Should gay couples be allowed to adopt children?

Do you think gay couples should be allowed to adopted children

  • yes

    Votes: 77 68.1%
  • no

    Votes: 36 31.9%

  • Total voters
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Originally posted by Mystech
Well thanks for walking right into that one for me, I guess I don't have to add anything more. Just look at the quote from you I posted in my last response, then read this one, and I think you're all set to see what a hypocrite and a bigot you are.

Let's do it, perhaps you can finally see that you can't read nor understand.

I said

I don't even care if you guys have a sexual relationship, I'm not in the business of telling people how to show their affection for each other, regardless of the persons involved or the methods used.

Then you said

Should I bring up the subject of man on man anal sex again?

So I said

please don't turn my stomach up again with the anal talk.

Now let's analyze.

People are individuals by nature so there's no stopping them from thinking and doing whatever in their head that be good or bad. I believe in their individuality and I would like to practice my individuality as they do and not believe in their life styles.

So I'm telling you to go and fuck off but just stay the hell out of my sight.....
Originally posted by Flores
So I'm telling you to go and fuck off but just stay the hell out of my sight.....

You first, you magnificent queen of double-think.
my emotions tell me that people who have to go out of their way to be parents are going to be the best parents. kids who are adopted are never mistakes in their adoptive parent's eyes. they wanted them and do everything they can to give them a good home. gay couples really have to go out of their way to be parents so they should make the best parents of all.

there are way too many kids without homes. the alternatives are gay parents who will love them and provide for them or being abandoned or passed around foster homes through a system that has utterly failed them. i also tend to think that gay parents will go out of their way to provide the village for their kids since they can't so easily fall back on having 2 sexed parents, hoping the kid turns out ok. the effort to provide a village is something traditional parents tend to lack, unless they live in a large extended family home.
Chalaco said:
Just a thought, has anybody ever thought about how the kids would feel being mortified in school when word got out that both parents were endowed with a phallus, or both parents go by Mrs.?

Chalaco, I don't blame you for not reading the whole thread, its huge, but we have been over this point a bout half a million times already. The general consensus is that for the children in many cases it would be a choice between living in an orphanage for their entire childhood with no proper parental rolemodles, or living with a gay couple and *gasp* getting teased in school.

Its too bad you can't take your vote back, because I don't really think you thought that oppinion out.
SpyMoose said:
Chalaco, I don't blame you for not reading the whole thread, its huge, but we have been over this point a bout half a million times already. The general consensus is that for the children in many cases it would be a choice between living in an orphanage for their entire childhood with no proper parental rolemodles, or living with a gay couple and *gasp* getting teased in school.

Its too bad you can't take your vote back, because I don't really think you thought that oppinion out.

Living in an orphanage builds character :D

I'm joking! But I digress.
Chalaco said:
Living in an orphanage builds character :D

I'm joking! But I digress. [/COLOR]

I joke wees u. (little dog little joke).

(intentionally obscure reference 22934.1.C)
Chalaco said:
riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight :bugeye:

It's triumph, the insult comic dog's song. It really, really cracks me up. It used to be here but I don't see it there now.

pardon the off topic.
I’m sorry chalaco but kids are going to be teased, that’s just the way the world works. If you think that being made fun of is going to scar them for life, just give a thought about the abandonment issues and scars they’ll have going through an entire childhood without a stable family environment, or receiving any true parental love or guidance.

Following your own logic, should we bar fat people from adopting children? You know that when fat old mommy comes to pick up little Billy from school the other kids will tease, and say that his mother is Jabba the hut. What about people who live in some proper speaking states who have thick southern accents, that’s bound to get a kid marked, should they be banned from adopting children? Do you see what I’m getting at here? Having homosexual parents doesn’t constitute any legitimate danger to the child, not in and of itself, sure they’ll probably get made fun of, but that’s unavoidable, and can be caused by countless other factors as well, and is hardly grounds for denying people adoption rights, and certainly not worth denying an orphan some loving parents.
Chalaco said:
So, vis-a-vis all this kid talk.... cry me a river :D

Future horizons
I'm not going to take the time to write out a complete reply to every one of your many varying points. You seem to be trying to cover so much ground in this reply that you manage to step on your own toes and completely undermine yourself a number of times.

The quote above illustrates this quite clearly. If I'm taking it in correct context you apparently don't care about the children, but then of course the entire rest of your post is based on the premise that you care about what's best for them. So which is it? Are the feelings of the child a factor which should be considered, or aren't they?

Also, your argument seems unjustifiably defensive and disjointed, I don't know what exactly has you so worked up, but honestly, try to tone it down a bit. You're making yourself sound a bit hysterical.

If you'd honestly like to cary on this argument, I suggest forming a fresh thread, as I'm fairly certain that most people would be intimidated by the fact that it's eleven or so pages long and a few months old.
Mystech said:
If you'd honestly like to cary on this argument, I suggest forming a fresh thread, as I'm fairly certain that most people would be intimidated by the fact that it's eleven or so pages long and a few months old.

I agree, I kicked your butt enough in this thread....Go get an implant and come back for some more. :D
It's one thing to live in an orphanage, it's another to be the only kid in town with a gay couple for parents.
Its so Nice when a poster throws out his credibility right away, Its so much more convenient when you know you don't have to conceder anything as someone says as valid.

