Should gay couples be allowed to adopt children?

Do you think gay couples should be allowed to adopted children

  • yes

    Votes: 77 68.1%
  • no

    Votes: 36 31.9%

  • Total voters
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Originally posted by Flores
The minute all gays wake up, look in the mirror, and say, I'm a pervert, is the day they gays have been truthfull to themselves.


Sweetheart, I have something to tell you..

*gestures to come over here*

*whispers in her ear*

(sweetie.. EVERYONE is a fucking pervert, it's just that a lot of people pretend not to be. maybe you're doing that right now eh?)
Originally posted by Raha
Just pray to your God that you'll never have a homosexual child....

It's rediculous to ask god for anything. Don't you realize that if god wants to give me or take from me something, nothing I or a million of prayers and candle watches would forward or lag god's will by an inch? You are confusing Islam and Christianity again...Islam is the religion of submission to the will of god. If my children turned out gay, it's not by god will, but by their own will, and they are completely accountable for themselves infront of god.

As much as I love my children, I can'tswitch places with them in judgement day or protect them from fire if they got themselves to one. You stupid threat above, only works on those weak in faith and understanding.
Originally posted by wesmorris
.. EVERYONE is a fucking pervert, it's just that a lot of people pretend not to be. maybe you're doing that right now eh?)

Speak for yourself. I have not carried on or executed any pervertion to date. My hubby is my first and last...Thoughts don't count of course.
Good answer. Didn't I say you are one of a kind? But tell me - how would you feel in Paradise knowing your child is burning in Hell (sorry for using Christian terms, but I do not Islamic ones properly, but I am sure you understand).
Originally posted by Raha
Good answer. Didn't I say you are one of a kind? But tell me - how would you feel in Paradise knowing your child is burning in Hell (sorry for using Christian terms, but I do not Islamic ones properly, but I am sure you understand).

Nothing is beyond the creator of this universe. Perhaps when I'm resurrected, I will be resurrected differenly with no motherly instinct and infinite eternal peace of mind. God may reprogram my Noggin as he wish....but again, this is all speculation and not very important to how I live my life now. When it happens, it will happen and I'll submit and deal with it....Take one breath at a time....
OK. Let's put it differently - how would you feel now knowing that one of your children is going towards eternal damnation? You know him/her. You know he/she is very good person - honest, loving, sincere etc. His/her only fault is he/she fell in love with someone of the same gender...
Originally posted by Raha
OK. Let's put it differently - how would you feel now knowing that one of your children is going towards eternal damnation? You know him/her. You know he/she is very good person - honest, loving, sincere etc. His/her only fault is he/she fell in love with someone of the same gender...

I never said that all gay people are going to be judged by god negatively and be condemned to damnation. Don't mix matters. I don't know how god will judge them. As you said, they made one fault, and god is all forgiving. A gay person might go to heaven and a straight might go to hell....It's all possible. Society doesn't accept faults though. If I steal and get a criminal record, I'm automatically at risk of being fired if my records are found. I can never be licensed to be a lawyer, ect....If I get caught watching porno, you better believe that I'll never get a license to have a day care center. Same for gays, their sexual mistakes disqualifies them from being parents because they are viewed by the society as sexual deviants, and that's a scary concept when dealing with children, but at the same time being a sexually deviant from the norm doesn't imply that they are worthless human beings who are condemend to fire, they are just not fit to raise children.

Society doesn't accept faults though

Being a homosexual isn't a fault, Flores. Let me tell you what is. Making your child feel they are wrong just because you don't approve of their sexual preference. Lecturing to them about damnation just because they happen to love someone of the same sex. Making them feel different from your other children just because they aren't with someone of the opposite sex.

Trying to make someone feel that they are not qualified to be a parent just because they are a homosexual is wrong, Flores. This is nothing but pure bigotry. Whether someone is a heterosexual or a homosexual shouldn't mean squat when it comes to being a parent, Flores. The picture I am getting from you is you seem to try to equate homosexuality with pedophilia. That's simply wrong. There are many heterosexuals who are does that mean we should not let heterosexuals adopt? Stupid, huh?

