Should it be illegal to have sex with a woman under the influence of alcohol

Could be a passed out boy that gets raped by a man friend he trusted too.

This isn't about being passed out. This is about being drunk and making bad decisions.

If a guy gets drunk and ends up taking a few in the pooper, it's his fault. His partners aren't to blame for his lapse of judgement. He is. He chose to drink. He chose to drop his pants.

Hell, I know a few guys that have gotten drunk and sodomized. I blame them. I don't blame the sodomites that popped his asscherry.
So are you saying women aren't repsonsible for themselves when they drink? That they need men to make special "no drinking" laws just for them?
Did I say that? Tell me where I said that exactly?

Have you ever been drunk? Ever been out with people who are drunk? Would you get someone drunk just to have sex with them, knowing they'd have refused you if they were sober? Laws that determine 'date rape', where a drug or alcohol is used as the means to rape the victim, are in place because there are people in society who prey on people they know will not be able to fight back or defend themselves.

I cannot understand how so many of you seem to just not get it. Most rape victims who have been drugged through either drugs or alcohol are prey to people they know. Sometimes even family members. So you find it easier to lay the blame on the victim rather than on the person who took advantage of their situation in the first place? Would you see it in the same light if the victim were a child? Do you blame the child for being 'sexy' to the paedophile? Do you think a child is responsible for being sexually molested? It amounts to the same thing in the end. When a person is drunk or drugged, then they become vulnerable to the individual(s) who are around them and if those individuals decide to take advantage of them when they are in such a state, it's the individual's fault and not the victim's.

Why do you think it's ok to rape Roman? Why are you defending the actions of people who prey on others in such a fashion? There is no difference between a person who slips a date rape drug into their victim's drink and a person who ply's their victim with alcohol to achieve the same means. You may think there is a difference, but there is not. The person who uses a pill to rape someone is the same as the person who uses alcohol. The only difference is that one may not have gained access to a date rape drug or may simply have decided that proving rape with just alcohol in the system of the victim would be harder, which goes to show a further level of premeditation. Now if you wish to somehow defend them of their actions, then so be it. But hope that you are never prey to such an individual, as it could be someone you trust who does it to you.

And no Roman, when a guy gets raped neither he, nor his friends, will blame him for it. Because most people understand the difference between right and wrong and understand the trauma the victim goes through after being raped. Most people would never take the blame from the rapist and place it on the victim. But I guess not everyone has such a level of understanding, and for that I pity you and those around you. Because chances are Roman, someone in your circle of friends or family will have been sexually assaulted or raped in the past or may be in the future and if you react like you have done in this thread, the repercussions to that individual(s) could be devastating.

Baron Max said:
Yep, that's exactly what she's saying. And worse, she expects special treatment for women under the law, too. Oh, well, so much for women's equality, huh?
Still suffering from a lack of comprehension Baron? Tell me, is it your age that makes you just so stupid? Do you think that because you're old, you can just be excused or somehow expect to be told you're always right? No Baron. I'm sorry to tell you this, but there is no excuse for rape nor is there any excuse for stupidity, just as the expectation that you're right due to your age will never come to fruition.

No Baron. What I do expect is for people to not rape. Now I understand, in your neanderthal way of thinking, this might be a bit hard for you to comprehend, but rape is wrong. There is no defence for anyone who rapes. There is nothing that could mitigate a rapist's actions. And no Baron, I'm not demanding special laws for women. I'm demanding special laws for everyone. I'm demanding that everyone has the right to NOT BE RAPED, be they male, female or child. Now maybe you think that you can just take whatever you want, be it a woman, man or child (whichever you're into), but the fact of the matter is, you cannot. And if you're the type of person who needs to get someone drunk for them to have sex with you, then the problem is not with the person you're drugging, but with you.

