Should gay couples be allowed to adopt children?

Do you think gay couples should be allowed to adopted children

  • yes

    Votes: 77 68.1%
  • no

    Votes: 36 31.9%

  • Total voters
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Jolly Rodger said:
Why not? Wouldn't it be hard for the same reasons? I mean being gay is a lifestyle as well as a sexuality. Wouldn't it be hard for a kid to tell these people who have fed, sheltered and clothed that he/she was turning their back on there culture? I mean please do correct me if i am wrong!

Ok, you win the award for single most blindly humorous comment ever. I'm serious, I've really got no other recourse to this than to laugh at you as though you were a five year old who ran up to a birthday clown with a condom and asked him to turn it into a doggy. Just shake your head, give a smile like you're in a mentos commercial and chuckle at the innocence of children.

Firstly, I’d like for you to take a moment to consider who you hear referring to homosexuality as a “lifestyle”. I guarantee you that nine times out of ten the people using this term are going to be religious fundamentalists with a moral objection to homosexuals in general. The idea, I believe is to try to create an impression that homosexuals live their lives in some vastly different way from everyone else (aside from the gender of who they date), It’s a lot easier to demonize them this way.

It seems that you have been caught up in the trap that they’ve set for you with this particular bit of rhetoric. Please don’t take offense at my saying so, but your assessment that homosexuals believe themselves to be part of some distinct separate culture, as though they live in another country, goes beyond absurd and ventures into the realm of shockingly hilarious!

The scenario you paint is entirely unworkable, I’m afraid. I guarantee you that there are no homosexual parents that would get upset that their children are rejecting “their culture” be that a love of showtunes and fashion design, or having romantic relationships with members of the same gender (however far you intended to carry the meaning). The general “Those durn kids and the noise they call music!” sort of sense might be applicable, but the fact remains that homosexuals were raised in, and live in the same culture as every other heterosexual member of their community, and trust me, they’re very comfortable with the idea that some people are straight and have no eye for interior decorating. Ask any same-sex parents what they hope the sexuality of their children will be, and you’ll likely get a uniform response: “We just want our child to be whoever (s)he is, and be happy!” There may be some few exceptions out there, ones which I myself haven’t yet seen, but in general homosexuals tend to be quite savvy to how useless the idea of worrying about other people’s sexual orientations are, let alone trying to dictate them.
Asguard, th3darkt0w3r, Mystech, so it is NOT alright to generalize and say homosexuals shouldn’t be allowed to adopt children because they would be bad parents, although it is alright to generalize when saying gay parents would be accepting of what ever their children turn out to be, and all heterosexual parents are homophobes and would all be disgusted and appalled if their kid ended up gay. Come on get over yourselves, in trying to be politically correct you have painted a picture that homosexuals are the best parents for children…………. :confused:
And sorry, although are there any bars out there called strait bars, or strait sections of a city or the strait capital of the world????? i think you could classify homosexuality as a culture.
Jolly Rodger said:
although it is alright to generalize when saying gay parents would be accepting of what ever their children turn out to be, and all heterosexual parents are homophobes and would all be disgusted and appalled if their kid ended up gay. Come on get over yourselves, in trying to be politically correct you have painted a picture that homosexuals are the best parents for children…………. :confused:

Ok, step one (1) get out into the real world, actually meet people, talk to them, get to know how these things actually work, what the attitudes and situations really exist in the real world are, rather than sitting and jerking off in front of your computer as you create a fantasy land of deductive reasoning which tells you that homosexuals hate straight people.

Step two (2) come to terms with the fact that calls for tolerance are not attacks against you or anyone else. Once you've completed step one you'll realize that believe it or not lots of people hate homosexuals, and it goes far beyond that (It's not just like being the fat kid in school), people are often greatly restricted not just in social life, but also legally because of this fact. A call for tolerance is not an insult to you, the disaffected white male two whom the problems of minorities seem distant and trivial, but instead a movement to minimize or do away with this restrictive culture of shame and negative legal action. In other words, no one is saying that homosexual parents would be better than heterosexual ones, just that allegations that they'd end up turning kids gay are ridiculous, and pointing out that they are certainly much less likely to freak out about their own kids sexuality (whatever it is), isn't a proclamation that they will be faultless parents of legendary preparations, just that that particular aspect won't even really be a factor despite your comical allegations.