But they wouldn't last because they're all fabrications. The teasing would be true, the kids DO have a gay couple for parents
Actually, people do have parents who are fat. I know it sounds like a fairy tail, strange but true.

Society, unfortunately, does not deem that sort of thing 'normal', for little jonny to have two dads or two mothers. That sort of thing would catch on rather quick in the schoolyard and with this homo-phobic society (myself not included, no matter how my stance on this may come across) it wouldn't stop.
Yes, you aren’t homophobic you are just afraid of homosexual rights, sure.

So I don't know where all this orphanage talk came from, because it certainly didn't come from the TOPIC of the thread
Well, children still exist before they are adopted. This place where they exist is commonly referred to as an "Orphanage". In these "Orphanages" the children are deprived of nurturing supportive figures, quality education, personal property, and commonly exposed to physical and sexual abuse. Being that there are children that go through their entire lives like this, in orphanages and being passed around through foster homes, it is then essential to the argument at hand that life in the care of a homosexual couple is more desirable than life in an orphanage.

If you want to "argue" (for you the term is used loosely) your points further I suggest reading the entire thread. You may come across Links posted to the APA and the AAP (That’s American Psychological Association, and American Academy of Pediatrics) web sites where they give their official opinions on gay parents, that being that they are generally as qualified as strait parents.
If you want to shut up already and move on to the next man with your little speech on orphanages and gay parents, I suggest doing so. I can already see the flak from people, "oh, you don't know what it's like to live in an orphanage, blah blah blah". See, that's where you're wrong, and that's where I'm not going to defend myself. What I posted is what I posted, I've thought about it (not long) and I don't see any reason to recant. I've already read all of your points, people. If any of you wish to retort, my guess is it will be full of crying, indignation and quick to libel me. You people act as if I care when, in fact, I don't. I voted no, told you why, now dry your eyes.

Interesting, I believe you called me myopic earlier in your post. Irony. I only have a few points to make. If a child isn’t adopted at birth he ends up as a ward of the state and that means orphanage and being passed around to foster homes. Why gay couples should be forbidden from adopting a newborn more than any other child is beyond me, but ill just assume its because you think their evil faggot wavelength radiation is more harmful to a small child. You seem to have some kind of hang up on schoolyard taunting, which is probably some sort of neurosis from your own experience but when children taunt it has very little to do with actual debate or real issues, and everything to do with one clique attempting to assert its dominance over another, this issues are of secondary concern, and any issue will do really. Why you think this is an awful enough phenomenon to deprive someone of a more conventional family life I have no Idea. Together with some other elements of your argument it sounds like perhaps you are still an adolescent and a victim of such mocking, so you probably aren’t the most objective judge. Your refusal to read the rest of the thread, and your assertion that you don’t care do help support you adolescence. If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t vote and post your own two cents, would you? Let alone get huffy enough to call people names because they are pointing out flaws in your reasoning.

But if you won’t be swayed, fine. I guess I’ll just have to deal with the idea that there are people who think that the state is a better parent than homosexual couples, and don’t want to hear any logic to the contrairy.
cosmictraveler said:
Depends on certain factors.

Well, like all adoption, yes, parentage should depend heavily on certain factors. Felons are straight out, and those with histories of mental problems and the like, and then their actual financial ability to support a child and all that, but the idea is that homosexuality alone is really sort of silly grounds for denial.
DeeCee said:
We should burn alive any kids born in cities!
Dee Cee

Look, DeeCee, no one here is talking about you preferring cities or country surroundings. We are talking about children, our future. If a law allowing gay couples adopt children was approved a century ago, you might not even be here right now.
philopsycho said:
Look, DeeCee, no one here is talking about you preferring cities or country surroundings. We are talking about children, our future. If a law allowing gay couples adopt children was approved a century ago, you might not even be here right now.

To the best of my knowledge there are no laws either for or against homosexuals adopting children, and as it stands homosexuals (at least in the united states) are indeed allowed to adopt children. This being the case, I really have no idea what message you're trying to send here. Is your ascertain that homosexuals adopting children would bring the downfall of society or otherwise result in people dieing and civilizations collapsing? An argument made in ignorance. . . [insert rest of proverb here]
philopsycho said:
If a law allowing gay couples adopt children was approved a century ago, you might not even be here right now.

What would have happened? Would gays have adopted one of his great grandparents and eaten them? Gays eat people you know. Hide in closets and under beds too.

You know, If you are talking about the strange things that can happen if history is changed, then maybe he wouldn’t be here if say... Hitler had been a egalitarian, or if Polpot chose to scare Cambodia by building a rollercoaster instead of chasing people out into the wilderness. A what if like that is just silly.
SpyMoose said:
You know, If you are talking about the strange things that can happen if history is changed, then maybe he wouldn’t be here if say... Hitler had been a egalitarian, or if Polpot chose to scare Cambodia by building a rollercoaster instead of chasing people out into the wilderness. A what if like that is just silly.

Wait wait, but what if he had gone back in time and kissed his own mother! That would be truly sickening! I bet the moon would have crashed into us by now if something like that were to happen. . . well, so long as he didn't get his father to beat up Biff Tannin and win back the heart of his mother, that is, but it's all relative.
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