolution. Bravo!
I never asked for anyone to produce the evidence for me, I went out and found it for myself.
Good for you.
But its quite possible there are millions of people who believe in this theory, who believe it is a scientific fact, who base their belief on what people like you affirm.
Yet you can’t produce anything.
Good for you, Jan. That should give you much more confidence to remain ignorant of evolution. Bravo!
I’m not ignorant of evolution.
I accept it. I can see the evidence for it.
So why would I deny darwinism, if the facts are there?
It can’t be anything to do with my belief in God, because the “Catholic Church”, and a whole host of religious people believe it.
Good for you.
But its quite possible there are millions of people who believe in this theory, who believe it is a scientific fact, who base their belief on what people like you affirm.
Yet you can’t produce anything.

Why would I need to produce anything, it's all there for the asking. You make no sense, Jan.

I’m not ignorant of evolution.

Totally and unequivocally, you are. You have already made that a fact.

I accept it. I can see the evidence for it.
So why would I deny darwinism, if the facts are there?

More proof positive you have no idea what you're talking about.

It can’t be anything to do with my belief in God

Then, what is the reason you deny evolution? Of course, you actually need to address the theory with your denials, not just saying so.[/quote]
Do you accept it?
If so why?

I believe it is a most reasonable theory and I am inclined to accept it as the best explaination , certainly I place it way ahead of any scripture.

Scripture has it that God created all life and suggests to me that from the theists approach evolution can only be a non event.
That approach can only leave us with a proposition that in that moment where God created life he created, humans, dinosaurs, whales, that seems to defy common sense for a start...particularly if one accepts that only a small percentage of all species that have existed exist now and that something like 99% are now extinct.
We must consider that extinction is the rule and evolution is the exception to that rule...and going the God route it does not even add must ask..what is this God best it can only hint that he had to scrap most of his creations suggesting a flawed creation and not what we could expect of a God.
The God way does not make sense via any approach if you think it through...and there is the problem as theists clearly do not think things thru...they read Exodus and say.. well there it is God did this and that but never stop to ask ..who wrote this? Who is this witness to creation? They can never work out there could be no witness and that the story is made up...who wrote "In the beginning...etc" is it not reasonable to demand the qualifications of this witness to far away was this witness from the action?
The only way you can work creation into the picture of various species is to have God creating stuff at different points in history but of course that is not what is the God approach fails without ever presenting the notion of evolution.
So what do you fill this void of knowledge with once you are compelled to throw out the good book as useful for basic information..I am talking about folk who chose to think rather than accept a myth as fact because it is in the good book...Well the theory of evolution seems reasonable once you have taken time to read what it says...small changes over time that sees after a long time an animal much different to it's ancestors...I could not point to any particular point in all I have read upon the subject as being that thing that sums it up or convinced me in particular ... The material does not condense to a single sentence as may be demanded by the simplistic thinking that old Ray employs..heck I expect in a university course is not something dealt with in a 20 minute lecture. I could expect a year or two would be mandatory...Theists are generally simplistic and so their comments on stuff like big bang is "you can't make something out of nothing, I win, and I didn't have to even read a wiki entry"...and their simplistic evolution rejection, of course made without the burden of reading a wiki Link..."I don't come from a monkey or show me a crockaduck..." Appallingly stupid and totally uninformed. I rant about big bang theory but have been reading about it for twenty years or more and recognise that I am hopelessly uninformed ...yet a theist will read nothing upon BBT or The Theory of Evolution and pronounce both ignorant they don't know how ignorant they are in the least...they are only accustomed to claiming as authority a text written by folk who did not know where the Sun went at night or of the existence of germs...such a non contest ...and as Q said you can tell immediately they have absolutely no idea whatsoever what they are talking about...I don't mean they are arguing finer points they just have no can say "common ancestor" and they think you mean grandpa I idea at all.
But how can you think when you are raised to accept stuff because it's in this book..when thinking is regarded as offensive...when questions as to why are met with.."it's all part of God's plan" . .. Jan I think about things..everything I read I question and certainly I have had questions as I read about BBT or The Theory of Evolution and can not give you the simplistic answer folk like you have been programmed to seek..
I note that now on two occassions you have not replied to my question re Darwinism v Evolution.

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Why would I need to produce anything, it's all there for the asking. You make no sense, Jan.
Then watch the latest video I sent you.
Maybe it will make more sense.
Totally and unequivocally, you are. You have already made that a fact.
No I’m not.
More proof positive you have no idea what you're talking about.
You’re basically saying because I don’t accept your belief, I have zero knowledge of the subject.
Yet college students, studying physics, biology, etc, who don’t have real clue as to why they believe in it, have knowledge of the subject.
Do see why I label you as religious?
Then, what is the reason you deny evolution?
I don’t deny evolution. I accept it as a fact.
I just don’t see the evidence for Darwinian evolution. It is also the same with millions of other people. Why is that?
Then, that is religion and you have religious beliefs.
Due to you'r ignorance of my Spirituality we will have to agree to disagree... cause the fact is... my path to Spirituality is unique to me.!!!

Religion is not just about following doctrines and rituals.
I have belonged to diferent religions... but when i discarded the doctrines an rituals i found Spirituality which has set me free to truly know Jesus.!!!

So, aside from the Bible, from what other sources do you get your beliefs?

My Spiritual beleifs come from my total freedom to choose my ever evolvin path.!!!

My church accepts anyone who chooses to join... no mater what ther curent beleifs are.!!!