Should it be illegal to have sex with a woman under the influence of alcohol

or you could just drink all the time and will probably never regret it and find every fat bastid shaggable every day of yur life.:D

I remember the first time I ever went down on another guy we were both drunk as hell. When we talked about it later, he was of the opinion that it could never happen again, and it would be best if nobody ever knew about it. And, of course, it being my first true homosexual adventure, I was happy to accept those terms. It didn't seem like a big deal.

But now, given the issues of this topic, it strikes me as at least slightly macabre that a guy who got a blowjob would be able to charge me with a sex crime.

Yikes. Yet another reason, I suppose, gay relationships need social validation. Otherwise bar-hopping and trolling becomes a rape culture, and, frankly, that's just not healthy for anyone.

If alcoholic influence will become this much more important, it's time to encourage an end to all trolling for tail, hetero- or homosexual.

That's it! It's a "family values" conspiracy. "Middle Americans" have invaded Britain! Tell you what: we'll make a trade with the UK. Scotland for Kansas?
I remember the first time I ever went down on another guy...

Oh, shit!! I knew there was something I didn't like about you ....and I knew that it was more than the fact that you like to type so fuckin' much!!

Yet another reason, I suppose, gay relationships need social validation. Otherwise bar-hopping and trolling becomes a rape culture, ...

What an idiotic thing to say! Men and women have had "social validation" for about a gazillion fuckin' years and that didn't do a thing to stop the bar-hopping and trolling ...nor the rape!

Geez, you fuckin' homos will stoop to almost anything, any excuses, to be recognized as normal, won't you? Shit, accept it, you ain't fuckin' normal!!

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna' go in a fuck my goats. They won't let me marry my goats, but that don't stop me from fuckin' 'em, does it? Why can't you gays and lezzies take some lessons from people like me?!

Baron Max

According to the definition of rape in this thread, I've been raped. Multiple times.

You've had sex without consenting?

Baron Max:

So you're a homophobe as well as a racist and a misogynist. What a surprise.

You've had sex without consenting?

Well, I was really drunk, which invalidates my consent. Right? I mean, that's what Bells has been going about in literally pages of straw men and ad homs. But I guess appeals to emotion always take way more space than real points.
Any woman can accuse a man of rape no matter what the hell he does or doesn't do! All she has to do is file a police report and make that claim.

Soon, if this kind of crap keeps going, men will have to have women sign notarized consent agreements, AND have the sexual encounter videotaped so as to prove what happened in a court of law.

Ain't civilization wonderful?

Baron Max

I agree!

now days we have lots of unstable women outhere. Be careful guys!

and women ask why men are so shy....i wonder why! maybe because sooner or later they (women) will accuse us of raping or something like.
Basically(for both men and women) if you dont want to have sex with someone, that you may later regret, dont drink!
Exactly. Under this proposed law, if a guy wakes up with some porker, he's embarrased. If a woman does, she files charges and the guy ends up getting butt raped for thirty years for having consentual sex with a drunken whore.
Baron Max: So you're a homophobe as well as a racist and a misogynist. What a surprise.

Ahh, you forgot that I like to fuck goats, too! James, I'm surprised at your forgetfulness.

I've heard that if you stand too close to homos, the disease will rub off onto you through the skin contact and/or breathing their air!

I've also heard that if one listens too much to women talking, they become bleeding-heart liberals and doo-gooder wimps!


Baron Max
With rape as such a major concern, why don't women wear chain-mail, armored panties with padlocks so you can't remove 'em?

Baron Max
Exactly. Under this proposed law, if a guy wakes up with some porker, he's embarrased. If a woman does, she files charges and the guy ends up getting butt raped for thirty years for having consentual sex with a drunken whore.

I hear ya, obviously we need to protect people from being raped, but the system is always open to exploitation by callous individuals.
Well, I was really drunk, which invalidates my consent. Right? I mean, that's what Bells has been going about in literally pages of straw men and ad homs. But I guess appeals to emotion always take way more space than real points.
Did you wake up feeling violated? Did you feel as though you had been raped the next morning? Did you wake up and think 'woot I scored', or was it more a case of 'WTF??? I think I've been raped'. Did the people you had sex with ply you with alcohol or possibly spike your drink so that you would pass out so that they could have sex with you? Did you wake up with bruises all over your body and a feeling that someone had done something to you that you would have never consented to had you been sober?

I'm not saying it's not a difficult situation. I've been saying it all along. That's why it is very hard to prove a rape case where alcohol is involved and even where no alcohol or drugs are involved. It literally becomes a case of 'he said she said', as do quite a bit of rape cases. Some cases where someone has spiked someone's drink with a date rape drug are just as impossible to try. It's easier to try a murder case than it is to try a rape case. Rape convictions are rare and far between, even in situations where the cases equals 1 + 1 = 2 and looks so easy. Half the time the victims withdraws and refuses to continue with a trial because they need to face their rapist in court or have their own lives spread out and questioned by the defence. And I have to admit I don't blame them because the trial is sometimes just as harrowing as the rape was. But where alcohol is involved, unless there were witnesses who can vouch for the victim and who witnessed his/her drinks getting spiked or that the rapist plied them with alcohol with the intent to rape, it's pretty much a dropped case. It is a gray area. Some people who have been raped refuse to come forward due to embarrassment and others come forward not sure if they have been raped.
With rape as such a major concern, why don't women wear chain-mail, armored panties with padlocks so you can't remove 'em?

Baron Max
Ah so you expect women to wear armour because some men can't control themselves? Right... Why don't men simply control themselves? Much easier, non?
Ah so you expect women to wear armour because some men can't control themselves? Right... Why don't men simply control themselves? Much easier, non?
Good point. And while we're at it, let's remove all the locks and alarm systems from our houses and cars. Lets get rid of the guards at the bank. It would be much easier if those bad men would just control themselves!
Good point. And while we're at it, let's remove all the locks and alarm systems from our houses and cars. Lets get rid of the guards at the bank. It would be much easier if those bad men would just control themselves!
Ah so you think women should wear plated underwear so they aren't raped? Hell why don't we take it one step further and sew their orifices shut? Or lock them up inside and never let them out.
Did you wake up feeling violated?


Did you feel as though you had been raped the next morning?

How does being raped feel?
Have you been raped?

Did you wake up and think 'woot I scored', or was it more a case of 'WTF??? I think I've been raped'.

It was the "WTF, I feel dirty, I can't believe this happened."

Did the people you had sex with ply you with alcohol or possibly spike your drink so that you would pass out so that they could have sex with you?


Did you wake up with bruises all over your body and a feeling that someone had done something to you that you would have never consented to had you been sober?

No bruises, but I never would have consented were I sober.
Then go to your local police station and report it Roman if you feel that way inclined. Had you been raped, you'd have known it and would not have to ask what it felt like.
Ah so you expect women to wear armour because some men can't control themselves? Right... Why don't men simply control themselves? Much easier, non?

Well, as noted in your long, long posts's obvious to you that some men can't control themselves, AND they rape women. Right?? I mean, that's what we're talkin' about, right ...that some men can NOT control themselves?

therefore, if ...IF... women really wanted to protect themselves from those uncontrollable men, then they'd do something to protect themselves from being raped. I mean, right???

I know that there are criminals in the world; I know that there are criminals who'd try to harm or kill me; I also know that the police can't protect me from those criminals; .....sooooo, I carry a gun in order to try to protect myself. Why can't women do the same? Rapists are criminals, right?

Chain-mail panties with padlocks seems like a simple solution to me. ...and don't cost much, either! :)

Baron Max