Should gay couples be allowed to adopt children?

Do you think gay couples should be allowed to adopted children

  • yes

    Votes: 77 68.1%
  • no

    Votes: 36 31.9%

  • Total voters
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What was that you said?

"Yeah, Ignore the gays if you don't like it....don't just moan"

Something like that was it?

BTW some evil unnatural swine will always choose to live in cities but not me!
Protect our children!
Keep kids out of cities!
Dee Cee
Originally posted by Vienna
So you were teased because you were seen as an enemy, so what.

Exactly - so what! It does not matter WHY you are teased. It does not make any difference at all.

(As a side note: I was not seen "as an enemy" - that was the attitude of our "leaders" not of an average child. But to explain it properly I would have to create separate thread about "life in real socialism". )
Originally posted by Vienna
No it does NOT mean straight couples that cannot bear children should not be allowed to raise a child, why should it?

Are you joking? If somebody is infertile than, according to your logic, Mother Nature does not want him to have children. That would mean no adoption or artificial insemination for such people – straight or gay.
Also – according to your logic, it is OK for lesbian couple to have a child (because lesbians do not need to adopt them, of course) but not for gay couple, right?
I see that you have difficulty in understanding what I have said. Let me make it simple for you;
Hetersexual couples should be able to adopt children, homosexual couples should not.
This is my last word on the subject as I find the thought of homosexuals having a child ; very distasteful.
This is my last word on the subject as I find the thought of homosexuals having a child ; very distasteful.
Thankfully your emotional responses are unlikely to influence goverment policy.
I suggest you get used to your distaste.
Either that or go hide in a hole.

Dee Cee
Originally posted by Vienna
I find the thought of homosexuals having a child ; very distasteful.
What sort of brain damage would cause somebody to find homos having a child so distasteful? Yet you don't find straight people having a child distasteful. Your racism makes no sense. Did you experience some sort of trauma that caused you to see gays as something negative and unnatural?

I just thought i would roll those out again, because it seems the way of this thread that we keep getting a lot of people who dont read through and find them, then claim that gay parents screw up children because gays are all psychotic freaks. Its handy to have these up in a more recent part of the thread just in case. Ive already seen a few pages go by with people claiming that there is no evedence one way or the other. Well, Flores, you may not think so, but the APA and the AAP sure think there is evedence that gays don't ruin children. (But what do America's doctors know anyway, right?)
Originally posted by Flores

Diseases From Anal Sex

Can you get any diseases from anal sex?

Harold Oster

Dr. Oster is an infectious disease specialist at Scripps Clinic Medical Group in San Diego, California.

blah blah blah blah blah

So what, don't punch a fucking hole in yourself, and don't have unprotected sex with someone who has an STD? Wow, great advice, thanks for that Flores, I'm pretty sure I would have screwed up somewhere.

I don't see how exactly attacking anal sex is supposed to be an argument for or against any moral issue regarding homosexuals, and I sure as hell don't see how it would make someone a bad person.
Originally posted by Flores
Gay men hate themselves...That's the root cause of the problem and the reason for their inadequacy and inability to perform naturally in the society.

Inability to perform naturally in society? I suppose by "Naturally" you mean having a relationship with a member of the opposite sex. . . is fucking a woman supposed to be a public event, now? I don't see it as being much of a societal thing.

Originally posted by Flores
Keep on hating yourself, It must be awefull to share your ugliness with a women, but other men in the locker rooms are an easier audience.

You're just full of wonderful delusions, aren't you? Who hates themselves again? Where'd you get an idea like that?

Originally posted by Flores
No I'd rather leave you that valuable educational tool to teach your OWN children. You see, gay couples have nothing apart from will and grace to teach their children about how society should operate....Thier sick lives can only be depicted in a sitcom at best. Most excellent Mystech. Keep up the good work of watching gay sitcoms.

You'll grasp at any straw I throw your way, won't you? The reference was intended for you to go and at least have some example of the idea that somehow gay men and women acctualy manage to co-exist together and be friendly. Seeing how as you clearly don't want to open your eyes and look to the real world for that proof, I thought pointing you to TV might help.
Re: Keep lying to yourself Raha

Originally posted by Flores
History and civilization is not on their side, For over thousands of years, we have never seen a prophet or a role model amongst them to gain the respect of others.

Oh come on now, what kind of demented us vs. them mentality is that? Homosexuals have been around just as long as civilization, it was certainly accepted in ancient Greece, which spawned many great artists philosophers, and the first democracy, it was common in Rome as well. Plenty of historical figures were gay. In fact it's kind of ironic that you should be typing that there were no great men were homosexuals on your home computer, as Allan Turing, the man who made the first word processing computer, as well as the man who cracked the German enigma code, and is thought of as the father of modern computers was homosexual.

Honestly now, you can have your own grim outlook on the world, and a lack of human greatness, but don't drag us all down with you.
Originally posted by Vienna
Hey you "gays kid" which one of yer dads is your mother?

hey "gays kid" Whos tit did you suck when you were a baby?

Its too cruel for the child to be brought up with gays. Other kids will make their life a misery.

Sounds to me like that's a problem with the other kids. And hey, what about the fat kid, or the one with all the freckles, I wonder what we can do for them, too.
Originally posted by DeeCee
Thankfully your emotional responses are unlikely to influence goverment policy.
I suggest you get used to your distaste.
Either that or go hide in a hole.