That's what it amounts to. Because when someone is drunk, they may not be able to understand your actions and what it is you expect from them. Just like a drunk person cannot be considered safe to drive a car or operate heavy machinery because of their lack of judgement, just as it's illegal to get someone drunk to make them sign a contract, it's also illegal to get them drunk to have sex with them. A drunk person may not be able to tell the difference between friendly banter and sexually based innuendo and sexual advances. The problem or the issue isn't with the victim but with the rapist. Now you may wish to mitigate a rapist's actions for whatever reason necessary to you, but the law is against you in that. And no, the law stated in the start of this thread as proposed by ToR is just that.. her proposal. That particular law does not exist. But the law that states that you cannot get a person drunk or drug them with the intent to have sex with them, as it can be considered rape, does exist.
I haven't read this thread(looks dangerously boring). All I know is that women get entirely too much attention. Please, if anyone doesn't like their wine collection anymore you can freely reach me. Just what we need, further depleting the chances of people like me getting laid.
No Baron. What I do expect is for people to not rape.

I agree, and we already have laws against rape. Why do we need anything further? Mitigating circumstances are for the courts to decide, and most of those are already on the law books.

So what are we talking about this for? Rape is against the law, but it's still done. Murder is against the law, but it's also still done. What the fuck? One more law ain't gonna' change a fuckin' thing. And worse, a special law ONLY for women is just going to be disaster for women's rights and equal treatment under the law.

Baron Max
Rape is against the law, but it's still done. Murder is against the law, but it's also still done. What the fuck? One more law ain't gonna' change a fuckin' thing.

Do you believe all laws are useless, then?

Would you prefer to live with anarchy?
According to you, I've been raped dozens of times, my friends have been collectively raped hundreds of times, my sister raped....

Your definition of rape is wrong.
Then please inform us Roman, how do you define rape? Does it even exist in your vocabulary? Do you think rape is wrong? Do you think it should be legal to rape? You may think it's wrong Roman, but the law and society disagrees with you. Now unless you wish to think that everyone else is wrong and only you're right...

I'd suggest you contact your local law enforcement agency and tell them the definition of rape is wrong. You should also contact your local mayor, parliamentary representative and senator and also advise them that you think the definition of rape is wrong. As an added measure, you should look up in the phone book for every rape crisis centre and advise them of the fact you think everyone else has it all wrong. Hell you're in college aren't you? I dare you to stand in the middle of your college during its busiest times and yell out that you think the definition of rape is wrong.

Again, there is no law that states that it's illegal to have sex with a woman who's drunk. What is illegal and is classified as rape is if she's not willing and the rapist has plied her with alcohol, to ensure that she is not in a state of mind to give consent, to achieve the aim of rape. Now you may think that's a done thing amongst the society you seem to keep and so be it. But amongst civilised people, that is classified as rape, just as slipping GHB into a person's drink and then having sex with them without their understanding, knowledge or most importantly consent, is rape. If that's how you get a woman to sleep with you, then it could very well be that you could find yourself in a hell of a lot of trouble. If you think it's fine to get someone drunk and then take advantage of them, again you could get into a lot of trouble. And if you do find yourself standing in front of a judge, charged with rape, then you should tell them that you think the definition of rape is wrong.:) Seriously, judges love it when criminals appear before them and tell them the law is wrong..:)
Hey, let's ban women from going out without bodyguards armed with submachine guns, knives, machetes, hand grenades and armed with video cameras and voice recorders.
Baron Max
Don't they have this rule in Muslim countries? Minus the weapons requirement, just the no unaccompanied female part. That's where this is heading. If women want to be treated as equals, they have to assume some responsibility for their actions. Don't go out and get blind drunk then scream rape when someone has consentual sex because you were "incapacitated". How did you get that way? It's one thing if someone slips you a rufee, but if you go to a bar and get drunk you're just as responsible for what happens as a drunk driver.
Again, there is no law that states that it's illegal to have sex with a woman who's drunk. What is illegal and is classified as rape is if she's not willing and the rapist has plied her with alcohol, to ensure that she is not in a state of mind to give consent, to achieve the aim of rape.
If you could prove the "aim" was rape, OK. But if you're at a bar buying a woman drinks, and you're drinking too,...That's just social interaction. Sure, every guy knows women are more likely to say yes when drunk, why do you think we buy you drinks? But that doesn't mean the aim is rape. The aim is sex. It's the same reason a salesman takes you out to dinner and buys you drinks. It's called persuasion, not rape.

