Should we take Ray Comfort Serious? If no, what not?

Where did he “lie” in that video?

Sorry, but I'm not going back to watch the video again. Besides, you'll just deny everything like you always do.

As for making a profit. What is wrong with that?

Nothing is wrong with making a profit. Con men like Ray do it all the time, all it takes is a lack of morals and ethics.

Most folks however have a conscience, unlike Ray.
Seth Andrews was a hard core evangelist with a radio talk show, much like Ray Comfort, here's his biggest beef about his faith now...

Christianity Made Me Talk Like an Idiot.

Sorry, but I'm not going back to watch the video again. Besides, you'll just deny everything like you always do.
Why make claims if you’re not prepared at least to attempt to back them up. That’s what makes discussion interesting and progressive.
Nothing is wrong with making a profit. Con men like Ray do it all the time, all it takes is a lack of morals and ethics.
You really need to back that accusation up.
Why do you think he is a con man?
And why do regard him immoral and unethical?
Most folks however have a conscience, unlike Ray.
l’m having a hard time trying to process what you mean, because those traits don’t appear superficially. Superficially he comes across as a genuine guy.
Can you give a little more insight so I have an idea of what you see in him.
Where did he “lie” in that video?
"We have not found the silver bullet proving that one animal has evolved into another."

We have found dozens. For example:
Indohyus - a fat rodent that lived about 55 million years ago. Looked like a little hippo. Evolved into -
Pakicetus. Skinnier version; spent a lot of time swimming in the water. Evolved into -
Ambulocetus. Like Pakicetus, but with webbed feet. Lived mostly in the water, like seals. Evolved into -
Kutchicetus. Getting longer and skinnier. Spent most of their life in the water. Tail getting longer. Evolved into -
Rodhocetus. Like Kutchi, but with nostrils moved much higher on their heads. Helped them breathe in the water. Long tail for swimming. Evolved into -
Dorudon. Tiny useless back feet, nostrils much higher, eyes moved lower (one on each side; better for water life.) Long, slightly flattened tail for swimming. Evolved into -
Odontocetes. No back feet, nostril so high now it's called a blowhole, wide flat tail. You also know these as "whales."

As for making a profit. What is wrong with that?
Nothing. He finds dupes and bilks them out of their money. Good for him! I encourage you to give until it hurts.
It depends upon what it is you’re trying to convey. As a metaphor, I see no problem with it.
Well, I do.

Bible gum drops don't really believe in fire and death in Hell but, firefighters see it as a reality on Earth. There's a difference in there somewhere I'm sure.
Christianity Made Me Talk Like an Idiot.

Well that was a funny video to me... but my beleifs in Jesus are Spiritual -- not religious... so none of the jokes he made apply to me an thats why i wasnt offended.!!!
I'm not familiar with him, from what I've read about Comfort, believers find him to be a charlatan.
Well that was a funny video to me... but my beleifs in Jesus are Spiritual -- not religious... so none of the jokes he made apply to me an thats why i wasnt offended.!!!

And the difference between Jesus spiritual beliefs and Jesus religious beliefs are what exactly? Don't you get your information about Jesus from the Bible?
I don't know Alex, selling deception and lies to the gullible doesn't seem very ethical or moral. Anyone can do that, but most have a conscience.

I resisted commenting about his ethics and morality as I think any reasonable person can draw conclusions about folk who peddle fairey tales as reality. I am tempted to look through his claims etc to identify any obvious lies but it can only be a waste of my time...The pity is he is one of many who make religion a business, and it is a huge business, Google something like "the richest ten pastors" or "pastors private jets" or " faith healers" ...Ray is small fry really.
What I find so very amusing is all these folk use a book full of immoral teachings to preach morality...
One of the arguments theists put forward with tiresome repetition is that one needs the Bible for a moral compass...often you hear them say "if we didn't have religion people would just run around killing folk"... Well for those of us who have read the Bible from cover to cover we know that finding morality is a selective process and more so if you seek morality in the about a cherry picking process...seems so many things in the Bible are ignored...killing folk for the various wrongs outlined in the Bible gets ignored happily...slave ownership is overlooked happily and the killing of unruly children by stoning is ignored...wife beating also's ok you know so long as you use a stick the same diameter as your finger...try telling that to the judge...and you can beat your slave badly so long as he does not die of injuries in a day or two after the beating...
Preachers have a big job...they sort thru the calls to kill to select stuff that makes folk happy and dull...and man they get paid so well.
My comments on Ray were as positive as I could make.
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Well, I do.

