Should we take Ray Comfort Serious? If no, what not?

Put it away Paddoboy.
There is no way you can show the theory of evolution, it has to be believed.
You wouldn’t like it if started bible class up in here. Would you?:D
Go ahead, be my guest:D...But as per many other things, you ignore that this is a science forum, not your pulpit for spouting bullshit that you have done now for 25 pages.:rolleyes:
You mean, exactly like when you claim I'm upset, or having a nervous breakdown, those kind of created scenario from you?
So hypocritical.
Here's a great example of Jan's hypocrisy.....
She called me disrespectful....
Or explain why you can’t address the Character of God properly.
Are you trying to be disrespectful?
So why be disrespectful with creationists?
because I referred to his deity as a magic spaghetti monster....
Your god, your magic spaghetti monster, whatever you want to call this mythical IDer, is superfluous at best, and a crutch at worst.
What do you call this imaginary being?
So in his eyes, I insulted and was disrespectful to creationists...mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa:p:D
But then if we go back to the first post, the OP, we find this whole thread was established to dis and show disrespect to scientists in general.
warning: Not for the atheist faint of heart.
You sound like Hitchens.:D
This is how I know you’re as mad as hell, because your philosophy has failed you. Now you either have to bury your head in the sand, or own up to your failure.
That doesn’t even make sense.
You show logically, albeit accidentally, that God Is.
Now you’re acting like you’re having a nervous breakdown.
Was the pressure too much for you?
Did it take its toll?:redface:
Do you need a moment?:redface:
In fact, take as long as you need.
We’ll all be here when you get back.
Just a few clips of the chief forum hypocrite...
But hey Jan, perhaps if you get down on bended knee and say mea culpa, your mythical IDer may forgive you such sacrilige.:D:p
Here's a nice article and rundown, to counter the inane notions and stupidity of the OP......
The idea that species gradually change over many generations is the cornerstone of biology. This is how we know it's true.

Evolution is one of the greatest theories in all of science. It sets out to explain life: specifically, how the first simple life gave rise to all the huge diversity we see today, from bacteria to oak trees to blue whales.

For scientists, evolution is a fact. We know that life evolved with the same certainty that we know the Earth is roughly spherical, that gravity keeps us on it, and that wasps at a picnic are annoying.

Not that you would know that from the media in some countries, where evolution is ferociously argued about – put down as "just a theory" or dismissed as a flat-out lie.

Why are biologists so certain about this? What is the evidence? The short answer is that there is so much it's hard to know where to start. But here is a very cursory summary of the evidence that life has, indeed, evolved.

It might help to first spell out quickly what Darwin's theory of evolution actually says. Most of us have the general idea: species change over time, only the fittest survive, and somehow a monkey-like creature gave rise to human beings.

