Should we take Ray Comfort Serious? If no, what not?

Jan Ardena:

I thought it was okay.
Is this thread done, then?

I thought you wanted to discuss grievances concerning Ray Comfort.

Of course, maybe your real aim was just to post some religious propaganda. Job done, then?

Whatever you think it takes.
As you know, I've walked you through the basics of evolution on a number of previous occasions. I gave you examples and helpful analogies and careful explanations. Other members of sciforums have provided you with numerous examples of one species evolving into another.

You ignore it all.

There's no point trying to teach somebody who doesn't want to be taught.

Of course course I accept evolution.
You don't get to redefine the word to suit yourself.

You do not accept evolution by natural selection, Darwin's theory.

Pretending that you do, while claiming that Darwin's theory is dead, won't fly. You're not fooling anybody. You're just wasting everybody's time.

Show that darwinian evolution occurs.
No. Go and find out for yourself, if you really want to learn. I'm done teaching you until you can show me you are willing to learn from me.

It doesn’t matter.
It’s the principle of creatures turning into other creatures.
No creature ever turns into another creature. Your mother didn't turn into you. Think about it.

Everyone knows little about darwinian evolution apparently, because no one can show anything without believing it in faith.
Not everyone. Also, scientific evidence has nothing to do with faith.
Is this thread done, then?
Not until the fat lady sings.
I thought you wanted to discuss grievances concerning Ray Comfort.
I don’t have any grievances concerning RC.
Pretending that you do, while claiming that Darwin's theory is dead, won't fly. You're not fooling anybody. You're just wasting everybody's time.
Why do I need to pretend that I do?
This is a discussion forum. People don’t have to respond. It’s not like we’re just manifestation of nature, with no individuality.
No. Go and find out for yourself, if you really want to learn. I'm done teaching you until you can show me you are willing to learn from me.
Yessa Massa Sir
No creature ever turns into another creature. Your mother didn't turn into you. Think about it.
You’re right.
Pakicetus didn’t turn into a whale either.
Not everyone. Also, scientific evidence has nothing to do with faith.
You should watch the other RC video I posted.
Why do I need to pretend that I do?
I'm not sure. Maybe it makes you feel better about your avoidance of learning anything about evolution?

You’re right.
Pakicetus didn’t turn into a whale either.

Your mother didn't turn into you. And yet, here you are, not the same as your mother. Pakicetus didn't turn into a whale, and yet here are the whales, different from Pakicetus.

Now, the question you need to ask yourself is: what is your relation to your mother? How is it that you can be different and yet related? What happened to cause that?

Once you've got that under your belt, you might find yourself in a position to consider how modern whales could possibly be related to Pakicetus. I won't hold my breath, because I don't really think you'll give it any serious thought. Most likely, you'll just try to laugh it off, nervously.

You should watch the other RC video I posted.
Why? Is it just more of RC's preaching?
I'm not sure. Maybe it makes you feel better about your avoidance of learning anything about evolution?
Oh! But you’re sure I pretend to know.
Just like you’re sure there evidence for darwinism. :rolleyes:
Your mother didn't turn into you. And yet, here you are, not the same as your mother. Pakicetus didn't turn into a whale, and yet here are the whales, different from Pakicetus.
Now, the question you need to ask yourself is: what is your relation to your mother? How is it that you can be different and yet related? What happened to cause that?
The reality is, my mother was a human being, I am a human being, my off- spring are human beings. Furthermore there’s no reason, or evidence that shows my entire linage hasn’t always been human beings.
Why? Is it just more of RC's preaching?
No , it shows that Darwinian evolution is based entirely on faith.
The reality is, my mother was a human being, I am a human being, my off- spring are human beings. Furthermore there’s no reason, or evidence that shows my entire linage hasn’t always been human beings.
Sure there is. For instance, if you look at the fossil record, then you will find there were no human beings on Earth prior to about 200,000 years ago. Where did they come from, then?
Now, the question you need to ask yourself is: what is your relation to your mother? How is it that you can be different and yet related? What happened to cause that?
And why are there creatures which do not use male sperm, like the Silvery Salamander. It is a "polyploid" .
It's offspring are all female and clones of the mother.
Some species of Ambystoma do things a little differently - they're part of a select group of vertebrates that happen to be polyploid, which means they possess more than two sets of chromosomes.
Specifically, many populations of all-female mole salamander range from triploid to pentaploid, having between three and five sets of chromosomes.
These amphibians are also parthenogenetic, which means their offspring are usually clones of the mother, inheriting the complete allotment of chromosomes directly from her.

By that simple fact Mary could not have been a virgin when she conceived Jesus. If the conception was truly immacualate, Jesus would have been a female and a clone of Mary...:rolleyes:
a as
Sure there is. For instance, if you look at the fossil record, then you will find there were no human beings on Earth prior to about 200,000 years ago. Where did they come from, then?
What about the human remains found in strata way older than 200,000 years old, that was swept under the carpet because it contradicted the establishments story?
What about the human remains found in strata way older than 200,000 years old, that was swept under the carpet because it contradicted the establishments story?
I am into those ideas but we can only go on the evidence..a change is afoot for example I believe with dating the first agriculture.. new evidence has been found that must place agriculture as starting five thousand years earlier than previously thought.
There was a flood of that I am reasonably sure say 13000 years ago..a better date is available..but the ice core records suggest the sea came up 30 ft overnight (our world would disappear for example ... survive that..think what would go overnight..think then another four hundred feet over I believe the next three years...I am inclined to think this may be the basis for the biblical flood..and as we all know it appears in many cultures ... Add the science and the myths and I think you have a biblical flood ... So you can bet much of our history may lay at 400 feet below sea level...anyways we can only go on exactly what is found...I read so much about human evolution and alternatives I am not sure what the truth is...anymore.
I am receptive to the Atlantis myth as maybe representing a whole world civilization more advanced than current history permits...I have read propositions where the gods were survivors as it were from the flood who presented as so clever they were recorded as gods..the garden of Eden was their farm as it were.. Adam was a worker there..from the old clay tablets...I always wonder what real events inspired the myth... I think I found a submerged city just NW of Easter Island...on Google Earth..but it is square street looking..I was looking for the quarry where the granite came from..I need to find how deep to perhaps exclude the possibility..if it's around 400 feet it could be worth a closer look.
The common sophisticated stone work all over is thought to belong to what seems to be a world wide civilization... you can find that stone work all over the world. There would seem but one explaination.
Yes, there is reason and evidence you weren't always a human being.
No there isn’t.
Pictures don’t cut it.
Next you’ll be throwing up Haeckel’s drawings saying “ see I told you darwinism is true”.
It’s time to grow up, and admit it’s nothing more than a belief (perhaps a bit of therapy would do you good too).