Should we take Ray Comfort Serious? If no, what not?

So you bang on about me changing the meaning of words, and here you are blatantly ignoring a word for word translation.

Sorry, no idea what you're talking about.

But it was a fact.
So according to your logic, and comprehension of the meaning of the word “fact”, it IS true.

I’m only summarising what you spewed.

Whether a fact is known or not, it's still a fact, hence is true.”

Sorry Jan, but Piltdown Man was not a fact, it was challenged by researches right from the very beginning and continued to be challenged until it was discovered to be a hoax.

I doubt anything sensible makes sense to you.

From you, anyways.

I can’t even put your dumbness down to atheism.

What am I dumb about Jan? Educate me.

Stop trying to weasel out of it.
You said in the previous post... “They look at definitions and unlike yourself, don't change them to suit their narratives.

Now back it up.
I dare you!

I've pointed them out each and every time you committed those frauds and you know it.
It’s not recognised as a fact throughout the scientific community. Quit playing dumb.
Sure it is! At least the reasonable scientific community most of us talk about. Perhaps you have something else in mind? Reference? link? Or are you referring to your own opinion and claiming you are a scientist? ps:I think we will all leave the 'playing dumb"to you.;) You do a lot better!
Probably his dog.
I may grant you that one.
But every man?
You’re deluded
Like the playing dumb, I'll leave the delusions to you.
Wow! The CC.
It must be true!!!
They had no other choice, as it certainly is fact, despite your delusions.
You accept what makes you feel comfy.
That not science.
It’s Dr Feel good appliance.
:rolleyes: I accept what the evidence tells me, and that of the reputable proven professionals. Far more logicl then dreams.
What a ridiculous concept you harbour.
Denying the undeniable and the data, spoken like a true creationist!!
Try again.
Nup, Imaginary will suffice, or if you like mythical?
That’s just philosophical mambo-jumbo.
No wonder you’re an atheist.
Far more intuitive and logical then creationist mumbo jumbo!
Alex. I got the impression your boy was going to give me a hard time.
No hard time intended, nor needed, as you have done nothing, shown nothing, and continue simply preaching nonsense. Take it to a pulpit on Sunday!
Show where I’ve preached “creationism”?
Do you know what “creationism” is?
I’m guessing you don’t.:rolleyes:
If it smells like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck.......
Your guesses so far have been wide of the mark and certainly achieved nothing.
When the facts come through, and every scientist accepts it like they do evolution, I’ll look into it. But as it stands at the moment, Iran atheist philosophy, which some theists buy into, to appease atheists.
You'll look into it??? And then educate all us poor souls??:D
Whatever makes you feel good. :rolleyes:

If it was true, I wouldn’t need be at a pay grade to accept it. But “truth” isn’t your thing. Is it?
It is a fact, which then says more about yourself as to why you can be so silly as to deny that fact.
I get you.
Now you have to try and create a scenario where you try and make out I’m all emotional.
So predictable.
It’s better when Alex plays that game, cuz he’s quite good at it. I reckon you should get some pointers off him, in the PM’s.

Take it easy Jan,I'm doing my best to go easy with you, despite the obvious delusions and playing dumb.
Alex. I got the impression your boy was going to give me a hard time.

Why would you think that?

And Paddo is not my boy and I think for you to say that is un necessarily insulting and if you don't know already such mischief just makes you look bad.

It’s better when Alex plays that game, cuz he’s quite good at it. I reckon you should get some pointers off him, in the PM’s

You really can be exceedingly tiresome sometimes most times I guess.

You behave yourself or I will give you a good crushing.

You should be flattered that Paddo is helping you back onto the road of enlightenment.

Why my curiosity made me actually watch that clip, was shamefully indulgent on my part.

God made the banana just for humans but not for apes, is not only ridiculous it's just plain insulting for its blatant dishonesty.

But as usual its all about Intelligent Design trash and the use of Darwin's expressed astonishment with the sophistication of the eye at a time when no one knew much about the eye at all is so duplicitous, it's shameful.

For the religious people who are following this thread, this is what Darwin actually said and why how he said it;
One very frequent “evidence” used to show that Darwin did not believe his own theory involved the human eye. In The Origin of Species, we read:
"To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.”
Darwin called the evolution of the eye “absurd”! Doesn’t that show he really didn’t believe in evolution? Isn’t this proof enough?"
If our reading stopped here, then yes, we might argue Darwin had given up on his theory. However, reading further we find the following:
“When it was first said that the sun stood still and the world turned round, the common sense of mankind declared the doctrine false; but the old saying of Vox populi, vox Dei,2 as every philosopher knows, cannot be trusted in science. Reason tells me, that if numerous gradations from a simple and imperfect eye to one complex and perfect can be shown to exist, each grade being useful to its possessor, as is certainly the case; if further, the eye ever varies and the variations be inherited, as is likewise certainly the case; and if such variations should be useful to any animal under changing conditions of life, then the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection, though insuperable by our imagination, should not be considered as subversive of the theory.”
Now we see, by reading Darwin’s entire statement in context, that he in no way abandoned his theory. He did, indeed, indicate that the evolution of the eye was “absurd.” Nonetheless, his “reason” led him to accept that this “absurd” thing could actually occur by means of natural selection.
Did the eye cause Darwin to doubt evolution? No, it didn’t. The “doubtful Darwin” is another argument Christians should not use.