Men want sex. Damn near everything a man does for a woman is in the hopes of getting sex. That's why we buy drinks, open doors, open jars, and pretend to pay attention while you tell us every detail of your day. Should all these activities be outlawed too? "She was in no condition to give consent, he had just given her flowers and opened a really tight jar."
Then please inform us Roman, how do you define rape? Does it even exist in your vocabulary? Do you think rape is wrong? Do you think it should be legal to rape? You may think it's wrong Roman, but the law and society disagrees with you. Now unless you wish to think that everyone else is wrong and only you're right...

I'd suggest you contact your local law enforcement agency and tell them the definition of rape is wrong. You should also contact your local mayor, parliamentary representative and senator and also advise them that you think the definition of rape is wrong. As an added measure, you should look up in the phone book for every rape crisis centre and advise them of the fact you think everyone else has it all wrong. Hell you're in college aren't you? I dare you to stand in the middle of your college during its busiest times and yell out that you think the definition of rape is wrong.

Again, there is no law that states that it's illegal to have sex with a woman who's drunk. What is illegal and is classified as rape is if she's not willing and the rapist has plied her with alcohol, to ensure that she is not in a state of mind to give consent, to achieve the aim of rape. Now you may think that's a done thing amongst the society you seem to keep and so be it. But amongst civilised people, that is classified as rape, just as slipping GHB into a person's drink and then having sex with them without their understanding, knowledge or most importantly consent, is rape. If that's how you get a woman to sleep with you, then it could very well be that you could find yourself in a hell of a lot of trouble. If you think it's fine to get someone drunk and then take advantage of them, again you could get into a lot of trouble. And if you do find yourself standing in front of a judge, charged with rape, then you should tell them that you think the definition of rape is wrong.:) Seriously, judges love it when criminals appear before them and tell them the law is wrong..:)

Rape is having sex, forcibly, with someone who doesn't want it. If one (or both) of them are drunk and willing, how does that count as rape?

Next, adultress women will be shouting rape for the affairs they're having because their men throw their skankass out.

HIndsight's always 20/20. That doesn't make a man a rapist.
Is there? If a woman is out with friends, who she trusts and would not think would set out to harm her, why should she feel wary if one of them decides to get her drunk to rape her later?

Those are enemies not friends, and she would have to be one seriously naive woman. It's one thing to be naive, but seriously, unless you know a person well, VERY well, as in like family, you don't drink with them. Hell you shouldnt drink with most family, pick a group of drinking buddies and only drink with them. Experience is your security.

Topping up a person's drink or giving them stronger drinks without their knowledge can and is just as bad. Simply repeatedly shouting them drinks with the bid of raping them when they are drunk is just as bad. And in most cases, the victim trusts their friends enough to never feel any doubt about getting drunk around said friend.

Most cases? You assume a friend would rape a friend? No, thats an enemy posing as a friend, HUGE difference.

That's the thing so many do not realise. Date rape usually occurs where the victim knows the assailant.

Most victims know the suspect. It does not mean the victim was friends with the suspect, it simply means that the victim knew the suspect. The only way you know someone is your friend or not is after they prove it, over and over again.

Hence why its called 'date rape'. Many victims did not think that their friends, partners, etc, could do something like that so had no reason to fear getting drunk when out with them. Do you feel doubtful of your friend's integrity when you're out with them? Should we now all start to not trust anyone at all?

Thats naive thinking. Why are you always the most naive person on this forum? I don't think all women are THAT naive, a lot of women are street smart and know that there are many many people who are potential threats or who potentially want to harm them.

There is still this onus to blame the victim instead of looking at the actions of the rapist. Why should the victim distrust friends, partners, family, etc?

Because it's in human nature to harm other humans. If you want to protect victims, start reducing the harm. You are the same person who thinks if guns are taken away, that there will be less violent crime, your naive thinking makes no sense, because it only creates more victims. Yes you should blame the suspect for commiting the crime, but the victim is supposed to be properly educated so it's not as easy. There are children who are taught not to talk to strangers, this does not mean literally do not talk to strangers, it means do not trust strangers, it's taught early, and as a child grows into an adult it only becomes more true.

