Should gay couples be allowed to adopt children?

Do you think gay couples should be allowed to adopted children

  • yes

    Votes: 77 68.1%
  • no

    Votes: 36 31.9%

  • Total voters
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So many people are coming from the standpoint that it is bad, but not AS bad as having junkie parents, or an unstable home or (insert you own personal evil here).
Why is homosexual adoption the better of evils at all?
What is evil about it?

You sound like my father avoiding the issue of racism by saying, "I have nothing against black people, I just don't want my kid marrying one."
Don't avoid the issue, if you have a problem with it, don't hide behind showing how open you are by admitting there are MORE evil things.
Drop the cop-outs and openly show and face your convictions.

What, specifically, is wrong with it?

Is it that, God forbid, the next generation will grow up thinking there is nothing morally or otherwise wrong with homosexuality or bisexuality? *GASP*
If not, tell me, what exactly is your problem with it?
I think that any parent or parents (this status being of course after they adopt the children, unless they already had their own) who can provide a loving and relatively safe home for children should be allowed to adopt them.

It doesn't screw kids up to have gay parents. My best friend has gay parents, and he turned out fine. Unless of course you consider tolerance and open-mindedness to be bad, but since I don't I'm going to stick to him turning out fine. He's very intelligent, very caring, and heterosexual - not that it'd be bad if he was homosexual; I just wanted to point out that the theory that children with gay parents will decide to copy their parents and be gay isn't true.

Children need homes. Gay couples often want children. How does it not make sense to take advantage of the two problems and solve them both?
one_raven said:
What, specifically, is wrong with it?

Is it that, God forbid, the next generation will grow up thinking there is nothing morally or otherwise wrong with homosexuality or bisexuality? *GASP*
If not, tell me, what exactly is your problem with it?

If the next generation grew up thinking it was alright to have same sex relationships, there would not be many generations after that. What about reproduction???
First things first...
You arent THEE Jolly Rodger, are you? Am I talking to a ledgend?

Are you serious? Homosexuality has been a part of human culture for thousands of years. The stigma about it seems to be a relatively NEW thing. Look at ancient Greece, Rome, hell, curreent day Europe. There is no reproduction problem that I can see (except maybe that we reproduce TOO much for our own good). By all estimates I have seen, the amount of gays that are around now (estimated at something like 8 - 11 % of the population) is about the same as it has always been. That should say something about it not affecting the rate of procreation.

Tell me, if you were taught that it is not wrong or immoral, would you be gay? Are you thinking right now that you wish you could have sex with men, but you can't vecause mom and dad said, "no"? Of course not. Why would it be any different for other kids? All it would do is allow those that DO want to, do it without being persecuted, beaten up and, yes, even killed for it.

Since when do kids listen to their parents anyway? If anything, having it be such a tabooo would drive more kids to try it if they wouldn't otherwise just to rebel. Sex? Drugs? Rock and Roll? What do kids like to do most? What mom and dad say they shouldn't, right?

Think of it this way. If you had a son that was gay, and you forced him to live a "straight" life and have sex with women (yes, they are forced, out of fear) it really wouldn't be any different than if someone forced YOU to live a homosexual life and have sex with men, would it?

Also, if procreation and survival of the species is your main concern, you don't hae to worry. As many people pointed out, it seems that the most common situation is that a person is bisexual, not homosexual. (I personally think that bisexual people are pushed to hetero or homo by social pressure) So you don't need to be concerned, because bisexual people procreate too.

One last point...
Trying to appeal from a different angle :).
Let's say that homosexuality is hereditary.
If we do not stigmatize homosexuality, then more people would come out of the closet and less of them breed and >poof< eventually, no more gays at all. They will have non-bred themselves into extinction. :)

Somehow, I have a feeling that survival of the species is not your biggest concern. Is it really?
one_raven said:
First things first...
You arent THEE Jolly Rodger, are you? Am I talking to a ledgend?

I don't know any ledgend, but i have been called many worse names on this thing

one_raven said:
Somehow, I have a feeling that survival of the species is not your biggest concern. Is it really?

No just making a small point, although you have aced it with your extinction one, I like it.
Jolly Rodger said:
No just making a small point, although you have aced it with your extinction one, I like it.
I thought that one might get 'ya! :D
Jolly Rodger said:
If the next generation grew up thinking it was alright to have same sex relationships, there would not be many generations after that. What about reproduction???
Good, let's finish raising the children we have now, and end this sad nightmare already.
Jolly Rodger said:
If the next generation grew up thinking it was alright to have same sex relationships, there would not be many generations after that. What about reproduction???