Lefthanders are a minority ya know... maybe we shouldn't let them have rights either. Maybe we should make them feel less than because they are left handed. The dirty bastards :rolleyes:

Teaching prejudice is wrong NOT being a homosexual.
"It's not genetic, at least, I never heard of the gay blood test, so a gay gene doesn't exist. Gayness is not a sexual orientation, it's a sexual prevertion and mental condition."

Really? you havnt heard of all the scientific research which shows that it is fairly fixed? That its likely linked ot conditions in the mothers womb? You could say that its a mental condition, in that the brains of homosexuals are different from heterosexuals of the same sex, but then you try cutting apart your own brain in order to stop thinking certain thoughts, or in order to stop say, loving your children.

What the hell is your problem? Do you see an imaginary arrow on your pinus that compels you to penetrate a man and get disgusted from being intimate with women, or do you want a white robe and a cone hat to join our KKK friends as they respond to their imaginary race arrows."

Nope, I'm heterosexual. With a good friend who also happens to be a lesbian, but that doesnt really matter. What is my problem is people like you coming along and condemning homosexuals because they dont fit into your world view, and make up all sorts of reasons why this is so.

"I don't know how god will judge them. "

So why are you judging them now?
ALSO, homosexuality is not a mental condition

If you'll read the following from the American Psychological Association: link

Is Homosexuality a Mental Illness or Emotional Problem?

No. Psychologists, psychiatrists and other mental health professionals agree that homosexuality is not an illness, mental disorder or an emotional problem. Over 35 years of objective, well-designed scientific research has shown that homosexuality, in and itself,is not associated with mental disorders or emotional or social problems. Homosexuality was once thought to be a mental illness because mental health professionals and society had biased information. In the past the studies of gay, lesbian and bisexual people involved only those in therapy, thus biasing the resulting conclusions. When researchers examined data about these people who were not in therapy, the idea that homosexuality was a mental illness was quickly found to be untrue.

In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association confirmed the importance of the new, better designed research and removed homosexuality from the official manual that lists mental and emotional disorders. Two years later, the American Psychological Association passed a resolution supporting the removal. For more than 25 years, both associations have urged all mental health professionals to help dispel the stigma of mental illness that some people still associate with homosexual orientation.

Can Lesbians, Gay Men, and Bisexuals Be Good Parents?

Yes. Studies comparing groups of children raised by homosexual and by heterosexual parents find no developmental differences between the two groups of children in four critical areas: their intelligence, psychological adjustment, social adjustment, and popularity with friends. It is also important to realize that a parent's sexual orientation does not dictate his or her children's.

Another myth about homosexuality is the mistaken belief that gay men have more of a tendency than heterosexual men to sexually molest children. There is no evidence to suggest that homosexuals are more likely than heterosexuals to molest children.
Originally posted by wesmorris
Oh but they do darling. They DO count.
No they don't my dear.....Thoughts and actions don't always have to correlate. For instance, I use my thoughts to way my options...thinking of an option, doesn't imply that I'm ready to commit to the option....Acting on the option, means that I'm ready to commit and that's when our clocks tick.

For example, I go home tired, and I quickly think, should we eat fish...yumm, meatballs and spagetti...too fatty, stuffed peppers...too much work...order pizza...yeah that's easy....I finally decide to order pizza, and that's the only thought that really count.
Originally posted by Flores
How fast did you guys water down my views to pee pees and hoohas and sexual positions. I WAS SPEAKING OF SEXUAL ORIENTATION BEING A CRAPPY WAY OF JUSTIFYING SEXUAL DESCIMINATION. I asked if I can claim a racial orientation and on it's basis form an exclusive race club. Any takers on the more serious note.

