Should the Brown's Chicken Killers get death?

Mod Hat - Intervention

Mod Hat — Intervention

Notes for (Q) and Sandy:

(Q): I know this is going to sound strange, but the part of post #71 that is presently, by current practice, off limits is the part about reading comprehension. I recognize that some people have difficulty considering the general versus the specific, and I recognize that some people really are morally corrupt and hypocritical, and while there are days I want to grab some people and shake them and ask, "When did you forget how to read?" the thing is that we have, in recent times, been rejecting the whole reading comprehension thing. I'm following vague precedent from higher authority on this occasion, and will inquire for specific clarification, but in the meantime it would be best if we could simply avoid that point, even if it is obvious or true.

Sandy: When you make certain, prideful claims about yourself, and then behave in a manner contrary to most people's understanding of that claim, you need to expect that somebody is going to call you out on it. Either get used to it, or start acting like a Christian, or drop the whole Jesus delusion. When it comes to the difference between your claims of faith and your savage hatred—immigrants, convicts, &c.—people are going to point out the obvious, and it doesn't make sense to me that someone with the righteous power of the Lord on her side should need me to start tying people's hands behind their backs in order to make it a fair fight.​

I simply tossed the posts last time. They stand this time with this note. I'll update the Action Notes in a bit, as I forgot to record the prior deletions.

But come on. Sandy, act like a Christian. (Q), act like the intelligent person you're supposed to be. Or else drop it, both of you.
I think if a person kills someone then they inturn should be killed in the same manor in which they killed the person. What I mean by that is if a person kills someone by dragging them behind a vehicle then that person derserves the same. And I think it should be done in the public for all to see. To get the message out if you choose to do this then this is what you get.

It doesn't work. If it did, wouldn't you think the death penalty alone would suffice? That doesn't work, either.
Yeah, I'm tired of being pc.

As you judge...

Look where it got us.

Seems like a pretty nice country all things considered.

We should be like Iminajihad and fry criminals.

Because you rather live in Saudi or Iran?

There would be less crime, less victims, and better neighborhoods.

No its just covered up better until the society melts down.

Jesus was not a hippie peacenik.

Yes he was. Turn the other cheek, heal the sick, walk the extra mile, the rich will not make it into heaven...

Look at the money changers.

Law abiding citizens making a legal and traditional living.

Protest and civil disobedience.

And he cursed a fig tree causing it to wither just for not producing fruit. Imagine what he would do to a mass-murderer.

He forgave the adulteress who was sleeping with your man. He didn't cast the first stone. He healed the centurian's servant. He forgave a guy on the cross.

He said murderers will NOT go to Heaven. That's the worst punishment possible.

He didn't say you should pile on though.
Good kids in good families usually don't go out and kill anyone.

Sure they do. Look at George W. He's killed more people than all the other murderers combined.

Or if you don't want to do time for it you can join the military or the police.
The unforgivable sin

Swarm said:

He didn't say you should pile on though.

Actually, I'm curious as to her rationale on that one. There is only one unforgivable or unpardonable sin in the Bible, and that is blaspheming the Holy Spirit (Mark 3.22-30, Matthew 12.31-32). But the last time I asked her for a Biblical citation, she declined to offer it. In this thread, I invited her over to a discussion in the religion forum on murderers and redemption, but unfortunately she declined that one, too.
It doesn't work. If it did, wouldn't you think the death penalty alone would suffice? That doesn't work, either.

I wold argue that any raional human being that see's another being hacked to pieces with a skill saw or axe would then in turn think twice about trying that them selves. Even the serial killers would not like this as they are about control"in most cases" and if they lose that control and know they will be publicly humiliated they would not pursue the actions they embark on. And I know it would make people of all kinds think twice about doing actions that lead to death if they knew they would die in the same manor I am not talking a needle in the arm here I am saying if they cut a person throat and that person bleeds to death slowly then that is how they should be taken out as well. Same would apply to Drunk Drivers that kill people with cars same deal.
I invited her over to a discussion in the religion forum on murderers and redemption, but unfortunately she declined that one, too.

