Should we take Ray Comfort Serious? If no, what not?

I think we could stop and think about that.
Yes I like it too, but it was from the article. It appears I have thankfully gotten to Jan somewhat as he has apparently ignored a few of my relevant posts that have highlighted his silly fanatical addiction.
After going back over a few of his threads, it appears he is/was one of those drug infused Hari Krisna mob, that we would see in the 80's clanging their tambourines, chanting Hari hari hari! and with the long flowing orange robe......To be avoided as much as possible.....which brings me to another tale Alex....
I was home alone one weekend when I noticed a couple of well dressed AoG I think, or perhaps seventh day adventists, not 100% sure. Anyway at that time I did have my mate with me, my Rottweiler dog named Rocky. Not wanting them to disturb me watching the footy, I place Rocky just outside the front door. After ten minutes or so, the couple reached my gate and started to open it to gain access. Rocky stood up and gave one of his enormous barks, Woof!!..:D It stopped them in their tracks! They conversed for a minute or so and then decided to gingerly step back outside and close the gate.
I let Rocky back inside again, and he assumed his previous position at my feet and continued to lick out my toe jam.

PS: Jan: please don't take this as a threat to your person. I'm simply reiterating how I got rid of a couple of similar fools and deniers of science. And Rocky anyway was actually a big sook! :p

You’re an atheist if you don’t believe in God.
You don’t get to choose.
Some people think they are theists, but they’re not. Because they don’t believe in God. Some people think they are atheist, but they’re not, because they believe in God.
You can hate God, and still be a theist.
It’s not as simple, or cut and dried as you think it is.

What a totally confusing, contradictory, incorrect passage of print, if there ever was!
Hey Jan, is that above summation correct? You know, about the drug infused Hari Krisna?
Or are you a party to some even more weird, radical, alternative, nonsensical style?
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Yes I like it too, but it was from the article. It appears I have thankfully gotten to Jan somewhat as he has apparently ignored a few of my relevant posts that have highlighted his silly fanatical addiction.
*shakes head*
Poor you Paddo!
After going back over a few of his threads, it appears he is/was one of those drug infused Hari Krisna mob, that we would see in the 80's clanging their tambourines, chanting Hari hari hari! and with the long flowing orange robe......To be avoided as much as possible.....
You’re not right in the head Paddo.
PS: Jan: please don't take this as a threat to your person. I'm simply reiterating how I got rid of a couple of similar fools and deniers of science. And Rocky anyway was actually a big sook! :p
Don’t worry Paddo!
I won’t.
Hey Jan, is that above summation correct? You know, about the drug infused Hari Krisna?
Or are you a party to some even more weird, radical, alternative, nonsensical style?
This is pitiful.
Alex. You speak highly of this dude.
I must say that I was surprised when I first learned from Jan that he is a literal creationist. Before that, my impression was that he had seemed to me to be a reasonably literate person who I assumed had the benefit of a formal education. As things stand now, I suspect that if Jan has any formal education at tertiary level, it was most likely at one of those Mickey Mouse pretend universities in the United States, where the study of the One True Religion is pushed as least as hard as any secular studies.

On the other hand, it could be the case that Jan has simply had minimal exposure to science and such pursuits. Possibly he studied religion to the exclusion of other intellectual studies, thereby ending up functionally bereft of any real understanding of any science-related topic beyond the most superficial understanding required to survive in the modern world.

I think also that it is very likely that Jan has been actively discouraged from pursuing certain lines of inquiry, taught by his religious masters that these are incompatible with and threatening to his faith. He has been taught to deny and avoid.

Perhaps Jan really believes that he accepts "evolution", as he claims he does, because his understanding of that term is so hopelessly mangled by his religion that he doesn't realise that the term itself encompasses ideas that go far beyond his indoctrinated belief system. I actually doubt this, because I think Jan is willing to tell lies to try to keep his faith intact. After all his time here, he can no longer really pull off a convincing act that he still doesn't know what evolution is. And yet, he keeps trying to do just that.

