Should gay couples be allowed to adopt children?

Do you think gay couples should be allowed to adopted children

  • yes

    Votes: 77 68.1%
  • no

    Votes: 36 31.9%

  • Total voters
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Originally posted by Flores
Yeah, tell me about it…
You just provided additional evidence how biased, badly informed and self-righteous you are.
1. Homosexuality is not only about sex. It is also about relationship. And since this thread is about homosexual pairs and their right to adopt children, sex is actually totally irrelevant here. Only some retarded fool seeks marriage because of sex nowadays (well, after thinking about what you just wrote – that might be very well your case…). Most people today marry because they want relationship, safety, home, family. People like you – who keep pointing only to sexual side of the issue – are probably obsessed by sex. Funny thing about it is that everybody knows that in stable relationships sexual activity goes down over time. So people who are opposed against gay marriages because of sex are doing big mistake here! The same with children – children require time. The more time you spend with children, the less you have for all those “dirty activities”.

Originally posted by Flores
Then try to explain it to a permanently paralized child with perfect brain that will never have the body to satisfy the urges of his brain, that will never act on his love for someone.
This is another irrelevant bullshit. Are you saying me that the fact that somebody is suffering (and I cannot do anything about it) is the reason that I have to suffer too? After second thought – yes, it is not so irrelevant, actually. Paralyzed child has damaged body. It cannot use it. But it certainly would use it if possible. Gays have healthy bodies – so why not use them?

Originally posted by Flores
You are right, gays just kiss and hug..Teach me about the gayness birds and the bees, because I know nothing of the subject. Perhaps you can refer me to a gay site that doesn't have a male buttox in it.
I agree - apparently you know absolutely nothing about this subject.
Originally posted by Flores
Perhaps you have just confirmed the validity of the statistic.

My high school consists of over 1,000 people. The former GSA had around nineteen people. My high school is not a bee hive of gayness. Just walk into the locker rooms, tell people there that your gay, and I hope you have health insurance.
I am not bisexual because I want to avoid pregnancy, I am bisexual because one day, near the beginning of puberty, I started noticing people. Not just guys or girls, but people . (and by that I mean people my age)
Keep lying to yourself Raha

Originally posted by Raha
You just provided additional evidence how biased, badly informed and self-righteous you are.

If speaking about my personal experience is biased and self-righteous, then you are one hypocritical and selfish dude who prescribes evil to complete strangers without even offering us your own PERSONAL experience with the matter. How the hell can you say the medecine does work without trying it for yourself??? How many gays here are currently raising children? How many people here have been raised by a gay couple that can tell us their story. How many of them have enough personal data to testify to the phsycology of the child? They cry and whine all day that they are opressed and abused, and they never think of the poor children that they are bringing to their misery equation. Those children have never been asked if they wish to be mocked in school and by society for something that they have no hands in.... Gays are treating the orphan children of the world as potential little gay soldiers to help the gays get over their inadequacy. Gays can't find respect anywhere that they wish to get some from strange children. They wish to buy people's love and acceptance and what better way to do that but to brainwash a poor child and remind the poor child all their life that they were taken from the streets and rasied by the gay couple. Play the guilt trips on the babies. You bunch of useless activist hypocrites. Get yourself marred in the dust/sweat/worry/ect of raising a child first before you attest in being experts. You are all a bunch of nothings.

Originally posted by Raha
Homosexuality is not only about sex.

Spare me the lies. There is nothing different between a male and female except for the physical appearance. The internal makup of both females and males are exactly the same. The reason one would decide to be with one over the other is solely based on physical appearance, and we all know what our physical appearance is their for.....mating purposes. Yes, Raha, I'm very comfortable having a relationship with my mom or my sister and even raising children together, but that's only if the child have lost it's dad. I would never deprive a child from his father on purpose. Raha, if it's not about the sex and physical appearance, then what do gays see in males that they don't see in females...please explain.