Flores, if having a sexual orientation (Which we all certainly do) were discriminatory in any negative way you'd be just as guilty of it as any homosexual. After all you only like men, don't you? Isn't that discriminatory against women! My God you are a misogynist, learn some tolerance you self-hating witch!

Your arguments seem to be getting more nonsensical with each post, maybe you should take a break, calm the hell down, and really think this through before you come back.
During communist rule homosexuals in Czech rep. were treated like insane. They were locked in asylums and subjected to cruel experiments which were supposed to “cure” them. Well, some of them finally pretended to be cured because they could not stand the treatment. But they were human wrecks afterwards. Some of them committed suicide.
Give it up, Flores – HOMOSEXUALITY IS NOT A PERVERSION. IT IS SOMETHING YOU ARE BORN WITH. I know you are intelligent enough to see the evidence.
Originally posted by wesmorris
/Adoption of children by gay couples is not a debate over the morality issues involved with gay couples, rather, the deabte is about the child.


Which is easily morality issue. See thread title.

My deepest regrets. The debate is not about the morality of GAY MARRIAGEs, it is about the MORALITY of factoring a child in.

/From what I have seen, there is only one paramount fact that stands above the rest: Children need a mother and father.

If I ask: why do you say a mother and a father rather than "parents"? Could you give me an answer that didn't rely on what you have seen (so it's irrelevant)?

You asserted "children need a mother and father", but didn't even remotely support the position. Unsupported random assertions do not carry a lot of weight.

Of course I can. This is a morality issue and therefore facts and numbers are irrelevant. If you want to debate polls and numbers, go to the policy debate section.

/Jokes are galore discussing that gay couples have the "bitch" and the "braun", but in all reality, humans must be nurtured from their conception to a late teen age by a mother and a father.

You still have not even remotely supported your argument. You just said "stuff about jokes and oh, kids need moms and dads for a long time". Please think and then provide evidence thereof.

Generally a male and female parenting environment provides two aspects, one from each parent. Mother's are traditionally tender and loving while fathers play the role of being standoffish, tough, yet loving when needed. Simply take a look at a kid who has an unloving mother and you will get a radical child. Pick up a child with no father and you often time find yourself with an emotionaly weak kid.
Tell me I need "facts" all you want tough guy, this is a morality debate.

/Same sex marriages simply do not allow for that

By what elusive algorithm did you reach the conclusion that "gay couples aren't moms and dads"? :bugeye:

Please think and then provide evidence thereof.

Don't get to tied up there math wiz.
Mother: A woman who conceives, gives birth to, or raises and nurtures a child.
Father: A man who begets or raises or nurtures a child.

*Note the terms "woman" and "man".

/and thus can cause some uncertain emotional problems for the child.

You have yet to provide the part that leads to "thus". That would be demonstrative of thinking. Please try that next time.

Children at school calling your msot beloved people in the world "faggot" and "dyke" will traumatize any young child.
And that's only one example.

/The declaration that living with a gay couple is better than living on the street seems irrelevant.

You have not supported why it seems that way.

You have not denied it

/The children up for adoption live in adoption agencies where and food and shelter are plentiful.

*sigh* Okay uhm. Right. Try again please.

Show me proof.

/Whether this is a better environment is another issue entirely.

But I thought it wasn't about morality. If it weren't, then wouldn't "whether or not this is a better environment for children" be about the only pertinent issue?

Ah, but tough guy, please read the first reply above.

Please, you can do better.

Thanks big fella.
Originally posted by Jizz-Master

...Of course I can. This is a morality issue and therefore facts and numbers are irrelevant. If you want to debate polls and numbers, go to the policy debate section....

...Show me proof....

Which is it then sparky? Why dont you need proof or facts for why you hold a position and wes has to show you proof?

As for your ideas about children being psychologicaly damaged, we have already been over the fact that it couldnt possibly be more damaging than living on the streets or in an orphanage, and both the AAP and the APA believe that children raised by gay parents dont show any damage reuslting from it.

