Should gay couples be allowed to adopt children?

Do you think gay couples should be allowed to adopted children

  • yes

    Votes: 77 68.1%
  • no

    Votes: 36 31.9%

  • Total voters
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You could count on it buddy? We don't teach filth and screw up kids morals in the Flores family in the name of freedom......We don't abuse freedom in the Flores family, we know where to draw the line, the line that you're jumping rope with from side to side until the contradictions in your head will eventually send you to the phsycic ward.....You are free though to teach your kids whatever garbage you wish......Of course I'm assuming that you're a responsible adult with a job, a family, and kids..
Was that a rant that just sped by?

We don't teach filth and screw up kids morals in the Flores family in the name of freedom.
Would those be everyday people type morals or those special Flores morals TM that only you seem to understand

We don't abuse freedom in the Flores family
Unless, of course, it's the freedom of love either sex!

You are free though to teach your kids whatever garbage you wish
Is that why you had yours?

Y'know Flores what really bothers me here is the fact that you probably could adopt with no problems:bugeye: . While a gay couple operating within a rational belief system would have to jump through hoops to offer kiddies a home:(

Go figure.
Dee Cee
Originally posted by DeeCee
Of course he cares!
This is all about sex.
Thats why gay bishops stay in the closet or pretend to be celibate.
and why we feel uncomfortable when we sit next to gay men on the bus.
It's not about kiddies.
It's about sex.

It's the sex that makes them different
Dee Cee

I have a couple of Lesbian friends that are raising a bright and beautiful daughter (the child of one of them). I have never seen such a bright, well-adjusted child. Their parenting skills are by far superior than what the child's father (whom I also know) could have provided her. Sex may make them different, but nobody should know what goes on behind closed doors. Nobody. Sex should be a personal, consensual interaction that goes on between two consenting adults. What about the children that are raised in a male-female family and the dad is a drunk or the mother has an affair? Don't you think this would affect the children, too? Believe me, it does! Whomever the parents are, if THEY have a loving relationship, the children share in it. If the relationship is not loving, the children get the brunt of it, too. Gay parents are more in tune with themselves, so their children will feel the comfort of that security. The sex doesn't really play a role except for the people on the outside looking in.
Originally posted by DeeCee
Y'know Flores what really bothers me here is the fact that you probably could adopt with no problems:bugeye: . While a gay couple operating within a rational belief system would have to jump through hoops to offer kiddies a home:(

Y'know what DeeCee, I really have no beef with you. I actually like you. Absolutely no offense is taken from your comment.

Now what was I saying, yeah, Mystech, I teach my kids what I want and when you're lucky enough to have kids, you teach them what you want.
Just a thought.

Let me see here.

Gays always yell sexual descrimination, so why don't we for once examine the concept of sexual descrimination to see if it exist in the gay situation.

Sexual Descrimination is the act of descriminating between the different sexes.

For example, When a man announces that he's not interested in hiring a women in the work place just because she's a woman, all of us yell, sexual descrimination. Now, you have men yelling from the top of their lungs that they don't want to partner in their lives with women just because they are women, and nobody is saying anything??? Same sex relationships with no diversity and outmost discrimination about the other sex...Is that what gayship is about?

Another example. A community of white people that forbids marrying blacks or selling homes to blacks. Why do we call that descimination. Because again the same type is sticking together and not wanting to work with a different type of people.

Another example. Men only golf clubs. The men over there reminds me so much of the gays. They don't want to play golf with women because it's not satisfying or not fun or whatever...They descriminate againest women just like the gays do.

What is wrong with you people? Are you so damn confused with your concepts to that point where you don't understand a basic application of sexual discrimination.

Gays are commiting sexual descrimination and are encourging life styles full of sexual descrimination. It's about time that gays stop hanging out with their kinds....Isn't that what we tell a group of white people that don't want to intermarry or deal with another race?
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If a gay man refused to work with a woman because she was a woman then it would still be sexual discrimination, but you, in typical right wing fassion think that if we are going to be tolerent of something that means that people have to be forced to do it. What people do you know who are forced into interratial couples? Who is forcing them? What the hell are you talking about?

If you honestly think who somone chooses as a spouce is discrimination (and I know you don't you are just really running out of ways to try to support your religiously rightious hatred) then arn't you discriminating against women? Are you telling your children that women are bad because you refused to marry one? How hateful of you! Between teaching your children that women should be covered up like monsters, and your descrimination against them sexualy how are they ever going to feel about them? It would be a wonder if any sons you have dont turn out gay.

Let's be fair and a bit realistic here, okay? Homosexuals are not yelling sexual discrimination because Mary Lou likes guys and Joe Blow likes women. That's insane!

