Should gay couples be allowed to adopt children?

Do you think gay couples should be allowed to adopted children

  • yes

    Votes: 77 68.1%
  • no

    Votes: 36 31.9%

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This thread is way too long to read, so I'm just posting an example - of people I know personally.
Case One: Two gay men have been allowed to adopt two abused little boys. They are incredibly caring, supportive, paying for therapy, devoting themselves completely to their welfare.
Case Two: A married woman and man have their seven-year-old daughter clean the entire house and cook meals, never buy her clothes, never take her to the doctor, never show any interest in her. These people aren't twisted or psychologically unbalanced. They're your run-of-the-mill assholes.
So who would you say are the better parents? It's not that complex, really.
And I think from this page, Flores' view of the streets is incredibly unrealistic. Two obvious things: they're far more likely to be sexually abused and addicted to drugs. Yep. *nods in disbelief* That is *far* less traumatic than growing up with loving gay parents. Rather be on drugs, abused and a criminal any day of the week.
Sorry. We've probably moved on rather a lot from that point, but it really hit a chord in me.
I think a child growing up in anything other than a traditional household is less-than-ideal. But there are FAR more children than traditional families to take care of them so we need to accept that less-than-ideal situations (like a child growing up with gay parents) are better than less-than-less-than-ideal situations.
I agree that we should try to place children in as close to ideal situations as possible. I do not feel that homosexuals represent an ideal situation but there are far worse situations that occur. They should be lower on the list of acceptable parents but they should remain on the list.
i agree with jolly on this on though, it is a fucking good point.
it is no different to children see there parents shoot up heroin.
Children is the sacrifice that gay people have to make
Actualy, heroin will fuck you up in major ways, while the medical establishment has concluded that homosexuality is not a disease or associated directly with any dissorder.
thegreat said:
i agree with jolly on this on though, it is a fucking good point.
it is no different to children see there parents shoot up heroin.
Children is the sacrifice that gay people have to make

This is really a ridiculous point. If any couple, gay or straight, lets their children watch them having sex, that is grounds for calling them unfit parents, not the actual sex itself.
all i can say is suffer little children.
and they will say john and james and tony a fred ,tim and bill you wait till we get how hands on them tee hee tee hee (joke )
what difference does it make who the parents are as lomg as it's a loving home.
we let them live in a single parents homes and in squaller so it's got to be better.
mustafhakofi said:
what difference does it make who the parents are as lomg as it's a loving home.
we let them live in a single parents homes and in squaller so it's got to be better.
a loving home is the best place for children, i just think they should not have to be exposed to homosexuallity before they grow old enough to make a decision about relationships (sexual) with other people. Why not give them an upbringing that purports heterosexual relationship's to begin with. If they turn out NOT to be gay and they have GAY parents, they will probably be affected in unmeasurable ways.

In a "strait" famimly a gay child would have to come to terms with the fact that they are gay, in a "Gay" family a child will have to come to terms with the fact that they are strait. That is wrong!
Jolly Rodger said:
in a "Gay" family a child will have to come to terms with the fact that they are strait. That is wrong!

I really whish I knew what kind of bizzare alterd state of consiousness you are in to believe something like that :p First off, Gay parrents don't hate straight people, so it's not like there's going to be any sort of anxiety, gay parents aren't going to coerse their children to have the same sexuality as them; they're in a position to know that the very idea is absurd. A child with gay parents is probably a lot more likely to grow up at ease with his sexuality reguardless of if he's straight or gay, and that's really something.
Mystech, some people are just closed minded bigots.

and, certified psycho, its "All your <b>base</b> are belong to us"
JRoger -

I can't help but think you believe in a "bubble" theory of child rearing, wherein the only example of a sexual relationship (the sex part being only inferred, hopefully) is their parents. Are we to believe that there are no grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, community members, church members, teachers who are engaged in a heterosexual relationship from whom the child can take some cues? I think there's a far more plausible danger in having children learn all their socialization from their parents than in the orientation of their parents.

Secondly, everyone needs to come to grips with their sexuality, regardless of who they are and what their parents are. Straight kids need to figure that out on their own, just like gay kids do. What gay families are more likely to foster (due to honesty about sexuality more than anything inherent in the orientation) is a sense of comfort and normalcy about the process of self-awareness that kids go through to figure out what they are.
adopted children are immoral anyways... they should just live on the streets and fend for themselves.
I don't think adopting children is wrong, and i don't think gay people are bad.
although everyone has to admit that gay people are quite strange in the way that they communicate and socialise so therefore it would be slack, mean and just down right an moral to put a kid in a gay home.
Maybe as foster parents when a kid has a bit of a mind for themselfs it would be better then aleast the kid can see that they are behaving in a strange matter rather than growing up thinking it is normal and everyone eles is strange. at the end of the day.... No
Jolly Rodger said:
although everyone has to admit that gay people are quite strange in the way that they communicate and socialise so therefore . . .

