Should we take Ray Comfort Serious? If no, what not?

Jan here is a link to Rays store where he sells stuff.

There are some tempting items..lots of God stuff... I notice he references himself as the banana man...once if someone called someone a banana man it met he was "bent" meaning he was crooked. Thank goodness that has passed so Ray can do his banana thing without being labelled bent.
Ray is a nice chap ex NZ and he has a following, overheads etc. and he seems to have an intelligent business plan ...working a big market..
Religion USA...gets and seeks plenty of exposure, as you must do in sales...just like the video it all helps get people into the shop...yes a good businesman.

I think so too, and I appreciate that about you, even though you don’t agree with him.
It shows you have character.
I find him very likeable and he probably has similar views to me but clearly with his sales business he has to push the God story...and even if he actually believes it doesn't worry me...I looked up his net worth...between $100,000.and one million which is not much really so assuming he isn't hiding cash that is not a large amount indicative that he is probably honest...he is around my age but still working which is a shame..
I find him very likeable and he probably has similar views to me but clearly with his sales business he has to push the God story...and even if he actually believes it doesn't worry me...I looked up his net worth...between $100,000.and one million which is not much really so assuming he isn't hiding cash that is not a large amount indicative that he is probably honest...he is around my age but still working which is a shame..
I bet he doesn’t see it as work (labour).
I bet he doesn’t see it as work (labour).

How much do you wish to bet and will you offer me odds?

I guess you think that he would think he is doing God's work ( an spell checker now corrects my little god to you think that is a sign?)..maybe he does think that..heck God can do anything you could think he would do his own work...
Anyways it is a shame that at his age he can't retire...he ought to go back to NZ as he would probably get the old age pension and enjoy life.
But whatever.

First off, do you think it is appropriate to make a comparison that preachers are like firefighters, Jan?
Why is he?

Because he lies and profits from Jesus. Do you think it is acceptable to lie and profit from Jesus? In Ray's own words...

"Someone might argue, "If my falsehood enhances God's truthfulness and so increases his glory, why am I still condemned as a sinner?" Why not say — as we are being slanderously reported as saying and as some claim that we say — "Let us do evil that good may result?" Their condemnation is deserved."

Ray is seriously fucked up.
It quite strange (to me) that you have never read Dawkins. Is there any particular reason for that, or have never gotten round to it??
There are thousands of books I have never read. Why would I read Dawkins in particular?
Jan here is a link to Rays store where he sells stuff.

There are some tempting items..lots of God stuff... I notice he references himself as the banana man...once if someone called someone a banana man it met he was "bent" meaning he was crooked. Thank goodness that has passed so Ray can do his banana thing without being labelled bent.
Ray is a nice chap ex NZ and he has a following, overheads etc. and he seems to have an intelligent business plan ...working a big market..
Religion USA...gets and seeks plenty of exposure, as you must do in sales...just like the video it all helps get people into the shop...yes a good businesman.


I don't know Alex, selling deception and lies to the gullible doesn't seem very ethical or moral. Anyone can do that, but most have a conscience.