Originally posted by Raha
It is also about relationship. And since this thread is about homosexual pairs and their right to adopt children, sex is actually totally irrelevant here.

It is not, because I totally believe that the gays are in the relationship to start with to satisfy their sexual urges that couldn't be satisfied with the female counterpart. If it's all about the relatioship, then what prevents a gay person from having a relationship with the opposite sex?

Originally posted by Raha
Only some retarded fool seeks marriage because of sex nowadays (well, after thinking about what you just wrote – that might be very well your case…).

Please get a life and away from me. You have no clue how me and my hubby are happy with our lives, our family, our house, our achievements, our time together, OUR success.

Originally posted by Raha
The more time you spend with children, the less you have for all those “dirty activities”.

Not in the Flores family, kids go to bed at 8:30 and the Flores bedroom rocks almost every night. First thing in the morning is also a great time. When I have sex with my husband, I feel great. I feel my feminity overflowing, I remember that our sex resulted in our fruitful chidren, I'm assured by my life that our sex was meant to be and is healthy. No questions in my mind, no dirty feeling, nothing that you may be experiencing. We have no reason to be ashamed of our sex, unlike the gays, our PURE sex produced the children that we are raising. My husband and I have one body and our children are our mini us. The gays have no explanation for their sex except for being perverts..

Originally posted by Raha
I agree - apparently you know absolutely nothing about this subject.

I know nothing of demented, twisted, deviant life styles that are based on selfish desires to satisfy urges and incapacities. Don't talk to me about gays unless you are willing to acknowledge the factors that have contributed to their choices. Talk about how 49% of gays have been abused as children in contrast to only 2% of hetrosexuals. Talk about males having problems internalizing with their sex. Talk about females having troubles relating to men. Talk about relevant issues that contributed to the gay epedimic and you might just get somewhere. Don't teach me about it and don't show me how to justify it. Gays have been the freak show of humanity since the conception of humanity and for a good reason. They are ILL. Gays have always been irrelevant to the growth of any society and actually an embarassment to humanity. They will always be freaks and mockery targets. They don't want to marry or adopt, or be normal citizens, they just want to be freaks and they've been great at it since humanity started. History and civilization is not on their side, For over thousands of years, we have never seen a prophet or a role model amongst them to gain the respect of others.

Don't lie and say they are born with it. Read about a gay doctor and his analysis of the gay epedimic.
Originally posted by Raha
I have no answer

You are damn right.

1- You claim that being gay is not about sex, yet you don't tell me what prevents a gay person from having a relationship with a woman, if sex is not the issue.

2- You claim that gay couples can raise healthy children, yet you don't provide one single personal experience with the matter. Not one account of a grown human that was raised by gays was given by any of the posters. No statistics on children raised by gay couple and how they turned out to be as adults. No school grades for children of gay parents.. No suicidal rates, ect. None of the posters that advocate the issue have been raised in gay homes. None of the posters that advocate the issue have raised children to adulthood successfully. No info, just claims on success. Hypocracy at it's best.

3- You have never addressed the statistical facts behind how mistakes in our societies have made gays what they are... You never addressed that 49% of gays have been molested as children in contrast to 2% of the hetrosexuals. You never explained why is it that gays have problems with the other sex. You never told us the nature of what makes a gay gay. You never told us what makes it so hard for the gay to become straight. You never explained to us any of these things. You fist said, I like you, then went along to call me ugly just because I didn't fall in your cult.

4- You never explained why would a gay person who feel opressed and discriminated against want to adopt a child and bring the child to the misery equation. You never explained why such an act doesn't have the children interest in heart.

Much more Raha, much more remains undiscussed, because as I said, you prefer to keep lying to yourself. You are too chicken, that you prefer to face immorality with normality and neutrality, instead of pointing out the errs you ignore them.