Maybe Jan has some kind of vested interest in his religion beyond the personal. Maybe he has some monetary stake in promoting lies. Who knows?
Are you obsessed with me James?:D
*shakes head*
Poor you Paddo!
Keep shaking matey! I believe I'm pretty close to the mark, otherwise you would be more forthcoming with what you are trying to say, and less of the pretentious nonsense, infested with your unsupported anti science nonsense.
You’re not right in the head Paddo.
:D Pretty substantial evidence that I have actually hit the nail on the head!
This is pitiful.
Alex. You speak highly of this dude.
Probably because Alex is a good judge of character, and like me, was also once caught up in the web of myth, lies and deception when accepting some magical spaghetti monster.Of course I was only a kid then.
Now Jan, what you should think about doing, is actually withdraw yourself from this self flagellation, with near every post you post, and getting yourself further and further into the web of sillyness and craziness with all this gullible nonsense you preach.:rolleyes:
You’re not right in the head Paddo.
Keep shaking matey! I believe I'm pretty close to the mark, otherwise you would be more forthcoming with what you are trying to say, and less of the pretentious nonsense, infested with your unsupported anti science nonsense.
This too dumb to respond to.
Sorry mate.
Pretty substantial evidence that I have actually hit the nail on the head!
Your entitled to think that.
I can see how it is you believe darwinism is a scientific fact.
You just simply accept it, then think it’s the truth.
I can only giggle at your attempt to psychoanalyse me.
Probably because Alex is a good judge of character, and like me, was also once caught up in the web of myth, lies and deception when accepting some magical spaghetti monster.Of course I was only a kid then.
*Heads up*
You’re both still caught up.:D
The problem is in your head.
You’re prepared to accept anything, as long as it’s not God.
You’re like a headstrong teen who pretends he hates his dad, and acts rebellious.
Only to find that when he grows up, he will realises what a fool he was.
He was really loved his dad all along.
When you grow up, you’ll look back and laugh at yourself.
Now Jan, what you should think about doing, is actually withdraw yourself from this self flagellation, with near every post you post, and getting yourself further and further into the web of sillyness and craziness with all this gullible nonsense you preach.
You’d like that because you’d have no one reminding you of your silly notion that doggy types can turn into whales. Thinking that there is actual evidence that backs it up.
It’s quite simple, the emporer is stark-bollock naked.
The links you posted simply confirm that.
They was hilarious.
I can see how it is you believe darwinism is a scientific fact.
You just simply accept it, then think it’s the truth.

You’d like that because you’d have no one reminding you of your silly notion that doggy types can turn into whales. Thinking that there is actual evidence that backs it up.
It’s quite simple, the emporer is stark-bollock naked.
The links you posted simply confirm that.
They was hilarious.

Jan keeps forgetting that as a creationist who rejects science, he is in a small, ever shrinking group of ignorant people who somehow believe they represent everyone else. And, that's what's really hilarious.

You’re prepared to accept anything, as long as it’s not God.

In other words, we accept reality and you don't.
I bet you can’t provide any examples.:D
No I can't you win you crazy scientist you.
I cannot avoid any part of science,
Why didn't you say so earlier.
I can avoid ideas, or beliefs, but not science, any more than I can avoid truth.
You science fanatic, don't you know there is more to the world than science?
You can’t see that darwinism is a philosophy, or a scientific idea.
Oh I can..I know you could not have a crockaduck any philosophy that says something like that, can both agree, is loopy. Crockaduck!!! What were those scientists thinking. I don't know why you stand up for them and claim you can't avoid science ..of course you can just open your Bible and get away from all this scientific nonsense.
Now you deem those who do not accept your philosophy, are avoiding science.
How could I have been so wrong? worries it's not err is human.
But it’s not a problem for me.
You are very generous to take it so well Jan... no wonder everyone looks up to you.
“Con man” is an accusation you attach.
I am not calling Ray a con man..not for a moment..if you look at what I said you will see that I said he has qualities that you do find in con man. I have passed no judgement on Ray and certainly have not said he is a con man.
There has been no official investigation to give you a reason to make it.
But I didn't make it if you read what I actually said.
Furthermore you male it because of what he stands for. You are being unreasonable.
You have gone off half cocked..Ray unfortunately has certain qualities that can be noticed in con men that does not mean he is a con man and you should not think of him that way. You are not thinking clearly here Jan ...but I forgive you.
Then stop making false allegations. I kind of expect better from you.
Now that I have cleared up your concerns you can feel happy that your expectations are back up there...
But why not capitalise on that?
Give me just one reason why not.
It is neither a compliment or an insult.
Too late I took it as a compliment..thanks.