So basicly we have common sence and an army of doctors, and you have... what? Your ability to put your argument in bold letters and inability to find the quote button?
Originally posted by SpyMoose
Which is it then sparky? Why dont you need proof or facts for why you hold a position and wes has to show you proof?

As for your ideas about children being psychologicaly damaged, we have already been over the fact that it couldnt possibly be more damaging than living on the streets or in an orphanage, and both the AAP and the APA believe that children raised by gay parents dont show any damage reuslting from it.

So basicly we have common sence and an army of doctors, and you have... what? Your ability to put your argument in bold letters and inability to find the quote button?

Sparky, that's not to bad SpyMoose.

When asking Wes for some proof, that was simply my attempt to prove the stupidity in asking for proof from my standpoints. You failed to realize, but fret not little one.

Kids living on streets? What in gods name are you talking about. A orphanage does not take kids and throw them out back in the alley untill someone wants them. Perhaps in another country, but not in America.

Please show me the reports from the AAP and APA and I would be glad to consent to you. If children are not effected by it, then you win.

ohhh suck on it Jizzy! I shouldnt even post these for you as they have all appeared in previous posts in this same thread. You would know that if you werent just some wandering opinionated dope, but if you promice to knock off the posting here then whoohoo!

Why don't you start a thread about whether facts matter in morality because I would love to have some folks hand it to you over that idea.
/Of course I can. This is a morality issue and therefore facts and numbers are irrelevant.

I asked for an argument. You have yet to provide one. How about "a train of thought" or "supportive reasoning"?

/If you want to debate polls and numbers, go to the policy debate section.[/b]

I don't want to debate polls and numbers. I was merely pointing out to you that you posted a big thing that only stated "it should be all like this and stuff" with absolutely no reasoning for your thoughts. I thought to myself "maybe that kid doesn't understand this format" so I pointed out the flaws in your approach. Someone was going to do it anyway, so I cut to the chase.

/Generally a male and female parenting environment provides two aspects, one from each parent. Mother's are traditionally tender and loving while fathers play the role of being standoffish, tough, yet loving when needed. Simply take a look at a kid who has an unloving mother and you will get a radical child. Pick up a child with no father and you often time find yourself with an emotionaly weak kid.

Wow, evidence of thought. Impressive. You even have reasonable points to an extent. Nice. I might come back and debate this but I'm tired now. Moving on.

/Tell me I need "facts" all you want tough guy, this is a morality debate.[/b]

What do you expect to accomplish by calling me "tough guy"?

/Don't get to tied up there math wiz

Okay but what do you expect to accomplish by calling me math wiz?

/Mother: A woman who conceives, gives birth to, or raises and nurtures a child.
/Father: A man who begets or raises or nurtures a child.

*Note the terms "woman" and "man"

LOL. Oh man you're badass!

(i expected to accomplish making people laugh with that comment, hopefully you're one of them)

/Children at school calling your msot beloved people in the world "faggot" and "dyke" will traumatize any young child.
And that's only one example.

Yes that IS only one example and it's not a very good one really, but hell at least you tried.

/You have not denied it

The intent of my comment was to inform you that if you're gonna say stuff like that it's better to halfassed support it so people have something to comment on. Just a comment like that is baseless and has no real value. Putting just a sentence to establish some sort of context it helpfull.

I was being a smartass though by stating it the way I did. I guess I wondered how you'd react to it. I was attempting to state things in the shortest possible fashion - at face value. Came off kind of snide eh? I'm a little snide I suppose, but generally I'm just jabbing you for giggles, you bastard.

/Show me proof.

You bear the burdon of proof since you made the orginal claim. I didn't make a statement except that yours was unsupported. (by that I mean you didn't even hint as to how you reached your conclusion)

/Ah, but tough guy, please read the first reply above.

tough guy again eh? easy there.

/Thanks big fella.

Oh stop.
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