Step three (3) Take responsibility for the actions you bring on yourself! Yes, those mean homosexuals, and those who support them sure are coming down hard on you, aren't they? Is this because they are hypocrites who care only about tolerance for them and for no one else? Or is it because you bring negative attention to yourself by being vocal about your ridiculous opinions when you've clearly made no real attempt to educate yourself on the issue, or really think these things through to the least degree? Admit it, you bring negative attention to yourself through your own nonsensical attitude of victimization through other's quest for equal footing and acceptance.

Take these things into consideration, and you might begin to sound as though you've got some sort of clue about what's being discussed here.
Jolly Rodger said:
And sorry, although are there any bars out there called strait bars, or strait sections of a city or the strait capital of the world????? i think you could classify homosexuality as a culture.

LOLOL OMFG why don't they have an AMERICAN pride parade, right? What's with those uppity Puerto Ricans and their hatred for US?

Seriously, Jolly, get over yourself. Take a moment to actually think and you'd have the answer you're looking for. Why are there black parts of town? Why are there China Towns and Little Italys? For that matter why are there "Gentlemen's clubs"? Why can't they just make the whole country a golf course?

Is anywhere in America a completely homogenous whole? The Ironic part is that people like you, more than homosexuals, are responsible for Gay pride parades, and for Gay bars. You understand that such places arose as a backlash against attitudes which would clearly exclude homosexuals from integrating certain behaviors and openness of character in most social environments. In other words, it's well known that you'd throw a fit if you were hit on by a guy, so be happy homosexuals have their own bar (wow, guess that means that most bars are "Straight bars" when you think about it). Though if you really want to get into it, they weren't really served to accommodate you, that's perhaps being too polite, look back to the earlier half of last century and you'll see that they start showing up because homosexuals didn't like the idea that when you don't like them hitting on you they can be sentenced to chemical castration in a court of law. It's really only in recent days that they're purpose has been relegated to merely a functional convenience. After all, were only three years away from the days when a man could be made to register as a sex offender for having gone all the way with his boyfriend.

If you really want to know more about the mostly vestigial elements of homosexuals as a part of our larger society within their own context I’m pretty sure I can recommend a few books for you to read.

Just a little FYI- you might find what the Academy of Pediatrics has to say about gay parents enlightening.

“ Children who are born to or adopted by 1 member of a same-sex couple deserve the security of 2 legally recognized parents. Therefore, the American Academy of Pediatrics supports legislative and legal efforts to provide the possibility of adoption of the child by the second parent or coparent in these families. link:

“ A growing body of scientific literature demonstrates that children who grow up with 1 or 2 gay and/or lesbian parents fare as well in emotional, cognitive, social, and sexual functioning as do children whose parents are heterosexual. Children's optimal development seems to be influenced more by the nature of the relationships and interactions within the family unit than by the particular structural form it takes link
Bloody oath they should.

my name is Johhny Fuckmeupthebumb, and i live in Pillowbiter Lane in the small city of
Muffdiver just north of Hobart. I feel very strongly about this subject.

When i'm having crazy sex orgies with whoever i met out that night at the club, all I can think of is that I wish i had a child i could use to "add to the fun", if you know what i mean...

Homosexuals should definately be allowed to adopt children, that way we can do stuff to them that we wouldn't dare doing to our children.

Come on, give love a chance.
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If one guy really cared about another guy her would not screw him in the cornhole.

The thing about kids is that homosexuals on the average are child molesters at a much greater rate then any other group.
J.B said:
If one guy really cared about another guy her would not screw him in the cornhole.

Uhm.. that's simply incorrect. You mean "generally", as it's obvious that many guys who care about other guys desire cornholular access.

The thing about kids is that homosexuals on the average are child molesters at a much greater rate then any other group.

Uhm... wha? You mean priests?

Yeah well anyway, you got some objective support on that? Give us a link eh?
J.B: OIIIII back it up. offer a little proof for that slander

and by the way, i love my GF alot but we still do it EVERYWHERE. Adds a little varity to the sex rather than just missionry (also makes it easier to pretend that we arnt doing anything when there are other people around:p)
Jeremirroer said:
Homosexuals should definately be allowed to adopt children, that way we can do stuff to them that we wouldn't dare doing to our children.