In my dictionary, those who choose to be neutral in the face of immorality are the essence of immorality.
Originally posted by bin code
, I am bisexual because one day, near the beginning of puberty, I started noticing people. Not just guys or girls, but people . (and by that I mean people my age)

You are bisexual because your parents are ignoring your ass. Hitting puberty is not a license to be sexually active, and while you are physically ready, your mental state is in shitata land. You have too much time in your hands to be observing people's sexuality already and having bisexual experiences. Instead of more important things that you should be concentrating on, you're playing bathroom and house. Do your parents ever speak to you after school?. Do you attend daily sport practices with your parents?. Do you spend the holidays and vacations with your parents? Are you so busy with your life that you have to do your homework on the school bus? Probably not, you are checking out PEOPLE on the bus. You are being a bisexual, homosexual, or hetrosexual, while decent kids should be concentrating on being sons/daughter/students, ect.
Originally posted by Flores
You fist said, I like you, then went along to call me ugly just because I didn't fall in your cult.

Just to make things straight: I never said YOU ARE ugly. I wrote YOUR POST IS ugly. That’s a difference, I believe. I still think that deep inside you are good person. You are intelligent, witty, have sense of humor. You are just too brainwashed and therefore intolerant.
/1- You claim that being gay is not about sex, yet you don't tell me what prevents a gay person from having a relationship with a woman, if sex is not the issue.

I'm sure you mean a gay man, and so I'd say it's probably that he's GAY that he doesn't want to have sex with a woman, which probably means he's not at all attracted to a women and so he doesn't get aroused by them or is disgusted at the thought of doing it with a chick in the same sense that I'm disgusted at the thought of doing it with a guy.

/2- You claim that gay couples can raise healthy children, yet you don't provide one single personal experience with the matter.

Can you? I can't either, but don't think sexuality has much to do with child raising. If you're an earnest, kind and mature person I'm almost sure you'd do well raising a kid. Don't you think so? Hell I'm not positive of course but it seems to make a lot of sense to me that sexual orientation is quite low on the list of properties of humans that make them qualified to raise children.

/Not one account of a grown human that was raised by gays was given by any of the posters. No statistics on children raised by gay couple and how they turned out to be as adults. No school grades for children of gay parents.. No suicidal rates, ect. None of the posters that advocate the issue have been raised in gay homes. None of the posters that advocate the issue have raised children to adulthood successfully. No info, just claims on success.

Such is true. How have you supported your points though? Your opinion seems based in religious morality rather than independent thought. I might ask why you seem to put sexual orientation so high on the list of relevant properties? It seems that you deem sexual homosexuals as bad to begin with. That being the case, it seems that your points are based in the fact that you don't like gays. That's fine but I don't thinki it really holds a lot of merit in the argument as to whether or not they could be good parents except in that they might raise children who don't dislike gays.

/Hypocracy at it's best.

No, I don't think it's hypocracy.. it's just opinion, like that which you're giving.

/3- You have never addressed the statistical facts behind how mistakes in our societies have made gays what they are...

I'll try it.

/You never addressed that 49% of gays have been molested as children in contrast to 2% of the hetrosexuals.

I have to nitpick, seeing as how those estimates are inherently flawed. How can you claim knowledge about something people don't talk about? I don't mean you, I mean the source of those statistics. They have to be looked at pretty harshly. I don't think they are even close to correct. I'm almost positive that more straights than that have been molested. Maybe gays are just more willing to admit it or even more prone to lie about it to begin with - the other way mind you, saying they have when they haven't because it gives them an excuse they'd otherwise flounder for. I'm just saying that those types of statistics can't be taken too seriously at this time.

/You never explained why is it that gays have problems with the other sex.

How do you assume this to be true? I have gay friends. I had sex with a gay girl once and we're STILL friends (i'm one of two guys she ever did it with). I'm just saying, "gays" don't necessarily have problems with the other sex. Of course some do, but I'm not sure how accurate it is as a generalization. Most gay people I've come in contact with don't really like anyone but other gay people. It's not the sex. In other words, my gay girl friend's best friend was a gay guy. I wonder if that's because so many straight people seem to HATE gay people. Ya think?

