should gay couples be allowed to adopt and have kids?

Because despite all the liberal arguments that homosexuality is ok, it's not.

Says who? You? Homosexuality is OK. If you grow up you may get enough confidence in yourself to realise this.

Most Americans do not want homosexual marriage

Just because they themselves do not want it, does not give them the right to deny it to others. The constitution states "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.", there is no clause about robbing homosexuals of rights bestowed upon heterosexuals. If you were a good citizen, you'd have read and understood your constitution, and support true freedom.

or any kind of special homo rights.

'special', no, equal yes.

They still think it's an abomination.

Sounds a bit biblical to me. Eating shellfish and wearing clothes made from two differerent types of cloth is also an abomination in the OT.

Kids have enough problems growing up.

Yeah, some spout homophobic rants on web forums, and are confused about their own gender and identity, for instance.

They don't need 2 Moms or 2 Dads in the same home.

Waht do they need, hellfire and brimstone?
I have never understood homosexuality, two guys/girls going together, it was
only when i got a computer that i learned how widespread and accepted it is.

How does it work, is one always the man or do they take turns, it boggles my mind, as for two men wanting to adopt a kid why, to make them seem
more like a family?

I guess growing up in a small village has given me a limited outlook, i have
AFAIK only knowingly spoken to one gay bloke and boy was he a nine bob note, he was right in my face and took some harsh words before he left me alone.
So from what i know i would say no to gay adoption. the kid would be teased and bullied around here on top of being an orphan that would be to much.
Says who? You? Homosexuality is OK. If you grow up you may get enough confidence in yourself to realise this.

Just take a moment to think about it .....sticking your dick in some other guy's asshole ...does that sound even remotely okay???

Did you know that human shit contains some of the most nasty things in the world? Bacteria and viruses, and ...all kinds of nasty things. And you think that it's okay to stick your dick into it? ...and that's okay? Do you also stick you dick into toxic waste dumps???

Just because they themselves do not want it, does not give them the right to deny it to others.

That's actually how and why most laws are enacted in the first place.

The constitution states "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.", ....

But there's nothing in the Constitution that says anything about adoption of children for homos, does it?

Baron Max
BM said:
Just take a moment to think about it .....
You have no idea what any particular couple is doing in private, it's none of your business, and it's irrelevent.
You have no idea what any particular couple is doing in private, it's none of your business, and it's irrelevent.

No, it's not irrelevant if they're planning to adopt children!!! And that's the name of this thread, ya' know?

With your ideals of privacy, you'd let a pedophile adopt a kid because you don't want to infringe on his privacy!! ...LOL!

Baron Max
What right does anyone have to be a parent? There's no special requirements. There are plenty of heterosexual couples that should have bought a pet instead of having a child, but who are we to judge? Why are gays considered somehow less responsible?

These are not special is simply impossible for homosexuals to have their own offspring as a couple.
These are not special is simply impossible for homosexuals to have their own offspring as a couple.
Incorrect, as I have already pointed out. Many have children from a previous marriage, women can go to a sperm bank. I don't see why the same people that object so much to abortion reject an avenue whereby children can be raised by responsible and loving parents.
If they were closet pedophiles you wouldn't be able to find out anyway.

Sure we could! We'd send in the CIA and a few waterboards ....those pedos would start crying and whining and telling everything. :D

You didn't know we did that on all potential adoption parents in the USA???? Sam, I'm surprised at your lack of knowledge about the CIA. :D

Baron Max
No, that's illegal. Duh.

Sorry, Spider, but you're wrong!! Potential adoptees undergo a very indepth investigation. they agree to it when they sign the papers to adopt. Why do you think many go to places like Russia and China to adopt???

Baron Max
Sure we could! We'd send in the CIA and a few waterboards ....those pedos would start crying and whining and telling everything. :D

You didn't know we did that on all potential adoption parents in the USA???? Sam, I'm surprised at your lack of knowledge about the CIA. :D

Baron Max

You must have a very entertaining fantasy life
You must have a very entertaining fantasy life

Geez, Sam, and I thought YOU were the one with the entertaining fantasy life! two or three CIA agents bringing down whole governments of other nations with only a couple of little handguns. ...LOL!

Baron Max
Just take a moment to think about it .....sticking your dick in some other guy's asshole ...does that sound even remotely okay???

Dicks going in mouths isn't 'natural' Max, so I guess you've never had a blowjob? I guess that's why you are so uptight!

Did you know that human shit contains some of the most nasty things in the world? Bacteria and viruses, and ...all kinds of nasty things. And you think that it's okay to stick your dick into it? ...and that's okay? Do you also stick you dick into toxic waste dumps???

It's not about where I choose to put mine, but others choose to put theirs.

That's actually how and why most laws are enacted in the first place.

Only the bad ones. The good ones are enacted because you don't want something doing to you, not because consenting people want to do something with each other.

But there's nothing in the Constitution that says anything about adoption of children for homos, does it?

Baron Max

Exactly, so it is not prevented by the constitution. The rest is just paperwork.
Because despite all the liberal arguments that homosexuality is ok, it's not. Most Americans do not want homosexual marriage or any kind of special homo rights. They still think it's an abomination.

Sandy, how about some evidence to back this claim up?
Why is homosexuality not 'ok'? Try to answer that without mentioning Jesus or the Bible.
What are 'special homo rights'?
Because despite all the liberal arguments that homosexuality is ok, it's not. Most Americans do not want homosexual marriage or any kind of special homo rights. They still think it's an abomination.

If more Americans read their Bibles, they'd also realize that the same book that says homosexuality is "abomination" (actually it's "a man lying with a man as he would with a woman" lesbian sex is A-Okay!!!) also says that eating shellfish is an abomination to the Lord (Leviticus 11:10-11) . So are all flying insects...not even eating flying insects, mind you, just the insects themselves...and so is practicing divination (like reading horoscopes) or sorcery. If you sacrifice to God a bull or ram that has a blemish, that is also abomination (according to Deuteronomy), so too is a woman who dresses in mens' clothes (Deut 22:5), and if you sell someone a dog, you are not allowed to bring the money they pay you into a church, because that's "abomination" too (Deut 23:18).

They threw that word around pretty lightly.