Should gay couples be allowed to adopt children?

Do you think gay couples should be allowed to adopted children

  • yes

    Votes: 77 68.1%
  • no

    Votes: 36 31.9%

  • Total voters
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Mystech is getting all technical on me.

Originally posted by Mystech

Seriously though, the argument that a penis was "designed" to get stuck in a vagina only holds up if you believe in intelligent design,

contrast to the unintelligent design you believe in.

Originally posted by Mystech
If you look at the situation as it stands, pee pees and a girls hooha sure go together well, but tab P still fits very nicely into slot A, if you get my meaning.

P doesn't fit nicely at all in slot A, at least naturally, and that explains the unnatural bloom in the lube business. Ever heard of a gay dog lubing his partner with vazeline before having sex. Hoohas have natural lubing and are generally bigger than slot A's and thus allowing more natural comfortable entry. Did I mention that there is no chance that you can hit Kaka inside hoohas....Slot A's contain Kakas most of the time. Did I also mention that slot A is very very dirty....If you were a girl, you would have learned the kindergarden lesson, after Kaka, you need to wipe front to back and not back to front....Those valuable lessons are there for a reason, and they save lives.
You have similar problems when you stick your penis into a womans slimy pee hole, not to mention the filth involved in menstruation, but hygene kind of trumps all of those concerns. Its not really a question of whether or not you are sleeping with a male or a female, but if you are sleeping with a clean male or female or some kind of filthy ogre.
Wow. I was completely unaware that our bodies came with instruction manuals, Flores.

Is there a little label on the penis that says that it's only supposed to go into the vagina?

Dammit I want my money back, I didn't get an instruction manual. Then I'd know why the hell I have an appendix.
I hear rumors that it feels good to put your penis into a mouth as well, but like OMG isnt that where barf comes from!?
Re: Mystech is getting all technical on me.

Originally posted by Flores
P doesn't fit nicely at all in slot A,

Well that may be your opinion, but I assue you that it works quite well, and plenty of others seem to agree, as many heterosexual couples get into backdoor play now and again. The fact is that it works, and I don't exactly see why this is the point you chose to try to attack.
This is ridiculous. If something touches your pee pee and you like it, who the fuck am I to say you're a bad person for liking it? I mean, if someone wants me to do whatever and I'm down with said whatever well then, you know.. WHATEVER. Sheez you fucking moralists trying to make shit complicated. If two people, gay, ass, fuck, blue, ink, floor or 23343223 can responsibly raise a child together (in such a manner that they're halfassed emotionally stable), LET THEM. Their pee pee preference is a SMALL if at all relevant factor.

Oh of course unless you read some silly book that requests that you ignore your common sense and you're emotionally starved enough to buy it because it tickles your emotional, rather than physical pee pee.
Adoption of children by gay couples is not a debate over the morality issues involved with gay couples, rather, the deabte is about the child.

From what I have seen, there is only one paramount fact that stands above the rest: Children need a mother and father.

Jokes are galore discussing that gay couples have the "bitch" and the "braun", but in all reality, humans must be nurtured from their conception to a late teen age by a mother and a father. Same sex marriages simply do not allow for that and thus can cause some uncertain emotional problems for the child.

The declaration that living with a gay couple is better than living on the street seems irrelevant. The children up for adoption live in adoption agencies where and food and shelter are plentiful. Whether this is a better environment is another issue entirely.
/Adoption of children by gay couples is not a debate over the morality issues involved with gay couples, rather, the deabte is about the child.


Which is easily morality issue. See thread title.

/From what I have seen, there is only one paramount fact that stands above the rest: Children need a mother and father.

If I ask: why do you say a mother and a father rather than "parents"? Could you give me an answer that didn't rely on what you have seen (so it's irrelevant)?

You asserted "children need a mother and father", but didn't even remotely support the position. Unsupported random assertions do not carry a lot of weight.

/Jokes are galore discussing that gay couples have the "bitch" and the "braun", but in all reality, humans must be nurtured from their conception to a late teen age by a mother and a father.

You still have not even remotely supported your argument. You just said "stuff about jokes and oh, kids need moms and dads for a long time". Please think and then provide evidence thereof.