/You never told us the nature of what makes a gay gay.

If he could have answered that, he'd probably be the gay hero. Honestly I think sometimes its a physical thing and sometimes it's emotional damage. People get messed up with their sexual identities sometimes and it's hard for them to figure out how to deal with it.

/You never told us what makes it so hard for the gay to become straight.

Say you hate pepsi. I mean it makes you SICK. For instance I hate beer. I really can't stand alchohol in general. Not by choice, but by the fact that the smell makes me sick to my stomach. Can you see my analagy?

/You fist said, I like you, then went along to call me ugly just because I didn't fall in your cult.

Everyone should know you are very pretty. :)

/4- You never explained why would a gay person who feel opressed and discriminated against want to adopt a child and bring the child to the misery equation.

children are beautiful flores, you know this. people want love. children love them. they can love the children. you know I'll be some gay people would make awesome parents with the sheer love thing. maybe they have a lot to give but little outlet because of said ostracizement. They have a kid and take pride in that child and love them. Eh, it could go either way, but I'm not sure the gayness plays into this aspect really. Maybe I guess.

/You never explained why such an act doesn't have the children interest in heart.

That's hard to say flores.... maybe it does. I mean, children do need more than love, but love is an imperative and if someone has it to offer, what does their orientation matter?

/In my dictionary, those who choose to be neutral in the face of immorality are the essence of immorality.

That's pretty condescending, but as a moralist I suppose you are obliged to condescend?
"There is nothing different between a male and female except for the physical appearance. The internal makup of both females and males are exactly the same. "

Errmm, No. I'll have to do some digging, I have books about this but nothing on the web, but basically, men and womens brains are subtly different. As obviously are things like breasts etc, which count as physical appearance, but are outward manifestations of internal differences. Hey, wheres all the biologists when you need them?
Originally posted by Flores
Thoughts don't count of course.
What thoughts?
I'd like to know what thoughts you're speaking of and why they don't count.
Could it be that those thoughts are your sexual attraction to your own gender?
Originally posted by Vienna
"Waaa, I want one, all the kids at school have one why can't I ?"

Not funny is it.

No, but not every kid at school arrived in a lexus either.
/Wesmorris is your idea of a mother a lexus. You think a car can replace a mother?

No not at all. You made a comparison of a child not having something all the other children have. It's invalid because no two children have the same things.
OK stepdad. What's your point? All the other kids have mothers but you. You have two fathers. Everybody has two parents. Same crap. Everybody is happy.
Can you imagine a child like this at school, he'd be persecuted for his gay parents. Kids are cruel and they will hound this child and make his/her life a complete misery, I can hear it now....

Hey you "gays kid" which one of yer dads is your mother?

hey "gays kid" Whos tit did you suck when you were a baby?

Its too cruel for the child to be brought up with gays. Other kids will make their life a misery.
Kids get teased for everything. They get teased for looks. Even for having parents of a different race, religion, culture. Same exact crap.
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Originally posted by wesmorris
/Wesmorris is your idea of a mother a lexus. You think a car can replace a mother?

No not at all. You made a comparison of a child not having something all the other children have. It's invalid because no two children have the same things.

What do you mean no two children have the same things, MILLIONS of children have a mother and a father.
Originally posted by Vienna
Can you imagine a child like this at school, he'd be persecuted for his gay parents. Kids are cruel and they will hound this child and make his/her life a complete misery, I can hear it now....

Hey you "gays kid" which one of yer dads is your mother?

hey "gays kid" Whos tit did you suck when you were a baby?

Its too cruel for the child to be brought up with gays. Other kids will make their life a misery.

You're right to an extent but it's not so simple because only some of the people thus some of the kids are that way. further, the "weak" kids will always be picked on. The strong kids won't take that shit. Only the kids with hardcore bigotted ass parents will still hate that kid or give them hell if they stand up for themselves.

So how is that different that any other kids except for those few asshole fuckass bigot parents that teach their kids to hate fags?
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