Why not blame the bad behaviour on the rapist, where the full blame should lie, instead of trying to mitigate the rapists actions by saying the victim should simply not have been drunk? Why do so many people feel the need to excuse the rapist's behaviour?

Because the victims don't seem to get it. When you think like a victim, only reacting to crime, it only helps crime continue. You are thinking like a victim when you say blame the rapist. YES of course you blame the rapist, they commited the crime, but how about going out of your way to PREVENT rape from ever occuring in the first place? Same problem with the gun law idea you have, you want to remove the guns, but this does nothing to prevent violent people from getting ahold of weapons. You as a person, you fear violent people, you don't fear rapists, you dont fear murderers, these are violent acts, what you actually fear is violent people, now stand up and say it, because if you keep reacting to violent acts, you'll have to declare each individual violent act illegal, while the violent individuals keep inventing new innovative ways to be violent, it's going to be cat and mouse. Why not instead just have much harsher penalties for violent crimes? Otherwise I don't see how your ideas are going to make any sense. There are already laws against rapes and it's not preventing rapes. You also have to understand that the people who have the greatest potential to commit rape are usually easy to spot, they have patterns of behavior, and usually have violent histories.

Is it now a crime to be out and have a few drinks with friends and possibly get drunk, just in case one of our friends cant be trusted, so we're at fault for their actions against us? That's what it comes down to in the end. Is it the victims fault that they are raped?
It's the violent persons fault. It's not the victims fault. The person who initiates the violence is most at fault. In a fight, the person who throws the first punch is most at fault, not the person who accidently kills them in self defense, but thats just my opnion. If someone is attacking you, THEY are at fault, and until the police arrive, YOU ARE THE LAW. I don't blame the rape victim for being raped, I blame the rapist, but the rape victim should always fight back, and the friends of the rape victim if they were friends would never allow it to go that far. To be frank, if I were in that situation and it's my friend and I care about her, the rapist would have to get through me before he'd be able to rape her. If it's a group of us, and that one aggressive violent friend is spazzing out, it's our responsibility to protect the most passive from the violence of the aggressor. This means, friends are supposed to stand up for and defend each other, with the stronger friends protecting the weaker or more vulnerable friends.In a situation where it's one guy vs three, and that one guy is being violent and acting spazzy, we could handle it, likely without anyone getting seriously hurt.

Do they somehow deserve it because they were drunk in the first place? Because if you think that any person is at fault for a crime such as rape or sexual assault that is committed against them or that they somehow deserve it, then you are absolving the rapist of all blame and attributing reason for his appalling behaviour. Ask yourself, if someone did this to your child, sibbling, etc, would you blame your loved one by telling them they should have known better? Or would you look at the rapist as the one at fault? Would you sell out your loved one by removing some guilt and blame from the rapist and placing it on said loved one's head?[

If you were in this situation, as naive as you claim to be, and you are in a room with 3 guys, and you all know which of the 3 is most likely to rape (the violent one who treats women like crap), and this guy is behaving in the wrong sorta way, would you actually just sit there and let this person drug your friend and rape her in front of you? I think even you would stand up and defend your friend, I don't think youd' allow someone to rape your friend even if they were a friend, if they attempt something like that they'd instantly become the enemy.
Did I say that? Tell me where I said that exactly?

Have you ever been drunk? Ever been out with people who are drunk? Would you get someone drunk just to have sex with them, knowing they'd have refused you if they were sober? Laws that determine 'date rape', where a drug or alcohol is used as the means to rape the victim, are in place because there are people in society who prey on people they know will not be able to fight back or defend themselves.

I cannot understand how so many of you seem to just not get it. Most rape victims who have been drugged through either drugs or alcohol are prey to people they know. Sometimes even family members.

That's not a family member. It depends on how you define family member, but if they rape you, usually they become the enemy, if not immediately, than somewhere down the line.

And no Roman, when a guy gets raped neither he, nor his friends, will blame him for it. Because most people understand the difference between right and wrong and understand the trauma the victim goes through after being raped.