Yeah, I'm going to go over to the religion thread so you and your thugs can attack me and get me banned.:rolleyes:
I wold argue that any raional human being that see's another being hacked to pieces with a skill saw or axe would then in turn think twice about trying that them selves.

You can argue, but the the fact remains, it doesn't work. If it did, would we have prisoners waiting on death row at this time? Do you think they didn't know about death row before committing their crimes?

And, if 85% of the worlds population believes in magic, spirits and whatnot, do you actually think there are many rational human beings about?
We kill people to teach that killing people is wrong. I don't believe in the death penalty. It only serves to punish the wrong people and gives the criminal a peaceful end. Punishment shouldn't be peaceful, it should be punishing and you should be able to reflect on your punishment while being punished.
We kill people to teach that killing people is wrong. I don't believe in the death penalty. It only serves to punish the wrong people and gives the criminal a peaceful end. Punishment shouldn't be peaceful, it should be punishing and you should be able to reflect on your punishment while being punished.

And, we hit children to teach them that violence is wrong. :rolleyes:
You can argue, but the the fact remains, it doesn't work. If it did, would we have prisoners waiting on death row at this time? Do you think they didn't know about death row before committing their crimes?

And, if 85% of the worlds population believes in magic, spirits and whatnot, do you actually think there are many rational human beings about?

Yes they knew about Death row of course they did and depending on hwat state you live in that could mean years of being waited on hand and foot waiting for a sentence that in some cases never get carried out. What I am talked about is imediate punishment no appeals o get out of jail free cards if you chopped someone up with and axe you would then in-turn be taken outside the coursthouse and be chopped up right then and right there. Believe me there would be a drop in violent crime and that money that was spent waiting on these watses of skin could be invested in social programs so that people have outlets for there problems or help with proverty relief. That is what I am saying and I am sure it would work.
And, we hit children to teach them that violence is wrong. :rolleyes:

And one of the biggest problems is they took the ability of a parent to disipline there kids. If you fear something EG a slap to the head if you mouth back then you will not likely mouth back will you. The biggest problem is we have become to damn soft and dont tell me slapping a kid upside the head is going to mentally scar them if they are that weak we need to cull the herd dont you think.
And one of the biggest problems is they took the ability of a parent to disipline there kids. If you fear something EG a slap to the head if you mouth back then you will not likely mouth back will you. The biggest problem is we have become to damn soft and dont tell me slapping a kid upside the head is going to mentally scar them if they are that weak we need to cull the herd dont you think.

I can't tell a child beater anything. They will beat their children, regardless.
And, we hit children to teach them that violence is wrong. :rolleyes:

No, "we hit children to teach them hitting is wrong." But in some cases it can be an effective way to learn, (I've seen it work 4 biting and kicking and teasing) but if ur dead u can't learn much.
No, "we hit children to teach them hitting is wrong." But in some cases it can be an effective way to learn...

Oh yes, most certainly children learn from being beaten. It's what you believe they learn that is faulty.
Oh yes, most certainly children learn from being beaten. It's what you believe they learn that is faulty.

Did you see the examples I mentioned? I said I've seen it work for biting, kicking, and teasing. No where did I mention beating. However I think that for death row criminals the eye for an eye method can't really be used. Capital punishment can punish an innocent party (ie close family and friends).
Did you see the examples I mentioned? I said I've seen it work for biting, kicking, and teasing. No where did I mention beating. However I think that for death row criminals the eye for an eye method can't really be used. Capital punishment can punish an innocent party (ie close family and friends).

You're arguing with someone who defended the killing of one year old children by saying:

It's irrelevant what I think about it. I wasn't there.

Bells and SAM however, appear to be the combat professionals and claim to know the difference between terrorists and 1 year old babies. We should all follow their sage JUDGEMENTS.