Now I understand why he can't avoid the dream.

How can we match Jan when he has that sort of learning to call upon.
We must all bow down at his feet, and beg forgiveness and ask that our evil thoughts be banished...mea culpa!!mea maxima culpa! :D!. [sorry, that's about the limit of the latin I remember from my Altar boy days. :p]
I may take advice of the previous article I posted re taking on Idiot creationists in any debate as foolish, due to their obvious hair-brained extremism and fanaticism.
Suffice to say to any creationist or IDer, that they will wake up tomorrow and the theory of the evolution of life, as well as Abiogenesis, will still be concrete and firm as facts, and that they need to accept that there is/will be no afterlife, no hell, no heaven, just plain old dead, "remember man that thou art dust, and unto dust thou shalt return" as the old priest would say on Ash Wednesday.
Or I prefer as the greatest educator of the 20th century imo said [Carl Sagan] , "we are all born in the belly of stars" we are simply all star dust...that's the fact, that's the truth. My apologies to our frustrated one for spoiling his dreams and his self protected warm inner fuzzy feeling, that the myth of any afterlife has given him.
Alex! I have a busy Sunday ahead are into science...can you explain life, how it got here, and the sheer diversity?
Good question Alex!! I must be off so I'l let you handle this creationist any way you want. Not sure though how many more corners he can back himself into...most rooms only have four and I think he has used them all. :p
I'm off seeya!!
I may take advice of the previous article I posted re taking on Idiot creationists in any debate as foolish, due to their obvious hair-brained extremism and fanaticism.

It's our duty to carry the banner of truth and although these productive discussions don't seem to do much I am firstly confident that we help Jan get closer to enlightenment and secondly that passers by may see the value of looking into the history of religion and working out how the myth evolved from a casual curiosity as to where the Sun went at night into a system of political control and money making machine that preys upon simple folk who are taken advantage of because they want to be good.

I think in our way , you me and indeed Jan expose the hypocrisy of those who claim to follow the teaching of JC yet do the opposite indulging in greed and trickery.

I am certain that the teaching of JC are valid to some degree but recognise they were made up by the Romans to maintain political control.
It is a pity that it is all attached to a is a pity it is used to create guilt and fear.
It is a pity that it promotes superstition over education and science.
It is like a house that badly needs renovation where the only sensible choice is to knock it down and just build a better house using current technique and materials...
Alex! I have a busy Sunday ahead

Good question Alex!! I must be off so I'l let you handle this creationist any way you want. Not sure though how many more corners he can back himself into...most rooms only have four and I think he has used them all. :p
I'm off seeya!!
You have a great day, avoid crowds, ....
Only to find that when he grows up, he will realises what a fool he was.
I don't wish to be cruel Jan but when you grow up figuratively speaking you may wonder how you were taken in by these myths and will happen.. when it does you can remind yourself that you were conned by the best con in history and that you were not alone.
You were manipulated by fear and mystery, by hope, in fact it was your decency that left you vulnerable to such an evil stealing of your innocence.
I don't wish to be cruel Jan but when you grow up figuratively speaking you may wonder how you were taken in by these myths and lies...
I’ve already grown up, figuratively speaking.
You were manipulated by fear and mystery, by hope, in fact it was your decency that left you vulnerable to such an evil stealing of your innocence.
“Manipulated by fear and mystery, by hope”:D
That’s deep. In a darwinist type of way.
No I can't you win
It shouldn’t be about competition. But...
Why didn't you say so earlier.
I did.
You science fanatic, don't you know there is more to the world than science?
Oh I can..
Good lad.
I know you could not have a crockaduck any philosophy
As above.
You are very generous to take it so well Jan... no wonder everyone looks up to you.
Thanks sport.
I am not calling Ray a con man..not for a moment..if you look at what I said you will see that I said he has qualities that you do find in con man.
You also said...
“He is a nice guy but I can see why some folk resort to calling him a con man.”
Sorry in advance for being so forward, but it’s important in order to get the point across.

If I said of you, ““He is a nice guy but I can see why some folk resort to calling him a peodofile.”. I bet you wouldn’t accept that.

Of course I’m not making any such assumption, but you get my drift.
Give me just one reason why not.
You’re the one who brought it up.
Too late I took it as a compliment..thanks.
It still is what it is.
You simply chose to accept it as such.