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God made the banana just for humans but not for apes, is not only ridiculous it's just plain insulting for its blatant dishonesty.
I saw the video some time ago before I knew about Ray and I thought he was taking the Micky out of theists...

The concerning aspect is there are many folk who believe ever word he says.
The last video is the one really worth looking seems reasonable to me.

I gave it 1:05 minutes. It started so nice with an impressive landscape with a beautiful church in the distance and a glowing apparition of the Virgin Mary. It was positively enchanting, until the scene changed to these two guys sitting in the lobby of a Bank (can you believe it?) and heard one guy give the definition of Geocentrism.

That was enough.
I really have no desire to voluntarily engage in a masochistic torture of the mind......:rolleyes:
Sorry Jan, but Piltdown Man was not a fact, it was challenged by researches right from the very beginning and continued to be challenged until it was discovered to be a hoax.
I disagree, just recently I saw the Pilsbury Man in a parade. He looked so happy for an old man.
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I gave it 1:05 minutes. It started so nice with an impressive landscape with a beautiful church in the distance and a glowing apparition of the Virgin Mary. It was positively enchanting, until the scene changed to these two guys sitting in the lobby of a Bank (can you believe it?) and heard one guy give the definition of Geocentrism.

That was enough.
I really have no desire to voluntarily engage in a masochistic torture of the mind......:rolleyes:
I should have said to sample in the middle.
But they seem normal and yet. .. the Earth is the centre.. gentle dishonest prattle.
I should have said to sample in the middle.
But they seem normal and yet. .. the Earth is the centre.. gentle dishonest prattle.
After depositing the tithings they fleeced from the flock in their bank ccounts?
Only the cigars were missing..
And Paddo is not my boy and I think for you to say that is un necessarily insulting and if you don't know already such mischief just makes you look bad.
Why is that insulting, or mischievous?
I think explicits think anyone who thinks differently to themselves looks bad. So there’s no worries there.
You really can be exceedingly tiresome sometimes most times I guess.

You behave yourself or I will give you a good crushing.
Look forward to it Alex.
You should be flattered that Paddo is helping you back onto the road of enlightenment.
I am.
Thanks Paddo!
Why is that insulting, or mischievous?
I think explicits think anyone who thinks differently to themselves looks bad. So there’s no worries there.
All you need to know is that I regard it as insulting and that should be enough unless of course you are happy to be insulting for reasons you don't need to know...secret Australian cultural thing.
But extremely serious.
Look forward to it Alex.
Look I can't be there in person so please do this..stand in front of your wardrobe reach up and pull it over on yourself.
I knew you must be.
At least the reasonable scientific community most of us talk about.
You mean atheists?
They would.
ps:I think we will all leave the 'playing dumb"to you.;) You do a lot better!
Then stop making such a good job of it.
I'll leave the delusions to you.
You’re the one who claimed dogs accept darwinism.
They had no other choice, as it certainly is fact, despite your delusions.
I’ll have to see the contract.
Maybe there’s a clause that can get them out of it.
I accept what the evidence tells me, and that of the reputable proven professionals.
The evidence does not say Pakicetus evolved into a whale. Your reputable proven professionals do. Out of curiosity. In what way are they proven
Denying the undeniable and the data, spoken like a true creationist!!
You’re saying, if it wasn’t for science, and the scientific method, I would be swinging through the trees right now.
That may seem alright in the company of a bunch of explicits. But in reality, it’s really dumb.:D
Nup, Imaginary will suffice, or if you like mythical?
It doesn’t really matter.
Between us, I know you’re just pissed at God.;)
You'll look into it??? And then educate all us poor souls??
Got a feeling it won’t need to come to that.
It is a fact, which then says more about yourself as to why you can be so silly as to deny that fact.
Gee! Q was right. Guess we should also accept the spontaneous generation theory as true.:rolleyes:
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All you need to know is that I regard it as insulting and that should be enough unless of course you are happy to be insulting for reasons you don't need to know...secret Australian cultural thing.
But extremely serious.
That is serious. Did it ever occur to you, or them, to not insult?
Look I can't be there in person so please do this..stand in front of your wardrobe reach up and pull it over on yourself.
That trick has already been performed by the universe, if you believe anything Paddo says.