Thinking it's alright doesn't mean they themselves will pursue exclusively same-sex relationships... I think it's alright to, but since I have no desire to have a romantic relationship with a woman, I don't.
Beryl said:
Thinking it's alright doesn't mean they themselves will pursue exclusively same-sex relationships... I think it's alright to, but since I have no desire to have a romantic relationship with a woman, I don't.
yes i know, although someone, tiassa i think it was has already started a new thread about that coment in which i had this to reply
Jolly Rodger said:
Look, sorry that did come out a bit wrong, a better way of saying it would have been, "if all of the next generation were growing up having same sex relationships then there would be not many generations after that.
Although I can't not admit to posting it, so come on let loose.
At me

So really you are just reiterating what a lot of people have said in the last couple of days
Flores said:
Gay men hate themselves...That's the root cause of the problem and the reason for their inadequacy and inability to perform naturally in the society. Keep on hating yourself, It must be awefull to share your ugliness with a women, but other men in the locker rooms are an easier audience.

No I'd rather leave you that valuable educational tool to teach your OWN children. You see, gay couples have nothing apart from will and grace to teach their children about how society should operate....Thier sick lives can only be depicted in a sitcom at best. Most excellent Mystech. Keep up the good work of watching gay sitcoms.

Flores, you don't understand something.

Follow me carefully here.

Not everyone is bisexual like you,

and not everyone has to fight urges toward both sexes like you,

Some people are born gay, or straight unlike you.

(You said you resisted lesbianism and a boy, so you're bisexual)

I think you are assuming everyone is bisexual, so why do GAY MEN not want women??? This takes some education, and understanding on your part.
Jolly Rodger said:
yes i know, although someone, tiassa i think it was has already started a new thread about that coment in which i had this to reply

So really you are just reiterating what a lot of people have said in the last couple of days

Jolly, just thought I would answer you directly.

You asked if gay couples should be allowed to adopt children. Not, weather it's best.

I would say yes, we should be allowed. No, it's not the best. Nor is it the worst. All I am saying is, allowed the oppertunity.

I understand how you envision a straight child growing up with two gay parents would be hard.

I grew up as a gay child with two heterosexual parents, and it was hard. Dare I say, harder than for the opposite? A straight kid does not need to come out to his gay parents.

This is such a complex issue, I understand that. However, it's so complex you can't really give a simple answer.

If a gay couple can offer a good home to a kid, then that should be an option. To do otherwise would only serve to punish the kid, and put you're personal homophobia or anti-gay-parenting issues above everything else.

The assumption is the kid will be straight. Maybe not. :D
I don't agree with you, but everybody is going to disagree with each other about it forever. So it really doesnt matter, but I just think a kid should grow up with a good mother and a good father. Well your also right though. If they can support the kid and it would be a good home then they should be allowed to take the child, but straight parents who would be good for the child should be picked over good homosexual parents.
No - children without natural parents should be euthanized. We're overpopulated as it is.
Jolly Rodger said:
i am glad i didn't have the same parents as you
Me too!

The truth is, gay couples contribute to a child's psychological development the same way a man and woman can. The child will not develop proper social skills, proper gender roles in society, or proper habits in general. It is a proven psychological fact. Go read a psychology book.
how about you start providing scientific evidence for your claims?

or are you just a bush troll?
btimsah said:
I grew up as a gay child with two heterosexual parents, and it was hard. Dare I say, harder than for the opposite? A straight kid does not need to come out to his gay parents.

Why not? Wouldn't it be hard for the same reasons? I mean being gay is a lifestyle as well as a sexuality. Wouldn't it be hard for a kid to tell these people who have fed, sheltered and clothed that he/she was turning their back on there culture? I mean please do correct me if i am wrong!
Jolly i bet that homosexual parents wouldnt spend there life villifying hedros. Also the media, movies, other kids (you dont hear hedro as an insult do you) and school dont villify hedro kids so NO. It wouldnt be anywhere near as hard for a straight kid with 2 gay parents as a gay kid with homophobic parents

The child will not develop proper social skills, . . .

The same ones they learn in school?

. . . proper gender roles in society, . . .

So ya just wanna keep propagating the stereotypical male and female? Is that it?

. . . or proper habits in general.

The same ones the gay parents properly learned while they were growing up?
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