Dee Cee

Wow, well this is always the sort of sentiment I like to hear, congratulations for being a good person, DeeCee. I'm going to have to point out, though, that people with view like Vienna's have been and still are influencing policies in the United States. This is why known homosexuals are not allowed to serve in the military, it's why homosexuals are not given the right to legal marriage, and not a single potential presidential candidate among the democrats is proposing that they just be given outright equal rights. They've got to play the center and appeal to all those fag hating morons who still get a vote in this ridiculous nation of ours.

The religious right is a pretty big voting block, and unfortunately they've got more say than you'd like to think. Remember, while the content and dispassionate centrist sits happily in his home, extremists are busy hollering at the top of their lungs, so even though they may not be the majority, who do you think gets heard the most?
Wow, well this is always the sort of sentiment I like to hear, congratulations for being a good person, DeeCee.
Compliments are rare round here so thank you very much:)
The religious right is a pretty big voting block,
Just one reason why I'm glad I live in the UK.;)

Yup those bible bashers of yours are getting bolder by the day. I hope the US learns to put it's constitution ahead of it's fears.
Good Luck
Dee Cee
Originally posted by Vienna
So you say kids are better off getting "personal" with a couple of

You were teased just because of the upper status of your family, what chance has a kid got with bent parents.

Teasing is NEVER healthy as you know and Good back up in a family does not always exist.

Do I feel sorry for you ,hardly. You had more than most kids had, and they were naturally jealous. If your father had have been really clever, you would have moved to the States for example, where you would have had more freedom, perhaps he was too wrapped up in his work.

The majority of posts that I have read in this thread suggest that the majority is in favour of bent parents. If gays and dykes were meant to have kids then mother nature would have given them the tackle to produce them. I am, and always will be against it, it is unnatural and the idea disgusts me.

Just like the idea of homophobic biggots disgust the better half of the population. And Vienna, homosexuals aren't born with barbie and ken doll style nether regions. They have the same sexual organs that you and I have. Can they naturally have children? Yes they can, if they choose to do so. But instead these wonderful people would prefer to adopt a child that needs a good home.

The best parents give their children love, care, support, respect and a notion of free will. If the best parents for a child are homosexuals and they can provide that, then how can anyone dare say they shouldn't have children? From what I have been reading in this thread, it seems that many would prefer to see a child brought up in a house with a mummy and daddy... regardless of the fact that the child may be suffering from abuse in such a household... but it has a mummy and daddy. Some would rather see that than see a child brought up by loving parents who are of the same sex. It's total and utter crap. A child needs loving parents. The sex of the parents have nothing to do with the love a child will receive from his/her parents. At least a child brought up in a homosexual household will have a better chance to grow up knowing that to hate others for their sexuality, race, creed, colour, etc is morally wrong and disgusting because the parents will have known what it is like to be persecuted in a society that is homophobic and racist. For that reason alone homosexuals should be allowed to adopt children.

Maybe there should be an adopt the homophobe thing whereby homosexuals can act as a big brother or sister to homophobic gits to teach them that to hate is vile. I can imagine of several (most from this post) who would qualify for a big brother/sister in such a program:D

The best parents give their children love, care, support, respect and a notion of free will. If the best parents for a child are homosexuals and they can provide that, then how can anyone dare say they shouldn't have children?
I think the point that Vienna is making is that after millions of years of having a mother and father, it would dangerous to change this relationship. We don't really know what will happen. It could be bad or good but know one really knows. You also asume that it's an equal comparision between child-abusers and homosexuals. It's not. Child-abusers are a subset of both the homosexual and heterosexual population.

Maybe there should be an adopt the homophobe thing whereby homosexuals can act as a big brother or sister to homophobic gits to teach them that to hate is vile. I can imagine of several (most from this post) who would qualify for a big brother/sister in such a program
Knowledge has nothing to do with hate. Often times it's knowledge without care that causes the hate in the first place.
Originally posted by SpyMoose
I just thought i would roll those out again, because it seems the way of this thread that we keep getting a lot of people who dont read through and find them, then claim that gay parents screw up children because gays are all psychotic freaks. Its handy to have these up in a more recent part of the thread just in case. Ive already seen a few pages go by with people claiming that there is no evedence one way or the other. Well, Flores, you may not think so, but the APA and the AAP sure think there is evedence that gays don't ruin children. (But what do America's doctors know anyway, right?)

I think for some, there isn't enough evidence in the world. What is important to them is holding onto their prejudice and continue teaching it to their children.

Thank you for posting them again though, as there are some that do read them.
Originally posted by heart
What is important to them is holding onto their prejudice and continue teaching it to their children.

As opposed to what? teaching YOUR prejudices to my own children....Go along and get a real life please....make sure it's not based on a gay sitcom or a TV reality show.
Originally posted by SpyMoose
Here is a list of some of those infamous gays that have blighted our history that Flores has been talking about

Not too fast....If you want to assert that any people on your list are gays, you must provide proof that they have personally claimed to be such and that they have viewed this to be a positive and proud thing in their life. Socrates would be a great person to start with, since he couldn't stop talking, so perhaps you can enlighten us and quote Socrates, who was married with children, about gay life styles and their merit.

You're full of shit.
Originally posted by Bells
Maybe there should be an adopt the homophobe thing whereby homosexuals can act as a big brother or sister to homophobic gits to teach them that to hate is vile. :eek:

Such programs never work. Do you know what works though, as Alexander the Great would say "if you can't conquer them, marry them"....oops, I forgot that the whole problem started because these guys don't want to marry their opponents.
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