Most peopel? Who are most people? Most people are not like you. Most people do not understand the difference between right and wrong, just look at the world, rape is common, so obviously most people dont. Most people dont' care about the victims of crime, and if I'm wrong about this and you think most people do care, well then a small tiny little group of people who don't care commit all the crimes and the people who do care are asleep. Wake up.

Still suffering from a lack of comprehension Baron? Tell me, is it your age that makes you just so stupid? Do you think that because you're old, you can just be excused or somehow expect to be told you're always right? No Baron. I'm sorry to tell you this, but there is no excuse for rape nor is there any excuse for stupidity, just as the expectation that you're right due to your age will never come to fruition.

Huh? Baron is not stupid, you may disagree with him, but a LOT of people think just like he does, and you need to recognize that his perspective of reality is as real as yours.

No Baron. What I do expect is for people to not rape. Now I understand, in your neanderthal way of thinking, this might be a bit hard for you to comprehend, but rape is wrong.

So you say rape is wrong? Yes it is wrong. So what? You are not going to prevent rape by preaching morality to people who have morality, you can only prevent rape by literally making it more difficult and eventually impossible to rape. Invent a laser keychain device which allows a person to test the composition of a drink or of food to see if it's laced with poison, and then you'll be able to prevent this type of rape. THINK, and then do something, but don't just say "you are WRONG" or "rape is WRONG". What are you doing to protect people from rape?

Also, Baron's thinking is right about something, he knows that while you expect people NOT to do bad things, like rape, he expects people to do bad things like rape, the advantage goes to him because he has the better perspective. You have to learn to see a problem from multiple perspectives, meaning more perspectives than simply your own. No one is saying you must lose your morality, but try to see the world from Baron's perspective, and then maybe you'll understand where hes coming from. He is consistant with his views, and his perspective is clear, you can learn from this if you keep an open mind, and no I'm not saying I agree with Baron on this, but at least analyze his perspective.

There is no defence for anyone who rapes. There is nothing that could mitigate a rapist's actions. And no Baron, I'm not demanding special laws for women. I'm demanding special laws for everyone.

When you create more laws, it creates more courts, this creates more prisons, this is fine, so be it, rapists should go to prison, but the point is, your legal solution is not the only possible solution. Maybe giving women better access to the police, such as a keychain which dials 911 at the push of a button or at the sound of her scream, and which analyzes the tone of her voice through voice analysis, this would have the same result. Maybe more undercover cops also so police could be in all the bars and places where women are likely to be raped, and catch rapists in the act, along with the other violent criminals. Maybe better surviellance, and better security systems will also prevent rapes.

Why don't you focus on preventing the crime from ever being allowed to occur instead of only responding after the fact? I support the local police, but seriously, you need to focus on solutions which will work regardless of what state the legal system is in, I mean for all we know someday rape and murder could be declared legal, and hey if you outlawed the gun it would only make women more vulnerable in some situations, there are so many variables to this that you need to think of it as a way to reduce harm, because thats the goal we ALL agree on. How can we reduce harm without reducing freedom, how can we prevent rape without creating more and more laws?

Because eventually, it's going to be so dangerous for males to have sex with females, that not only will there be no more rapes, but there will likely be no more sex, or sex will change to the point where males will demand females sign a contract. If this is what you want, then go ahead and create more laws.

I'm demanding that everyone has the right to NOT BE RAPED, be they male, female or child. Now maybe you think that you can just take whatever you want, be it a woman, man or child (whichever you're into), but the fact of the matter is, you cannot. And if you're the type of person who needs to get someone drunk for them to have sex with you, then the problem is not with the person you're drugging, but with you.

So how do you materially defend that right? Laws are concepts, thoughts, but how exactly do you make it easier for the police to target rapists?