All we want are equal rights, Flores. Homosexuals are not beasts, pedophiles, spew green pea soup, or whatever crazy idea you have in your head. We are people, Flores. We have hearts, feelings, and yes morals.

IF you could look past ones sexual preference and at their heart, you just might find a real person inside, instead of the monster you make us out to be. I think building bridges is better than tearing them down just because of differences.

In another thread I had posted the below quotes and links in regards to homosexual couples and children. These quotes are from American Academy of Pediatrics.

Children who are born to or adopted by 1 member of a same-sex couple deserve the security of 2 legally recognized parents. Therefore, the American Academy of Pediatrics supports legislative and legal efforts to provide the possibility of adoption of the child by the second parent or coparent in these families. link:

A growing body of scientific literature demonstrates that children who grow up with 1 or 2 gay and/or lesbian parents fare as well in emotional, cognitive, social, and sexual functioning as do children whose parents are heterosexual. Children's optimal development seems to be influenced more by the nature of the relationships and interactions within the family unit than by the particular structural form it takes link
Originally posted by SpyMoose
If a gay man refused to work with a woman because she was a woman then it would still be sexual discrimination,

Only because there is a law that forces him to work with women....If it was up to him, he would fuck/piss/sleep/vacation/work/eat with his darling man.

Originally posted by SpyMoose
but you, in typical right wing fassion think that if we are going to be tolerent of something that means that people have to be forced to do it.

That's called consistency....What you're suggesting in your left wing fassion is hypocracy.

Originally posted by SpyMoose
What people do you know who are forced into interratial couples? Who is forcing them? What the hell are you talking about?

They should be...Perhaps we are not doing enough to stop discrimination and blend our society better.

Originally posted by SpyMoose
Are you telling your children that women are bad because you refused to marry one? How hateful of you!

Just like the Golf club owner is not telling his children that women are bad while he continues to not allow them entry in his own club. How hatefull of gays to not include women in their intimate thoughts.

Originally posted by SpyMoose
Between teaching your children that women should be covered up like monsters,

Perhaps you should put out the fire that is coming out of your pants, because I don't cover up or promote covering. Didn't you see my bikini picture in the picture thread on page 59.?

Originally posted by SpyMoose
and your descrimination against them sexualy how are they ever going to feel about them? It would be a wonder if any sons you have dont turn out gay.

How am I descriminating againest them sexually while I teach my son to respect and cherish women. I teach my son that one day he'll be united in love with a female.....not that he should go get fucked by a man and never grow to love or know a woman like you seem like you'll teach your kids.
I think you are confused flores, dear. Misogyny is the realm of right wingers who follow archaic religions, us filthy liberals tend not to base an oppinion on somone form thier gender alone.

By your logic, if being a lover of men makes you hate women, and to think otherwise would be hypocracy, then how do you still claim that you are able to give your son a perspective on the joy he might find with a woman? By your own logic you are clearly biased against them.
Originally posted by SpyMoose
By your logic, if being a lover of men makes you hate women, and to think otherwise would be hypocracy, then how do you still claim that you are able to give your son a perspective on the joy he might find with a woman? By your own logic you are clearly biased against them.

My little Moose, I don't have to tell baby Flores the detail of how to love, live, and share a life with a woman.. We don't lecture our children, they learn because they like what they see at home. My son can see alright his mommy on his daddy's lap getting a back massage as she writes her dissertation every night. He can see daddy going with mommy to Lamaze class to practice childbirth. He can see mommy washing the dishes and daddy drying them...He can see mommy and daddy like carrots and peas, not carrots and carrots.
are you implying that vegitables at dinnertime are metaphores for sexual penetration?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Should gay couples be allowed to adopted children?

Originally posted by Flores
while so many kids on the street make it and make it good.....You convineatly called every gay couple sensible and good....excellent as you say to me.

If you are trying so hard to be fair, be a good ref....Becauase so far, I don't understand many of your calls.

Agreed but that doesn't justify your judgements either. I am not trying to be fair. I guess you could say i am being just as decisive and quick to judge as you to argue my point of view. I just simply disagree with you Flores. Allow me atleast that much pleasure.
"I'm questioning whether a child should be placed with a gay couple given that there is a straight couple who are willing to adopt them?"
You freak. It's irrelevant.
A gay couple would go through the adaptation process just like the heteros and face the same scrutiny. The child would go to whichever couple the agency chooses without regard to sexual orientation.
There isnt a strait couple to adopt every child. Even with gay couples being allowed to raise children there still won't be enough familys to go around for the un-claimed children. Maybe its worth pointing out that this problem of too many children that no one wants is caused by heterosexuals, not gays.
Re: Re: Re: Now, let us really zoom in on this.

