Should gay couples be allowed to adopt children?

Do you think gay couples should be allowed to adopted children

  • yes

    Votes: 77 68.1%
  • no

    Votes: 36 31.9%

  • Total voters
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I guess you negtlected to read through the thread.
Originally posted by cool skill
The child might face ridicule for having homos for parents, but that is no different from a child facing ridicule for having parents of a different culture.
so you have to ask yourself:

"is the problem the fags or the bigots"?

I think it's the bigots.
Originally posted by Vienna
Yes it is crap, and I'm dead against it. What two adults want to do with their lives is their business but I draw a thick line when they want to impose their peculiarities on children.
So what about straight parents that impose straightness on their kids?
Originally posted by wesmorris
so you have to ask yourself:

"is the problem the fags or the bigots"?

I think it's the bigots.

Well I would take that remark as you calling me a bigot.

If these powder puffs and dykes want kids let them make em themselves..

I mean when is all this crap going to stop. Is the next stage going to be legalising the shagging of animals, even marrying a cat or

Can you imagine a kid saying to his mate come home and meet my mom and dad, by the way my dad is an alsation..

The world is going mad
Vienna you bozo.
Nobody can be allowed to marry animals. It is impossible for an animal to give such consent. Consent works two ways.
Originally posted by Vienna
Well I would take that remark as you calling me a bigot.

If these powder puffs and dykes want kids let them make em themselves..

I mean when is all this crap going to stop. Is the next stage going to be legalising the shagging of animals, even marrying a cat or

Can you imagine a kid saying to his mate come home and meet my mom and dad, by the way my dad is an alsation..

The world is going mad

I understand your concern I really do and honestly, the issue makes me a little uncomfortable, as to my emotions tell me that moms and dads are preferable to gay parents...

however, logically there are problems with it, as I've shown and as I've considered it logically it seems to me that the emotional thing doesn't matter, as it's more and more apparent to me that it's the parents that matter.

for instance, from my perspective, about 50 percent of parents, SUCK. horrible assholes with no love and emotional disfunction just jacking their kids up in a way that would make me fucking cry if I were a more sensitive type of fellow.

i'd bet it's about the same percentage of gay people who would make horrible parents.

so it's a wash man. you might not be a bigot but you're on the bigoted side of the issue.
Originally posted by wesmorris
my emotions tell me that moms and dads are preferable to gay parents...
Well get some new emotions because there is no 'preferable.' All other things equal, one is just as good as the other.
Originally posted by cool skill
Well get some new emotions because there is no 'preferable.' All other things equal, one is just as good as the other.


you're arguing with me about what my emotions should be?

isn't that stupid?

You see, emotionally I know what it's like to have a mom and a dad. I know what it's like to see a whole bunch of different moms and dads. I don't know as much with the two mom or two dad things and moms and dads have different personality types in general, as women and men are different creatures biologically. Note most dramatically the difference in connection density in the pons and significantly different hormonal distribution.

so i have no experimental data backing up your assertion that "one is just as good as another". you don't either.

as such I relate to what i've seen and as i said before.

maybe it was supposed to be a joke?
Originally posted by wesmorris

for instance, from my perspective, about 50 percent of parents, SUCK. horrible assholes with no love and emotional disfunction just jacking their kids up in a way that would make me fucking cry if I were a more sensitive type of fellow.

And I agree with you. I don't give a friggin toss as long as a child recieves the best available nurturing environment where they can learn and grow, and will be physically and emotionally healthier in later life......(now where have I seen that before)

A childs interests are paramount at all times!
Originally posted by wesmorris
so i have no experimental data backing up your assertion that "one is just as good as another". you don't either.
Right. I don't have any data to back up my assertion.
But I'm sure you can figure out how to deduce that one really is just as good as the other. (Without your emotions.)

Originally posted by Vienna
now where have I seen that before
Probably from me as it sounds like something that would come out of my head.
Originally posted by cool skill
Right. I don't have any data to back up my assertion.
But I'm sure you can figure out how to deduce that one really is just as good as the other. (Without your emotions.)




quit fucking with my head goddamnit. :)
I'm not fucking with your head.
I just don't see any sense in explaining things that people can understand on their own.
It's a good thing you're not too lazy to think for yourself like most people.
/I just don't see any sense in explaining things that people can understand on their own.

Man I never understand what you mean. Pardon, what do you mean? What kind of thing should people understand on their own?
Oh great.
What I mean is that I find it a waste of my time for me to spell things out for people that can figure stuff out by themselves.
Originally posted by Flores
Hitting puberty is not a license to be sexually active, and while you are physically ready, your mental state is in shitata land. You have too much time in your hands to be observing people's sexuality already and having bisexual experiences.