That's what it amounts to. Because when someone is drunk, they may not be able to understand your actions and what it is you expect from them. Just like a drunk person cannot be considered safe to drive a car or operate heavy machinery because of their lack of judgement, just as it's illegal to get someone drunk to make them sign a contract, it's also illegal to get them drunk to have sex with them. A drunk person may not be able to tell the difference between friendly banter and sexually based innuendo and sexual advances. The problem or the issue isn't with the victim but with the rapist. Now you may wish to mitigate a rapist's actions for whatever reason necessary to you, but the law is against you in that. And no, the law stated in the start of this thread as proposed by ToR is just that.. her proposal. That particular law does not exist. But the law that states that you cannot get a person drunk or drug them with the intent to have sex with them, as it can be considered rape, does exist.

Should it be legal to have sex with a adult under the influence? No. This law prevents rape. Now back it up with laws which allow police to do a better job targeting rapists and you'll have a headstart.
Don't they have this rule in Muslim countries? Minus the weapons requirement, just the no unaccompanied female part. That's where this is heading. If women want to be treated as equals, they have to assume some responsibility for their actions.

They already do.

Don't go out and get blind drunk then scream rape when someone has consentual sex because you were "incapacitated".

If she was "incapacitated", she couldn't consent, could she?

It's one thing if someone slips you a rufee, but if you go to a bar and get drunk you're just as responsible for what happens as a drunk driver.

What do you think about the child who gets into a pedophile's car because the pedophile offers the child sweets? Is the child responsible? They've been told not to talk to strangers etc., so according to your argument they are responsible for any abuse that occurs.

Now compare the situation where a man who wants to rape plies a woman with alcohol, and she doesn't notice that she is drinking 10 times as much as he is.

If you could prove the "aim" was rape, OK. But if you're at a bar buying a woman drinks, and you're drinking too,...That's just social interaction.


Sure, every guy knows women are more likely to say yes when drunk, why do you think we buy you drinks? But that doesn't mean the aim is rape. The aim is sex.

In most cases, the aim is sex by mutual consent. It is when the perpetrator realises that the victim is not consenting (because they are past the point of having the capacity to consent due to drink) but has sex anyway that we cross the line into rape.

It's the same reason a salesman takes you out to dinner and buys you drinks. It's called persuasion, not rape.

If the salesman gets you so drunk you don't know what you're doing, takes you to a hotel and the next day you wake up with a new vacuum cleaner and an empty wallet, is that "persuasion"? Has the salesman "persuaded" you to buy a new vacuum cleaner?

Men want sex. Damn near everything a man does for a woman is in the hopes of getting sex. That's why we buy drinks, open doors, open jars, and pretend to pay attention while you tell us every detail of your day. Should all these activities be outlawed too?

Rape is sex without consent. Surely it is a simple enough concept to grasp. If you give her flowers and she consents to sex, good for you. But if she doesn't consent, and you have sex, that's rape. Simple and obvious, I would have thought.
Rape is having sex, forcibly, with someone who doesn't want it.
the above definition is wrong. removing the word 'forcibly' makes the definition right.

rape is having sex with someone without their consent. period.
Rape is having sex, forcibly, with someone who doesn't want it. If one (or both) of them are drunk and willing, how does that count as rape?
Contrary to what you may believe Roman, rape is when there is no consent. Now if a woman is so drunk as to not be in control of her faculties and could not be in any state of mind to consent, then yes that is rape. If she was saying no before she was drunk or showed no interest in you when she was sober and you start plying her with alcohol or possibly slipping her a few drugs without her knowledge, and you then have sex with her, she could very well cry rape and you could very well go to jail. Just because she is drunk and "willing" does not mean she was in a state of mind to give consent. I'll make it easier for you..

Rape = No consent.

Consent = No rape.
You guys who keep talking about men plying a female with drink with the intent of raping them, that is NOT the topic here.

This is about women who binge drink, get drunk, chat to a male, he chats back, he never bought her a drink, he has no drugs, he is equally drunk. They kiss they mutually enage in acts of seduction. They may go back to her place, she has sex with him (consentually)

Next day she regrets her actions or may not recall them, she cries rape.

The male did not INTENTIONALLY rape her, he believed her to be consenting. She was a stranger to him before that night thus he cannot judge her state of 'informed consent'. She was fully conscious. Her body and language consented. Her body and language were proactive in the sex act.

