Should gay couples be allowed to adopt children?

Do you think gay couples should be allowed to adopted children

  • yes

    Votes: 77 68.1%
  • no

    Votes: 36 31.9%

  • Total voters
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Originally posted by Mystech
After all you only like men, don't you? Isn't that discriminatory against women!

Not at all, I love women. We get together to talk about men. Who else can talk to me about men and chocolate uncensored?
Originally posted by Raha

Let me ask you this.. Is bisexuality something that you are born with as well?
No takers, oh well.

Sciforums seems to have caught the epidemic.

I heard this morning that 35% of middle and highschool students are relying on homosexual relationships as a way of birth control??? It's a real shame, the end must be near.:(
Originally posted by Flores
I heard this morning that 35% of middle and highschool students are relying on homosexual relationships as a way of birth control???

Can you provide us with source of this information? To me it sounds like utter BS.
Originally posted by Raha
I suppose so.

Well, how do you suppose that? Does the gene of the bisexual person change from loving males to loving females like the lizards change color for instance? Or are bisexuals enjoying things half way, 50% of their gene dedicated to men, and the other to women? Does that make bisexuals halfway mediocre lovers that are half heartedly involved in the sex that they are doing. Do we have a 20% 80% bisexual around here that can perhaps shed some light on this dilemma.
I am not an expert in bisexuality, but I think it can be similar like left-right handedness (yes, this analogy again :)). Some people are very distinctively right handed and some left handed. But some are not. There are indeed some people who can do almost equally well with both hands.
Well, I'm bisexual, pretty much 50/50. No, my sexual orientation does not "change" back and fourth like a chameleon, although I do have my "moods". I also don't like things "half way". I am just as attracted to girls as most guys my age are, and I like guys just as much as you do, Flores.
And Flores, just where did you hear that statistic? I actually go to a high school, and I find that extremely hard to believe.
Originally posted by Flores
Not at all, I love women. We get together to talk about men. Who else can talk to me about men and chocolate uncensored?

So not only is your reasoning comically flawed, but you also set a double standard for yourself? By your estimation gay men, by not being sexually attracted to women, are somehow discriminating against them, but you, who are also not sexual attracted to women are not discriminating against them?

Your stupidity goes to depths I never thought were possible. The only way to reconcile what you have said is to assume that you think gay men hate women, or something, which of course is absurd. Go watch Will&Grace, or something.
Originally posted by Flores
I heard this morning that 35% of middle and highschool students are relying on homosexual relationships as a way of birth control??? It's a real shame, the end must be near.:(

The end of what, exactly? You say it as though you mean the end of the world, how exactly is homosexuality going to bring that about?

Also I highly doubt your statistic here. I doubt that that many highschool kids even approve of homosexuality, vicious little bastards! Maybe it makes sense if that number comes from British schools. . . for some reason they have a long history and tradition of upper classmen sodomizing freshmen, or at least that’s what I hear.
I concede, with this information I understand your view and the standpoint I provided is not valid.
Your ability to change your opinion when based on evedence puts you ahead of many posters on the sciforums.

Dont antagonize wesmorris in the future, he is the poster i concider most like a squeezeable teddybear.
Originally posted by bin code
Well, I'm bisexual, pretty much 50/50. And Flores, just where did you hear that statistic? I actually go to a high school, and I find that extremely hard to believe.

Perhaps you have just confirmed the validity of the statistic.
Originally posted by SpyMoose
I wonder if they have ever found a prude gene.

No they haven't...Just like the gay gene, it's a VARIABLE element of our will and not a FIXED gene. Some of us choose to be prude, while others choose not to be. Gays choose to be stupid, just like SpyMoose choose to be non prude.
Originally posted by Mystech
The end of what, exactly? You say it as though you mean the end of the world, how exactly is homosexuality going to bring that about?

Mystech, ask SpyMoose to give you a link showing any respectable doctor who is willing to write an article about the healthiness of anal sex? Afterall, SpyMoose have an article for everything.

Diseases From Anal Sex

Can you get any diseases from anal sex?

Harold Oster

Dr. Oster is an infectious disease specialist at Scripps Clinic Medical Group in San Diego, California.

Anal sex can result in a variety of illnesses. I will mention only the more serious. A rare but life-threatening complication of anal sex is rupture of the rectum, resulting in a severe bacterial infection. This can occur with anal sex and with the insertion of various objects into the rectum. Care must be taken to avoid serious injury to the area.
Most of the other illnesses due to anal sex involve infections as well. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the virus that causes AIDS. Anal sex with someone who carries HIV poses a high risk for transmission of the virus. Homosexual men in the United States have HIV at a higher rate than heterosexual men, but this is not true outside the Western world. The first people who contracted HIV in the United States probably were homosexual men, and they first transmitted the virus to other homosexual men. Anal sex, mainly because of the trauma that can occur with it, allowed for the efficient transmission of HIV among these men. It was only later that the virus began to spread to women and heterosexual men. Anal sex without a condom between a woman and a man will transmit HIV as efficiently as between two men.