Bible gum drops don't really believe in fire and death in Hell but, firefighters see it as a reality on Earth. There's a difference in there somewhere I'm sure.
Can you repeat that in a way that allows me to effectively respond to you?
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Why make claims if you’re not prepared at least to attempt to back them up. That’s what makes discussion interesting and progressive.

You make all kinds of claims and never back them up. What makes your demands for proof special?

You really need to back that accusation up.
Why do you think he is a con man?
And why do regard him immoral and unethical?

Did you not read the quote I provided of his own words where he admits to selling deceptions? He's immoral and unethical for the reasons I already gave.

l’m having a hard time trying to process what you mean, because those traits don’t appear superficially. Superficially he comes across as a genuine guy.
Can you give a little more insight so I have an idea of what you see in him.

He may be genuine to you, but to the reasonable person, he's clearly a charlatan and con man, profiting from the gullible is his game.
We have found dozens. For example:
Indohyus - a fat rodent that lived about 55 million years ago. Looked like a little hippo. Evolved into -
Pakicetus. Skinnier version; spent a lot of time swimming in the water. Evolved into -
Ambulocetus. Like Pakicetus, but with webbed feet. Lived mostly in the water, like seals. Evolved into -
Kutchicetus. Getting longer and skinnier. Spent most of their life in the water. Tail getting longer. Evolved into -
Rodhocetus. Like Kutchi, but with nostrils moved much higher on their heads. Helped them breathe in the water. Long tail for swimming. Evolved into -
Dorudon. Tiny useless back feet, nostrils much higher, eyes moved lower (one on each side; better for water life.) Long, slightly flattened tail for swimming. Evolved into -
Odontocetes. No back feet, nostril so high now it's called a blowhole, wide flat tail. You also know these as "whales."
These are words, and most probably backed up with drawings, illustrations, and bone fragments. But where is the evidence. People believe this to be a scientific fact, but they cannot see any real evidence. They just take the word of the mainstream.
These are words, and most probably backed up with drawings, illustrations, and bone fragments. But where is the evidence. People believe this to be a scientific fact, but they cannot see any real evidence. They just take the word of the mainstream.

Fossils, Jan. Boatloads and boatloads of fossils, in the many millions if not more. Shitloads of evidence.
Fossils, Jan. Boatloads and boatloads of fossils, in the many millions if not more. Shitloads of evidence.
No no no...Jan wants real evidence. A passage in the scriptures that gives us proof. Look if you can't cross two different species and make a new animal you ain't got anything.
And any fool knows that fossils were put there by Satan to test your faith.
Forget your fancy science that never gave us anything and read your Bible else you will burn in hell forever such will be your future if you don't bow down and worship your god who loves you.
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These are words, and most probably backed up with drawings, illustrations, and bone fragments. But where is the evidence. People believe this to be a scientific fact, but they cannot see any real evidence. They just take the word of the mainstream.

Btw Jan, this didn't all just start with Darwin, folks have been finding fossils and cataloging species for a few centuries before Darwin came along, and by the time he started his research, there was already mountains of evidence, all very well categorized. People already knew the Earth was very old and that there were a great deal of species that had already gone extinct. He simply put it all together with his theory.
Btw Jan, this didn't all just start with Darwin, folks have been finding fossils and cataloging species for a few centuries before Darwin came along, and by the time he started his research, there was already mountains of evidence, all very well categorized. People already knew the Earth was very old and that there were a great deal of species that had already gone extinct. He simply put it all together with his theory.
That does not address my point.
No no no...Jan wants real evidence. A passage in the scriptures that gives us proof. Look if you can't cross two different species and make a new animal you ain't got anything.
And any fool knows that fossils were put there by Satan to test your faith.
Forget your fancy science that never gave us anything and read your Bible else you will burn in hell forever such will be your future if you don't bow down and worship your god who loves you.
You accept Darwinian evolution. Right?
What was the evidence that made you accept it as a fact?