YET because the following morning she regrets her actions, possibly has a bfriend or husband , possibly gets an STD, pregnant, or the man decides not to call her again she considers rape as a better alternative to accepting the consequences of her actions.

THIS happens

I am not talking here about protecting women from date rape from men who set out to rape them. This is about protecting men from women who get THEMSELVES drunk SEEK sex then cry rape afterwards.
I phrased the question in the lead post the way I did to see just how far those of you who say

'the female has no responsibility for her own drinking and level of drunkeness and the actions she CONSENTS to while drunk'

would go to protect her from HERSELF.

Rape is a terrible thing, but so is accusing someone of rape when the only thing are guilty of is not knowing the female well enough to know when she is playing with his cock in the bar, inviting him to her palce for sex, she is too drunk to know what she is saying or doing and he should therefore REFUSE.

You are asking that this male demonstrate GREATER strength and self discipline (despite also being drunk) than the female is doing.

This is not a very realistic request and shows very little awareness of the nature of man and human nature.

Women place themselves at greater risk of date rape if they get drunk to the point of making poor choices.

NOTE I reiterate this is not about women plied with drink or drugs for the purpose of obtaining sex. It is not about trust of a male friend being abused.

The question is, if women are not responsible for what they 'consent' to while drunk, how far will you go to protect them from the risks they place themselves under?
You guys who keep talking about men plying a female with drink with the intent of raping them, that is NOT the topic here.

This is about women who binge drink, get drunk, chat to a male, he chats back, he never bought her a drink, he has no drugs, he is equally drunk. They kiss they mutually enage in acts of seduction. They may go back to her place, she has sex with him (consentually)

Next day she regrets her actions or may not recall them, she cries rape.

The male did not INTENTIONALLY rape her, he believed her to be consenting. She was a stranger to him before that night thus he cannot judge her state of 'informed consent'. She was fully conscious. Her body and language consented. Her body and language were proactive in the sex act.

YET because the following morning she regrets her actions, possibly has a bfriend or husband , possibly gets an STD, pregnant, or the man decides not to call her again she considers rape as a better alternative to accepting the consequences of her actions.

THIS happens

I am not talking here about protecting women from date rape from men who set out to rape them. This is about protecting men from women who get THEMSELVES drunk SEEK sex then cry rape afterwards.
I phrased the question in the lead post the way I did to see just how far those of you who say

'the female has no responsibility for her own drinking and level of drunkeness and the actions she CONSENTS to while drunk'

would go to protect her from HERSELF.

Rape is a terrible thing, but so is accusing someone of rape when the only thing are guilty of is not knowing the female well enough to know when she is playing with his cock in the bar, inviting him to her palce for sex, she is too drunk to know what she is saying or doing and he should therefore REFUSE.

You are asking that this male demonstrate GREATER strength and self discipline (despite also being drunk) than the female is doing.

This is not a very realistic request and shows very little awareness of the nature of man and human nature.

Women place themselves at greater risk of date rape if they get drunk to the point of making poor choices.

NOTE I reiterate this is not about women plied with drink or drugs for the purpose of obtaining sex. It is not about trust of a male friend being abused.

The question is, if women are not responsible for what they 'consent' to while drunk, how far will you go to protect them from the risks they place themselves under?

This means the man broke the rules. It's against the rules to have sex with an intoxicated person, even if it's not against the law. It's unethical do behave in that fashion. In this situation the guy is at fault.

If a woman is drunk in my opinion, she is not in a proper state to consent as she is not fully conscious if shes drunk. Now if both people are drunk when this happens, well it's different than if the man is completely sobor and shes drunk. If both people are drunk, there should be no real way for her to scream rape because both of them are abusing their bodies and theres no way to prove one way or the other what happened. If however the man is sober and the female is drunk, and she says she was raped, it does not matter how she got drunk, it's rape. This is why as a rule, and it doesnt matter if it's male or female, don't have sex with an intoxicated person, and don't place yourself in situations where you can be charged with rape and all the evidence is right there to use against you. If you are smart, and you know someone is being stupid and trying to trick you into being stupid with them, it's better to let them be stupid and not go down that path.