Other viruses can be transmitted through anal sex quite easily. These include hepatitis B and hepatitis C, which cause liver disease. Possibly Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which causes mono, and cytomegalovirus (CMV) can also be transmitted in this way. Another cause of liver disease is the hepatitis A virus. It is transmitted through contact with the feces of someone with the virus, so anal sex may increase the risk of acquiring that infection.

In addition to these organisms, a variety of infections can be transmitted that predominantly cause infection in the rectum and colon. Some refer to these diseases as "gay-bowel syndrome," but that is a misnomer because any recipient of anal sex (including heterosexual women) can develop such an infection. The syndrome includes diarrhea, fever and lower abdominal pain. Various infections can cause these symptoms, including gonorrhea, chlamydia, lymphogranuloma venereum, shigella (a cause of dysentery) and herpes. An infection such as this would be termed "proctitis," or rectal infection. When I see a patient with signs and symptoms of proctitis, and the patient is a recipient of anal sex, I consider infection to be highly likely.

by Harold Oster

Pain After Anal Sex

My fiance has been asking me for a year and a half to have anal sex. I finally gave in. He had barely penetrated before I made him stop because it hurt really bad. Ever since then, I've been in pain. It's been over two weeks and it still stings and burns every time I have a bowel movement. I've started using baby wipes instead of toilet paper because they're softer. I've also tried using a stool softener, but it doesn't seem to have done much good. Is it possible that there is an infection? Is there any way I can tell without going to the doctor? Is there anything else I can do at home to help things heal?
-- Rebecca

Kelly Shanahan, M.D.

Chair of the OB-GYN department at Barton Memorial Hospital in Lake Tahoe, Dr. Shanahan is a partner in Woman to Woman Health Care, a private medical practice.

The tissues of the anus/rectum were not designed for intercourse and are more vulnerable to injury than are vaginal tissues. Certainly if you are either physically or emotionally uncomfortable with any type of sex act, you should not engage in it.

The most likely scenario is that you have an anal tear or fissure. Keeping your stools soft by drinking lots of water and using a stool softener as needed will help promote healing. But because you are still experiencing pain after two weeks, you really should see your doctor. In addition, if there is any blood in or on your stool, your doctor needs to rule out a more serious injury. Also, if your partner has an infection, such as genital warts or herpes, you may have been infected; again, your doctor can address this.

Your doctor should be sensitive to your discomfort in discussing anal intercourse; you should not be belittled or ridiculed or made to feel ashamed for engaging in anal sex. Anal sex is not shocking to most physicians.
Originally posted by Flores
Gays choose to be stupid...

This is just too much, Flores. Did I say I like you? I am taking it back now. Being gay is not easy, although it is much better now than, say, 50 years ago. Many gays are unhappy because they are gays and if they could, they will gratefully choose to be like rest of us.
Also - not all gays do anal sex, while many heteros do it on regular basis.
Originally posted by Raha
This is just too much, Flores. Did I say I like you? I am taking it back now.

Yes you did, but we are on sciforums, so I don't take these things too seriously.

Originally posted by Raha
Being gay is not easy,

Yeah, tell me about it. I opted not have sex or any other physical relationship with BOYS or GIRLS until I got married at 23. Tell me how hard it is please to abstain from physical relationships, because I know nothing about it. I know nothing about being 14 and having a mad crush on a boy that loved me and was ready to tear me up and I RESISTED. I know nothing about being 16 and thinking and resisting tempation from my best girl friend who wanted to experiment lesbianism with me..that was not easy, specially that she is still my friend and respect my choice. I know nothing of even resisting escalation in physical relationship with my own husband before our marriage was consumated. Please tell me about self control and how hard is it on the gays to CONTROL THEIR FREAKY SELFS. Tell me exactly what aspect of our lives that involve self control is easy. Tell me about avoiding the second donut and how easy is that? Tell me about avoiding spending extra at the mall and how easy is that? Tell me all about the gay self control plight Raha.

And when you explain to us how hard is on the gays to stop being gay, then try to explain it to a permanently paralized child with perfect brain that will never have the body to satisfy the urges of his brain, that will never act on his love for someone.

Originally posted by Raha
Also - not all gays do anal sex, while many heteros do it on regular basis.

You are right, gays just kiss and hug..Teach me about the gayness birds and the bees, because I know nothing of the subject. Perhaps you can refer me to a gay site that doesn't have a male buttox in it.
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Originally posted by Mystech
The only way to reconcile what you have said is to assume that you think gay men hate women, or something, which of course is absurd.

Gay men hate themselves...That's the root cause of the problem and the reason for their inadequacy and inability to perform naturally in the society. Keep on hating yourself, It must be awefull to share your ugliness with a women, but other men in the locker rooms are an easier audience.

Originally posted by Mystech
Go watch Will&Grace, or something.

No I'd rather leave you that valuable educational tool to teach your OWN children. You see, gay couples have nothing apart from will and grace to teach their children about how society should operate....Thier sick lives can only be depicted in a sitcom at best. Most excellent Mystech. Keep up the good work of watching gay sitcoms.
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