Shamu Kills Trainer

Yes, I mentioned that.
It's still a 'lesser' evil.
The correct response is: no animals should be kept in captivity.
You are aware of the meaning of the word "captivity" yes?

You didnt answer the question though. You even omitted it, so dont be a smart ass with me.
john99 said:
You cant ask them, this is why research is done because they dont talk.

I bet if you said that to Tilikum's face he'd rip you into the pool, tear off your clothes and thrash you around awhile. And if he could he'd do it at night so no one would be sure it was him.
yes but they dont realize it. they are either hungry or playing. that why they clled killer whales. same for a grizzler.
hey, love your avatar. cable guy was the best.

btw, my real name is chip, chip douglas.

Thanks man. The basketball scene was my favorite - and the jefferson airplane scene was good too - and the rest of the movie was pretty much hilarious as well lol
Thanks man. The basketball scene was my favorite - and the jefferson airplane scene was good too - and the rest of the movie was pretty much hilarious as well lol

The basketball scene was awesome and the knights scene too.

"the secret word is....":D
so what? would you go in a shark tank?

would you go in an ocean if a shark was close to you?

would the shark NOT kill you if he was in the ocean?

Lol, I was just being facetious about Tilikum in my last few posts - I definitely wouldn't hop in an orca or shark tank! There's this pretty good documentary about sharks... forget what it was called, maybe shark water? - where this guy dispels the myth about wild sharks and how dangerous they are. Most times they're just not interested in people at all unless they smell blood or if you unfortunately happen to resemble a seal when you swim.
The basketball scene was awesome and the knights scene too.

"the secret word is....":D

I really need to watch that movie again. It's been years but I saw the basketball scene on youtube recently and remembered how awesome it was.
You didnt answer the question though. You even omitted it, so dont be a smart ass with me.

Purely because the question you asked was irrelevant.
Nonetheless, the answer is no.

And I would advise you against further abusive language.
Don't you think they should have learned by now there are like 20 whales dead by now all they do with them when there dead is send them in the water they should just like send them in a society of whales.
"Public relations and marketing experts say SeaWorld will need to review every safety precaution to reassure the public and preserve its image.
Larry L. Smith, president of the Institute for Crisis Management, in Louisville, Ky., defended SeaWorld's response so far and said the attack could actually drive up attendance of at least one demographic — teens and young adults.
"It's not going to draw families necessarily or older people who would typically visit there, but there is an age group that gets excited about the risks and the potential for drama and it may attract some of those folks," he said.

This excerpt reminded me of a skit Bill Hicks did on marketing/advertising people:

"Before SeaWorld improved its artificial insemination methods, males were more commonly crated, put on planes and lent to various theme parks for breeding, part of the reason that only a handful of parks worldwide have successfully birthed calves. The practice continues despite outcry from animal rights groups."

Who wants to bet that there's more hidden rooms under the stairs of SeaWorld just waiting to be discovered?

"But it is illegal to capture killer whales in the U.S. and several other countries, and while a few have been caught in recent years in Russia and Japan, U.S. import laws make it difficult to acquire an orca caught in the wild.
"Really, you can't buy them," said Speigel, who put the market value of an individual whale at up to $10 million.
That makes breeding the best way to build a collection of killer whales to draw in visitors at up to $78.95 apiece to sit in the splash zone or take pictures of their kids petting Shamu, the stage name SeaWorld gives all of its adult orcas in shows.
And no one is better at breeding killer whales than SeaWorld.

Did anyone else get chills after reading this?
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Whoops! lol Thanks :)

Although I share some of your sentiments regarding animals in captivity, let's not exaggerate: it's not as though the trainers wilfully inflict pain on the whales with whips and stun-guns. In fact, the only definition of torture that would apply to their captivity would - I imagine - be some kind of sensory deprivation. Even then, the whales still have a ready supply of food, things to occupy their time and many other whales to interract with.
Well, how would you call being held captive in a cramped space for you entire life? They are being held in a far too small environment that doesn't even remotely emulate their natural habitat.
Yes, the trainers participate willfully. They may very well be ignorant about the stress this causes for the animals, but that's just because they've got their human head stuck up their ass.

Moreover, why is it so unbelievable that this whale just had a violent temperament? This kind of attack is not common, and the whale in this case was unprovoked. Some people are just wired wrongly, why not a whale?
Temperament? I'd say these whales are exceptionally mellow compared to how a human would react to similar circumstances.
And it happened more often then you think.

Oh, and:
- interact
- willfully
:D :p
Do you own a dog or a cat?

Aquariums are professionals and support conservation, which is part of how they operate. i think it is better than most animals held in captivity by just anyone because the incidence of maltreatment is much greater.

Are you seriously comparing cats and dogs to Killer Whales?