/Same sex marriages simply do not allow for that

By what elusive algorithm did you reach the conclusion that "gay couples aren't moms and dads"? :bugeye:

Please think and then provide evidence thereof.

/and thus can cause some uncertain emotional problems for the child.

You have yet to provide the part that leads to "thus". That would be demonstrative of thinking. Please try that next time.

/The declaration that living with a gay couple is better than living on the street seems irrelevant.

You have not supported why it seems that way.

/The children up for adoption live in adoption agencies where and food and shelter are plentiful.

*sigh* Okay uhm. Right. Try again please.

/Whether this is a better environment is another issue entirely.

But I thought it wasn't about morality. If it weren't, then wouldn't "whether or not this is a better environment for children" be about the only pertinent issue?

Please, you can do better.
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If you had read the whole thread Jizz-Master, maybe you would have seen these two links originally posted by Heart. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics children raised by guardians of the same gender don’t seem to be more screwed up than kids with a female and a male guardian. Of course who are these guys anyway, right? Just a bunch of doctors, you are a guy with the word Jizz in his name, you don’t need to listen to a bunch of egg-heads.
Originally posted by wesmorris
This is ridiculous. If something touches your pee pee and you like it, who the fuck am I to say you're a bad person for liking it? I mean, if someone wants me to do whatever and I'm down with said whatever well then, you know.. WHATEVER. Sheez you fucking moralists trying to make shit complicated. If two people, gay, ass, fuck, blue, ink, floor or 23343223 can responsibly raise a child together (in such a manner that they're halfassed emotionally stable), LET THEM. Their pee pee preference is a SMALL if at all relevant factor.

Oh of course unless you read some silly book that requests that you ignore your common sense and you're emotionally starved enough to buy it because it tickles your emotional, rather than physical pee pee.

How fast did you guys water down my views to pee pees and hoohas and sexual positions. I WAS SPEAKING OF SEXUAL ORIENTATION BEING A CRAPPY WAY OF JUSTIFYING SEXUAL DESCIMINATION. I asked if I can claim a racial orientation and on it's basis form an exclusive race club. Any takers on the more serious note.
/How fast did you guys water down my views to pee pees and hoohas and sexual positions.

If I were addressing your posts, I'd have quoted YOU, instead of making a general statement, so...


that's fine and all but my post was in no way intended to address yours. Screaming doesn't change that.

/I asked if I can claim a racial orientation and on it's basis form an exclusive race club. Any takers on the more serious note.

Obviously people form "racial oriented" clubs/organizations all the time. The act of forming an exclusive race club would act as a claim of racial orientation so no need to bother with both. Meh, maybe you were making a point before. I didn't read all of what you said. Regardless what I said is applicable to the topic.
Originally posted by SpyMoose
You have similar problems when you stick your penis into a womans slimy pee hole, not to mention the filth involved in menstruation, but hygene kind of trumps all of those concerns.

There is no hygene for menstruation or slot A, unless you advocate douching, which is by the way is very dangerous. Hoohas are very clean by nature without any need for douching or internal cleaning. For god sake, a newly born naked baby slides by fine and as soon as the baby gets out, we apply to it all kind of anteseptic and hadle it with so much care like it'll break from air. Do you want to try to insert a baby in your ass and ask it how clean it is in there. A shower is more than enough for Hoohas, because the only area that needs cleaning is the area exposed to air. Slot A's on the other hand harbor kakas and many other diseace. Did you know that we have thousands of dangerous worms in our bowl???? The slim you are talking aboutin the Hoohas is the biological natural product for healthy skin while penetration and rubbing. Without it, we would be more vulnerable to AIDS because our dry skins are more vulnerable to cuts and infection. Moist skin and lubrication is protection. Gay sex transmits AIDS more readily than straight sex because the natural lubrication that have the perfect PH is missing.

As far as menstruating, at least Islam states that you should not have sex with women during the days of menstruation....It's actually more harm to the woman than the guy because during these days she can easily get infected.

Originally posted by SpyMoose
Its not really a question of whether or not you are sleeping with a male or a female, but if you are sleeping with a clean male or female or some kind of filthy ogre.

