Should we take Ray Comfort Serious? If no, what not?

I take your point Jan. I am very sorry if I have ever insulted you.
If only that were true Alex. But you can’t help yourself. In fact no atheist in this thread can.
So you can't reach the top of your wardrobe.
I sense seriousness here.
You want me to crush myself, with my own wardrobe?:D
You really do have a violent disposition. You weren’t joking.:eek:
Sorry mate!
Can’t help you with that request.:rolleyes:
If only that were true Alex. But you can’t help yourself. In fact no atheist in this thread can.
Thats why I have decided not to be an atheist or a theist. Each use insults so I won't be either one.
I sense seriousness here.
That's good I am very serious when I get in a mood for crushing.
But you can’t help yourself.
True I am just a compulsive crusher.
You want me to crush myself, with my own wardrobe?:D
Yes and please send photos.
You really do have a violent disposition
Yes cause I hate people and would rather crush them than anything else...that why I always carry a wardrobe.
You weren’t joking.:eek:
Of course not crushing is not a joking matter.
Can’t help you with that request
Can I suggest you stand on a chair to reach the top. If that won't work jack up your car crawl under and lower it slowly..for that forget about photos but please a video with audio...and make the screams convincing.

You know I feel better now that I am not an atheist or a theist's a whole other world.
Thats why I have decided not to be an atheist or a theist. Each use insults so I won't be either one.

That's good I am very serious when I get in a mood for crushing.

True I am just a compulsive crusher.

Yes and please send photos.

Yes cause I hate people and would rather crush them than anything else...that why I always carry a wardrobe.

Of course not crushing is not a joking matter.

Can I suggest you stand on a chair to reach the top. If that won't work jack up your car crawl under and lower it slowly..for that forget about photos but please a video with audio...and make the screams convincing.

You know I feel better now that I am not an atheist or a theist's a whole other world.
Is that a threat?
I’m sure that’s against the rules.
A threat???:D Your delusions and desperations know no bounds. :rolleyes: .
I won't argue your childish position anymore, suffice to repeat myself, that we will all wake up in the morning and the theory of evolution will still be fact, and the scientific methodology will still hold pride of place, and you'll still be squawking your delusional nonsense and incredible denial. ;)
Let's post some real science and ignore the myths, fantasies, and childish behaviour......
Science and evolution

Claudia A.M. Russo1

Thiago André2

1Departamento de Genética, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

2Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biodiversidade, Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará, Santarém, PA, Brazil

Evolution is both a fact and a theory.
Evolution is widely observable in laboratory and natural populations as they change over time. The fact that we need annual flu vaccines is one example of observable evolution. At the same time, evolutionary theory explains more than observations, as the succession on the fossil record. Hence, evolution is also the scientific theory that embodies biology, including all organisms and their characteristics. In this paper, we emphasize why evolution is the most important theory in biology. Evolution explains every biological detail, similar to how history explains many aspects of a current political situation. Only evolution explains the patterns observed in the fossil record. Examples include the succession in the fossil record; we cannot find the easily fossilized mammals before 300 million years ago; after the extinction of the dinosaurs, the fossil record indicates that mammals and birds radiated throughout the planet. Additionally, the fact that we are able to construct fairly consistent phylogenetic trees using distinct genetic markers in the genome is only explained by evolutionary theory. Finally, we show that the processes that drive evolution, both on short and long time scales, are observable facts.

Evolution as a fact and theory:

Evolution is a population concept. An individual does not evolve; only populations evolve in the face of the genetic changes accumulated from one generation to the next. The flu virus evolves. This explains why last years’ flu vaccine does not work on the current strain of the virus: only the resistant strains of the virus survived last year’s vaccine application. This is a textbook example of evolution by natural selection. Genetic modifications are encountered in the resistant strains; thus, evolution is a fact (Gould, 1981). Mutation, migration, natural selection, and genetic drift are the evolutionary forces that drive genetic changes of natural populations from one generation to the next. This is known among biologists as microevolution.

On the other hand, evolutionary theory explains more than those facts that we can routinely observe. This makes it a theory, but is it just a theory? The word theory has distinct meanings in science and in lay language (Ghose, 2013). A scientific theory is the utmost position an idea may reach in science. Outside of academia, however, a theory is equivalent to a hypothesis, an idea that explains facts but has never been tested (Futuyama and Kirkpatrick, 2017). This occurs because there seems to be no need for a distinction between hypothesis and theory outside the scope of science. In science, however, this distinction is fundamental. An idea remains a hypothesis if it has never been confronted with new (independently collected) scientific data that would serve as a test for its predictions. If a hypothesis has endured further testing by subsequent scientific experiments, in time it becomes a valid scientific theory (Figure 1).
Let's post some real science and ignore the myths, fantasies, and childish behaviour......
Science and evolution

Claudia A.M. Russo1

Thiago André2

1Departamento de Genética, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

2Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biodiversidade, Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará, Santarém, PA, Brazil

Evolution is both a fact and a theory.
Evolution is widely observable in laboratory and natural populations as they change over time. The fact that we need annual flu vaccines is one example of observable evolution. At the same time, evolutionary theory explains more than observations, as the succession on the fossil record. Hence, evolution is also the scientific theory that embodies biology, including all organisms and their characteristics. In this paper, we emphasize why evolution is the most important theory in biology. Evolution explains every biological detail, similar to how history explains many aspects of a current political situation. Only evolution explains the patterns observed in the fossil record. Examples include the succession in the fossil record; we cannot find the easily fossilized mammals before 300 million years ago; after the extinction of the dinosaurs, the fossil record indicates that mammals and birds radiated throughout the planet. Additionally, the fact that we are able to construct fairly consistent phylogenetic trees using distinct genetic markers in the genome is only explained by evolutionary theory. Finally, we show that the processes that drive evolution, both on short and long time scales, are observable facts.

Evolution as a fact and theory:

Evolution is a population concept. An individual does not evolve; only populations evolve in the face of the genetic changes accumulated from one generation to the next. The flu virus evolves. This explains why last years’ flu vaccine does not work on the current strain of the virus: only the resistant strains of the virus survived last year’s vaccine application. This is a textbook example of evolution by natural selection. Genetic modifications are encountered in the resistant strains; thus, evolution is a fact (Gould, 1981). Mutation, migration, natural selection, and genetic drift are the evolutionary forces that drive genetic changes of natural populations from one generation to the next. This is known among biologists as microevolution.

On the other hand, evolutionary theory explains more than those facts that we can routinely observe. This makes it a theory, but is it just a theory? The word theory has distinct meanings in science and in lay language (Ghose, 2013). A scientific theory is the utmost position an idea may reach in science. Outside of academia, however, a theory is equivalent to a hypothesis, an idea that explains facts but has never been tested (Futuyama and Kirkpatrick, 2017). This occurs because there seems to be no need for a distinction between hypothesis and theory outside the scope of science. In science, however, this distinction is fundamental. An idea remains a hypothesis if it has never been confronted with new (independently collected) scientific data that would serve as a test for its predictions. If a hypothesis has endured further testing by subsequent scientific experiments, in time it becomes a valid scientific theory (Figure 1).
Put it away Paddoboy.
There is no way you can show the theory of evolution, it has to be believed.
You wouldn’t like it if started bible class up in here. Would you?:D
I get you.
Now you have to try and create a scenario where you try and make out I’m all emotional.
So predictable.

You mean, exactly like when you claim I'm upset, or having a nervous breakdown, those kind of created scenario from you?
So hypocritical.