Originally posted by Flores
You could count on it buddy? We don't teach filth and screw up kids morals in the Flores family in the name of freedom......We don't abuse freedom in the Flores family, we know where to draw the line, the line that you're jumping rope with from side to side until the contradictions in your head will eventually send you to the phsycic ward.....You are free though to teach your kids whatever garbage you wish......Of course I'm assuming that you're a responsible adult with a job, a family, and kids.....Are you Mystech?, Are you a head of household, or are you spending your days pressing the pimples on your face.

Have you got anything more up your sleeves than completely unfounded inflammatory and idiotic personal attacks? What is the basis of any of these comments? I won't even pay the remarks directed specifically toward me enough respect to bother responding to them, but what exactly do you mean by "Screwing up morals in the name of freedom"? Are you so hopelessly frightened and stupefied by homosexuals that you'll lash out with this garbage? You're a mess Flores, I feel sorry for the perfectly good children that you are ruining, and pray that they will have the courage and intelligence to disregard the bigoted, small minded and hateful things you must be teaching them. I also hope you'll be kind enough to pay for their psychiatrists in case they need professional help to undo the damage you're doing.

You seem to be making the arguement that gays can't raise a child to be loving. Why not? I believe that straight couples are just as capable or incapable of raising a loving child as a gay couple. And if the child becomes gay so what? I reason that if the child's gay parents are qualified to adopt children then they must have turned out all right despite the adversity they've faced. Do you contend that gay people are immoral or psychotic simply because they want to sleep with someone of the same sex?That notion is ridiculous because one could claim that anyone fucking someone of the opposite sex is a somehow more moral than someone that isn't. Dscriminating on the basis of sexual orentitation is just as bad as descriminating on the basis of skin color.
Re: Flores

Originally posted by Mrhero54
Do you contend that gay people are immoral or psychotic simply because they want to sleep with someone of the same sex?That notion is ridiculous because one could claim that anyone fucking someone of the opposite sex is a somehow more moral than someone that isn't. Dscriminating on the basis of sexual orentitation is just as bad as descriminating on the basis of skin color.

You argument is as lame as a KKK member who tries to say, I have the right to be a son of a bitch and avoid different people because of my racial orientation....His racial Orientation prevents him from associating with people of different race. Just as you do for the gays, the rest of our biggots can argue their sick life styles of segregation.

What the hell is a sexual orientation???? Sex is either male or female. A male pinus is designed to penetrate a vagina, the semn is needed to fertilize an egg. There is no north arrows on our pinus or asses to indicate any other orientation or direction of use??????Is it perhaps the same as the racial orientation that the KKK member is arguing?
Somebody please tell me if I'm missing an arrow on my vagina?
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Ahhh, Flores, always finding the least sensible part of an opposing post and then adding to it, instead of arguing with the harder stuff.
What the hell is your problem? Do you see an imaginary arrow on your pinus that compels you to penetrate a man and get disgusted from being intimate with women, or do you want a white robe and a cone hat to join our KKK friends as they respond to their imaginary race arrows.
Re: Re: Flores

Originally posted by Flores
You argument is as lame as a KKK member who tries to say, I have the right to be a son of a bitch and avoid different people because of my racial orientation....His racial Orientation prevents him from associating with people of different race. Just as you do for the gays, the rest of our biggots can argue their sick life styles of segregation.

Can anyone else make any sense out of this paragraph? I haven't got a clue what she's saying here.

Originally posted by Flores
What the hell is a sexual orientation???? Sex is either male or female. A male pinus is designed to penetrate a vagina, the semn is needed to fertilize an egg. There is no north arrows on our pinus or asses to indicate any other orientation or direction of use??????Is it perhaps the same as the racial orientation that the KKK member is arguing?
Somebody please tell me if I'm missing an arrow on my vagina?

I suppose a pinus is some sort of tree? And is semn some sort of Jewish name, it sounds a bit like one in a phonetic sense, but I don't think I've ever heard that one specifically before.

Seriously though, the argument that a penis was "designed" to get stuck in a vagina only holds up if you believe in intelligent design, and then even still only if you think you know the will of God (or allah in this case) and frankly "Well it is this way because I have faith that it is" doesn't make for a very strong argument, certainly not one we should base social policy on. If you look at the situation as it stands, pee pees and a girls hooha sure go together well, but tab P still fits very nicely into slot A, if you get my meaning. And if you still wanna' get all spiritual and dodgy about it take a look at male anatomy, specifically where the prostate is placed. Think that's just a co-incidence? Maybe it's proof that sodomy was just meant to be! (see how stupid that sounds? Oh and if anyone needs a better explanation on the anatomy I’ll be glad to PM you with it, ha.)
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