Oh, so I'm sexually active now? I guess now would be a good time to tell you that I am a virgin.
Do your parents ever speak to you after school?.
Do you attend daily sport practices with your parents?.

I don't do sports, as I am not athletic.
Do you spend the holidays and vacations with your parents?
Probably not, you are checking out PEOPLE on the bus.
Probably the only correct assumption of the whole post.
You are being a bisexual, homosexual, or hetrosexual, while decent kids should be concentrating on being sons/daughter/students, ect.
You make it sound like being bisexual is a hobby. "Your too busy playing video games while decent kids should be concentrating on being students."
Flores, you may think I'm slutty, you may think I'm irresponsible, you may think alot of things, but the fact remains: You don't know me until you know me.
Originally posted by Vienna
MILLIONS of children have a mother and a father.

And millions of children have not. What is better? Living with loving homosexual parents or living in cold, impersonal orphanage? That children will be teased by others is the silliest argument so far, I think. How do you know they will be teased? And how do you know such “teasing” is always harmful? If there is good backup in family, hostile attitude of “pack” can actually make a person stronger, more independent, free-thinking and “not-a-part-of-stupid-horde”.
And I know what I am talking about – I was an “outsider” in grammar school. All other kids were from apartment blocks in town, while I lived with my parents in a house with garden in suburbs. That single thing would be sufficient for not taking me “in”. But I had also higher IQ, was reading books, fond of classical music, playing violin, was good in sports – in other words – I was different. And my father was not a working class – he was scientist. They did not like me.
(You might ask why my parents did not put me in some better school – there was not any. We lived under communist regime – everybody was “equal”…)
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Originally posted by Raha
And millions of children have not. What is better? Living with loving homosexual parents or living in cold, impersonal orphanage?
So you say kids are better off getting "personal" with a couple of

That children will be teased by others is the silliest argument so far, I think. How do you know they will be teased?
You were teased just because of the upper status of your family, what chance has a kid got with bent parents.

And how do you know such “teasing” is always harmful? If there is good backup in family,
Teasing is NEVER healthy as you know and Good back up in a family does not always exist.

And I know what I am talking about – I was an “outsider” in grammar school. All other kids were from apartment blocks in town, while I lived with my parents in a house with garden in suburbs. That single thing would be sufficient for not taking me “in”. But I had also higher IQ, was reading books, fond of classical music, playing violin, was good in sports – in other words – I was different. And my father was not a working class – he was scientist. They did not like me.(You might ask why my parents did not put me in some better school – there was not any. We lived under communist regime – everybody was “equal”…)
Do I feel sorry for you ,hardly. You had more than most kids had, and they were naturally jealous. If your father had have been really clever, you would have moved to the States for example, where you would have had more freedom, perhaps he was too wrapped up in his work.

The majority of posts that I have read in this thread suggest that the majority is in favour of bent parents. If gays and dykes were meant to have kids then mother nature would have given them the tackle to produce them. I am, and always will be against it, it is unnatural and the idea disgusts me.
Mother nature not giving you the tackle to produce a baby does not mean that you cannot raise a baby.
That would mean saying that straight couples that cannot bear children should not be allowed to raise a child.
That's pretty far fetched.
Hey look, this threads gone full circle!
I can cut and paste my previous posts. What a time saver!
. I am, and always will be against it, it is unnatural and the idea disgusts me.
Paste ahoy!
How natural is your city?
Full of trees and cows and stuff is it?
I wish I lived there:cool:
My city is full of graffiti and cars and little girls who try to dress like pop stars
I hate cities they're not natural.
Keep kids out of cities!:mad:
Paste over...

So anybody got anything new to say?
Dee Cee
Originally posted by Vienna
You were teased just because of the upper status of your family, what chance has a kid got with bent parents.
LOL! You know nothing about socialism, dude! Intellectuals were perceived as potentional public enemies!

Originally posted by Vienna
Do I feel sorry for you, hardly. You had more than most kids had, and they were naturally jealous. If your father had have been really clever, you would have moved to the States for example, where you would have had more freedom, perhaps he was too wrapped up in his work.

Did I asked for you compassion? No. I do not have nice memories from grammar school, that's right, but I never felt like victim. I think as a whole it was useful experience. As for emigration – it was never an option in our family. My grandfather was sort of war hero who fought for his country and almost died during dead march from one concentration camp to another. My father felt obliged. He would feel like betraying what his daddy fought for. And besides – it was not so easy for whole family with kids to escape. Single person could escape easily. Pair of adults – no problem. With small children it was something completely different.

Well - I apologize to everybody for going rather off topic. It was not my intention.
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