There are no clean male asses and no dirty female vaginas unless she is sick and suffer from Yeast infection, that her husband or partner gave her by penetrating her dirty ass then putting his dirty dick back in her vagina.

As far as smell, which have nothing to do with germs, perhaps you should start dating girls that shower daily, don't eat too much garlic, and use top of the shelf deoderants and lotions.
You are stubborn, Flores. But one of a kind. I like you.;)
(Just get rid of your religion and you'll be perfect"):D

BTW: I also agree with M. de Sade that there is nothing wrong with shit. We are just prejudiced against it. Many animals including dogs eat their own shit with no problems. I am not a "coprophile", but I have some accidental experience - one day, while I was sleeping, my 2 year daughter crawled over my face and did it directly into my mouth. Sounds disgusting? Well, before this experience I would consider such idea disgusting. But this was my daughter, so I just did not mind. And when I think about it now - it is all about attitude.
In case you wonder how it tasted - well, it was almost tasteless.
(apendrapew must be really satisfied by now - his claim that I am a pervert seems to be confirmed with every new post I make;) )
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Originally posted by Jizz-Master
From what I have seen, there is only one paramount fact that stands above the rest: Children need a mother and father.
....humans must be nurtured from their conception to a late teen age by a mother and a father. Same sex marriages simply do not allow for that and thus can cause some uncertain emotional problems for the child.

This bullshit is based solely on the idea that there are “predetermined” society roles based on gender. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit!
Although, as it was already pointed out many times, in the world were millions of children live with one parent only, in orphanages or just out in the streets, this argument is utterly pointless.
Im not going to read every post. Too many to do so, so I'm going to just jump in with a point I want to make, even if it has already been said.

This reminds me of the whole stink about white people adopting black kids.

The black community was worried that children adopted by white families would have no racial identity.

Well, there werent enough blacks adopting, so the conclusion, I think, was "Well, we would rather place these kids in families where they will be better cared for than if left in an orphanage or group foster home."

So it would seem that the worry here is not about the childrens welfare, because who would care about that? The worry is that the tendency for homosexuality will be taught to the adopted kids, increasing the prevalence of it.

Same with the kids losing their "racial identity".

My stand? We're all human. We all have choices.

The only people who dont put the wellbeing of a child over the sexual orientation of his parents are people who are homophobics, see a psychaitrist, phobias can be cured.
Originally posted by Fafnir665
Im not going to read every post. Too many to do so, so I'm going to just jump in with a point I want to make, even if it has already been said.

I suggest you read first.

Originally posted by Fafnir665
This reminds me of the whole stink about white people adopting black kids.

How irrelevant. Again, you mix up apples and orages and claim that a non existing sexual orientation is the equivalent of a race.

Originally posted by Fafnir665
The black community was worried that children adopted by white families would have no racial identity.

More irrelevant bull shit. So now whites are being compared to gays. Being born white/black/yellow is being compared to the choice of fucking a same sex. Irrelevant

Originally posted by Fafnir665
My stand? We're all human. We all have choices.

Except that we can't choose our race. Your post doesn't make any sense. Correlating gays and race is a far stretch.
Flores, look past your filters.

From what I read in the original post, this is about memes.
Racial identity is a meme.
Homosexualality is a meme.

See the connection? Or are you saying that homosexualality is a genetic condition, and not related to rearing? In that case there would be no debate about it.

See now?
Originally posted by Fafnir665
See the connection? Or are you saying that homosexualality is a genetic condition, and not related to rearing? In that case there would be no debate about it.

See now?

It's not genetic, at least, I never heard of the gay blood test, so a gay gene doesn't exist. Gayness is not a sexual orientation, it's a sexual prevertion and mental condition.

The minute all gays wake up, look in the mirror, and say, I'm a pervert, is the day they gays have been truthfull to themselves.
Originally posted by Flores
It's not genetic, at least, I never heard of the gay blood test, so a gay gene doesn't exist. Gayness is not a sexual orientation, it's a sexual prevertion and mental condition.

The minute all gays wake up, look in the mirror, and say, I'm a pervert, is the day they gays have been truthfull to themselves.

Just pray to your God that you'll never have a homosexual child....
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