We do? Frankly I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about. How many gay people do you actually know? How many people do you know who are gay but never knew? How exactly does a gay person act? Is your idea of how homosexuals behave derived from Will & Grace, or The Bird Cage?

The media loves to use stereotypes to get a simple message across quickly, it's what they do, and so many people have this idea that homosexuals are all lisping prancing limp-wristed flamers.

The truth of the matter is that homosexuals by and large behave just like everyone else (Save for dating members of the same sex). We grow up in the same culture, surrounded by the same standards and norms, with the same pressures and concerns as anyone else. Aside from that most homosexuals go through at least some period of their life where they're in the closet, and so have a vested interest in being as bland and ridiculously normal as they can manage.

I know it may come as a bit of a shock to you to hear that not all homosexuals dress in drag and sing show tunes, and that a lot of them even think that sort of behavior is just a bunch of silliness, but that's just the reality of the world you live in, if you'd care to check it out rather than accepting stereotypes that are crammed down your throat.

Now, as for the idea that anyone ought to be denied adoption because "they socialize funny" is entirely absurd! First off, who exactly is to make that distinction? IF we can't point to something that's actually wrong and damaging, then why the hell does it matter? Aren't quite bookish people rather poor and awkward socializes? Should they be denied children? Aren't right-wing Christians and left-wing environmentalists rather odd? Should anyone with a strong political conviction be denied adoption?

I don't know, call me sensible (because I am), but the idea that someone behaves oddly without being able to make any legitimate issue that could damage a child doesn't seem to me like a good reason to deny someone the ability to adopt a child.
Can you imagine a bully brought up in that mythical household? "Hey, those stripes clash with the pants, and those socks are terrible. Give me your milk money!"

Fashion Police: Third Grade Vice.

Which reminds me: would someone please run over ... um ... what's-their-names ... um, Stacy and Clinton? Yeah, that's them. Those two freaks from "What Not To Wear"? Please? Let's send them to Wyoming, eh?

Hey, I like the sound of that. It's something for gays to say. Because, you know, that Dave Chapelle bit about cussing at gays. You can't, or so he says. "I'm gonna bust your ass!" (Oh, please!) Well, likewise, that phrase could sound like a sexual threat to a paranoid hetero-boy, and get you killed not for wanting to fight but because he thinks you're hitting on him. So instead, gays can be perfectly clear:

"I'm going to go Wyoming on your ass!"
"Let's get Wyoming all over him!"​
I didn't read the replies to this, and don't plan to.
Threads like tend to anger and digust me more than I care to deal with at this moment.
My opinion...
I am appalled that this question is even considered worthy of debate by so many people.
I can see no valid reason what-so-ever to not allow gay copuples to be married, to adopt children or to be seen as anything less than equal to any other couple in scoiety.
That question is NO DIFFERENT, in my opinion, to arguing over whether or not Christian couples, Jewish couples, Muslim couples, bi-racial couples, cross faith couples or ANY OTHER group sets off your own personal "ick meter" should be allowed to adopt.
Any arguments I have ever read is simple veiled (or sometimes not even veiled) justification of bigotry and has no valid reasoning behind it at all.

The flat-out opression and bigited agression is filthy.
It disgusts and enrages me.

Someone once said that one day the whole debate over homosexuality and homosexual rights is going to be as shameful to us in this country (America)as the historical debates over and opression of "nigger rights" is now.

I can't believe it isn't already.
I know plenty of gay couples that are more stable than heterosexual couples, and I would trust any of them to lovingly raise a child. There are so many nutcase heterosexual couples out there that should not be parents. I did not take the time to read this whole's pretty long...but I do not think a gay couple who could provide a child with a caring, stable environment should be denied the right to adopt an unwanted child.
you know something: skiming this i see that its all about anal, if you have anal then that means you are automatically a bad parent

well i better not then because i have (same with my GF:p)

but seriously whoever said that gays have to like anal????? i mean they could just give head all the time couldnt they? hand jobs? hell they might even make a double pussy "dildo" (dont know what to call it), you know, like a doubble ended dildo for girls but for guys

maybe some gays just do it that way

i am really disterbed by the fact that all these hedros let there children into bed with them while they are fucking tho. Flores you need HELP if you do that

I mean otherwise how would your children even KNOW what you and your partner do??????

atleast gays wont bring up little biggots like you, well most wont. There are those rabid feminist lesbians who think men are evil by defult
Compared to the kid spending a childhood shifted between a half dozen shitty foster homes where they're treated like crap and grow up into a life of crime?

I'll take gay adoption, thank you.
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