Should it be illegal to have sex with a woman under the influence of alcohol

Baron Max:

Intention is one of the most difficult, if not impossible, issues for a prosecutor to prove in a court of law. Thus it most often comes back to "He said, She said", which is damned difficult for a jury to decide.

I agree. That's why many rapists who should have been convicted are instead acquitted.

I'm tellin' y'all, it's simply best to get the girl to sign a document in front of a legal notary, then videotape the entire sexual encounter in order to protect yourselves from the charge of rape.

Or, you could try asking her rather than assuming she wants to have sex with you...

she can fuck your brains out that night, then the very next morning she can swear out a complaint of rape ...

What would that say about you?

If y'all want my advice, stay the hell away from women other than known whores and prostitutes. Women ain't nothin' but trouble for men (and vice versa, too!).

Do you imagine that shouting your misogyny to the world will help you win friends and influence people?


This happened in sydney, an 18 year old girl got drinking and AGREED to have sex with three males aged 21-22.
Afterwards she decided that she told them to stop and they didn't - and accused them of raping her.
The three men were acquitted.

A good example of the criminal justice system working as it should.
No matter what men try to do, they are going to make bad choices when it comes to sex. The females will make certain of that.
I agree, (Baron Max). That's why many rapists who should have been convicted are instead acquitted.

Well, that's a shitty thing to say, James!! Our courts might not be perfect, but when someone is found guilty or innocent in our courts of law, then that should be the end of it. What ye're saying is only that you know better than all of the juries who acquitted those men who were accused of rape. What makes you such a know-it-all, and the jurors such fools? Bad attitude, James!

Do you imagine that shouting your misogyny to the world will help you win friends and influence people?

Don't want to win friends, James, but I'd like to help/influence the over 50% of people who marry, then divorce within the first year! If people took a closer look at marriage, with an honest view and logical reasoning, very damned few people would get married!

A good example of the criminal justice system working as it should.

Judge not lest ye' be also judged!

Baron Max
James, it doesn't necessarily say anything about the man if a woman fucks his brains out the night before then charges him with rape the next morning. It's well known that "crazy pussy" gives the best sex but you can't trust the women who are like that. They seem perfectly straight if not more than perfectly straight in the daylight then they go crazy in bed. I would far rather trust a blatant whore than someone like that, as long as she didn't take advantage of me while I was drunk.
Baron Max:

Well, that's a shitty thing to say, James!! Our courts might not be perfect, but when someone is found guilty or innocent in our courts of law, then that should be the end of it.

I agree - for that prosecution. My point is that mistakes are made - something I think you agreed about earlier.

What ye're saying is only that you know better than all of the juries who acquitted those men who were accused of rape. What makes you such a know-it-all, and the jurors such fools? Bad attitude, James!

No, that's not what I am saying. I do, however, make the point that certain juries have acquitted men who were later convicted of another instance of exactly the same type of crime. That certainly suggests something to me.

I hold no delusions that juries are perfect. For a start, they can only deal with the information presented to them in court. Garbage in, garbage out.

Judge not lest ye' be also judged!

Evil prospers when good people remain silent.


James, it doesn't necessarily say anything about the man if a woman fucks his brains out the night before then charges him with rape the next morning.

No, but it doesn't necessary NOT say something about the man, either.

It's well known that "crazy pussy" gives the best sex but you can't trust the women who are like that.

Urban myths can be fun, but they can also be harmful.

They seem perfectly straight if not more than perfectly straight in the daylight then they go crazy in bed. I would far rather trust a blatant whore than someone like that, as long as she didn't take advantage of me while I was drunk.

Well, I don't think you'll get much disagreement with that.
No, it should not be illegal.

If you are shitfaced drunk and you choose to have sex with someone, that's not rape. You may wake up in the morning and think 'why was I so stupid?' but it was still a choice.
No, it should not be illegal.

If you are shitfaced drunk and you choose to have sex with someone, that's not rape. You may wake up in the morning and think 'why was I so stupid?' but it was still a choice.

I agree. If she's passed out, well that's a different story.
Would a guy ever press rape charges if he had sex with a woman he normally wouldn't?
We libertarians believe that the citizens must not be overly protected from the consequences of their own decisions. People need to understand that sometimes bad things happen to people who choose to get drunk, and that should figure into their decision. If you protect them from some of the consequences they will become spoiled, and perhaps even forget that there are other consequences not so easily preventable.

What if, after a night of drinking, instead of waking up in bed with Henry Gibson she wakes up in an ICU because she wrecked her car--and perhaps killed a carload of people? Who ya gonna lay the blame on this time?
What if, after a night of drinking, instead of waking up in bed with Henry Gibson she wakes up in an ICU because she wrecked her car--and perhaps killed a carload of people? Who ya gonna lay the blame on this time?

If another driver intentionally swerved into her, I would blame the other driver. Her being drunk doesn't excuse the intentional acts of others. It might be something to consider in mitigation of punishment.
No one on this planet can trace linage through completely sober couplings of their ancestors...

I kind of doubt that any living person could trace their lineage without running into violent and forceable rape and/or sex with children or close family too, I don't think that justifies those behaviors. The number of ancestors we each have is too immense and human history too long.

The sins of my ancestors remain sins, notwithstanding that I might not be here without them.
It should only be as illegal as having sex with a drunk man.
Which, seeing as how people know perfectly well what they're doing when they're drunk, should be not illegal at all.
If another driver intentionally swerved into her, I would blame the other driver. Her being drunk doesn't excuse the intentional acts of others. It might be something to consider in mitigation of punishment.
Well geeze dude. Are we talking about a typical Friday night in a bar where everyone deliberately gets a buzz on to forget their jobs and a few people drink too much because they have a little more to forget? No two people behave the same way when they've had too much to drink. Some people deliberately get drunk to lose their inhibitions because they feel they've been too uptight all week. It's impossible for anyone to second-guess them and say, "Hey, you're too drunk for me to believe that you really want to have sex with me."

If you're talking about genuine date-rape with someone who's barely conscious and you have to carry her to bed, well then sure that's bad behavior. But I didn't think that was what this was about.

What if a man and a woman who have both gotten plastered on purpose hook up with each other? In the morning one of them gets a good look at the other and yells: "I would never have had sex with you if I was sober! You took advantage of me!"

Alcohol is the most popular drug on earth and it also has the most consistent effect on all people. Everybody knows what kinds of things they might get into if they get drunk. If they make the free choice to get drunk, then they've signed up for whatever happens. We absolutely must bear the responsibility for the results of our own choices.