Wow, I guess this issue must be a lot easier to deal with if you just don't think about it, right? Who cares about the way things work in the real world, let's just get to the demonizing of a vulnerable minority so that I can feel like a big man! woo hoo!

For the record, I don't blame you for this outburst of pure stupidity, because I know it was the fault of the evil Jews running this country who screwed up the school system! They're to blame for the excessive number of stupid people in this country!

J.B said:
The thing about kids is that homosexuals on the average are child molesters at a much greater rate then any other group.

Interesting, that's not what the APA says:

Another myth about homosexuality is the mistaken belief that gay men have more of a tendency than heterosexual men to sexually molest children. There is no evidence to suggest that homosexuals are more likely than heterosexuals to molest children.

But then we all know that those damned liberal people of learning have already fallen to the homosexual agenda, so can we really trust what they've got to say?
only if the stork is nearsighted. also you could clone them both & shake the petri dish i suppose (not my area of expertise). if there's another method please enlighten me, unless it's disgusting.
suzukisfrog said:
they should be allowed to adopt their OWN children...but only the ones they've had together. :bugeye:

right so hedros only adopt there own kids too dont they????

god this thread makes me sick

i really admire you mystec for actually putting up with this bullshit
Wow, I guess this issue must be a lot easier to deal with if you just don't think about it, right? Who cares about the way things work in the real world, let's just get to the demonizing of a vulnerable minority so that I can feel like a big man! woo hoo!
I'm not sure, but I have the sneaking suspicion that Jeremirreor was by sarcastic by writing a parody.
sisay said:
really? If I was a starving child that lived on the streets of a big city in Brazil I'd rather choose to be adopted by a gay couple than dying on the streets.. I think that a "natural" surrounding would be best but the next best thing isnt all to bad if you consider the options..

sisay, yeah. its a tough question. gay couples in general in my experience and i know i share this opinion with many many (nonhomopobic) people, are pretty evolved. the screening process for adoption, at least in the states, is super intense, and i dont seriously believe that exposure has anything to do with affecting orientation. even if it did who the HELL cares!!?? you have more gay people in the world'?? good! theres too many people making babies that dont get a home in the first place. its all the hetosexuals that are causing this problem. cant you see that? and theyre the ones then protesting gay coulples adopting their unwanted children. i think any kid would much rather have his or her loving secure home than to live as a ward of the shitty state. as i finish this post i really want to call people names who would think to deprive an unwanted child of a home because of their ridiculous beliefs, but saying theyre ridiculous beliefs is as far out of line as im willing to go. you have to realize that i live for children. i have two of my own whos mom abandoned them and with all the support they get they still suffer from it. so i guess if gay couples are inadequate that surely single parents should have their kids taken from them or something because one is surely not as good as two right? and on the logic of a person who opposed same sex adoption well a single parent only represents one sex so.. its the same thing right??? that might teach the child to become a horrible masturbater or something right?? my point is when you vote for gay issues stuff, youre thinking of yourself when you seek to restrict or censure them with your vote. that causes people to suffer for your opinion and that is wrong. period.
Now that this thread is reopen, i agree that saying all homosexuals are not pedophiles, although, that is not the reason i started this thread the reason is that, and i don’t think that gay marriages are wrong especially because it is not just a marriage it is the benefits from certain governments around the world that you receive by being a unit. that gays did not get so it is good realizing that these people deserve the same as everyone else in that respect, although i think that if you become or chose or just are gay there is a few things you have to except, one of which is you agree not able to have a child, i mean, come on equal rights, why don't Americans get the same sort of welfare as American Indians and why don't Australians get the same benefits as aboriginals, and why don't men get punched in the gut 24 times a day for one day in a month to equal things up in that women get periods. Like i agree in equal rights although there are a lot of respectable couples out there that try and have a kid and just can't, instead of saying, why should a child sleep on the street instead of getting adopted into a loving house, why don’t you say, why should a kid have to be adopted into a gay house when there are many people out there who do want top adopt children that have money a loving home, and primarily have married someone to create a baby with?
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