Darwin's theory of evolution says that each new organism is subtly different from its parents, and these differences can sometimes help the offspring or impede it. As organisms compete for food and mates, those with the advantageous traits produce more offspring, while those with unhelpful traits may not produce any. So within a given population, advantageous traits become common and unhelpful ones disappear.
more at link.....
Let's not forget that evolution and natural selection for survivability also applies to the coronavirus. If the mutated virus has found a natural host which insures that virus' survivability as a species, it wins the evolutionary lottery and the host is the loser.
[darwinian]Evolution is one of the greatest theories in all of science. It sets out to explain life: specifically, how the first simple life gave rise to all the huge diversity we see today, from bacteria to oak trees to blue whales.
Well it must be true, because the article says so.
Once I amended it.
For scientists, evolution is a fact.
Tell us something we don’t know.
We know that life evolved with the same certainty that we know the Earth is roughly spherical, that gravity keeps us on it, and that wasps at a picnic are annoying.
Must be true because it says so in the article.
Darwin's theory of evolution says that each new organism is subtly different from its parents, and these differences can sometimes help the offspring or impede it. As organisms compete for food and mates, those with the advantageous traits produce more offspring, while those with unhelpful traits may not produce any. So within a given population, advantageous traits become common and unhelpful ones disappear.
more at link.....
We know this.
Show Pakicetus turning into a whale, without having to believe anything, or having to take someone’s word, or drawings for it.
You do that!:D
Here's a great example of Jan's hypocrisy.....
She called me disrespectful....
You are disrespectful.
I did give you the benefit of the doubt.
But you couldn’t hold your arrogance.
You went the way of the explicit.
because I referred to his deity as a magic spaghetti monster....
And you don’t think that’s disrespectful?
Just a few clips of the chief forum hypocrite...
To whom are any of those quotes disrespectful towards?
The dialogue with Q is mutual.
I gave as good as I got.:rolleyes:
No one’s buying that crapola anymore.
It’s over.
The fat lady sang.
Get over it.
I have nothing to get over my friend. When I wake up tomorrow morning the theory of evolution will still be just as much fact. Which gets us to the real point in fact. That is what keeps gnawing at your inside. So, as you say, you need to get over it.
We know this.
Show Pakicetus turning into a whale, without having to believe anything, or having to take someone’s word, or drawings for it.
You do that!:D
Just the usual creationist methodology of getting around the facts and the truth. The theory of evolution is a fact, no question. That hurts you? Sad, get over it.
You are disrespectful.
I did give you the benefit of the doubt.
But you couldn’t hold your arrogance.
You went the way of the explicit.
Disrespectful to a fanatical IDer pushing nonsense for all he is worth? OK, I'll accept that gladly.
And you don’t think that’s disrespectful?
No more disrespectful then your total disrespect of science and the scientific methodology.
To whom are any of those quotes disrespectful towards?
The dialogue with Q is mutual.
I gave as good as I got.:rolleyes:
So why the fuck are you whinging and whining about it then?
The biggest issue that's come out of this thread and the nonsense you push and uphold like a true creationist, is your dishonesty and hypocrisy. And you don't like being taken to account for that.
tough titty.
I think we can really forget the claims of the fool called Ray Comfort and the rabid baseless support and claims for him by our friend, in opposition to evolution. It is a fact...most all scientists accept that as does even the Catholic church. Only fools would deny.

So let's get onto Abiogenesis: Many still while accepting it as the only likely scientific possibility, are also accepted of the fact that we are still ignorant at this time as to the exact pathway and methodology....Earth based Abiogenesis could very well have started via Panspermia. It is the universal Abiogenesis picture that is then brought into focus.
Over-riding issue though is the fact that at one time, after the universe/space/time evolved, there was no life: Then there was. The only scientific answer to that is of course Abiogenesis. Life from non life.
So why the fuck are you whinging and whining about it then?
The biggest issue that's come out of this thread and the nonsense you push and uphold like a true creationist, is your dishonesty and hypocrisy. And you don't like being taken to account for that.
tough titty.
I’m not whinging and moaning at all.
I’m having fun.
You should have fun too. Life’s too short to get all serious.
So how is everyone today?
Everybody happy?
I am?
I was a theist once, a Christian, and I can understand that side.
I was an atheist once. I can understand that side.
Now I am neither.
I have raised myself above those qualifications.

I now embrace science and it's philosophy which as I understand offers models to explain observations ... It does not claim to publish the truth which I find refreshing.

I once thought I took my morality from the teachings of JC so it is somewhat difficult to find that the evidence strongly suggests much of my morality came from a myth apparently constructed by the Romans for political goals.

Yet here I am somewhat confused but hopefully a decent human.

I think the useful message from JC teachings is the "love your fellow man" which is open to interpretation but mine is to respect others, that can be difficult, but I find to do so brings peace and really I expect that is what folk find of value in scriptures in general..the theist is no different I suppose than me in so far they take from scripture what they find useful...we differ on the details is all.

And the instruction as to forgiveness is just so useful.

I try to forgive people..not for them but for myself..once forgiven one does not have to stew over things.

And turn the other cheek can hold one back from meaningless engagement at times.

So it is not much but that is what I found in the wisdom of the Romans who were perhaps only interested in controlling rebellious folk.

Have a great day folks.

I’m not whinging and moaning at all.
I’m having fun.
You should have fun too. Life’s too short to get all serious.
Yes, you probably are. I mean really, no one could be that stupid, and obviously why you avoid the hard science.
Have fun.